Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 680 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Hutton Henry Coal Company
Covering Dates: 1842-1899
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Description
Records deposited on long-term loan,14 October 1981
(Acc: 1336(D))
County Record Office,
County Hall,
Telephone (0191) 3833253
Catalogue Contents
Papers relating to the Hutton Henry Coal Company (Ref: D/X 680/1-48)Ref: D/X 680/1
An Act to enable the Trustees of the Will of the late Duke of Cleveland to grant Mining, Building and other Leases of Trust Estate, in the County of Durham devised by the Will of the Duke of Cleveland, and to sell or exchange Parts of the same Estates, 5 & 6 Vict., c.22, 16 July 1842
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 680/2An Act to give further Powers to the Trustees of the Will of the late Duke of Cleveland for the Management of the Trust Estates in the County of Durham by the said Will devised, 9 & 10 Vict. c.30, 18 August 1846
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 680/3An Act to enable the Trustees of the Will of the Duke of Cleveland to raise certain Monies on the Trust Estates in the County of Durham by the said Will devised, and for the Management of the said Estates, 12 & 13 Vict., c.16, 28 July 1849
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 680/4An Act to extent the Powers of the Trustees of the Will of the late Duke of Cleveland to enable such Trustees to raise certain Monies on certain of the Trust Estates in the County of Durham by the said will devised, 16 & 17 Vict., c.29, 20 August 1853
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 680/5Particulars of the estates of Hart, Hutton Henry, and Hurworth (with the minerals under Hutton Henry and Hurworth), in the parishes of Hart, Stranton, Monk Hesleden and Kelloe; and of the coal royalty of Hardwicke Hall, in the parish of Monk Hesleden, all in the County of Durham, to be offered for sale by auction (in the following lots or in such other lots as may be decided on) at the Queen's Head Hotel, Pilgrim Street, Grey Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, on Wednesday, the 27th Day of November, 1872 at one 'o'clock in the afternoon, by Samuel Donkin, auctioneer
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 680/6Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Hutton Henry Coal Company Limited, May 1873
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: D/X 680/7/1-3Correspondence between John Marley, Westminster Palace Hotel, London SW to Messrs Laycock Dyson and Laycock concerning the raising of a loan of £20,000 on the Hutton Henry Coal Company, 12 June - 4 July 1873
(3 papers)
Ref: D/X 680/8Copy extract from T.E. Forster's report of 20 September 1872 on the Hutton Henry estate, 4 July 1873
(2 papers)
Ref: D/X 680/9/1-4Correspondence between John Marley, Darlington, Messrs. Laycock, Dyson and Laycock, solicitors, Huddersfield and W. Brooke concerning mortgage to be raised on the Hutton Henry Coal Company, 5 - 7 July 1873
(4 papers)
Ref: D/X 680/10Report on, and valuation of, the Hutton Henry estate by John H. Abbey, 9 Buxton Road, Huddersfield, 11 July 1873
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 680/11Further instructions to counsel to draw first and second mortgages on the Hutton Henry estate, 1 August 1873
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 680/12/1-10Correspondence between John Proud, Laycock, Dyson and Laycock, and John Marley concerning mortgages on Hutton Henry estate, 6 - 12 August 1873
(10 papers)
Ref: D/X 680/13Copy schedule of deeds transferred from the Hutton Henry Coal Company Limited to Sarah Brooke and Edith Brooke of Northgate House, Honley near Huddersfield as security for mortgage of £15,000, 13 August 1873
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/14/1-7Opinion of W. Fry Buchanan on the abstracts of title and other documents to be used as security for the mortgage and covering correspondence, 13 August - 27 August 1873
(7 papers)
Ref: D/X 680/15North Eastern Railway Castle Eden to Stockton Plan showing Hutton Henry Coal Company Limited in the parish of Monk Hesleden and township of Hutton Henry, December 1873
Scale: 10 chains to 2.5 inches
(1 plan, 53cm x 77cm, oiled linen)
Ref: D/X 680/16/1-16Correspondence between John Marley, Hutton Henry Coal Company Ltd., Laycock, Dyson and Laycock, John H. Abbey, 9 Buxton Road, Huddersfield and John Proud, Bishop Auckland concerning the proposed conveyance to the North Eastern Railway Company of land being part of the Hutton Henry Estate and whether the remaining property will provide
sufficient security for the repayment of the mortgages including plan of area proposed to be conveyed, 28 July - 4 September 1874
(1 plan, 39cm x 61cm, oiled linen, 15 papers)
Ref: D/X 680/1729 September 1874
(1) Sarah Brooke, spinster and Edith Brooke, spinster, both of Northgate House, Honley, near Huddersfield
(2) Thomas Kenyon of Dogley Kirkburton near Huddersfield, woollen manufacturer
(3) The Hutton Henry Coal Company (Ltd.)
(4) The North Eastern Railway Company
Draft conveyance from (3) to (4) with the consent of (1) and (2) of a parcel of land 715 yards long and 14 yards wide, part of Rodridge Farm inthe township of Hutton Henry
Consideration: £1,100
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/18Copy conveyance as in D/X 680/17
Ref: D/X 680/19Plan of land referred to in the agreement between North Eastern Railway Company and the Hutton Henry Coal Company of 20 April 1874, 3 August 1874
Scale: 1:2500
(1 plan, 41.5cm x 54cm, oiled linen, colour-wash)
Ref: D/X 680/20Plan of land to be purchased from the Hutton Henry Coal Company by the North Eastern Railway Company, 3 August 1874
(1 plan, 48.5cm x 72cm, tracing paper, colour-wash)
Ref: D/X 680/21/1-3Correspondence between the Hutton Henry Coal Company and William Brooke concerning the proposed sale of the surface of Rodridge Moor Farm, l and 7 February 1881
Enclosed: Plan of farm, 1881
(1 plan and 2 papers)
Ref: D/X 680/22Report on, and valuation of, the Hutton Henry estate by Sam Shaw, 6 April 1891
Plan attached
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/23/1-230 December 1892
(1) Sarah Brooke of Honley near Huddersfield, Yorks., spinster and Edith Brooke of Glenthorne, Grove Bank, Camberwell, Surrey
(2) Charles Lockwood the younger of Newmill near Huddersfield, manufacturer and Abraham Sykes Jessop of Kirkburton near Huddersfield, salesman
(3) William Aldam Backhouse of St. John's House near Wolsingham, Esquire
(4) The Hutton Henry Coal Company Limited
Draft reconveyance as partial redemption of mortgages from (1) to (4) of part of the Hutton Henry Estate
(1 file; 1 plan, 43cm x 66cm, oiled linen, colour-wash)
Ref: D/X 680/24Letter from the Hutton Henry Coal Company to Laycock, Dyson and Laycock, Huddersfield concerning the rate of interest on the mortgages, 13 December 1894
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/25Copy report by Sam Shaw, Dewsbury concerning the advisability of the sale of part of the surface belonging to the Hutton Henry Coal Company, 4 January 1895
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/26Plan of land to be sold by the Hutton Henry Coal Company, 14 December 1894
(1 plan, 44cm x 60cm, oiled linen, colour-wash)
Ref: D/X 680/27Schedule of deeds relating to the Hutton Henry Coal Company, September 1874 - 1897
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 680/2815 January 1897
(1) Sarah Brooke of Honley near Huddersfield, spinster
(2) William Brooke of Northgate Mount, Honley, Esquire and John Arthur Brooke of Fenay Hall, near Huddersfield, Esquire
(3) Charles Lockwood the younger of New Mill near Huddersfield, manufacturer and Abraham Sykes Jessop of Kirkburton near Huddersfield
(4) Charles Rutter Fry of Parkside, Darlington, gentleman
(5) John Grieveson of Barnard Castle, merchant and Edward Hutchinson of Darlington, gentleman
(6) Hutton Henry Coal Company Ltd.
Draft reconveyance from (1)-(5) to (6) of parcels of land, part of the Hutton Henry estate in the parish of Monk Hesleden. Plan attached
(1 file and 1 plan)
Ref: D/X 680/29Draft abstract of deed of covenant for the production of deeds relating to the Hutton Henry estate in the parish of Monk Hesleden, 1897
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/30Order made in the Court of Chancery for the sale of three parcels of land part of the Hutton Henry Estate and the payment of the proceeds to the holders of the first and second mortgagees on the estate, 12 August 1897
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/31Sale catalogue for Hutton Henry and South Wingate Collieries, 26 October 1897
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: D/X 680/32Sale catalogue for 572 acres of freehold land in Hutton Henry, Station Town, South Wingate, 20 November 1897
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 680/33Plan of the Hutton Henry Estate showing land released up to 1897, 1897
Scale: 6 chains to 1 inch
(1 plan, 48cm x 62cm, oiled linen, colour-wash)
Ref: D/X 680/34Draft schedule of deeds, 1898
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/35Summons to court for the payment out of court to the first and second mortgagees, 26 May 1898
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/36Affidavit of Edward Hutchinson of Darlington in the matter of the Hutton Henry Coal Company Ltd. in the Court of Chancery, 25 May 1898
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/37Poster announcing, and catalogue for, the sale of 90 acres of freeehold land in Hutton Henry, Station Town and Wingate by order of the Court of Chancery, 6 August 1898
(1 poster, 101cm x 76cm)
Ref: D/X 680/38Copy proposed minutes of order made in the Court of Chancery for the payment of the first and second mortgages of 13 and 14 August 1873, August 1898
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/391898
(1) Hutton Henry Coal Company Ltd., in liquidation
(2) Sarah Brooke and William Brooke
(3) Charles Lockwood, Abraham Sykes Jessop
(4) Charles Rutter Fry and John Feetham
(5) John Grieveson and Edward Hutchinson
(6) Thomas Appleby of Wingate, boot and shoe dealer
Draft conveyance from (1)-(5) to (6) of a parcel of land (3500 sq. yds.) in Station Town in the parish of Monk Hesleden
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/401898
(1) Sarah Brooke
(2) William Brooke and Arthur Brooke
(3) Hutton Henry Coal Company Ltd. and Edward Robson Whitwell of Yarm-on-Tees, coal owner and liquidator of the company
(4) National Provincial Bank of England Ltd.
(5) Edward Robson Whitwell
Copy assignment of mortgage from (1)-(3) to (4)
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/41List of drafts sent to Howe and Rake, 6 December 1898
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 680/42Copy order of Court of Chancery for payments to be made in the case of the Hutton Henry Coal Company, 22 February 1899
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/43Draft affidavit of William John Bloomfield Howe of Howe and Rake, agents for Lucas Hutchinson and Meek of Darlington concerning the amounts of interest payable under the order of 22 February 1899, February 1899
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/44-45Summons for, and order in substitution for that of 12 August 1898 for the payment off of the first and second mortgages, 22 February 1899
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 680/46Copy order made in the Court of Chancery for the payment of compensation interest and costs, 20 July 1899
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/4722 August 1899
(1) Sarah Brooke
(2) William Brooke and John Arthur Brooke
(3) Charles Lockwood the younger and Abraham Sykes Jessop
(4) Charles Rutter Fry and John Feetham
(5) John Grieveson and Edward Hutchinson
(6) Hutton Henry Coal Company Ltd., in liquidation
(7) Edward Robson Whitwell
(8) Roger Dobson of Station Town, Wingate, butcher
Draft conveyance from (1)-(6) to (8) of a parcel of land (12.5 acres) in Station Town in the parish of Monk Hesleden.
Plan attached
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 680/48Plan of the Hutton Henry Estate, n.d.
Scale: 8 chains to 1 inch
(1 plan, 48cm x 58cm, printed)