Durham Dramatic Society
Reference: D/DDS 1/5/ Catalogue Title: Durham Dramatic Society Area: Catalogue Category: Charity and Society Records Description: Photographs
Covering Dates: 1992-1993
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- Durham Dramatic Society
- Photographs (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253-257)
- Photographs of the production of The Farndale Avenue Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society production of Macbeth, 1992 (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1-2)
- Photographs of the production Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, 1992 (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1-2)
- Photographs of the production of Laburnum Grove, 1992 (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1-2)
- Photographs of the production Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekhov, 3 - 7 November 1992 (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1-2)
- Photographs of the production of Table Manners, by Alan Ayckbourn, 19 - 23 January 1993 (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1-2)
Catalogue Contents
Photographs (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253-257)Photographs of the production of The Farndale Avenue Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society production of Macbeth, 1992 (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1-2)Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1
Photographs of the production of The Farndale Avenue Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society production of Macbeth, by David McGillvray and Walter Zerlin jnr., 28 January - 1 February 1992, as follows:
(68 photographs, colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(1)Photograph of Kate Lawrie, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(2)Photograph of Michael Smith, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(3)Photograph of Michael Smith, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(4)Photograph of Jennifer Gill, as Banquo, and Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(5)Photograph of Ted Moulding, Kate Lawrie, Barbara Woodhouse and Joan Hall, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(6)Photograph of Kate Lawrie, Ted Moulding and Barbara Woodhouse, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(7)Photograph of Barbara Woodhouse, Joan Hall and Joyce Brown as the three witches, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(8)Photograph of Joyce Brown, Ian Woodhouse and Kate Lawrie, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(9)Photograph of Barbara Woodhouse as Malcolm, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(10)Photograph of Joan Hall as Duncan, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(11)Photograph of Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(12)Photograph of Ted Moulding and Kate Lawrie, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(13)Photograph of Joyce Brown as a messenger, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(14)Photograph of Ted Moulding and Marion Clapham as Macbeth, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(15)Photograph of Ted Moulding and Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(16)Photograph of Jennifer Gill and Joan Hall as Fleance, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(17)Photograph of Marion Clapham, Jennifer Gill and Joan Hall, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(18)Photograph of Jennifer Gill and Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(19)Photograph of Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(20)Photograph of Joan Hall, as the porter, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(21)Photograph of Joan Hall, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(22)Photograph of Joyce Brown as Macduff, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(23)Photograph of Joan Hall, Marion Clapham and Joyce Brown, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(24)Photograph of Michael Smith, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(25)Photograph of Michael Smith, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(26)Photograph of Barbara Woodhouse and Joyce Brown, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(27)Photograph of Jennifer Gill and Joyce Brown, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(28)Photograph of Jennifer Gill, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(29)Photograph of Joyce Brown and Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(30)Photograph of Barbara Woodhouse and Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(31)Photograph of Joan Hall and Jennifer Gill, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(32)Photograph of Jennifer Gill and Barbara Woodhouse, as first murderer, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(33)Photograph of Joan Hall, as second murderer, Barbara Woodhouse and Jennifer Gill, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(34)Photograph of Michael Smith, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(35)Photograph of Kate Lawrie and Michael Smith, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(36)Photograph of Marion Clapham and Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(37)Photograph of Jennifer Gill, Marion Clapham and Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(38)Photograph of Jennifer Gill, Marion Clapham and Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(39)Photograph of Barbara Woodhouse, Ted Moulding and Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(40)Photograph of Barbara Woodhouse, Joan Hall, Ian Woodhouse and Joyce Brown, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(41)Photograph of Barbara Woodhouse, Joan Hall, Ian Woodhouse and Joyce Brown, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(42)Photograph of Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(43)Photograph of Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(44)Photograph of Joan Hall and Barbara Woodhouse, as two witches, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(45)Photograph of Ted Moulding and Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(46)Photograph of Ted Moulding and Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(47)Photograph of Ted Moulding, as the Duke of Edinburgh, Marion Clapham and Sandy the dog, as a royal corgi, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(48)Photograph of Marion Clapham and Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(49)Photograph of Ted Moulding as Robert de Bruce, and Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(50)Photograph of Barbara Woodhouse, Jennifer Gill and Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(51)Photograph of Jennifer Gill, and Kate Lawrie as Lady Macduff, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(52)Photograph of Joan Hall, Barbara Woodhouse and Kate Lawrie, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(53)Photograph of Kate Lawrie, Barbara Woodhouse, Joan Hall and Jennifer Gill, as Lady Macduff's son, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(54)Photograph of Joyce Brown, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(55)Photograph of Ted Moulding, Kate Lawrie as a doctor, and Barbara Woodhouse, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(56)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Ted Moulding, Kate Lawrie and Barbara Woodhouse, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(57)Photograph of Barbara Woodhouse as Seyton, Joan Hall, Marion Clapham, Ian Woodhouse, Joyce Brown, Jennifer Gill, Kate Lawrie and Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(58)Photograph of Barbara Woodhouse, Joan Hall, Marion Clapham, Ian Woodhouse, Joyce Brown, Jennifer Gill, Kate Lawrie and Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(59)Photograph of Marion Clapham and Ian Woodhouse, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(60)Photograph of Marion Clapham and Ted Moulding, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(61)Photograph of Joyce Brown and Marion Clapham, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(62)Photograph of Peter Hagger, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(63)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse as the producer, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(64)Photograph of Kate Lawrie, Jennifer Gill, Michael Smith, Marion Clapham, Ted Moulding and Sandy the dog, Joyce Brown, Barbara Woodhouse, Joan Hall and Ian Woodhouse, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 18 cm. x 13 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(65)Photograph of Michael Smith, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(66)Photograph of Michael Smith, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(67)Photograph of Michael Smith, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/1(68)Photograph of Michael Smith, 28 January - 1 February 1992
(1 photograph, 13 cm. x 18 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/253/2Negatives of the production of The Farndale Avenue Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's production of Macbeth, by David McGillvray and Walter Zerlin jnr., 28 January - 1 February 1992
(68 negatives, colour)
Photographs of the production Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, 1992 (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1-2)Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1Photographs of the production Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, by Edward Albee, 6 - 10 April 1992, as follows:
(35 photographs, colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(1)Photograph of the living room of a house on the campus of a small New England college, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(2)Photograph of Teresa Hagger as Martha, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(3)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and Ian Woodhouse as George, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(4)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and Ian Woodhouse, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(5)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Tracy Cabanes as Honey, Wallace Tindale as Nick, and Teresa Hagger, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(6)Photograph of Tracy Cabanes and Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(7)Photograph of Wallace Tindale and Ian Woodhouse, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(8)Photograph of Tracy Cabanes and Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(9)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and Ian Woodhouse, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(10)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(11)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, Ian Woodhouse, Tracy Cabanes and Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(12)Photograph of Tracy Cabanes and Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(13)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(14)Photograph of Tracy Cabanes and Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(15)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, Ian Woodhouse, Tracy Cabanes and Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(16)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Teresa Hagger, Tracy Cabanes and Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(17)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Teresa Hagger, unidentified man, Tracy Cabanes and Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(18)Photograph of Wallace Tindale and Ian Woodhouse, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(19)Photograph of Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(20)Photograph of Tracy Cabanes, Wallace Tindale, Teresa Hagger and Ian Woodhouse, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(21)Photograph of Tracy Cabanes, Wallace Tindale, Teresa Hagger and Ian Woodhouse, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(22)Photograph of Tracy Cabanes, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(23)Photograph of Tracy Cabanes and Ian Woodhouse, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(24)Photograph of Wallace Tindale and Teresa Hagger, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(25)Photograph of Wallace Tindale and Teresa Hagger, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(26)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Wallace Tindale and Teresa Hagger, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(27)Photograph of Tracy Cabanes, Ian Woodhouse, Wallace Tindale and Teresa Hagger, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(28)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and Tracy Cabanes, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(29)Photograph of Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(30)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and Ian Woodhouse, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(31)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(32)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(33)Photograph of Wallace Tindale and Teresa Hagger, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(34)Photograph of Tracy Cabanes, Wallace Tindale, Teresa Hagger and Ian Woodhouse, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/1(35)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, Ian Woodhouse, Tracy Cabanes and Wallace Tindale, 6 - 10 April 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/254/2Negatives of the production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, by Edward Albee, 6 - 10 April 1992
(30 negatives, colour)
Photographs of the production of Laburnum Grove, 1992 (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1-2)Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1Photographs of the production of Laburnum Grove, by J.B. Priestley, 30 June - 4 July 1992, as follows:
(48 photographs, colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(1)Photograph of the living room of the Redferns' house 'Ferndale', Laburnum Grove, Shooters Green, North London, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(2)Photograph of Charlotte Hay and Marion Clapham, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(3)Photograph of the living room, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(4)Photograph of Jennifer Gill and Charlotte Hay, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(5)Photograph of Charlotte Hay, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(6)Photograph of Charlotte Hay and Jennifer Gill, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(7)Photograph of Michael Smith, Charlotte Hay and Jennifer Gill, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(8)Photograph of Jennifer Gill and Michael Smith, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(9)Photograph of Ted Moulding and Michael Smith, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(10)Photograph of Jennifer Gill and Ted Moulding, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(11)Photograph of Gordon Bond and Jennifer Gill, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(12)Photograph of Charlotte Hay, Ted Moulding and Gordon Bond, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(13)Photograph of Gordon Bond, Charlotte Hay and Ted Moulding, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(14)Photograph of George Bywaters, Charlotte Hay and Ted Moulding, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(15)Photograph of George Bywaters, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(16)Photograph of Gordon Bond and Charlotte Hay, 30 June- 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(17)Photograph of Ted Moulding, George Bywaters, Jennifer Gill and Charlotte Hay, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(18)Photograph of Michael Smith, Jennifer Gill, Ted Moulding, Charlotte Hay and Gordon Bond, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(19)Photograph of Michael Smith, Jennifer Gill, Ted Moulding, Charlotte Hay and Gordon Bond, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(20)Photograph of Michael Smith, Jennifer Gill and Ted Moulding, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(21)Photograph of Marion Clapham, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(22)Photograph of Marion Clapham and Ted Moulding, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(23)Photograph of Colin Clark, Michael Smith, George Bywaters, Marion Clapham and Gordon Bond, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(24)Photograph of Michael Smith and Charlotte Hay, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(25)Photograph of Charlotte Hay and Michael Smith, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(26)Photograph of Charlotte Hay, Jennifer Gill and Michael Smith, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(27)Photograph of Ted Moulding, Jennifer Gill and Charlotte Hay, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(28)Photograph of Marion Clapham, Ted Moulding and Jennifer Gill, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(29)Photograph of Marion Clapham and Michael Smith, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(30)Photograph of Marion Clapham and Colin Clark, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(31)Photograph of Marion Clapham and Colin Clark, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(32)Photograph of Michael Smith, Charlotte Hay, Jennifer Gill, Marion Clapham and Colin Clark, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(33)Photograph of Marion Clapham, Charlotte Hay, Jennifer Gill and Michael Smith, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(34)Photograph of Charlotte Hay, Marion Clapham, Jennifer Gill and Michael Smith, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(35)Photograph of Charlotte Hay, Marion Clapham, Jennifer Gill and Michael Smith, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(36)Photograph of Charlotte Hay and Marion Clapham, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(37)Photograph of Gordon Bond, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(38)Photograph of Gordon Bond and Michael Smith, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(39)Photograph of Jennifer Gill, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(40)Photograph of Charlotte Hay and Gordon Bond, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(41)Photograph of George Bywaters, Ted Moulding, Charlotte Hay and Gordon Bond, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(42)Photograph of Marion Clapham and Charlotte Hay, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(43)Photograph of Colin Clark and Ted Moulding, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(44)Photograph of Colin Clark and Ted Moulding, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(45)Photograph of Marion Clapham, Ted Moulding and Charlotte Hay, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(46)Photograph of Tom Gardner, Marion Clapham, Ted Moulding and Charlotte Hay, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(47)Photograph of the full cast: Tom Gardner, Colin Clark, Jennifer Gill, Michael Smith, Charlotte Hay, Ted Moulding, Marion Clapham, Gordon Bond and George Bywaters, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/1(48)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Colin Clark, Jennifer Gill, Michael Smith, Charlotte Hay, Ted Moulding, Marion Clapham, Gordon Brown and George Bywaters, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/255/2Negatives of the production of Laburnum Grove, by J.B. Priestley, 30 June - 4 July 1992
(25 negatives, colour)
Photographs of the production Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekhov, 3 - 7 November 1992 (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1-2)Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1Photographs of the production Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekhov, 3 - 7 November 1992, as follows:
(48 photographs, colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(1)Photograph of Joan Hall as Marina, an old nurse, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(2)Photograph of Michael Smith as Milchall Lvovich Astrov, a doctor, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(3)Photograph of John McKinnell as Ivan Petrovich Voynitski (Vanya), Joan Hall and Michael Smith, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(4)Photograph of Joan Hall, Michael Smith and John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(5)Photograph of Alison McKenzie as Sofya Alexandrovna (Sonya), Debbie Gordon as Yelena Andreyevna, Ian Woodhouse as Alexandr Vladimorovich Serebryakov, a retired professor, Joan Hall, Michael Smith and John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(6)Photograph of Audrey Fiddian as Mariya Vasilyevna Voynitzkaya, Michael Smith and John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(7)Photograph of Colin Clark as Ilya Ilyich Telegin, un impoverished landowner, Alison McKenzie, John McKinnell, Audrey Fiddian and Michael Smith, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(8)Photograph of Debbie Gordon, Colin Clark and Alison McKenzie, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(9)Photograph of Debbie Gordon, Colin Clark and Alison McKenzie, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(10)Photograph of Audrey Fiddian, Alison McKenzie, Michael Smith, David Simpson as a workman, and John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(11)Photograph of Audrey Fiddian, Michael Smith and Alison McKenzie, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(12)Photograph of Debbie Cordon, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(13)Photograph of Debbie Cordon and John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(14)Photograph of Debbie Cordon and Ian Woodhouse, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(15)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(16)Photograph of Debbie Cordon and Ian Woodhouse, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(17)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Joan Hall, Alison McKenzie and John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(18)Photograph of Alison McKenzie, Ian Woodhouse and Joan Hall, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(19)Photograph of Debbie Cordon and John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(20)Photograph of John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(21)Photograph of Michael Smith and Colin Clark, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(22)Photograph of Michael Smith, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(23)Photograph of John McKinnell and Alison McKenzie, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(24)Photograph of Alison McKenzie and Michael Smith, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(25)Photograph of Alison McKenzie and Michael Smith, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(26)Photograph of Alison McKenzie and Debbie Cordon, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(27)Photograph of Alison McKenzie and Debbie Cordon, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(28)Photograph of Alison McKenzie and Debbie Cordon, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(29)Photograph of Michael Smith and Debbie Cordon, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(30)Photograph of Michael Smith and Debbie Cordon, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(31)Photograph of John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(32)Photograph of John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(33)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Colin Clark, Audrey Fiddian, Joan Hall, Alison McKenzie and Debbie Cordon, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(34)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, John McKinnell and Colin Clark, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(35)Photograph of Audrey Fiddian, Joan Hall, Alison McKenzie and Debbie Cordon, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(36)Photograph of John McKinnell and Ian Woodhouse, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(37)Photograph of Debbie Cordon, Ian Woodhouse and Alison McKenzie, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(38)Photograph of Alison McKenzie, Joan Hall, John McKinnell and Debbie Cordon, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(39)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse and John McKinnell, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(40)Photograph of Colin Clark and Joan Hall, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(41)Photograph of John McKinnell and Michael Smith, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(42)Photograph of Michael Smith, John McKinnell and Alison McKenzie, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(43)Photograph of Michael Smith and Debbie Cordon, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(44)Photograph of Alison McKenzie, Debbie Cordon, Audrey Fiddian, Ian Woodhouse, John McKinnell and Colin Clark, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(45)Photograph of Joan Hall, Michael Smith, John McKinnell and Alison McKenzie, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(46)Photograph of Audrey Fiddian, Joan Hall, John McKinnell and Alison McKenzie, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(47)Photograph of David Simpson, Audrey Fiddian, Ian Woodhouse, Debbie Cordon, John McKinnell, Alison McKenzie, Michael Smith, Colin Clark and Joan Hall, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/1(48)Photograph of David Simpson, Audrey Fiddian, Ian Woodhouse, Debbie Cordon, John McKinnell, Alison McKenzie, Michael Smith, Colin Clark and Joan Hall, 3 - 7 November 1992
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/256/2Negatives of the production of Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekhov, 3 - 7 November 1992
(48 negatives, colour)
Photographs of the production of Table Manners, by Alan Ayckbourn, 19 - 23 January 1993 (Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1-2)Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1Photographs of the production of Table Manners, by Alan Ayckbourn, 19 - 23 January 1993, as follows:
(51 photographs, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(1)Photograph of the stage scene of a dining room of a Victorian vicarage in July, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(2)Photograph of Kate Lawrie and Peter Hagger, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(3)Photograph of the stage set fireplace, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(4)Photograph of Katy Baker and Teresa Hagger, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(5)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(6)Photograph of Katy Baker, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(7)Photograph of Katy Baker and Teresa Hagger, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(8)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and Katy Baker, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(9)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and Katy Baker, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(10)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and Clive Rook, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(11)Photograph of Clive Rook, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(12)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(13)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse and Clive Rook, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(14)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Teresa Hagger and Clive Rook, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(15)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse and Teresa Hagger, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(16)Photograph of Katy Baker and Teresa Hagger, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(17)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse and Katy Baker, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(18)Photograph of Clive Rook and Ian Woodhouse, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(19)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, Clive Rook, Ian Woodhouse and Katy Baker, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(20)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, Clive Rook, Ian Woodhouse and Katy Baker, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(21)Photograph of Joyce Brown and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(22)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(23)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(24)Photograph of Joyce Brown, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 10 cm. x 15 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(25)Photograph of Joyce Brown and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(26)Photograph of Joyce Brown, Katy Baker and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(27)Photograph of Katy Baker and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(28)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(29)Photograph of Katy Baker and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(30)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, Ian Woodhouse, Katy Baker and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(31)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, Ian Woodhouse, Katy Baker and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(32)Photograph of John McKinnell and Katy Baker, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(33)Photograph of John McKinnell, Clive Rook and Teresa Hagger, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(34)Photograph of John McKinnell and Teresa Hagger, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(35)Photograph of Katy Baker, Teresa Hagger, Joyce Brown, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(36)Photograph of Katy Baker and Joyce Brown, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(37)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Joyce Brown, John McKinnell and Clive Rook, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(38)Photograph of Ian Woodhouse, Joyce Brown, John McKinnell, Clive Rook, Katy Baker and Teresa Hagger, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(39)Photograph of Joyce Brown, John McKinnell, Clive Rook and Teresa Hagger, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(40)Photograph of Joyce Brown, Clive Rook, Teresa Hagger and Katy Baker, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(41)Photograph of Joyce Brown, John McKinnell, Clive Rook, Teresa Hagger and Katy Baker, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(42)Photograph of Joyce Brown, John McKinnell, Clive Rook, Teresa Hagger and Katy Baker, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(43)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(44)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(45)Photograph of Teresa Hagger, John McKinnell and Ian Woodhouse, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(46)Photograph of Teresa Hagger and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(47)Photograph of Joyce Brown, Teresa Hagger and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(48)Photograph of Katy Baker, Teresa Hagger, Clive Rook and Ian Woodhouse, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(49)Photograph of Katy Baker and Clive Rook, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(50)Photograph of Katy Baker and John McKinnell, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/1(51)Photograph of Katy Baker and Clive Rook, 19 - 23 January 1993
(1 photograph, 15 cm. x 10 cm., colour)
Ref: D/DDS 1/5/257/2Negatives of the production of Table Manners, by Alan Ayckbourn, 19 - 23 January 1993
(51 negatives, colour)