David Williams postcard collection
Reference: D/DW Catalogue Title: David Williams postcard collection Area: Catalogue Category: Antiquarian and Composite Records Description: Postcard albums: Album 3
Covering Dates: 1890-1990
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- David Williams postcard collection
- Album 3 (Ref: D/DW 1/3(1-97))
- Miscellaneous postcards associated with Durham City (Ref: D/DW 1/3(1-15))
- Postcards mostly of cinemas and other halls (Ref: D/DW 1/3(16-39))
- Postcards showing the Sanctuary Knocker and other features of Durham Cathedral (Ref: D/DW 1/3(40-63))
- Postcards of Prebends Bridge (Ref: D/DW 1/3(64-96))
- Business postcard (Ref: D/DW 1/3(97))
Catalogue Description
These postcards were collected by the late David R. Williams, author of 'Cinema in a Cathedral City' (C53 in our library) and former head of Film and Television studies at Durham University's Bede College where he had lectured since 1964. His own arrangement of the postcard collection has been preserved, generally organised by topic and orientation. The majority of the 1200 cards in the collection have images of Durham City. Most of the photographically produced cards show some interesting detail of the Durham townscape, and some of the printed cards also stand out as being especially clear or showing unique detail; a separate list is available showing which are the clearest images of any particular common view.Unless otherwise stated in their description the postcards have a portrait orientation, approximately 14 x 9 cm, with printed images of outdoor views derived from photographs and printed in monochrome. The description will indicate if the postcard has, instead: an image that is landscape orientation; an interior or aerial view; a sketch, painting or cartoon image (described as a drawing); false colour; photographic printing. There are also various novelty postcards, often featuring a strip with small images printed on it, multiple image cards, cards with false colour to represent night or snow scenes, and envelopes containing souvenir sets of cards.
Victorian postcards had space for a message on one side and for an address (sometimes pre-printed) on the other. The earliest postcards were pre-paid with a stamp printed on. The first picture postcards, prior to about 1903, had space for a message on the picture side; these are described as 'undivided' cards because the reverse side has space only for the address. The majority of the cards in this collection were made around 1905-1910, though it is possible that the image used on them is much older as card companies were happy to recycle good pictures for many years.
The majority of these cards are unused. If they have been posted then a note is given of the sender and recipient plus the place and year of the postmark, if legible. Generally the messages are of no great interest; the word 'commenting' is used in the description to indicate something more notable. The word 'description' appears in the description if there is a printed description of the postcard scene.
These are chiefly commercial souvenir postcards. Where it appears that the card is a personal photograph printed on a postcard, rather than a commercial postcard, it is described as either a 'postcard with a photograph' or 'photograph printed on a postcard'.
Many of the cards were produced by the major national companies: Hartmann (London, 1902-1909); Valentine's (Dundee, 1825-1963); Francis Frith (Reigate, 1890-1970); Raphael Tuck (London, 1866-1960); A&G Taylor (London, 1860-1918); Rapid (London, 1901-1910); Wrench (London, 1900-1906); Judges (Hastings, 1910-1984); Photochrom (London and Tunbridge Wells, 1896-); Walter Scott (Bradford); W.H. Smith - Kingsway (Newcastle, 1905-6); Hildesheimer (Manchester,1830-1920); Eyre and Spottiswoode - Woodbury Series (London, 1845-1970); ETW Dennis - Dainty Series (Scarborough,1901-); Salmon (Sevenoaks, 1880-); JW Ruddock - Artist Series (Lincoln, 1904-); Buchanan (Croydon ).
Others were produced by local printers: Bailes (Durham); Wilkinson (Durham); Auty (Tynemouth); Johnston - Monarch Series (Gateshead); Phillimore; Edis (Durham); Brittain and Wright (Stockton-on-Tees), Grant and Lewis (Newcastle); Ruddock (Newcastle); Lilywhite; Mason; P.T. series.
The manufacturer's name can help with dating where there is no postmark or stamp. Local stationers, printers and photographers are mentioned in Trade Directories and feature in this collection as printers, publishers or retailers: W. Wilkinson, M.A. Wilkinson, A. Bailes, G. Bailes, J.R. Edis, Andrews, Caldcleugh, J.Palmer, J.Slack, A.Rutherford, Cathedral View Shop, Fillingham, etc.
With no other indication an approximate date has been given as: 1900 for 'undivided' cards and those with space for a message on the picture side; 1905 for those with an explanation of where to put the message, address and stamp on the rear; 1910 for those with less of an explanation; later dates by the general style of the postcard. In some cases dating is by comparison with similar, dated cards, or by known dates for the subject matter.
Often one photograph will be used as the basis of a number of different postcards, sometimes by different publishers, and this has been indicated where it was noticed.
Catalogue Contents
Album 3 (Ref: D/DW 1/3(1-97))Ref: D/DW 1/3
Postcard album consisting of 31 punched polyester leaves, each with 2 or 3 postcard sized pockets, containing postcards of Durham City, labelled 'Sanctuary Knocker and North Door; Van Mildert; Cathedral at night; Monks' Dormitory; Prebends Bridge'
(1 file)
Miscellaneous postcards associated with Durham City (Ref: D/DW 1/3(1-15))Ref: D/DW 1/3(1)Postcard with a landscape view of 'Durham Castle and Cathedral.' from Framwelgate Bridge, showing the Castle Hotel, etc., published by A. Bailes, 50 Saddler Street, Durham, n.d. [c. 1905]
New Year greeting in french from Charlotte to to Nellis [?] Poncet, Gendarmerie Nationale, Lons-le-Saunier, Jura, France, postmarked Bearpark Colliery, per-1910 stamp
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3/2(1)Novelty postcard with a coloured cartoon of a black cat emerging from a parcel and the message 'Good Luck All The Way From Durham' and code number '1986' with a flap concealing a concertina-ed set of views of Durham: Durham Cathedral from St Oswalds, Galilee Chapel, Durham Cathedral from St Margarets, Prebend's Bridge, by 'Valentine and Sons Ltd., Dundee and London. 59-1', as 'Valentine's Mail Novelty Post Card' with G.P.O. approval, Printed in Great Britain, n.d. [c. 1930]
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3/2(2)Novelty postcard with a coloured cartoon of a black cat emerging from a parcel and the message 'Good Luck All The Way From Durham' and code number '1986' showing the concertina-ed set of views of Durham concealed behind a flap: Durham Cathedral from St Oswalds, Galilee Chapel, Durham Cathedral from St Margarets, Prebend's Bridge, by 'Valentine and Sons Ltd., Dundee and London. 59-1', as 'Valentine's Mail Novelty Post Card' with G.P.O. approval, Printed in Great Britain, n.d. [c. 1930]
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(3)Postcard with a coloured landscape drawing of 'Old Elvet Bridge and Chantry, Durham', signed ARQ, Salmon Series
Printed and Published by J. Salmon Ltd., Sevenoaks, from an original water colour drawing by A.R. Quinton, n.d. [c. 1910]
message from Bob to Master Shirley Moore, Birtley, postmarked Durham 1934
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(4)Postcard with a photograph of the altar of the Tunstall Chapel, entitled 'Reredos in Chapel, Durham Castle' '22113 J.V.', a Valentine's Postcard, printed in Great Britain, n.d. [c. 1930]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(5)Christmas Card with a coloured landscape drawing of 'Durham Cathedral from the College'
Judges Ltd., n.d. [c. 1960]
sent by Bill and Pam
(1 paper form, printed, colour, folded)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(6)Postcard with a landscape view of Elvet Bridge, entitled 'Durham, Elvet Bridge', published in Frith's Series by F. Frith and Co. Ltd., Reigate, No 68285, n.d. [c. 1920]
message from Father to Nurse V.M. Todd, York, postmarked Durham 1926
same as D/DW 1/1(180)
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(7)Postcard with a colour view of Bede's Shrine, entitled 'Durham Cathedral, Tomb of the Venerable Bede'
Judges Limited, Hastings, n.d. [c. 1980]
sent by David Williams to himself, postmarked Durham 1984, 'Christian Heritage Year'
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(8)Postcard with an aerial photograph of Hild and Bede College and surroundings, All British Production, endorsed 'The College of St. Hild and St. Bede, Durham City' 'Photographer Charles Bartram', n.d. [c. 1980]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(9)Photograph of an old photograph with a landscape view entitled 'St. Mary le Bow Church, Durham', n.d. [c. 1900]
message, commenting on postcard albums, from June, Stanhope, to David, 1987
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(10)Two versions of a postcard with a coloured landscape view of the 'Castle Gate, Bishop Auckland' '26644 JV', in Valentines Series, Printed in Great Britain, n.d. [c. 1905]
message on (b) from Annie to Miss Knox, Jarrow, postmarked Bishop Auckland 1907
(2 postcards, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(11)Postcard with a coloured landscape view of the 'Castle Gate, Bishop Auckland' '26644 JV', in Valentines Series, Printed in Great Britain, n.d. [c. 1905]
message from E.R. to Mrs Miller, Newcastle, postmarked Bishop Auckland 1911
same image as D/DW 1/3(10)
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(12)Postcard with a coloured view entitled 'Lambton Castle, Chester le Street', n.d. [c. 1905]
message from Ethel Watson, Burnmoor Rectory, to Miss Naisbett, Primrose Hill, postmarked Fence Houses 1908
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(13)Six copies of a postcard with a landscape view of 'St. Hild's College, Durham. Art Room', published by P.A. Buchanan and Co., Croydon, Printed in Belgium, code 20230, n.d. [c. 1930]
(6 postcards, 9 x 14 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(14)Postcard with a coloured view entitled 'Chapel of St. John the Baptist, Finchale Priory.' 'No. 3', Printed in Great Britain, n.d. [c. 1960]
message apparently from David Williams to his parents, Mr and Mrs J.P. Williams, Leicester, postmarked Durham, stamps c. 1960
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(15)Postcard with a coloured landscape view of 'Durham Cathedral, from the College', published in 'The Milton Artlette Series No, 167, Woolstone Bros., London', The Milton Post Card, n.d. [c. 1905]
message from A.W. Maugham to Mr Arbuckle, Gateshead, postmarked Durham 1905
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Postcards mostly of cinemas and other halls (Ref: D/DW 1/3(16-39))Ref: D/DW 1/3(16)Postcard with a landscape photograph of 'Newbiggen Road, North Seaton. 1480' [Ashington] showing the Hippodrome Cinema, published in the Monarch Series by R. Johnston and Sons, Publishers, Gateshead, n.d. [c. 1910]
message from Annie to Gunner John (Jack) Anderson, Tynemouth Castle, postmarked North Seaton 1915
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(17)Postcard with a landscape view of Shipcote Hall cinema, Gateshead [on the corner of Dryden Road - later a snooker club and gym], code number 112126, n.d. [c. 1920]
message from Stanley to his mother Mrs W. White, Belford, postmarked Gateshead 1923
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(18)Postcard with a landscape photograph of 'Waterloo Road, Blyth' showing the Central Cinema, published by A. Keeling, Photographer, 150 Salisbury Street, Blyth, n.d. [c. 1930]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(19)Postcard with a landscape photograph of the 'Market Place, Easingwold' showing the Market Place Cinema [former Town Hall], n.d. [c. 1940]
message from E.J. and Ann to Mr and Mrs T. & H. Warwick, Bradford, postmarked Yorkshire 1949
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(20)Postcard with a coloured landscape view of the 'Picture Palace, Ecclesfield' [aka The Cinema House and The Essoldo], published in the RA Series by M. Smith, General Stores, Ecclesfield, Printed in England, n.d. [c. 1920]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(21)Postcard with a photograph of the Durham Johnston School building above the river at the bottom of South Street, entitled '106 Johnston's Technical School, Durham.', published in Caldcleugh's Real Photo Series, Durham, n.d. [c. 1915]
message from Sally to Mrs Mawson, Worcester, postmarked London 1915
buildings more extensive than in D/DW 1/3(22)
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(22)Postcard with a photograph of the Durham Johnston School building above the river at the bottom of South Street, entitled '2814 The Johnson Technical School, Durham.', published by WHS in the Kingsway Real Photo Series, n.d. [c. 1905]
message from A.M.B. to Mrs Knagg, Kendal, postmarked Coxhoe 1908
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(23)Postcard with a landscape photograph of the 'Miner's Welfare Hall, New Herrington.', the 'Tivoli', with the Institute, later YMCA, behind [corner of A182 and B1286 between Shiney Row and Philadelphia], n.d. [c. 1925]
message from Mrs Haswell to Mrs Hammond, Pickering, postmarked County Durham 1929
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(24)Postcard with a landscape view of 'Coxhoe, The Club'
F. Frith and Co. Ltd., Reigate, Frith's Series, Printed in England, 'All Best Wishes and Greetings to you', n.d. [c. 1930]
same as D/DW 1/2(132)
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(25)Postcard with a landscape view of St. Nicholas' Church and Durham Market Place from a high vantage point, entitled 'Market Square, Durham.', published in 'Boots Cash Chemists Pelham Series', n.d. [c. 1910]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(26)Photograph of children outside the entrance to the Glen Cinema, 'Royal Animated Pictures', Paisley, where 70 children were crushed to death in 1929, n.d., [c. 1930]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(27)Postcard with a landscape photograph of 'North Road, Durham. (Showing Viaduct).'
'Lilywhite Ltd. The Photo Printers', showing the old Miners' Hall, n.d. [c. 1930]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(28)Postcard with a photographic montage of five photographs entitled 'Durham', including the Cathedral and Fulling Mill, The Castle, The Cathedral Choir and East Window, The Undercroft ('The Crypt') and 'Bishop Welldon' (J.E.C. Welldon, former Bishop of Calcutta, was Dean of the Cathedral 1918-1933), published by W.H.S.& S., N., Printed in England, n.d. [c. 1920]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(29)Postcard with a faked landscape view of 'North Road, Durham' at night, looking towards the Castle, by 'D.F. & Co. York.', in 'The D.F. & Co. Series', Printed in England by Delittle, Fenwick and Co., York, n.d. [c. 1905]
message from Isa to Mrs McConville, Hartlepool, postmarked 1904
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(30)Postcard with a landscape photograph of a cinema, 'The Hippodrome, Thornley', and Baldaseras' Ice Cream Shop, published in The Monarch Series by R. Johnston and Sons, Gateshead, n.d. [c. 1910]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(31)Postcard with a coloured landscape view of 'The Chapel, Hatfield Hall, Durham' showing the rear of Hatfield College, published in 'The Milton Artlette Series No. 167. Woolstone Bros., London' , n.d. [c. 1905]
message from Willie to his mother Mrs J. Andrews, Ketton, Rutland, dated 1905
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(32)Postcard with a coloured landscape photograph of Durham Market Place and St. Nicholas' Church with snow and ice drawn on, entitled 'Market Square, Durham', published in Valentine's Series, n.d. [c. 1905]
message from J.E.H. to Mrs Lockwood, Scarborough, postmarked Durham 1906
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(33)Postcard with a view of the old Miners' Hall in North Road, entitled 'Durham, Miners' Hall', published in 'Raphael Tuck and Sons' Town and City Series 2102-Durham', Printed in Holland, with royal warrant, n.d. [c. 1905]
message from Norman to Miss Forster, Durham, postmarked Durham 1906
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(34)Postcard with a photograph of the 'Empress Picture Hall, Horden.' (aka Empress Electric Theatre, Blackhills Road), n.d. [c. 1905]
message from Isabel to her mother Mrs Mackenzie, Sheffield, postmarked Horden, pre-1910 stamp
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(35)Postcard with a coloured landscape view of 'North Rd. Durham.' looking towards the Castle and showing the old Miners' Hall, n.d. [c. 1905]
message from Mrs Philipson to Master Harry Robinson, Fleming Memorial Hospital, Newcastle, postmarked Wallsend 1907
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(36)Photograph of a cinema projectionist at work, endorsed 'Majestic, Edgar Denholm', n.d. [c.1950]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(37)Postcard with a photograph of 'The City of Durham' from the Railway Station 'CC751', published by Walter Scott, Bradford, n.d. [c. 1940]
message from S. Baillie, 1942
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(38)Postcard with a landscape colour view of Durham Cathedral, flood-lit at night, from Palace Green, a Dickinson Robinson Group Product, Printed in Great Britain by J. Arthur Dixon Ltd, PDU/22417, with a description of the Cathedral, n.d. [c. 1990]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(39)Postcard with a landscape colour view of Van Mildert College, Durham, a J. Arthur Dixon Natural Colour Photogravure, Durham 7923, Printed in Great Britain, with a description of the College, n.d. [c. 1980]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Postcards showing the Sanctuary Knocker and other features of Durham Cathedral (Ref: D/DW 1/3(40-63))Ref: D/DW 1/3(40)Postcard with a photograph of Durham Cathedral Knocker, n.d. [c. 1905]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(41)Postcard with a coloured view of Durham Cathedral Knocker, entitled 'F_4756 Durham Cathedral, Sanctuary Knocker', published in the Celesque Series by The Photochrom Co. Ltd., London and Tunbridge Wells, All British Production, n.d. [c. 1915]
message from Willie to Mrs Farnworth, Wingate, postmarked Durham 1919 [enclosed paper states that 'Willie Farnworth died in Canada in 1924']
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(42)Postcard with a coloured view of Durham Cathedral Knocker, entitled 'F_4756 Durham Cathedral, Sanctuary Knocker', published in the Celesque Series by The Photochrom Co. Ltd., London and Tunbridge Wells, All British Production, n.d. [c. 1915]
same as D/DW 1/3(41)
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(43)Postcard with a photograph of Durham Cathedral Knocker, entitled 'Durham Cathedral, Sanctuary Knocker.', n.d. [c. 1905]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(44)Undivided postcard with a view of Durham Cathedral Knocker, entitled 'Sanctuary Knocker, Durham Cathedral', published in the G.W.W Series, n.d. [c. 1900]
sent from May Perrick to Miss Bird, Stockton-on-Tees, postmarked Durham 1902
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(45)Postcard with a fanciful drawing of Durham Cathedral Knocker, entitled 'The Sanctuary, Durham Cathedral', n.d. [c. 1905]
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(46)Postcard with a coloured view of the 'North Door, Durham Cathedral'
a Tuck's Post Card, published by Raphael Tuck and Sons, 'Photo-color Postcard No. 2261', Durham, Printed in Germany, with royal warrant and description of the Cathedral, n.d. [c. 1905]
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(47)Postcard with a view of the 'North Doorway, Durham Cathedral' 'Auty Series. G.H. N/C. 132', n.d. [c. 1905]
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(48)Postcard with a view of 'Durham Cathedral, North Door. 74081.'published in Frith's Series by F. Frith and Co. Ltd., Reigate, Printed in England, n.d. [c. 1920]
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(49)Postcard with a photograph of the 'North Door, Durham' by 'Wilkinson Durham', n.d. [c. 1905]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(50)Postcard with a coloured view of the 'Doorway, Durham Cathedral', 'This beautiful series of fine art post cards is supplied free exclusively by Christian Novels Publishing Co. For pure reading matter Christian novels is the World's best', Printed by Delittle, Fenwick and Co., Yorkl, for Christian Novels Publishing Co., British Throughout, n.d. [c. 1920]
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(51)Postcard with a photograph of the 'North Door, Durham Cathedral' '2787', published in the Monarch Series by R. Johnston and Son, Gateshead, n.d. [c. 1910]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(52)Postcard with a landscape photograph of the interior of Durham Cathedral's Monks' Dormitory Library, published by W. Wilkinson, Durham, n.d. [c. 1910]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(53)Postcard with a landscape photograph of the interior of Durham Cathedral's Monks' Dormitory Library, entitled 'Chapter Library Durham', published by S. A. P. and Co., D., 1210, n.d. [c. 1905]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(54)Postcard with a landscape photograph of the staircase landing forming the ante-room to the Prior's Hall, Durham Cathedral, published by A. Bailes, n.d. [c. 1905]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(55)Postcard with a view of the carving on the Chapel of Nine Altars, entitled '4780 Durham Cathedral: The Dun Cow', published by the Photochrom Co., Ltd., London and Detroit USA, Printed in England, n.d. [c. 1905]
message from Mary Lizzie to her Grannie Mrs Burns, Gateshead, postmarked Durham 1908
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(56)Postcard with a landscape photograph of 'The Cloisters, Durham Cathedral. 3016', published in the Monarch Series by R. Johnston and Son, Gateshead, n.d. [c. 1910]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(57)Postcard with a photograph of the 'South Aisle, Durham Cathedral. 3013', published in the Monarch Series by R. Johnston and Son, Gateshead, stamped Wilkinson, 50 Sadler Street, Durham, n.d. [c. 1910]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(58)Postcard with a photograph of the 'Water Tower' in Durham Cathedral College
published by Raphael Tuck and Sons 'Real Photograph' series, 'Durham Cathedral'
Printed in England, with royal warrant and description of the view, 'Official Photograph', n.d. [c. 1950]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(59)Postcard with a photograph of the 'Abbey Gateway' leading to Durham Cathedral College
published by Raphael Tuck and Sons 'Real Photograph' series, 'Durham Cathedral'
Printed in England, with royal warrant and description of the view, 'Official Photograph', n.d. [c. 1950]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(60)Postcard with a coloured drawing of Durham Cathedral's North Door, signed 'Parsons-Norman' and entitled 'North Door, Durham Cathedral, Showing the Sanctuary Knocker', a 'Raphael Tuck and Sons Oilette Regd Postcard 7112 - Durham', with royal warrant, inscribed 1905, n.d. [c.1905]
message to Miss Doris Redman, South Croydon, postmarked Middlesbrough 1905
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(61)Postcard with a view of 'Durham Cathedral, North Door, Sanctuary Knocker, 9434', published in Frith's Series by F. Frith and Co. Ltd., Reigate, Printed in England, n.d. [c.1910]
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(62)Postcard with a coloured view of 'Durham Cathedral Knocker', published in the Gem Series No 2407 by Grant and Lewis, Newcastle, n.d. [c.1910]
message from Arthur to his Uncle Jack, Mr J. Bland, Gainford, postmark illegible, 1911 stamp
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(63)Postcard with a coloured drawing of Durham Cathedral's North Door, signed 'Parsons-Norman' and entitled 'North Door, Durham Cathedral, Showing the Sanctuary Knocker', a 'Raphael Tuck and Sons Oilette Regd Postcard 7112 - Durham', with royal warrant, n.d. [c.1905]
same as D/DW 1/3(63)
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Postcards of Prebends Bridge (Ref: D/DW 1/3(64-96))Ref: D/DW 1/3(64)Postcard with a view of 'Durham Cathedral and Prebend's Bridge.' '2828.7.', Printed in Saxony with Hartmann's Trademark, n.d. [c.1905]
based on photograph D/DW 1/3(66)
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(65)Postcard with a coloured view of Prebend's Bridge with Durham Cathedral Towers behind, entitled 'Durham Cathedral and Prebend's Bridge.', published with the Hartmann Trademark, n.d. [c.1905]
message from someone in Sacriston to Miss M Pelton, Gilsland, postmarked Durham 1908 [?]
based on photograph used in D/DW 1/3(66)
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(66)Postcard with a photograph of Prebend's Bridge with Durham Cathedral Towers behind, entitled '10190 3' 'Durham, Prebend's Bridge' 'Rotary Photo', published in the Rotary Photographic Series, n.d. [c.1905]
message from Phyllis [?] to Miss Bella Clark, Shieldfield, postmarked Durham 1908 and Framwellgate Moor 1908
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(67)Postcard with a photograph entitled '2348. Prebend's Bridge, Durham', published by Judges Ltd. Hastings, n.d. [c.1910]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(68)Postcard with a landscape photograph showing a punt on the river, entitled 'Durham, Prebend's Bridge', published by Raphael Tuck and Sons in the Glosso Postcard Series - No. 5608 - Durham, with royal warrant and description of the bridge, n.d. [c. 1905]
message from Giggie to Mr and Mrs Liddell, Monkseaton, postmarked Durham 1916
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(69)Postcard with a landscape view of Prebend's Bridge with Durham Cathedral towers behind, entitled 'Prebend's Bridge Durham' 'Auty Series G.H. W.', n.d. [c.1905]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(70)Postcard with a landscape view of Prebend's Bridge from the banks, entitled 'Preband's Bridge, Durham', n.d. [c.1930]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(71)Postcard with a landscape view entitled 'Durham, Prebend's Bridge', published in Frith's Series by F. Frith and Co. Ltd., Reigate, No. 30757, printed in Saxony, n.d. [c.1905]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(72)Postcard with a photograph of the Durham Watergate, entitled 'South Bailey Arch from Prebends Bridge, Durham. 4989', published in the Monarch Series by 'R. Johnston and Sons, Newcastle. Works: Gateshead', n.d. [c.1920]
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(73)Postcard with a coloured view of 'Prebend's Bridge, Durham.' with the Cathedral behind, published by G. Bailes and Sons, 24 Silver Street, Durham, with in the RA Series, Printed in England, 'The R.A.P. Co. Ltd., London', n.d. [c.1905]
(1 postcard, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(74)Postcard with two photographs of Durham, showing 'The Cathedral' from Prebend's Bridge and 'Prebend's Bridge' with the Cathedral Towers behind, numbered 'P.S.D.C.10764', published by the Rapid Photo Printing Co. Ltd., London, Printed in England, n.d. [c.1910]
New Year's greeting from M.B.
(1 photograph, 9 x 14 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(75)Postcard with a landscape view of 'Prebend's Bridge, Durham'
'CC.175', Printed in Great Britain, 'Greetings From Durham'
Published by Walter Scott, Bradford', n.d. [c.1950]
message from Mother and Auntie to Miss M.N. Hair, Bury St. Edmunds, postmarked Shotton Colliery 1953
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(76)Postcard with a coloured landscape view showing the Fulling Mill and Prebend's Bridge, entitled 'Durham Mill Weir and The Prebends Bridge' 'No. 872.', published in the Phoenix Series by Brittain and Wright, Stockton-on-Tees, Printed in Saxony, n.d. [c.1905]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(77)Postcard with a coloured landscape view showing 'The Prebend's Bridge, Durham' 'No. 868.', published in the Phoenix Series by Brittain and Wright, Stockton-on-Tees, Printed in Saxony, n.d. [c.1905]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(78)Undivided postcard with a coloured landscape view showing 'Prebend's Bridge. Durham' with the Cathedral towers behind, n.d. [c.1900]
message from M.M. to Miss Cornforth, Consett, postmarked Durham 1903
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(79)Postcard with a landscape photograph of Prebend's Bridge with Durham Cathedral behind and a boat on the water, entitled 'Durham, Prebend's Bridge' 'V336-4 Rapid Photo', published by The Rapid Photo Printing Co. Ltd., London, Printed in England, n.d. [c.1910]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(80)Postcard with a landscape photograph of Prebend's Bridge entitled 'Durham, Prebend's Bridge' 'V336-9 Rapid Photo', published by The Rapid Photo Printing Co. Ltd., London, Printed in England, n.d. [c.1910]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(81)Postcard with a landscape view of 'Prebends Bridge, Durham' in 'Valentines Series', n.d. [c.1905]
message from M.S. to Miss S.M. Shaw, Kendal, postmarked Durham 1904
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(82)Postcard with a landscape photograph of 'Prebends Bridge Durham', n.d. [c.1905]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(83)Postcard with a landscape view showing 'Prebends Bridge. Durham' in 'Valentines Series', n.d. [c.1905]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(84)Undivided postcard with a coloured landscape view entitled 'Durham Cathedral' showing Prebend's Bridge with the Cathedral towers behind, published in the P.T. Series, Printed in Germany, n.d. [c.1905]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(85)Postcard with a coloured landscape view entitled 'Prebends Bridge, Durham'
published in 'A. & G. Taylor's Orthochrome Series of Pictorial Post Cards V.O. 997', Queen Victoria Street, London, with royal warrant, n.d. [c.1905]
message in code from 1.4.1 (Ada) to Mr Ralph Williamson, Houghton le Spring, postmarked Silksworth 1908
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(86)Postcard with a landscape photograph looking along 'Prebends Bridge, Durham' '209751 J.V.', published by Valentines, n.d. [c.1920]
message from M.N. to 'Mum and Lou', Mrs Besant, staying in Gosport, postmarked Southampton, 1920s stamp
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(87)Postcard with a landscape photograph looking along Prebends Bridge, Durham, showing a woman with a pram, stamped 'Wilkinson Durham', n.d. [c.1905]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(88)Postcard with a coloured landscape view entitled 'Prebends Bridge, Durham', showing the bridge with the Cathedral towers behind, published by J. Palmer, Stationer, Durham, n.d. [c.1905]
message from Frances to Miss A. Raw, Byker, postmarked Durham 1909
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(89)Postcard with a landscape view of 'Prebends Bridge, Durham' '03754 JV', published by J. Valentine & Sons, Ltd., Dundee and London, as a Silveresque Postcard, Printed in Great Britain, n.d. [c.1930]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(90)Postcard with a coloured landscape view of 'Prebends Bridge, Durham', published in Valentine's Series, Printed in Great Britain, n.d. [c.1905]
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(91)Postcard with a landscape photograph of Prebends Bridge, Durham, showing the Cathedral towers behind, stamped 'Wilkinson Durham', n.d. [c.1905]
(1 photograph, 14 x 9 cm)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(92)Two copies of a postcard with a coloured landscape view of 'Prebends Bridge, Durham' at sunset, code 11128, n.d. [c.1905]
one has a message from W.G.H. to Miss G. Beer, Royston, postmarked York 1904
(2 postcards, 9 x 14 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(93)Postcard with a coloured landscape view of 'Prebends Bridge, Durham', 'Valentine's Series. 513', n.d. [c.1905]
sent from J. Swinton to Miss J. Laws, Croxdale, postmarked Durham 1903
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(94)Undivided postcard with a landscape view of 'Prebends Bridge, Durham', published in Valentine's Series, n.d. [c.1900]
based on same image as D/DW 1/3(81), D/DW 1/3(83), D/DW 1/3(89), D/DW 1/3(90) and D/DW 1/3(93)
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(95)Postcard with a coloured landscape view of 'Prebends Bridge, Durham', n.d. [c.1905]
message from W.B. Mcrow [?] to Miss Florrie Mckay, Newcastle, postmarked Durham 1905
same image as D/DW 1/3(91)
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed, colour)
Ref: D/DW 1/3(96)Postcard with a landscape view of 'Prebend's Bridge, Durham', published in Frith's Series by F.Frith and Sons, Ltd., Reigate, No.30757.'Valentine's Series. 513', n.d. [c.1920]
message from F.S.F. to Miss Maggie Farnworth, Wingate, postmarked Durham 1919
(1 postcard, 14 x 9 cm, printed)
Business postcard (Ref: D/DW 1/3(97))Ref: D/DW 1/3(97)Business postcard, unposted, for Edgar W. Proctor, Hardware Merchant and Mill Furnisher, Slaithwaite [West Riding of Yorkshire], with a message from E.W. Proctor, dated 31 November 1899
(1 paper, printed form)