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- Catalogue Title: Whessoe Foundry Company Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/Whes
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1576-2020 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 01: Registration
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1745-2013 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 02: Clergy
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1701-1938 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 03: Tithe
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1699-2018 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 04: Churchwardens
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1818-1958 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 05: Vestry
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1924-2018 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 06: Parochial Church Council
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1677-1925 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 07: Overseers of the Poor
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1767-1769 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 10: Highways
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1748-1979 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 11: Schools
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1818-2000 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 12: Charities
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1981-2012 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 13: Church Societies
- Catalogue Title: Whickham St. Mary Parish 1588-2018 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whm 14: Miscellaneous
- Catalogue Title: Whitburn St. Mary Parish Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whit
- Catalogue Title: Whitby and Darlington Wesleyan Methodist District Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: M/D/WD
- Catalogue Title: Whitworth Parish 1569-2020 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Whi
- Catalogue Title: Whorlton and Westwick Civil Parish 2022 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Who
- Catalogue Title: Whorlton C.E. School 1910-1962 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Whorlton St. Mary Parish 1624-2010 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Who
- Catalogue Title: Wilkinson and Marshall 1743-1943 Type/Category: Business and Industry Records (Solicitors)Description: D/WM solicitors, Newcastle upon Tyne
- Catalogue Title: William Smith and Sons (engineers) 1864-1945 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/WS
- Catalogue Title: Willington British Infants School 1882-1980 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Willington C E. Mixed and Infants School 1863-1961 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Willington C.E. Evening Continuation School 1894-1905 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Willington C.E. Infants School 1908-1929 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Willington Council Mixed School 1882-1979 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Willington Methodist Circuit 1855-1977 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: M/Wi
- Catalogue Title: Willington Methodist Circuit 1860-1983 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: M/Wi
- Catalogue Title: Willington Our Lady Roman Catholic Parish 1877-1991 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: RC/Wil
- Catalogue Title: Willington R.C. Mixed School 1910-1935 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Willington R.C. School 1956 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Willington Secondary Modern School, later Parkside Comprehensive School 1958-1976 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Willington St. Stephen Parish 1847-2013 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Wil
- Catalogue Title: Willington Urban District Council Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/Wi
- Catalogue Title: Windlestone Civil Parish 1895-1971 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Win
- Catalogue Title: Windlestone Estate Junior Mixed and Infants School 1885-1900 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Windlestone Hall Residential School 1958-1999 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Windy Nook and Felling Shore Co-operative Society 1874-1964 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/Co/WN
- Catalogue Title: Wingate and District Water Company Ltd late 19th century-1950s Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/WW
- Catalogue Title: Wingate Civil Parish 1894-2006 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/WG
- Catalogue Title: Wingate Council Junior Mixed School 1911-1971 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Wingate Council School 1905-1973 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Wingate Council Senior Boys School 1922-1963 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Wingate Grange Board Girls School 1877-1947 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Wingate Grange Holy Trinity Parish 1841-2020 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/WGr
- Catalogue Title: Wingate Modern School 1963 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Wingate Nursery School 1952-1980 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Wingate R.C. Mixed School 1905-1964 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Wingate, A.J. Dawson Grammar School 1930-1984 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Wingate, Wellfield Comprehensive School 1988-1990 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Wingate, Wellfield Multilateral Unit 1965-1973 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Winlaton St. Paul Parish 1823-2010 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Win
- Catalogue Title: Winston Civil Parish 1895-1959 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Wi
- Catalogue Title: Winston St. Andrew Parish 1572-2019 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Wi
- Catalogue Title: Winterton Hospital 1855-1974 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: H/Wi Administrative records
- Catalogue Title: Winterton Hospital 1858-1945 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: H/Wi Medical records
- Catalogue Title: Winterton Hospital 1945 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: H/Wi Winterton Emergency Hospital
- Catalogue Title: Winterton Hospital Chapel 1884-1979 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Win.H
- Catalogue Title: Witton Gilbert C.E. Infants School 1895-1968 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/C
- Catalogue Title: Witton Gilbert Civil Parish 1900-1932 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/WiG
- Catalogue Title: Witton Gilbert Junior Mixed and Infants School 1950-1964 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/C
- Catalogue Title: Witton Gilbert St. Michael Parish 1570-2020 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/WG
- Catalogue Title: Witton Park Boys' School 1876-1885 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Witton Park Council Mixed School 1890-1923 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Witton Park County Infants School 1950-1959 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Witton Park Girls' School 1879-1890 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Witton Park Infants School 1898-1959 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Witton Park St. Paul Parish 1869-2019 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/WP
- Catalogue Title: Witton-le-Wear Council Mixed School 1874-1983 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Witton-le-Wear St. Philip and St James Parish 1558-2020 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/WW
- Catalogue Title: Wolsingham C.E. Infants School 1875-1958 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Wolsingham National School 1863-1911 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Wolsingham Primary School 1898-2002 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Wolsingham School 1883-1974 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Wolsingham St. Mary and St. Stephen 1631-2019 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Wol
- Catalogue Title: Wolsingham St. Thomas Roman Catholic Parish Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: RC/Wol
- Catalogue Title: Wolviston St. Peter Parish 1672-2020 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Wo
- Catalogue Title: Woodham, St Elizabeth Church 1983-2016 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Wod
- Catalogue Title: Woodhouse Close Chapel 1960-2018 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/WCl
- Catalogue Title: Woodland Civil Parish 1825-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Wo
- Catalogue Title: Woodland School 1906-1923 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Woodland St. Mary Chapel 1950-1978 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Wood
- Catalogue Title: Wycliffe St. Mary Parish 1681-2018 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Wy
- Catalogue Title: Wynyard Chapel 1906-2018 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Wyn
- Catalogue Title: Yarm Preparative Quaker Meeting 1688-1872 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: SF/Ym/PM
- Catalogue Title: Yohden Hall Comprehensive School Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E