Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 687 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Durham City, Old Elvet deeds: Doubleday and Foster families
Covering Dates: 1621-1813
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Description
Records deposited on long term loan,1 February 1982
(Acc: 1355(D))
County Record Office,
County Hall,
DHl 5UL.
Catalogue Contents
Ref: D/X 687/1
16 November 1621
(1) Christopher Swinburne of Elvett, draper tailor and Isbell, his wife
(2) Robert Gent of Over Throston, weaver
Bargain and Sale from (1) to (2) of a messuage and garth in Old Elvet situated between a garth or waste late belonging to Robert Row, surgeon and now to John Hedworth, esq., on the west; a tenement belonging to Christopher Liddell and in the tenure of Thomas Neesam on the east; the King's high street on the south; Smeedyhaugh on the north. Included are all the 'halling clothes, with all the glasse and Trelles windowes lockes and keyes of the dores' in the messuage
Consideration: £16
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/212 March 1657/8
(1) Robert Gent of Old Elvett, weaver and Elizabeth, his wife
(2) Cuthbert Clarke of Felling, weaver and Mary, his wife
Feoffment from (1) to (2) of a messuage and garth in Old Elvet adjoining Smediehaugh in the occupation of (1), Margaret Bland and Margaret Renoldson widows
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/312 March 1657/8
(1) Robert Gent of Old Elvet, weaver and his wife, Elizabeth
(2) Cuthbert Clarke of Felling, weaver
Bond from (1) to (2) for the fulfilment of the terms of a bargain and sale of even date
(Parchment, one membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/412 May 1662
(1) William Walton of Rattonrow in the parish of Houghton, Fuller, Ralph Bell of Durham City, cutler
(2) Ralph Nicholson of Durham City, cutler
Quit claim from (1) to (2) of all proceedings against him
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/5Quaker certificate of marriage at Gateside between Thomas Hopper of Durham City, yeoman, son of Richard Hopper, yeoman and Elizabeth Doubleday, daughter of Robert Doubleday of Jarrow, yeoman, 18 June 1683
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/625 February 1690/91
(1) Cuthbert Clarke of Old Elvet, weaver
(2) Nicholas Paxton of the City of Durham, mercer
Agreement whereby (1) allows (2) to stop up the lights of a messuage belonging to (1) and (2) to remove obstructions if (1) requests
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/716 February 1710/11
(1) Nicholas Paxton of Durham City, postmaster
(2) Martin Nicholson of Durham City, grocer
Memorandum of agreement that (1) shall convey to (2) a messuage, formerly a barn but now two dwellinghouses, and an orchard in Old Elvet
Consideration: £150
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/81 May 1711
(1) Nicholas Paxton of Durham City, postmaster
(2) Martyn Nicholson of Durham City, grocer
Bargain and Sale from (1) to (2) of a messuage and garth in Old Elvet [As in D/X 686/1 and 2]
Consideration: £150
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/930 January 1719/20
(1) Thomas Thompson of Old Elvet, yeoman and Henry Reah of New Elvet, jeweller
(2) Martin Nicholson of Elvet, gentleman
Bond for the performance of feoffment of even date
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/1023 and 24 November 1719
(1) Matthew Robson of Shereburne House, tailor James Whitehead of Whitley, Northumberland, yeoman William Wrightson of Stella pethhead, yeoman and Jane his wife daughter of Edward Whitehead of Whickham, yeoman, deceased, Dorothy Whitehead of Newcastle, spinster
(2) Martin Nicholson of Old Elvet, merchant
Lease and release of a tenement and garth in Old Elvet [As in D/X 686/1,2, and 8]
Consideration: £16
(Parchment, 3 membranes)
Ref: D/X 687/1112 July 1720
(1) Martin Nicholson of Old Elvet, gentleman
(2) Thomas Philipson of Shincliffe, gentleman
Agreement for the division of a messuage and garth in Old Elvet purchased in common of Cuthbert Clarke. [ As in D/X 686/1,2,8,10 ]
Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/12Abstract of title to a messuage in Old Elvet, 1719-20. [ As in D/X 86/1,2,8,10,11 ]
1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/13Receipt from John Wilkinson for 10 shillings bequeathed to him by his uncle, Cuthbert Clarke and to be paid out of a house in Old Elvet, 18 October 1720. [ D/X686/1,2,8,10,11 ]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/14Quaker certificate of marriage in Shotton and Norton Meeting between Robert Foster, son of Thomas and Sarah Foster of Hawthorn and Elizabeth Dodshon, daughter of Nicholas and Elizabeth Dodshon of Shotton, 10 November 1726
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/159 January 1742/3
Will of Sarah Doubleday, late of Butterby, now of Durham, spinster bequeathing small sums
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/1620 October 1743
(1) William Dodshon of Durham City, mercer, grocer, haberdasher, ironmonger and salter, Nicholas Dodshon of Shincliffe, gentleman
(2) Robert Forster of Hawthorn, gentleman, Thomas Forster, his son, Warren Mand of Sunderland, gentleman, Nicholas Dodshon of Hawthorn, gentleman
Apprenticeship indenture of Thomas Forster to William Dodshon
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/178 September 1747
(1) Joseph Yates of Cloak Lane, Woolstapler
(2) Ralph Doubleday of Bishopgate Street, London, indicomaker, George Appleby of Lombard Street, London,banker
Bond whereby (1) agrees that his intended wife Margaret Westgarth or any children of the marriage shall receive £500
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/188 September 1747
(1) Joseph [Yates]
(2) Margaret Westgarth of Durham City, spinster
(3) Ralph Doubleday of Bishopgate and [George Appleby]
Settlement on the marriage of (1) and (2) [Part of document removed]
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/193 September 1751
(1) Elizabeth Doubleday of Butterby, widow
(2) Martin Doubleday of Butterby, gentleman Robert Foster of London, merchant
Lease for one year from (1) to (2) of 2 messuages, formely a barn, and an orchard in Old Elvet, all formerly in the possession of Cuthbert Clarke [D/X 686/7 ] and one messuage with a garth formerly in the occupation of Joseph Porter in Old Elvet [D/X 686/1,2,8,10, 11,13]
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/204 September 1751
(1) Frances Doubleday of Butterby, spinster, daughter of Humphrey Doubleday of Butterby, deceased, gentleman
(2) Thomas Foster of Durham City, merchant
(3) Martin Doubleday of Butterby, gentleman Robert Foster of London, merchant
Settlement upon the marriage of (1) and (2) whereby (1) assigns in trust to (2) £100 chargeable on the estate of Humphrey Doubleday at Broomhill and £90 devised to (1) by Sarah Doubleday
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/20aQuaker marriage certificate between Thomas Foster of Durham City, merchant and Frances Doubleday of Butterby, spinster at Bishop Auckland meeting, 17 September 1751
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/2113 December 1751
(1) Thomas Foster of Durham City, mercer, grocer, haberdasher, ironmonger and salter
(2) William Hutchinson of North Bailey, gentleman and Thomas Hutchinson, his son
Apprenticeship indenture of Thomas Hutchinson to (1)
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/221756 [day and month not specified]
(1) Dodshon Foster of Lancaster, merchant, one of the younger sons of Robert Foster of Hawthorn, deceased
(2) Thomas Foster of Claypath, merchant, eldest son of Robert Foster
Agreement that (1) should accept £500 as his share in the estate of his father
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/23Certificate of discharge from his debts of Thomas Foster of St. Nicholas, Durham, a bankrupt, 18 June 1767 (Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/242 September 1771
(1) Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgess of the Borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed
(2) Ralph Doubleday of Butterby, gentleman
Bargain and Sale from (1) to (2) of Far Cow Close, (150 acres)
Consideration: £500
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/253 September 1771
(1) Ralph Doubleday of Butterby, gentleman
(2) Mayor, Bailiff and Burgesses of the Borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed
Counterpart lease for 99 years from (1) to (2) of far Cow Close (150a.) in Berwick-upon-Tweed
Rent: Annuity of £76
(Parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/X 687/263 September 1771
(1) Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the Borough of Berwick-upon- Tweed
(2) Ralph Doubleday of Butterby, gentleman
Bond from (1) to (2) for the payment to (2) of an annuity of £76
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/273 June 1773
(1) Ralph Doubleday of Butterby, gentleman
(2) Mayor, Bailiff and Burgesses of the Borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed
Lease for 99 years from (1) to (2) of First Horse Close (43a.)
Rent: £44 p.a.
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/283 June 1773
(1) Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the Borough of Berwick-upon- Tweed
(2) Ralph Doubleday of Butterby, gentleman
Bond from (1) to (2) for the payment of an annuity of £44 in payment for the demise from (2) to (1) of a close in Berwick
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/29Extracts from Elvet Moor Enclosure Award concerning awards to Thomas Philipson and Frances Forster, 17 May 1773
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 687/30Note requesting that the award made to Frances Foster, wife of Thomas Foster, of Durham City, merchant, under the enclosure of Elvet Moor be conveyed to Martin Doubleday of Butterby, gentleman and Robert Foster of Worcester, merchant, both trustees under the marriage settlement of Frances, nee Doubleday and Thomas Foster of 4 September 1751, c.1775 (1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/3124 May 1773
(1) Thomas Philipson of New Elvet, gentleman
(2) Martin Doubleday of Butterby, gentleman
Lease (Release missing) for one year of a parcel of land in Bracket Hill on Elvet Moor [Boundaries specified]
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/32n.d.
(1) Ralph Doubleday
(2) Stephen Gilly
Lease [document torn away] At end: Schedule of household fixtures which may be removed at the end of the lease
Rent: £36 p.a.
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/331 November 1773
(1) Thomas Foster of Durham City, merchant
(2) John Hays of Durham City, gentleman
Lease for 6 years from (1) to (2) of an allotment on Elvet Moor assigned to Frances Foster, wife of (1). Detailed clauses specifying tillage and use of land
Rent:£7 p.a.
(I paper)
Ref: D/X 687/3410 June 1776
Will of Elizabeth Doubleday of Butterby, widow bequeathing all land in Butterby to Ralph Hopper and Joshua Hopper in trust to realise all her assets and divide them into 8 parts. One eighth part to go each to sons Humphrey, Thomas, Ralph, Nicholas, Henry and one eighth each to daughter Hannah, wife of William Hutchinson of Durham City; to daughter Francis, wife of Thomas Forster of Durham City, merchant and to daughter Elizabeth, wife of Robert Walker of Sunderland near the Sea, coalfitter
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/35Codicil to will of Elizabeth Doubleday of Butterby, widow leaving one eighth share of estate intended for son, Thomas, now deceased to be shared between his children. A similar arrangement is to apply to other legatees, 26 August 1776
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/36Codicil to will of Elizabeth Doubleday of Butterby, widow, ordering payment of £310 in trust for daughter Frances, wife of Thomas Forster, in addition to one eighth of testator' s estate due to Frances, 10 March 1777
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/37Legal opinion on the will of Mrs. Doubleday, c. 1778
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/38Case by Christopher Fawcett concerning Mrs. Doubleday's will, 25 March 1781
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/397 February 1788
(1) Bowes Grey of Old Elvet, gentleman
(2) Frances Foster of Old Elvet, widow Robert Foster of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant, Sarah Foster of Old Elvet, spinster
Bond from (1) to (2) that (2) has the right to repurchase Griffin's Waste in Old Elvet after the death of (1) and of his wife, Joyce
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/40Writ of summons issued by Court of Chancery addressed to Frances, Sarah and Robert Foster, 2 March 1790
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 687/41Letter from R. Doubleday, Newcastle to his aunt, Frances Foster, Old Elvet, Durham concerning a Chancery subpoena due to be served on the latter, 24 March 1790
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/42Bill of costs incurred by J. Ward in the conveyance of an allotment from Mrs. Forster, Elvet to Mr. Wilkinson, May 1809
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 687/43Genealogy of Humphrey and Elizabeth Doubleday of Butterby, 1704-1813
(1 paper, linen backed)