Haughton-le-Skerne St. Andrew
Denomination: Church of England
Church Type: Ancient parish (Diocese of Durham)
Dedication: St. Andrew
About this Parish
Parts of this parish became part of these parishes: Darlington St. Mark.
Available Records
The following table provides covering dates for all original registers, microfilm copies and indexes available in the Record Office for Haughton-le-Skerne St. Andrew. However, you should bear in mind that we may not have records for the whole period indicated. See the detailed list of records for this parish for more information.
For County Durham marriage indexes from 1837 that you can search online see birth, death, marriage and civil partnership certificates.
The more recent registers (after the end dates below) are not in the Record Office and all enquiries should be directed to the clergyman responsible for the parish. Find contact details for all parishes in Durham Diocese in the Diocesan Directory of People and Places.
Covering Dates
Type of Register | Start Date | End Date |
Baptisms | May-1569 | Oct-2011 |
Banns | May-1754 | May-2005 |
Marriages | May-1569 | Apr-2003 |
Burials | May-1569 | Apr-1993 |
Funerals | No Registers Deposited / No Indexes |
Detailed List of Records
Within the covering dates we have the following types of register within the specific dates given below:
Start Date | End Date | Indexed | Original Reference | Microfilm |
May-1569 | Dec-1765 | IGI | EP/HaS 1 | M42/803 |
Jan-1766 | Dec-1812 | IGI | EP/HaS 3 | M42/803 |
Jan-1813 | Dec-1835 | IGI/640 | EP/HaS 4 | M42/803 |
Dec-1835 | Jul-1914 | IGI (pt)/ 640 (pt) | EP/HaS 5 | M42/803 |
Sep-1914 | Oct-1940 | No | EP/HaS 46 | M42/485 |
Oct-1940 | May-1956 | No | EP/HaS 47 | M42/485 |
May-1956 | Sep-1974 | No | EP/HaS 314/1 | M42/1120 |
Sep-1974 | Oct-1982 | No | EP/HaS 314/2 | M42/1120 |
Oct-1982 | Jun-1995 | No | EP/HaS 314/3 | M42/1120 |
Jul-1995 | Nov-2002 | No | EP/HaS 314/4 | |
Nov-2002 | Oct-2011 | No | EP/HaS 314/5 |
Start Date | End Date | Indexed | Original Reference | Microfilm |
May-1754 | Nov-1811 | No | EP/HaS 6 | M42/803 |
May-1913 | Aug-1944 | No | EP/HaS 48 | M42/486 |
Aug-1944 | Jun-1951 | No | EP/HaS 49 | M42/486 |
Jun-1951 | Feb-1964 | No | EP/HaS 50 | M42/486 |
Mar-1964 | May-1972 | No | EP/HaS 51 | M42/486 |
May-1972 | Aug-1976 | No | EP/HaS 264 | M42/973 |
Aug-1976 | Oct-1980 | No | EP/HaS 260 | M42/965 |
Oct-1980 | Jul-1987 | No | EP/HaS 261 | M42/965 |
Jul-1987 | May-1996 | No | EP/HaS 316/1 | M42/1121 |
May-1997 | May-2005 | No | EP/HaS 316/2 | M42/1121 |
Start Date | End Date | Indexed | Original Reference | Microfilm |
May-1569 | Aug-1613 | IGI | EP/HaS 1 | M42/803 |
Aug-1633 | Jan-1635 | IGI | EP/HaS 1 | M42/803 |
Nov-1657 | Jun-1693 | IGI | EP/HaS 1 | M42/803 |
Nov-1694 | Mar-1754 | IGI | EP/HaS 2 | M42/803 |
May-1754 | Oct-1811 | IGI/278 | EP/HaS 6 | M42/803 |
Jan-1813 | Nov-1842 | IGI/640 (pt) | EP/HaS 7 | M42/803 |
Nov-1842 | Nov-1906 | IGI (pt) | EP/HaS 8 | M42/803 |
Dec-1906 | Sep-1915 | No | EP/HaS 52 | M42/486 |
Oct-1915 | Oct-1925 | No | EP/HaS 53 | M42/486 |
Nov-1925 | Jul-1934 | No | EP/HaS 54 | M42/486 |
Jul-1934 | Jul-1938 | No | EP/HaS 55 | M42/486 |
Sep-1938 | Oct-1948 | No | EP/HaS 56 | M42/486 |
Mar-1949 | Mar-1959 | No | EP/HaS 57 | M42/486 |
Apr-1949 | Apr-1966 | No | EP/HaS 308 | M42/1036 |
Apr-1966 | Mar-1972 | No | EP/HaS 315/1 | M42/1120 |
Mar-1972 | Mar-1979 | No | EP/HaS 315/2 | M42/1120 |
Mar-1979 | Feb-1985 | No | EP/HaS 315/3 | M42/1121 |
Mar-1985 | Jul-1992 | No | EP/HaS 315/4 | M42/1121 |
Jul-1992 | Apr-2003 | No | EP/HaS 315/5 | M42/1121 |
Start Date | End Date | Indexed | Original Reference | Microfilm |
May-1569 | Dec-1592 | 677 | EP/HaS 1 | M42/803 |
Jul-1633 | Nov-1677 | 677 | EP/HaS 1 | M42/803 |
Oct-1678 | Nov-1812 | 565 (pt)/677 | EP/HaS 2 | M42/803 |
Jan-1813 | Feb-1858 | 640 (pt) | EP/HaS 9 | M42/803 |
Feb-1858 | Jun-1937 | No | EP/HaS 10 | M42/804 |
Jul-1937 | Apr-1993 | No | EP/HaS 262 | M42/965 |
Key to Detailed List of Records
The following are meanings for the codes which you may find in the lists above:
- IGI - This register is indexed on the International Genealogical Index.
- BOYD - This marriage or banns register is indexed in Boyd's Marriage Index. There is a copy in the Record Office.
- Vol.x - This register has been indexed (and sometimes transcribed) by volunteers who have given a copy to the Record Office.
- EP/xx - This is the unique reference given to every parish register when it is deposited in the Record Office.
- M42/xx - This is the unique reference given to every microfilm in the Record Office. Please note that there are usually several registers on each film so always make a note of the original reference (EP/xx) to help identify the register you are looking for.
To get help understanding and using this data as part of your research please read our 'search tips' under website help.
Area Map
The following map show the location of Haughton-le-Skerne St. Andrew within the historial county of Durham:

Adjacent Parishes
The following parishes are adjacent to Haughton-le-Skerne St. Andrew: