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- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 2 10th - 70th Battalions
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 2 1st Battalion (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 2 1st Battalion (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 2 1st Battalion (part 3) and 2nd Battalion
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 2 3rd, 4th and 5th Battalions
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 2 6th Battalion
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 2 7th, 8th and 9th Battalions
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 2 Battalions, Phase 2
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 12 British Army (excluding Durham Light Infantry and Royal Artillery)
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 4 Durham County Volunteer Corps
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 9 Durham Light Infantry Association
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 9 Durham Light Infantry Association, Phase 2
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 8 Durham Light Infantry Museum and Trustees
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 8 Durham Light Infantry Museum and Trustees, Phase 2
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 15 Enlistment and Discharge Books
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 5 Home Guard
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 5 Home Guard, Phase 2
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records 1756-1978 Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 17 Illustrations of historic military uniform
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Servicemen (A-Z additional) Phase 2
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Servicemen (First World War)
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Servicemen and unidentified, Phase 2
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames A: Ab to Al
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames A: An to Ar
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames A: As to Ay
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames B: Ba
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames B: Be
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames B: Bi to Bl
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames B: Bo
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames B: Br
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames B: Bu to By
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames C: Ca
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames C: Ch to Cl
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames C: Co
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames C: Cr
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames C: Cu
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames D: Da
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames D: De to Di
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames D: Do
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames D: Du to Dy
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames E: Ea to Ed
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames E: El to Eu
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames F: Fa
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames F: Fe to Fl
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames F: Fo
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames F: Fr to Fu
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames G: Ga
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames G: Ge to Gl
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames G: Go
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames G: Gr to Gu
- Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/DLI 7 Individual Soldiers - surnames H: Hal to Han