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- Catalogue Title: Durham Hospitals 1816-1998 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: H/Du County Hospital, Durham
- Catalogue Title: Durham Hospitals 1935-1982 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: H/Du Crossgate Hospital, later St Margaret's Hospital, Durham
- Catalogue Title: Durham Hospitals 1899-1982 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: H/Du Dryburn Hospital, Durham
- Catalogue Title: Durham Hospitals 1866-1965 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: H/Du Durham Poor Law Institution
- Catalogue Title: Durham Hospitals 1936-1942 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: H/Du Durham and Brandon Joint Hospital Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham Hospitals Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: H/Du Earls House Hospital
6 items found