Barnard Castle Urban District Council
Reference: UD/BC Catalogue Title: Barnard Castle Urban District Council Area: Catalogue Category: Local Authority Records Description: Charters
Covering Dates: 1160-1974
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- Barnard Castle Urban District Council
Catalogue Contents
Charters and associated items (Ref: UD/BC 119, 134-135, 232-234)
See also D/Ph 28
Ref: UD/BC 119/1Charter by Barnard de Baliol granting and confirming to the burgesses of the [market] town of Barnard Castle liberties and free customs as granted by his father to Richmond, n.d. [c. 1160]
Witnessed by: Randolph son of Hiulardus; Ralph of Gunwort; Ingram of Dunmart; Jocelin of Heliscurt; Reginald the Chamberlain; Robert of Rue Malger, priest; Ellis, priest; Reginald Pistor; Ivo the Reeve; Siward de Spinier with his son Henry; Suein the Reeve, Brunning and Reginald his brother; Walter cum Trescis; Hugh, son of Reginald; Robert, son of Ailric; Ralph of Dalton; Ralph Raschet
For transcripts and translations see D/Ph 28
(parchment, 1 membrane, pendant seal, Latin)
Ref: UD/BC 119/2Charter by Hugh of Baliol confirming to the burgesses of the [market] town of Barnard Castle liberties and free customs as granted by Bernard de Baliol. He also grants to them a common pasture and all the commons to the east and north from a brook coming from Watescahee to Bedcam and from a road from Barnard Castle to Stanhope together with rights of way inside the town of Barnard Castle and outside it with exception of wood from Withners, Havekeslane or Birlaneker without his prior consent, n.d. [c. 1210]
Witnessed by: Ingram of Baliol; Peter of Eprecii; Guy Pele; John of Brostone; Jocelin of Hiche; William le Despenser; Robert, son of John; Bernard, grandson of Hugh Baliol
For transcripts and translations see D/Ph 28
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: UD/BC 119/3Charter by John of Baliol granting to the burgesses of the [market] town of Barnard Castle a common pasture called Marewood [Marwood] spreading from the Roger's Cross through a deer-leap below Stanley on the west to road from Egleston [Eggleston] to the bridge of Estmossemire [East Moss Mire] and towards the north as far as Blakedene [Blackdean] in exchange for Standunelanbank and Wateshawe and the (Noctes) which he enclosed in his park and also granting lands held by lord Henry Spring and Robert Gretheved in exchange for pastures and lands [not specified] surrendered by them. Liberties do not apply to woods or any pits within described boundaries, n.d. [c. 1250]
Witnessed by: lord Henry Spring; lord Robert Traine; lord Ingram Manborne; lord Henry of Egleston; Jocelin of Westwyc; Ralph of Langton; John of Croft
For transcripts and translations see D/Ph 28
(parchment, 1 membrane, pendant seal, Latin)
Ref: UD/BC 119/4Charter by Alexander of Baliol confirming to the burgesses of the [market] town of Barnard Castle liberties and free customs as granted by Bernard and Hugh of Baliol. He also confirms the grant of a pasture in Marwood within the boundaries mentioned in the charter of John of Baliol, his father, together with rights of way and all liberties for Barnard Castle inside and outside the town with exception of wood of Withners and Havekeslane, n. d. [c. 1270]
Witnessed by: Hugh of Ever; Henry Spring; Robert Trayne; John of Egleston; Adam Barte, steward of Alexander of Baliol; Ralph of Langeton; Eudes of Cleatlam
For transcripts and translations see D/Ph 28
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: UD/BC 119/5Letter to Lord William Senius, vicar of Gainford church, in which the burgesses of Barnard Castle are seeking consent for nomination of John Smyth, chaplain, for a chantry founded by Lord Robert of Mortham and vacated by death of John Dowson alias Cowpyr, Barnard Castle, 27 February 1401
For transcripts and translations see D/Ph 28
(parchment, 1 membrane, pendant seal, Latin)
Ref: UD/BC 119/6Confirmation by the burgesses of Barnard Castle: Nicholas del Spencer; John of Yrland, bailiff of Barnard Castle; Thomas Sharp; John Stonesdale and John of Gyrlington, of liberties for all the burgesses of Barnard Castle granted by the charter of Hugh of Bailol, together with a common pasture of Marwood with rights of way; and also all the free customs of Richmond together with the following liberties: right to bake bread, build houses in front of their gates as well as collect manure from a road in front of their gates, grind their corn in the town's mill to the 16th measure, bake a meal for a halfpenny with fuel provided by a baker, Barnard Castle, 3 March 1410
For transcripts and translations see D/Ph 28
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: UD/BC 119/7Copy of the above, written by a different hand, possibly on 30 March 1410
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: UD/BC 119/821 August 1520
(1) Burgesses of the [market] town of Barnard Castle
(2) Henry Betteson, chaplain
Grant by (1) to (2) of lands, tenements, rents and liberties belonging to the shrine of the Blessed Mary in the south door of the Barnard Castle church, as it was granted to Peter Ruttor who was chaplain before (2)
For transcripts and translations see D/Ph 28
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: UD/BC 119/911 November 1538
(1) Sir Henry Betson, priest of the chantry of the Lady of Barnard Castle
(2) William Watson of Somerhouse
Lease for 21 years by (1) to (2) of a parcel of the chantry of the Lady of Barnard Castle, called Baggaite, located between the chantry of the Apostles and [property of] Edward Braidler
Consideration: 12d twice a year
Witnessed by Sir Robert Hylary, Sir William Stevynson [Stevenson], Sir Robert Hewson
For transcripts and translations see D/Ph 28
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: UD/BC 119/10Transcripts and translations of documents UD/BC 119/1-9
(9 papers, printed)
Ref: UD/BC 119/11List of ancient documents [UD/BC 119/1-9 and 120] that were received by J. Ingram Dawson, Clerk to the Urban Council, together with the oak box containing them, 25 January 1934
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: UD/BC 119/12Outline of contents [of the town chest?] listing documents 119/1-4, n.d. [1960s]
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: UD/BC 119/13Receipt of 9 documents in the Town Chest from Barnard Castle Urban District Council by W. A. L. Seaman, County Archivist, 6 January 1967
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: UD/BC 134Wooden box known as "The Town Chest", n.d.
Originally contained medieval charters and other deeds. For their description see: UD/BC 119/1-9
(1 box)
Ref: UD/BC 135Council seal, stamping machine, n.d.
(1 item)
Ref: UD/BC 232Grant of arms, Barnard Castle Urban District Council, 4 September 1959
(1 parchment in presentation box, 3 pendant seals)
Ref: UD/BC 233Example on card of the ancient seal of the Borough of Barnard Castle, annotated as 'now in the Town Chest' (UD/BC 134), n.d.
(1 card with wax seal)
Ref: UD/BC 234Description and interpretation of the Grant of Arms 4 September1959, printed by the Teesdale Mercury, 1960
(1 paper, printed)