Durham City Council (1974 - 2009)
Reference: ND/Du 13 Catalogue Title: Durham City Council (1974 - 2009) Area: Catalogue Category: Local Authority Records Description: Building plans
Covering Dates: 1901-1933
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- Durham City Council (1974 - 2009)
Catalogue Contents
Building Control Plans from Durham Municipal Borough Council (Ref: ND/Du 13)Ref: ND/Du 13/1
Plans for three out-offices [W.C. and coal houses] at 16-17 Allergate for Durham Co-operative Society, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 15, submitted 29 April 1901, approved 5 June 1901
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/2Plans for four houses at 1-4 Gladstone Villas, Stockton Road, for Mr. Kell, W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 19, submitted 4 June 1901, approved 3 July 1901
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/3Plans for two W.C.s at 124 Milburngate, for J. Gould, W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 24, submitted 23 July 1901, approved 24 August 1901
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/4Plans for one stable at Gladstone Villas, Stockton Road, for J. Kell, W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 30, submitted 28 August 1901, approved 24 September 1901
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/5Plans for drains and convenience at Back Silver Street, for Durham Elec. Co., M.H. Graham, architect; plan no. 32, submitted 16 November 1901, approved 4 December 1901
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/6Plans for coal houses and W.C. at Carriage Works, Elvet Waterside, for J.McIntyre, A. Taylor, architect; plan no. 33, submitted 17 November 1901, approved 4 December 1901
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/7Plans for two houses, set of offices and workshops at 65 North Road, for Weardale and Shildon Water Co., W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 34, submitted 20 December 1901, approved 8 January 1902
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/8Plans for new theatre and refreshment rooms at the corner of Claypath and Providence Row, for Durham and District Threatre Co., W. and T.R. Milburn, architects; plan no. 36, submitted 17 February 1902, approved 5 March 1902
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/9Plans for three cottages at Bakehouse Lane (Kepier Terrace), for Mr. McLean, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 37, submitted 22 March 1901, disapproved 2 April 1902
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/10Plans for coal shoot at 45/47 Saddler Street, for T. Caldcleugh, H.T. Gradon, architect; plan no. 52, submitted 6 February 1903, approved 4 March 1903
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/11Plans for conversion of house and shop into two houses at 93 Gilesgate, for Mrs. T. Powell, J.G. Kilburn, architect; plan no. 53, submitted 24 February 1903, approved 4 March 1903
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/12Plans for one wash-house and three W.C.s and coalhouses at 120-121 Milburngate, for Mrs. Ryan, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 54, submitted 24 February 1903, approved 4 March 1903
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/13Plans for new street and two back roads in the Atherton Street area, for Durham Cooperative Society, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 55, submitted 26 February 1903, approved 1 April 1903
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/14Plans for eleven new dwelling houses at 1-11 New Street, North Road, for Durham Cooperative Society, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 56, submitted 26 February 1903, approved 1 April 1903
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/15Plans for additional workshed at the Engineering Works, Atherton Street, for G. Hauxwell and Sons, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 61, submitted 18 May 1903, approved 26 May 1903
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/16Plans for six new houses at Framwellgate, for Durham Gas Co., J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 62, submitted 18 May 1903 , approved 3 June 1903
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/17Plans for sanitary alterations at the Blue Bell Inn, 98 Framwellgate, for S. Smith and Sons, [no architect]; plan no. 65, submitted 18 September 1903, approved 28 September 1903
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/18Plans for lobby to rear yard at the Tanner's Arms, Framwellgate, for T. Clayhills, G. Dickinson, architect; plan no. 69, submitted 26 October 1903, approved 4 November 1903
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/19Plans for new drainage at 15 Bow Lane, for W.T. Jones, [no architect]; plan no. 70, submitted 12 November 1903, approved 6 January 1904
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/20Plans for additions to carpet warehouse at Elvet Waterside, for A. Pattison, H.T. Gradon, architect; plan no. 71, submitted 12 December 1903, approved 6 January 1904
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/21Plans for the conversion of 29 Church Street into two dwelling houses, for T. Forster, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 72, submitted 22 February 1904, approved 2 March 1904
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/22Plans for two new cottages at Forster's Buildings, (1-15) Hallgarth Street, for T. Forster, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 73 , submitted 22 February 1904, disapproved 2 March 1904
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/23Plans for addition to smithy at Elvet Waterside, for J.E. Peele, [no architect]; plan no. 75, submitted 29 March 1904, approved 6 April 1904
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/24Plans for the conversion of three out-buildings to cottages at William Street, Gilesgate, for Mr. Pye, M. Kilburne, architect; plan no. 76, submitted 29 March 1904, approved 6 April 1904
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/25Plans for latrines at the Music Library, Palace Green, for Durham University, W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 77, submitted 12 April 1904, approved 4 May 1904
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/26Plans for cottages at Alma Terrace to be converted into flats, for R.W. Salkeld, owner and architect; plan no. 79, submitted 18 April 1904, disapproved 4 May 1904
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/27Plans for caretaker's cottage at the Wesleyan church, Old Elvet, for the Durham Wesleyan Church Trustees, F. Goodyear, architect; plan no. 80, submitted 14 May 1904 , approved 20 May 1904
No plans are included
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/28Plans for timber store at Railway Arches, Atherton Street, for J. Kell, A.J. Kell, architect; plan no. 83, submitted 26 September 1904, approved 6 October 1904
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/29Plans for temporary latrines at the County Hospital, North Road, for Durham County Hospital, W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 87, submitted 27 October 1904 , disapproved 2 November 1904
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/30Plans for alterations, and addition of motor houses, at the Royal County Hotel, Old Elvet, for Royal County Hotel Co., Ltd., G.W. Atkinson, architect; plan no. 92, submitted 20 January 1905 , approved 1 March 1905
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/31Plans for new café at 76 Sadler Street, for F. Lockey, F.J. Nelson, architect; plan no. 98, submitted 27 March 1905, approved 5 April 1905
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/32Plans for a photographic studio at 36 Silver Street, for R.J. Herring, owner and architect; plan no. 99 , submitted 27 March 1905, approved 5 April 1905
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/33Plans for new bay window at 32 Silver Street, for T. Greenwell, H.T. Gradon, architect; plan no. 101, submitted 26 June 1905, approved 5 July 1905
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/34Plans for new back kitchen and shop at 30 North Road, for J.M. Lynch, J. Morson, architect; plan no. 102, submitted 26 June 1905, disapproved 5 July 1905
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/35Plans for drainage for lodge, at Flass Street/Redhills Lane, for Redhills sisters, H.T. Gradon, architect; plan no. 104, submitted 25 July 1905, approved 25 July 1905
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/36Plans for bay window and new extensions at 54 South Street, for T. Rushworth, [no architect]; plan no. 105, submitted 25 July 1905, disapproved 2 August 1905
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/37Plans for two houses at Edward Street, Sunderland Road, for Dixon Elliot, Farrow and Pegg, architects; plan no. 109, submitted 28 August 1905, approved 6 September 1905
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/38Plans for additions and extension at 50 South Street, for W. Gray, [no architect]; plan no. 110, submitted 28 August 1905, approved 6 September 1905
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/39Plans for new latrines and drainage at Blue Coat School, Claypath, for Blue Coat School, J. Shepherd, architect; plan no. 111, submitted 26 September 1905, approved 4 October 1905
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/40Plans for new infants' school at Margery Lane, for St. Margaret's School Managers, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 113, submitted 28 November 1905, approved 6 December 1905
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/41Plans for a new committee room at 15-17 North Road, for Durham Miners' Association, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 114, submitted 28 November 1905 , approved 6 December 1905
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/42Plans for new street and back road at Nevilledale Terrace, for J. Kell, A.T.B. Kell, architect; plan no. 115, submitted 28 November 1905, disapproved 6 December 1905
(7 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/43Plans for twenty-two new houses at Nevilledale Terrace, for J.Kell, A.T.B. Kell, architect; plan no. 116, submitted 28 November 1905, [no date of approval]
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/44Plans for two-storey warehouse at 43 Gilesgate, for J. Porter, A. Mann, architect; plan no. 117 , submitted 30 January 1906, approved 2 February 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/45Plans for four houses at Laburnum Avenue, for Mrs. Ryan, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 118, submitted 30 January 1906 , approved 7 February 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/46Plan for alterations and additions at the Castle Hotel, Silver Street, for the Earl Grey Trust, Wilkinson and Crowley, architects; plan no. 119, submitted 30 January 1906, approved 7 February 1906
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/47Plans for bay window and balcony at the Castle Hotel, Silver Street, for the Earl Grey Trust, Wilkinson & Crowley, architects; plan no. 120, submitted 27 February 1906, approved 7 March 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/48Plans for a shop and conveniences at North Road, for J.G. Gradon, H.L. Gradon, architect; plan no. 121, submitted 27 February 1906, approved 17 March 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/49Plans for a dining hall at Durham School, Quarry Heads Lane, for the Dean and Chapter, A. Brown, architect; plan no. 123, submitted 27 March 1906 , disapproved 4 April 1906
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/50Plans for a new house at 11 Highwood View, Church Street, for S. Hartley, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 124, submitted 27 March 1906 , approved
4 April 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/51Plans for a new shop and dwelling house at Claypath `Gates', for Warwick's Brewery Co., F. Martin, architect; plan no. 125, submitted 27 March 1906, approved 4 April 1906
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/52Plans for three houses at 13-15 Highwood View, Pit Lane, for Mr. Almond, [no architect]; plan no 126 , submitted 27 March 1906, approved 4 April 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/53Plans for R.C. Secondary School and Pupil Teacher Centre, for Rev. Mother Lazare, H.T. Gradon, architect; plan no. 127, submitted 24 April 1906, approved 2 May 1906
(10 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/54Plans for warehouse and showrooms at Moatside Lane, for T. Rushworth, J.T. Pegge, architect; plan no. 128 , submitted 24 April 1906, approved 2 May 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/55Plans for two six-roomed houses at 2-3 Highwood View, for Hindmarsh and Smith, [no architect]; plan no. 126, submitted 24 April 1906, approved 2 May 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/56Plans for three six-roomed houses at 4-6 Highwood View, for N. Almond, [no architect]; plan no. 130 , submitted 24 April 1906, approved 2 May 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/57Plans for a petrol store and shed at Margery Lane, for Durham Motor Bus Co., T.E. Bayldon, architect; plan no. 131, submitted 24 April 1906, disapproved 2 May 1906
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/58Plans for an electricity sub-station at Back Silver Street, for County Durham Electric Power Co., H.L. Risley, architect; plan no. 132, submitted 29 May 1906, approved 6 June 1906
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/59Plans for a house and workshop at 2 Hawthorn Terrace, for W. Walton's Exors., G. Ord, architect; plan no. 133 , submitted 29 May 1906, approved 6 June 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/60Plans for new bedrooms and alterations at the Castle Hotel, Silver Street, for Durham and Yorkshire P.H. Trust, Wilkinson and Crowley, architects; plan no. 134, submitted 29 May 1906 , approved 6 June 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/61Plans for joiner's workshop at Pelaw Leazes, for Bede College, J. Shepherd, architect; plan no. 135, submitted 29 May 1906, approved
6 June 1906
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/62Plans for one house at 1-3 Highwood View, for W.H. Almond, [no architect]; plan no. 136, submitted 29 May 1906, approved 6 June 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/63Plans for a house at 10 Highwood View, for A.M. Almond, E. Almond, architect; plan no. 137, submitted 29 May 1906, approved 6 June 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/64Plans for sanitary alterations at 77 North Road, for Linsley's Trustees, W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 138, submitted 29 May 1906, approved 6 June 1906
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/65Amended building estate plans at Highwood View Estate for T. Crawford, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 138A, submitted 25 June 1906, approved 4 July 1906
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/66Plans for two warehouses, five houses and shops at Holly Street, for T. Forster, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 139, submitted 25 June 1906, approved 4 July 1906
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/67Plans for a photographic studio at 13 Tenter Terrace, for B. Rainer and Co., [no architect]; plan no. 140 , submitted 25 June 1906, disapproved 4 July 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/68Plans for altering tenement and club room at 3A Old Elvet, for F. Lockey, Mr. Nelson, architect; plan no. 142, submitted 24 July 1906 , approved 1 August 1906
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/69Plans for alterations to roof and sanitary conveniences at the Three Horse Shoes Public House, Sunderland Road, for Mrs. Robinson, G.T. Havers, architect; plan no. 143, submitted 28 August 1906, approved 5 September 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/70Plans for temporary classroom at St. Thomas' High School, Redhills, for Superioress, St. Thomas High School, [no architect]; plan no. 144, submitted 28 August 1906, approved 5 September 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/71Plans for bay window at 11 Malvern Terrace, Sherburn Road, for T. Goodyear, [no architect]; plan no. 145, submitted 28 August 1906, disapproved 5 September 1906
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/72Plans for new shop window and coal shoot at 51 North Road, for Jasper Kell, A.T.B. Kell, architect; plan no. 146, submitted 28 August 1906, approved 5 September 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/73Plans for alterations and bay windows at Colpitts Hotel, Sutton Street, for T. and H.C. Colpitts, H.J. Gradon, architect; plan no. 148, submitted 30 October 1906, approved 7 November 1906
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/74Plans for thirteen five-roomed cottages, back roads, drains, etc., at New Street, for Durham Co-operative Society, G. Ord, architect; plan no.149, submitted 30 October 1906, approved 7 November 1906
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/75Plans for two wash-houses at 9 and 10 The Avenue, for J. Atkinson Executors, L.F. Walton, architect; plan no. 150, submitted 27 November 1906, approved 5 December 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/76Plans for additional classroom, laboratory and dormitory at St. Hild's College, Gilesgate, for St. Hild's College, Potts and Son, architects; plan no. 151, submitted 27 November 1906, approved 5 December 1906
(9 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/77Plans for two cottages at Edward Street, for Dixon Elliott, owner and architect; plan no. 152, submitted 20 December 1906, approved January 1907
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/78Plans for new kitchen and bedroom extension at lodging house in Framwellgate, for Mrs. Henderson, W.R. Exley, architect; plan no. 153, submitted 20 December 1906, approved January 1906
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/79Plans for new street of ten houses at 90 Gilesgate (later West View), for Mr. Shepherd, owner and architect; plan no. 169, submitted 29 October 1907, disapproved 6 November 1907
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/80Plans for rebuilding cottage and forming yard at 45 New Elvet, for T. Forster, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 201, submitted 25 August 1908, approved 2 September 1908
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/81Plans for stables at Back Street, Nevilledale Terrace, for J. Kell, A.T.B. Kell, architect; plan no. 202, submitted 29 September 1908, approved 17 October 1908
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/82Plans for alterations and additions at 45 Western Hill, for J.W. Phillipson, owner and architect; plan no. 203, submitted 29 September 1908, approved 7 October 1908
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/83Plans for kitchen extension at 35 North Road, for J. Dodds, C.W. Gibson, architect; plan no. 204, submitted 29 October 1908, approved 4 November 1908
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/84Plans for mason's sheds and smith's shops at Framwellgate Waterside, for G. Gradon and Son, owners and architects; plan no. 205, submitted 29 October 1908, approved 4 November 1908
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/85Plans for alterations and improvements at Half Moon public house, New Elvet, for G. Bell, J. Oswald and Son, architects; plan no. 206, submitted 29 October 1908, approved 11 November 1908
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/86Plans for rear kitchen extension at Old Elvet, for F. Lockey, Mr. Nelson, architect; plan no. 207, submitted 24 November 1908, approved 2 December 1908
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/87Plans for sewer wayleaves at Durham City, [no owner], [no architect]; [no plan no.], [no submission date], approved 1909
(22 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/88Plans for two cottages at Highwood Road, for Beevers and Clark, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 208, submitted 24 November 1908, approved 6 January 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/89Plans for four cottages at 90 Gilesgate (West View), for Mr. Shepherd, owner and architect; plan no. 209, submitted 24 November 1908, approved 6 January 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/90Plans for conversion of building into stables at Walkergate, for Smith's Charity, H.T. Gradon, architect; plan no. 210, submitted 25 February 1909, approved 7 April 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/91Plans for three houses in lieu of single storey cottage at 18 and 19 Church Street, for G. Taylor, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 212, submitted 30 March 1909, approved 7 April 1909
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/92Plans for alterations at Team Valley public house, Framwellgate, for Cameron and Co., Ald Suggitt, architect; plan no. 214, submitted 30 March 1909, approved 7 April 1909
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/93Plans for improvements at Railway Hotel public house, Castle Chare, for Cameron and Co., Ald. Suggitt, architect; plan no. 215, submitted 30 March 1909, approved 7 April 1909
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/94Plans for additions to house at Duckpond, Gilesgate, for Gilligate Charity Trustees, J.G. Kilburn, architect; plan no. 216, submitted 30 March 1909, approved 7 April 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/95Plans for five cottages at Edward Street, for Dixon Elliott, owner and architect; plan no. 217, submitted 25 May 1909, approved 7 July 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/96Plans for new wash-house at penitentiary in Kepier Terrace, for Durham Penitentiary, J.G. Kilburn, architect; plan no. 218, submitted 25 May 1909, approved 7 July 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/97Plans for new bathroom at 76 Gilesgate, for Mrs. Spence, owner and architect; plan no. 219, submitted 25 May 1909, approved 7 July 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/98Plans for cloakroom, W.C. and lavatory at Gilesgate Parish Hall, for Gilligate Parish Trustees, J.G. Kilburn, architect; plan no. 220, submitted 25 May 1909, approved 7 July 1909
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/99Plans for temporary chapel at 1 South Bailey, for St. Chad's Hall, A.T. Mann, architect; plan no. 221, submitted 28 September 1909, approved 6 October 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/100Plans for additional storey at 1 Highwood Road, for N.W. Almond, owner and architect; plan no. 222, submitted 26 October 1909, approved 3 November 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/101Plans for stone store at North Road, for Garden House, W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 223, submitted 26 October 1909, approved 3 November 1909
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/102Plans for new streets and back roads at Constitution Hill, Pelaw Leazes, for Mrs. Kipling, owner and architect; plan no. 224, submitted 26 October 1909, approved 3 November 1909
(8 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/103Plans for wood and iron motor garage at Ainsley Street, for E. Wragg, owner and architect; plan no. 225A, submitted 3 November 1909, approved 3 November 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/104Plans for three houses at Highwood Terrace, for Beevers and Clark, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 226, submitted 23 November 1909, approved 1 December 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/105Plans for one house at Highwood View, for R.R. Almond, owner and architect; plan no. 227, submitted 23 November 1909, approved 1 December 1909
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/106Plans for two cottages at Laburnum Avenue, for C. Walton, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 228, submitted 23 November 1909, approved 1 December 1909
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/107Plans for new girls' school at Pelaw Leazes, for St. Hilds College Governors, Potts and Son, architects; plan no. 229, submitted 23 December 1909, approved 5 January 1910
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/108Plans for sanitary improvements at the King's Arms public house, Claypath, for J. Rowell and Sons, J.W.Wardle, architect; plan no. 230, submitted 23 December 1909, approved 5 January 1910
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/109Plans for new office at Elvet Waterside, for H. Peele, Mr. Burrell, architect; plan no. 231, submitted 23 December 1909, approved 5 January 1910
No plans are included
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/110Plans for villa at Constitution Hill, Pelaw Leazes, for H. Bottomley, owner and architect; plan no. 232, submitted 23 December 1909, approved 5 January 1910
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/111Plans for new drainage at Silver Street, for S. Ramsbottom, W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 233, submitted 25 January 1910, approved 2 February 1910
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/112Plans for conversion to two small cottages at 44½/45 Claypath, for J. McCartan, H.T. Gradon, architect; plan no. 234, submitted 25 January 1910, approved 2 February 1910
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/113Plans for amendments to site plan at Constitution Bank Estate, for H. Bottomley, owner and architect; plan no. 235, submitted 22 February 1910, approved 2 March 1910
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/114Plans for villa at Constitution Bank Estate, for W. Smith, owner and architect; plan no. 236, submitted 22 February 1910, approved 2 March 1910
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/115Plans for two houses at Lawson Terrace, for Mr. Ryan, Mr. Burrell, architect; plan no. 237, submitted 22 February 1910, approved 2 March 1910
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/116Plans for eleven cottages near Wanless Terrace, for P. McCartan, H.T. Gradon, architect; plan no. 238, submitted 22 February 1910, approved 2 March 1910
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/117Plans for new scullery, bedroom and bathroom at 15 Mowbray Street, for G. Moody, Beevers and Clark, architects; plan no. 239, submitted 29 March 1910, approved 6 April 1910
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/118Plans for corrugated iron cart shed at 28 North Road, for W. Lee, T. Lee, architect; plan no. 240, submitted 29 March 1910, approved 6 April 1910
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/119Plans for stabling for twelve horses at the Half Moon Hotel, New Elvet, for G. Bell, J. Oswald and Son, architects; plan no. 243, submitted 24 May 1910, approved 6 July 1910
See also ND/Du 13/129
(10 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/120Plans for wash-house at Hillcrest, The Avenue, for A. Dawson, owner and architect; plan no. 244, submitted 26 July 1910, approved 3 August 1910
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/121Plans for conversion of workshop into house at 25 Church Street, for Mrs. Nelson, C.W. Gibson, architect; plan no. 245, submitted 26 July 1910, approved 3 August 1910
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/122Plans for electrical theatre and shops at Claypath, for Allen and McDonald, Gibson and Stienlet, architects; plan no. 246, submitted 29 August 1910, approved 7 September 1910
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/123Plans for corrugated iron shed and concrete tank at Gilesgate Goods Station, for the British Petroleum Co. Ltd., owner and architect; plan no. 247, submitted 29 August 1910, approved 7 September 1910
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/124Plans for new lobby and lavatories at the Conservative Club, North Bailey, for Durham Conservative Club, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 248, submitted 29 August 1910, approved 7 September 1910
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/125Plans for two streets and thirty villas at `Anchorage Dene', Church Street, for Mrs. T. Crawford, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 249, submitted 29 August 1910, approved 7 September 1910
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/126Plans for iron emergency staircase at St. Margaret's School, for St. Margaret's Trustees, J. Morson, architect; plan no. 250, submitted 29 August 1910, approved 7 September 1910
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/127Plans for extension to house at The Laurels, Sherburn Road, for W.H. Wood, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 252, submitted 27 September 1910, approved 5 October 1910
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/128Plans for new coach house, garage and stables at the Half Moon Hotel, New Elvet, for G. Bell, J. Oswald and Son, architects; plan no. 253, submitted 25 October 1910, approved 2 November 1910
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/129Plans for two W.C.s and drains at 19 New Elvet, for the Durham Board of Guardians, H.J. Gradon, architect; plan no. 254, submitted 25 October 1910, approved 2 November 1910
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/130Plans for new motor garage and kitchen at the Rose and Crown, Market Place, for the Marquis of Londonderry, J. Claxton, architect; plan no. 255, submitted 28 December 1910, approved 4 January 1911
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/131Plans for two houses, shop, stable and slaughterhouse at Hallgarth Street, for Mr. Short, Beevers and Clark, architects; plan no. 256, submitted 28 December 1910, approved 4 January 1911
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/132Plans for sitting room and box room extension at 20 Magdalene Street, Gilesgate, for Mrs. Heckles, Beevers and Clark, architects; plan no. 257, submitted 21 February 1911, disapproved 1 March 1911
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/133Plans for sanitary additions (new block and storey) at Shire Hall, Old Elvet, for Durham County Council, W. Crozier, architect; plan no. 259, submitted 28 March 1911, approved 5 April 1911
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/134Plans for additions and remodelling at Hallgarth Street, for Durham University, W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 260, submitted 28 March 1911, approved 5 April 1911
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/135Plans for laundry at St. Hild's College, Gilesgate, for St. Hild's College Governors, Potts and Son, architects; plan no. 261, submitted 25 April 1911, approved 3 May 1911
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/136Plans for new scullery at The Mason's Arms, 4 Gilesgate, for Mrs. Hayles, H.T. Gradon, architect; plan no. 262, submitted 25 April 1911, approved 3 May 1911
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/137Plans for addition of study and bedroom at 22 Allergate, for Miss Thompson, J.A. Shiphardson, architect; plan no. 263, submitted 30 May 1911, approved 7 June 1911
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/138Plans for two streets and eighteen cottages at Mayorswell Street, for Messrs. Beevers and Clark, H.J. Gradon, architect; plan no. 264, submitted 27 June 1911, disapproved 5 July 1911
Plans for two streets and eighteen cottages at Mayorswell Street, for Messrs. Beevers and Clark, H.J. Gradon, architect; plan no. 264A, submitted 25 July 1911, approved 2 August 1911
See also ND/Du 13/145
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/139Plans for four houses at West View, Gilesgate, for J. Shepherd, owner and architect; plan no. 266, submitted 26 September 1911, approved 4 October 1911
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/140Plans for bay window at Elvet Bridge, for J. Middleton, J. Kell and Sons, architects; plan no. 267, submitted 26 September 1911, approved 31 October 1911
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/141Plans for college chapel at St. Hild's College, for St. Hild's College Governors, Potts and Sons, architects; plan no. 269, submitted 26 September 1911, approved 31 October 1911
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/142Plans for warehouse at Market Place Mills, for W. Martin, D. Elliott Jnr., architect; plan no. 270, submitted 28 November 1911, approved 4 October 1911
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/143Plans for new shop front at 53 North Road, for J. Kell, owner and architect; plan no. 271, submitted 27 December 1911, approved 3 January 1912
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/144Plans for motor house at The Tower, The Avenue, for R. Peele, J. Morson, architect; plan no. 272, submitted 27 December 1911, approved 7 February 1912
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/145Plans for alteration to street plan at Mayorswell Street, for Beevers and Clark, owners and architects; plan no. 273, submitted 27 December 1911, approved 7 February 1912
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/146Plans for new stables and out-buildings at the Tanner's Arms, Framwellgate, for T. Clayhills, F.E. Dougill, architect; plan no. 274, submitted 27 February 1912, approved 6 March 1912
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/147Plans for alterations and additions to scullery and offices at 4 Church Villas, for J. Robinson, owner and architect; plan no. 275, submitted 27 February 1912, approved 3 April 1912
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/148Plans for alterations and additions at 4 Atherton Street, for Mr. Moran, Frankland Smith, architect; plan no. 276, submitted 27 February 1912, approved 3 April 1912
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/149Plans for new college at 4 South Bailey, for St. John's College, University of Durham, Potts and Son, architects; plan no. 277, submitted 27 February 1912, approved 3 April 1912
(8 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/150Plans for parish hall at Crossgate, for the vicar, St. Margaret's, W.H. Wood, architect; plan no. 277½, submitted 27 February, approved 1 May 1912
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/151Plans for conversion to fried fish shop at 28 Crossgate, for G. Wilson, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 277A, submitted 27 February, approved June 1912
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/152Plans for conversion of hotel into three tenements at Burton Hotel, Claypath, for J. Calder and Co., T.V. Rayne, architect; plan no. 278, submitted 30 July 1912, approved 7 August 1912
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/153Plans for seventeen houses at Malvern Terrace, Sherburn Road, for F. Goodyear, owner and architect; plan no. 279, submitted 26 November 1912, approved 4 December 1912
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/154Plans for alterations into offices and for two houses at the Newcastle Arms, New Elvet, for Johnson and Co., owner and architect; plan no. 280, submitted 26 November 1912, approved 4 December 1912
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/155Plans for new picture hall at Reform Place, North Road, for T. Shadforth, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 281, submitted 26 November 1912, approved 4 December 1912
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/156Plans for glazed canopy over entrance at 51½ North Road, for Durham Cinema Co., R. Wylie, architect; plan no. 283, submitted 28 January 1913, approved 5 February 1913
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/157Plans for extension of bank and new offices at Market Place, for Lloyds Bank, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 284, submitted 28 April 1913, approved 7 May 1913
No plans are included
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/158Plans for cottage at Smiddy Haughs, for Durham University, W.J. Cochrane, architect; plan no. 285, submitted 28 April 1913, approved 7 May 1913
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/159Plans for rebuilding of house at 102 Gilesgate, for Gilesgate Church Charity Trustees, H.T. Gradon, architect; plan no. 286, submitted 28 April 1913, approved 7 May 1913
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/160Plans for bathroom and kitchen at 16 Mowbray Street, for Durham Miners' Association, T. Coates, architect; plan no. 288, submitted 28 April 1913, approved 4 June 1913
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/161Plans for detached house at Laburnum Avenue, for E. Short, H.J. Gradon, architect; plan no. 289, submitted 28 April 1913, approved 4 June 1913
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/162Plans for conversion of sixteen tenements into eight houses at Anchorage Terrace, for Mr. Crawford, G. Ord, architect; plan no. 290, submitted 23 June 1913, approved 2 July 1913
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/163Plans for blacksmith's shed at Sherburn Road, for Mr. Cummings, owner and architect; plan no. 291, submitted 23 June 1913, disapproved 4 July 1913, approved 3 September 1913
(13 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/164Plans for new tailoring rooms at 68 North Road, for Mr. Lynch, Mr. Morson, architect; plan no. 292, submitted 29 July 1913, approved 6 August 1913
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/165Plans for extension of premises at 87 Claypath, for J.W. Ellis, owner and architect; plan no. 293, submitted 26 August 1913, approved 3 September 1913
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/166Plans for sanitary improvements at Springwell Cottages, Western Hill, for Dickeson and Lee, J. Lee, architect; plan no. 294, submitted 26 August 1913, approved 3 September 1913
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/167Plans for boarding house and master's house at The Grove, South Street, for the Grammar School Governors, W.H. Wood, architect; plan no. 295, submitted 26 August 1913, approved 3 September 1913
(9 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/168Plans for cubicles at St. Chad's Hall, for S.R.P. Moulsdale, owner and architect; plan no. 295½, submitted 26 August 1913, disapproved September 1913
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/169Plans for house at Field House Lane, for Mr. Wainwright, owner and architect; plan no. 296, submitted 28 October 1913, approved 5 November 1913
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/170Plans for hall, agents' offices and semi-detached houses at Redhills, for the Durham Miners' Association, H. Gradon, architect; plan no. 297, submitted 25 November 1913, approved 3 December 1913
(10 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/171Plans for motor house at St. Hild's Road, for Mr. Goodyear, owner and architect; plan no. 299, submitted 25 November 1913, approved 3 December 1913
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/172Plans for private street works at Flass Street and Mowbray Street, for the City of Durham, J.T. Pegge, architect; [no plan number], submitted 1913, [no date of approval]
(26 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/173Plans for road widening at Crossgate Peth, [no owner], J.T. Pegge, architect; [no plan number], submitted 1913, [no date of approval]
(33 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/174Plans for new shop and windows at Silver Street for the Levy Brothers, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 316, submitted 28 April 1914, approved 6 May 1914
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/175Plans for conversion of existing building into dwelling house at Pelaw Leazes Lane, for A. Middleton, F.W. Goodyear, architect; plan no. 333, submitted 23 February 1915, approved 3 March 1915
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/176Plans for alterations and additions at 30 Hallgarth Street, for G. Burton, Carter and Cook, architects; plan no. 334, submitted 23 February 1915, approved 7 April 1915
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/177Plans for alterations and additions at the Bridge Hotel, North Road, for W.B. Reid and Company, J.R. and I.E. Hetherington, architects; plan no. 342, submitted 27 July 1915, approved 2 February 1916
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/178Plans for conversion of out-building into cottage at South Bailey, for J.G. Wilson, C.W. Gibson and Co., architect; plan no. 343(1), submitted 27 July 1915, approved 2 February 1916
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/179Plans for additional petrol tank and carbide store at Shaw Wood Garage, for United Automobile Co., G.B. Hutchinson, architect; plan no. 344(1), submitted 29 August 1916, [no date of approval]
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/180Plans for three additional bedrooms at 132 Gilesgate, for W.H. Wood, F.W. Goodyear, architect; plan no. 350, submitted 30 January 1917, approved 29 October 1918
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/181Plans for three warehouses at Providence Row, Claypath, for Mr. Holliday, owner and architect; plan no. 353(1), submitted 29 January 1919, approved 29 January 1919
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/182Plans for temporary classrooms, for Durham School, [no address], W.H. Wood, architect; plan no. 354(1), submitted 27 May 1919, approved 27 May 1919
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/183Plans for café in lieu of greenhouse at Lyon's Café, Silver Street, R. Studdy and M.A. Studdy, owners and architects; plan no. 355(1), submitted 27 May 1919, approved 27 May 1919
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/184Plans for conversion of office to shop and W.C at 56 North Road, Gradon and Son, owner and architect; plan no. 356(1), submitted 27 May 1919, approved 29 July 1919
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/185Plans for conversion of premises into house at 43 Gilesgate, for J. Porter, E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 357, submitted 27 May 1919, approved 29 July 1919
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/186Plans for proposed blacksmith's shop at Elvet Bridge, for W.A. Palmer, E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 358, submitted 27 May 1919, approved 29 July 1919
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/187Plans for additions to dwelling house at 21 Sherburn Road, for T. Elliot, F.G. Askew, architect; plan no. 359(1), submitted 27 May 1919, approved 29 July 1919
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/188Plans for alterations to officials' club at 22 New Elvet, for Durham County Council, A.E. Brooks, architect; plan no. 360, submitted 27 May 1919, approved 25 August 1919
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/189Plans for remodelling Old Canteen Inn as house at Gilesgate, for C. Wilkinson, J. Morris, architect; plan no. 361, submitted 29 July 1919, approved 26 August 1919
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/190Plans for additional dining room at 41 Old Elvet, for P.J. Heawood, S. Wilkinson, architect; plan no. 362(1), submitted 29 July 1919, approved 26 August 1919
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/191Plans for warehouse and garage at Providence Row, for Holiday and Co., E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 363, submitted 26 August 1919, approved 5 November 1919
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/192Plans for temporary offices at Shire Hall, for Durham County Council, owner and architect; plan no. 364, submitted 26 August 1919, approved 7 January 1920
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/193Plans for alterations to premises at 85 North Road, for F. Docherty, E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 365(1), submitted 26 August 1919, approved 7 January 1920
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/194Plans for extension to garage at Shaw Wood Garage, for United Automobile Services, Redpath Brown and Co., architect; plan no. 366(1), submitted 3 January 1920, approved 27 January 1920
(9 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/195Plans for bake-house at 43 North Road, for Miss Walsh, E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 367, submitted 26 January 1920, approved 27 January 1920
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/196Plans for conversion of shed into lock-up shop at North Road, for G. Gradon, owner and architect; plan no. 368, submitted 18 February 1920, approved 3 March 1920
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/197Plans for alterations to ground floor at the Big Jug, Claypath, for J. Calder and Co., C.J. Errington, architect; plan no. 369(1), submitted 19 February 1920, approved 3 March 1920
(8 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/198Plan for removal of post and rail barrier at Flass Street and Ainsley Street, for M. Hodgson, [no architect]; [no plan no.], submitted 2 March 1920, approved 2 March 1920
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/199Plans for glazed roofing over yard adjoining printing works at Post Office Buildings, Saddler Street, for Durham Advertiser Co. Ltd., J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 370, submitted 30 March 1920, approved 7 April 1920
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/200Plans for slaughterhouse at 69 Gilesgate, for Gilligate Church Charity Trustees, E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 371, submitted 30 March 1920, approved 7 April 1920
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/201Plans for new stables at Sand Quarry, Flass Valley, for G.H. Proctor, owner and architect; plan no. 372, submitted 30 March 1920, approved 7 April 1920
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/202Plans for alterations to officials' club at 22 New Elvet, for Durham County Council, A.E. Brooks, architect; plan no. 373, submitted 19 May 1920, approved 21 May 1920
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/203Plans for temporary motor shed at 4 Anchorage Terrace, for A. Campbell, owner and architect; plan no. 374(1), submitted 19 May 1920, approved 21 May 1920
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/204Plans for boarding house and second master's house at Margery Lane, for Durham Grammar School Governors, W.H. Wood, architect; plan no. 375(1), submitted 19 May 1920, approved 21 May 1920
(7 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/205Plans for temporary cycle shed at 7 Victoria Terrace, for Cptn. N.S. Hart, owner and architect; plan no. 376(1), submitted 29 May 1920, approved 29 June 1920
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/206Plans for two W.C.s at Waddington Street, for D. Bowens, E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 378, submitted August 1920, approved 1 September 1920
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/207Plans for detached house at Beech Crest, for Durham Miners' Association, W.H. Wood, architect; plan no. 379, submitted August 1920, approved 1 September 1920
(8 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/208Plans for improvement to forge and dwelling at Elvet Waterside, for H. Peele, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 380(1), submitted 13 September 1920, approved 6 october 1920
Ref: ND/Du 13/209Plans for pair of detached bungalow-type cottages at Church Street, for Dean and Chapter, owners and architects; plan no. 381, submitted 20 September 1920, approved 6 October 1920
(9 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/210Plans for drawing office at 48 Old Elvet, for Durham County Council, A.E. Brookes, architect; plan no. 382(1), submitted 20 September 1920, approval deferred
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/211Plans for new staircase and alterations to shop at 21 Market Place, for Hepworth and Son, E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 383, submitted 2 October 1920, approved 3 November 1920
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/212Plans for motor shed at Field House, Western Hill, for W. Palmer, E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 384, submitted 20 October 1920, approved 3 November 1920
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/213Plans for temporary building at Framwellgate, for Rev. Canon Thornton, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 385(1), submitted 18 November 1920, approved 1 December 1920
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/214Plans for new kerosene tank, pump-house and office at Durham N.E. Railway Goods Station, for Shell Mex Ltd., owner and architect; plan no. 387(1), [no submission date], approved 2 March 1921
(8 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/215Plans for propsed new cupola at Atherton Street, for Hauxwell and Sons, owners and architects; plan no. 391(1), submitted 12 April 1921, approved 4 May 1921
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/216Plans for conversion of premises into garage at Old Elvet, for Durham County Council, owner and architect; plan no. 391A, [no submission date], approved 4 May 1921
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/217Plans for extension to existing depot at goods-yard, Gilesgate, for Shell Mex Ltd., owner and architect; plan no. 393(1), submitted 3 September 1921, approved October 1921
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/218Plans for proposed fish shop at Church Street, for T. Forster, F. Beevers, architect; plan no. 394(1), submitted 14 December 1921, disapproved 4 January 1922
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/219Plans for motor garage at Hallgarth Street, for T. Coates, owner and architect; plan no. 396, submitted 6 January 1922, approved 1 February 1922
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/220Plans for baker's oven at Old Elvet, for C. Campbell, owner and architect; plan no. 397, submitted 21 January 1922, approved 1 February 1922
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/221Plans for addition to premises at Elvet Waterside, for Fowler and Armstrong, Plews and Co., architect; plan no. 398(1), submitted 21 February 1922, approved 1 March 1922
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/222Plans for alterations to scullery at Gilesgate, for J. Porter, [no architect]; plan no. 399, submitted March 1922, approved 28 March 1922
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/223Plans for new balcony and alterations at Crossgate, for St. Margaret's Church Institute, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 400[340](2), submitted April 1922, approved 28 March 1922
(7 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/224Plans for motor house at Gilesgate, for T.W. Holiday, owner and architect; plan no. 343(2), submitted April 1922, approved 3 May 1922
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/225Plans for motor house at Claypath, for T.W. Holiday, owner and architect; plan no. 344(2), submitted April 1922, approved 3 May 1922
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/226Plans for organist's house at Palmer's Close, for Dean and Chapter, W.H. Wood, architect; plan no. 352, [no submission date], approved 5 July 1922
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/227Plans for new sanitary arrangements at the Station Hotel, North Road, for T. Colpitts and H.C. Colpitts, architects; plan no. 353(1)[354], submitted August 1922, approved 2 September 1922
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/228Plans for alterations at the Grapes Inn and Wearmouth Bridge Inn, Claypath, for J. Johnson and Co., owner and architect; plan no. 354(2), submitted September 1922, approved October 1922
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/229Plans for alterations at King William IV Inn, North Road, for J. Deucher Ltd., W. Milburn and T.R. Milburn, architects; plan no. 355(2), submitted September 1922, 4 October 1922
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/230Plans for shop at Gilesgate Moor, for R.H. Spirit, owner and architect; plan no. 356(2), submitted September 1922, disapproved 6 September 1922
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/231Plans for picture theatre at Providence Row, for T.W. Holiday, W. Milburn and T.R. Milburn, architects; plan no. 359(2), submitted 19 December 1922, approved January 1924
(7 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/232Plan for oven room at Crossgate Peth, for T. Robinson, E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 362(2), submitted 29 January 1923, [no date of approval]
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/233Plan for new shop front at 68 North Road, for Coun. Lynch, Steinlet and Maxwell, architects; plan no. 365(2), submitted February 1923, [no date of approval]
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/234Plan for covering to yard at Neville Yard, for F.W. Goodyear, Redpath Brown and Co., architect; plan no. 366(2), submitted February 1923, [no date of approval]
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/235Plans for out-offices at the Elmtree Inn, 13 Crossgate, for N.E. Breweries, T.H. Murray, architect; plan no. 369(2), submitted March 1923, [no date of approval]
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/236Plans for additions at 54 Western Hill, for S. Rutherford, E. Rutherford, architect; plan no. 374(2), submitted May 1923, approved 29 May 1923
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/237Plans for new conveniences at the Angel Inn, Claypath, for A. Cooke, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 375(2), submitted May 1923, approved 29 May 1923
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/238Plans for new bathroom and improvements at 9-10 Sherburn Road, for Mr. Morgan, Dixon Elliott and Sons, architects; plan no. 376(2), submitted May 1923, approved 6 June 1923
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/239Plans for new W.C. at Mount Cottage, Gilesgate, for Mawson and Swan, J.B. Abbey, architect; plan no. 380(2), submitted July 1923, approved 3 July 1923
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/240Plans for new sanitary additions at Claypath, for Co-op Industrial Society, owner and architect; plan no. 382(2), submitted July 1923, approved 1 August 1923
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/241Plans for motor garage at Station Lane, for Coun. Porter, A.W. Stabler, architect; plan no. 385(2), submitted September 1923, approved 3 October 1923
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/242Plans for new theatre at Providence Row, [no owner], W. Milburn and T.R. Milburn, architects; plan no. 386, [no submission date], approved October 1923
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/243Plans for new shop front at North Road, for J.A. Mason, J.W.F. Phillipson, architect; plan no. 387(2), [no submission date], approved 3 October 1923
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/244Plans for alterations to dressing rooms and addition of lavatories at River Banks, Prebends Walk, for Durham Amateur Rowing Club, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 388, [no submission date], approved 3 October 1923
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/245Plans for motor garage at North Road, for T.I. Newton, owner and architect; plan no. 391(2), submitted January 1924, approved 6 February 1924
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/246Plans for temporary garage at Caselaw, Gilesgate, for C. Bennett, owner and architect; plan no. 392, submitted January 1924, approved 6 February 1924
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/247Plans for improvements and internal alterations at the Rose and Crown, Market Place, for W.H. Wood, Page and Sons, architects; plan no. 393(2), submitted January 1924, approved 6 February 1924
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/248Plans for garage at Langley House, for H.M. Wilkinson, J. Lowry and W. Lowry, architects; plan no. 394 (2), submitted January 1924, approved 5 March 1924
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/249Plans for motor garage at `Wilmot', The Avenue, for A.S. Gray, owner and architect; plan no. 395, submitted January 1924, approved 5 March 1924
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/250Plans for alterations at the Bridge Hotel, North Road, for W.B. Reid and Co., J.R. Hetherington and L.E. Hetherington, architects; plan no. 398(2), [no submission date], approved 2 April 1924
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/251Plans for new house at Pelaw Gardens, for J. Ferguson, J.T. Pegge, architect; plan no. 404, [no submission date], approved 7 May 1924
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/252Plans for proposed street layout at Pelaw Gardens, for Mrs. Kipling, J.T. Pegge, architect; plan no. 405, [no submission date], approved 7 May 1924
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/253Plans for new sanitary additions to the Bridge Hotel, North Road, for W.B. Reid and Co., J.R. Hetherington and L.E. Hetherington, architects; plan no. 406, [no submission date], approved 7 May 1924
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/254Plans for garage at `Ivy Holme', The Avenue, for W.W. Dunn, owner and architect; plan no. 407, [no submission date], approved 7 May 1924
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/255Plans for additional motor garages at `Wilmot', The Avenue, for A.S. Gray, owner and architect; plan no. 408, [no submission date], approved 7 May 1924
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/256Plans for new shop front at 14-15 Market Place, for J.W. Cameron and Co., A.M. Lister, architect; plan no. 409, [no submission date], approved 4 June 1924
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/257Plans for estate layout at Nevilles Cross, for Chapmans Estate, J.T. Pegge, architect; plan no. 410, [no submission date], approved 3 July 1924
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/258Plans for petrol tank and pump at Durham Station, for L.N.E.R., owner and architect; plan no. 411, [no submission date], approved 3 July 1924
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/259Plans for alterations at 80 North Road, for Mr. Hewitt, Steinlet and Maxwell, architects; plan no. 412, [no submission date], approved 6 August 1924
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/260Plans for extension to lodge at Sherburn Road, for W.H. Wood, owner and architect; plan no. 413, [no submission date], approved 6 August 1924
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/261Plans for proposed scullery at 2 Summerville, [no owner], Dixon Elliott, architect; plan no. 414, [no submission date], approved 6 August 1924
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/262Plan for caretaker's cottage at Science College, South Road, for Durham University, W.T. Jones, architect; plan no. 414A, [no submission date], approved 6 August 1924
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/263Plans for can and case store at the railway goods station, for British Petroleum, owner and architect; plan no. 415B, [no submission date], approved August 1924
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/264Plans for new dwelling house at The Peth, Crossgate, for Misses Smith, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 418, [no submission date], approved 5 November 1924
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/265Plans for new dwelling house at Nevilledale Terrace, for J.Y. Bell, Adams and Wood, architects; plan no. 419, [no submission date], approved 5 November 1924
No plans are included
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/266Plans for new motor garage at 24 Nevilledale Terrace, for C. Heslop, owner and architect; plan no. 420, [no submission date], approved 5 November 1924
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/267Plans for W.C. at the Ox Inn, Gilesgate, for North Eastern Breweries, T.H. Murray, architect; plan no. 421, [no submission date], approved 3 December 1924
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/268Plans for two semi-detached houses at Chapmans Estate, The Avenue, for Walker and Whitely, owners and architects; plan no. 422, [no submission date], approved 3 December 1924
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/269Plans for ice factory at New Path, Milburngate, for J.F.J. Smith, owner and architect; plan no. 423, [no submission date], approved 7 January 1925
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/270Plans for motor garage at South Bailey, for Miss Rowlandson, A. Brown, architect; plan no. 424, [no submission date], approved 7 January 1925
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/271Plans for shop front at Mafeking House, Sunderland Road, for J.W. Oates, owner and architect; plan no. 425, [no submission date], approved 4 February 1925
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/272Plan for motor garage at Framwellgate, Waterside, for City of Durham Gas Co., owner and architect; plan no. 426, [no submission date], approved 4 February 1925
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/273Plans for motor garage at West View, Fieldhouse Lane, for W. Wainwright, owner and architect; plan no. 428, [no submission date], approved 4 March 1925
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/274Plans for motor garage, Field House Terrace, for G.C. Carpenter, owner and architect; plan no. 429, [no submission date], approved 4 March 1925
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/275Plans for workshop at 92 Gilesgate, for Mr. Heslington, A. Shepherd, architect; plan no. 430, submitted February 1925, approved 4 March 1925
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/276Plans for subsidy house at 23 Wynyard Grove, Sherburn Road, for F. Wise, owner and architect; plan no. 431, submitted March 1925, approved 1 April 1925
No plans are included
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/277Plans for two bungalows at Percy Villa, Nevilles Cross, for A.J. Nelson and Son, J.T. Pegge, architect; plan no. 432, [no submission date], approved 1 April 1925
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/278Plans for new shop at Station Bank, for J.G. Gradon, owner and architect; plan no. 433, submitted March 1925, approved 1 April 1925
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/279Plans for bathroom at 29 Hawthorne Terrace, for W. Turnbull, owner and architect; plan no. 434, submitted 24 March 1925, approved 6 May 1925
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/280Plans for alterations and additions at 52 Claypath, for D. Herring, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 436, submitted 24 March 1925, approved 6 May 1925
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/281Plans for new W.C. at 55 Gilesgate, for J.A. Askew, owner and architect; plan no. 438, submitted 24 March 1925, approved 3 June 1925
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/282Plans for alterations to kitchen at the Woodman Inn, Gilesgate, for W.B. Reid and Company, J.R. Hetherington and L.E. Hetherington, architects; plan no. 440, submitted 13 July 1925, approved 5 August 1925
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/283Plans for subsidy house at Nevilles Cross, for Miss Eden, owner and architect; plan no. 441, submitted 28 July 1925, approved 5 August 1925
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/284Plans for house at Farnley Hey Road, for B.A. Lee, owner and architect; plan no. 442, submitted 28 July 1925, approved 5 August 1925
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/285Plans for scullery at 4 Leazes Place, for C. Hamilton, owner and architect; plan no. 444, submitted 28 July 1925, approved 5 August 1925
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/286Plans for new bedroom at 10 Summerville, for Mrs. Midgley, owner and architect; plan no. 445, submitted 25 September 1925, approved 7 October 1925
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/287Plans for four subsidy houses at 60 Claypath, for J. Wilkinson, W. Darwood and J.E. Robinson, owners and architects; plan no. 446, submitted 25 September 1925, approved 7 October 1925
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/288Plans for new rooms and offices at Quarryheads Lane, for Durham School, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 447, submitted 24 October 1925, approved 4 November 1925
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/289Plans for rugby fives court at Margery Lane, School House, for Canon. R. D. Budworth, The Bickley Co., architects; plan no. 448, [no submission date], [no date of approval]
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/290Plan for proposed emergency exit at Market Place, for the Catholic Institute, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 449, [no submission date], approved 2 December 1925
No plans are included
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/291Plans for new rooms for matron at St. Chad's College, for S.R.P. Moulsdale, S. Wilkinson, architect; plan no. 450, [no submission date], [no date of approval]
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/292Plans for new stairs, lavatory and bathroom at the Royal County Hotel, for Hostleries Ltd., Traylen and Lenton, architects; plan no. 451, [no submission date], approved December 1925
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/293Plans for alterations at the Waterloo Hotel, for W. Jackson (Sunderland) Ltd., T.A. Page and Son, architects; plan no. 452, [no submission date], approved 26 January 1926
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/294Plans for rebuilding at the Woodman Inn, Gilesgate, for W.B. Reid and Co., J.R. Hetherington and L.E. Hetherington, architects; plan no. 454, [no submission date], approved 3 February 1926
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/295Plans for internal alterations at Hallgarth House, for T. Kilburn, owner and architect; plan no. 455, submitted January 1926, approved 3 February 1926
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/296Plans for alterations and additions at the Blue Bell Inn, Framwellgate, for S. Smith (Tadcaster) Ltd., Cowe and Lawson, architects; plan no. 456, [no submission date], approved 3 February 1926
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/297Plans for new wing extension at St. Hild's College, for St. Hild's College, J. Potts and Son, architects; plan no. 457, [no submission date], approved 3 March 1926
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/298Plans for improvements at 43 Hawthorne Terrace, for the Durham Miners' Association, owner and architect; plan no. 458, [no submission date], approved 3 March 1926
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/299Plans for house at Farnley Hey Road, for B.A. Lee, owner and architect; plan no. 459, [no submission date], approved 3 March 1926
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/300Plans for detached villa at Farnley Hey Road, for H.J. Hunt, owner and architect; plan no. 461, [no submission date], approved 7 March 1926
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/301Plans for improvements at the Hat and Feather Hotel, Market Place, for J.W. Cameron and Co., J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 462, [no submission date], approved 5 May 1926
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/302Plans for new bathroom at 6 Wynyard Grove, for A.M Spence, owner and architect; plan no. 463, [no submission date], approved 5 May 1926
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/303Plans for detached house at Sherburn Road, for R. Dixon, F.K. Perkins, architect; plan no 464, submitted April 1926, approved 5 May 1926
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/304Plans for dance and concert hall at Sunderland Road, for J.W Oates, owner and architect; plan no. 465, [no submission date], approved 5 May 1926
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/305Plans for motor garage at 10 Field House Terrace, for Durham R.D.C. Health Department, owner and architect; plan no. 466, [no submission date], approved 8 June 1926
(2 Papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/306Plans for detached villa at The Avenue, for H.S. Cowper, J.T. Pegge, architect; plan no. 467, [no submission date], approved June 1926
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/307Amended third floor plan at 2 Silver Street, for Mrs. M. Battensby, R. Wylie, architect; plan no. 468, submitted July 1926, approved August 1926
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/308Plan for houses at Whinney Hill Estate, for F. Hinchley and H. Jopling, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 469, [no submission date], approved 7 July 1926
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/309Plan for new houses at Sherburn Road, for T. Cook and Co., F.K. Perkins, architect; plan no. 473, [no submission date], approved October 1926
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/310Plans for new common room wing at Pelaw, Leazes Lane, for Bede College, Durham, J. Potts and Son, architects; plan no. 475, submitted September 1926, approved October 1926
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/311Plans for bungalow at Flass, for Robert Procter, W.H. Wood, architect; plan no. 476, submitted 23 October 1926, [no date of approval]
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/312Plans for two houses at Whinney Hill Estate, for Durham Housing Association, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 477, submitted 22 November 1926, [no date of approval]
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/313Plans for two subsidy houses at Farnley Hey Road, for H. Pye and Son, J.T. Pegge, architect; plan no. 478, submitted 28 December 1926, [no date of approval]
(7 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/314Plans for motor garage at Princess Street, for W.S. Ashcroft, architect and owner; plan no. 480, submitted 14 January 1927, approved 2 February 1927
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/315Plans for butcher's shop at 85 New Elvet, for T. Heslop, J.W English, architect; plan no. 482, submitted January 1927, approved 2 February 1927
(5 Papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/316Plans for motor garage at Grey House, Princess Street, for H.S. Harrison, J.G. Burrell architect; plan no. 483, submitted 18 May 1927, approved June 1927
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/317Plans for alterations at 3 Sadler Street, for Carrick's [Caterers] Ltd., Marshall and Tweedy, architects; plan no. 484, submitted 18 May 1927, approved 1 June 1927
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/318Plans for two bungalows at Sherburn Road, for T. Cook and Co., owner and architect; plan no. 485, submitted 23 May 1927, approved 1 June 1927
No plans are included
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/319Plans for extensions to shop at 34A North Road, for J.A. Mason, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 486, submitted 23 May 1927, approved 1 June 1927
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/320Plans for alterations at the New Inn, Church Street, for J. Johnson (Durham) Ltd., owner and architect; plan no. 487, submitted 28 June 1927, approved 6 July 1927
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/321Plans for alterations at 35 South Street, for Mrs. R. Yule, owner and architect; plan no. 488, submitted 28 June 1927, approved 6 July 1927
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/322Plans for alterations at 5 Sutton Street, for J. Armitage, owner and architect; plan no. 489, submitted 28 June 1927, approved 6 July 1927
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/323Plans for lecture rooms and covered way at Palace Green, for Durham University, W.D. Caröe, architect; plan no. 490, submitted 1 July 1927, approved 6 July 1927
(10 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/324Plan for W.C. at 200 Gilesgate, for W.F. Vipond, F.W. Goodyear, architect; plan no. 491, [no submission date], approved 6 July 1927
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/325Plans for alterations at Neville Hotel, for J.W. Wood, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 492, [no submission date], approved 3 August 1927
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/326Plans for temporary motor shed at Field House Terrace, for F.S. Heselton, [no architect]; plan no. 493, submitted 4 August 1927, [no date of approval]
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/327Plan for new bathroom at Sunderland Road, for Dixon Elliott, owner and architect; plan no. 494, submitted 1 September 1927, approved 7 September 1927
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/328Amended plans for dance and concert hall at Sunderland Road, for J.W. Oates, owner and architect; plan no. 495(1), [no submission date], approved 7 September 1927
(4 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/329Plans for three motor garages at 9 Walkergate, for M. Battensby, R. Wylie, architect; plan no. 495(2), submitted September 1927, [no date of approval]
(5 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/330Plans for temporary motor garage at 1 Ravensworth Terrace, for J. Pickering, J.B. Abbey, architect; plan no. 496, [no submission date], approved 7 September 1927
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/331Plans for alterations and additions at Blue Bell Inn, Framwellgate, for S. Smith Ltd., Cowe and Lawson, architects; plan no. 497, submitted 14 October 1927, approved 2 November 1927
(6 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/332Plans for improvements at the Traveller's Rest, 72 Claypath, for R. Ainsley, J.T. Pegg, architect; plan no. 498, submitted 20 October 1927, approved 7 December 1927
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/333Plans for new bathroom at 8 Palatine View, for A. Brown, owner and architect; plan no. 500, submitted November 1927, approved 7 December 1927
(3 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/334Plans for banqueting and dance hall at the Rose and Crown hotel, Silver Street, for J.W. Wood, J.G. Burrell, architect; plan no. 506, submitted February 1928, approved 7 March 1928
(2 papers)
Ref: ND/Du 13/335Plan for alterations at Market Place, for Doggarts Ltd., E.J. Hepple, architect; plan no. 665, submitted September 1933, approved 4 October 1933
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/336Plan for new building line at Market Place, for Barclays Bank, W.T. Jones, architect; [no plan no.], [no submission date], [no date of approval]
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/337Plan for continuous kiln, [no address], for the Brick and Tile Co., [no architect]; [no plan no.], [no submission date], [no date of approval]
(1 paper)
Ref: ND/Du 13/338Plans for steelwork for new City of Durham baths and wash houses (revised scheme), [no address], [no owner], Dorman Long, architect; [no plan no.], [no submission date], [no date of approval]
(3 papers)