Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 1094 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Earl of Eldon's estate, railway and harbour plans
Covering Dates: 1820-1911
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- Miscellaneous documents
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BRA 2605Catalogue Contents
Earl of Eldon's Estate (Ref: D/X 1094/1-3)Ref: D/X 1094/1
'Plan of an estate at Preston-le-Skerne belonging to the Right Honourable the Earl of Eldon, surveyed in 1822 by Thos. Peacock Junr.',
Gives field names, acreages; table of contents describing farms and occupiers, also land taken for the Clarence and the Newcastle and Darlington railway, recording original area, additions, deductions and present area
Scale: 4 chains to 1 inch [1 : 3168]
(1 plan, parchment, 86 cm. x 99 cm., coloured)
Ref: D/X 1094/2Ordnance Survey maps: Durham sheet XLII.5
Second edition, 1897, coloured
Scale: 25" to 1 mile, 1 : 2500
(3 plans, paper)
Ref: D/X 1094/3Ordnance Survey maps: Durham sheet XXXV.14 NE
Ferryhill Station and Chilton: copies enlarged from revision of 1896, partially revised 1911, for Inland Revenue
Scale: 1 : 1250
(2 plans, paper)
[D/X 1094/2-3 were originally labelled as showing railways through the Earl of Eldon's estate; they are unmarked]
Deposited Plans (Ref: D/X 1094/4-11)Ref: D/X 1094/4'Plan and section of the intended Railway or Tram Road from Stockton by Darlington to the collieries near West Auckland, with several intended branches of railway or tram road in the county of Durham, 1820, from the line marked out by Geo. Overton, engineer. Dd. Davies, surveyor'
Includes branches to Coundon Turnpike Gate and Hagger Leases Lane; table of reference giving distances of main and branch lines.
Endorsement of deposit with the Clerk of the Peace for Durham, 30 September 1820
Scale: 80 chains or 8 furlongs to 4 inches [1 : 15840]
For another copy see: Q/D/P7
(1 plan, paper on linen, 288 cm. x 97 cm.)
Ref: D/X 1094/5'Plan and section of the intended Railway or Tramroad from Stockton by Darlington to the collieries near West Auckland in the county of Durham and of several branches therefrom, and of the variations and alterations intended to be made therein respectively, and also of the additional branch of railway or tramroad proposed to be made, 1822' Geo. Stephenson, engineer
Main line and branches coloured blue, proposed deviations coloured red, and additional branch [to Croft] coloured yellow
Endorsement of deposit with the Clerk of the Peace for Durham, 28 September 1822
Scale: 80 chains or 1 mile to 4 inches [1 : 15840]
For another copy see: Q/D/P8
(1 plan, paper on linen, 287 cm. x 117 cm., coloured)
Ref: D/X 1094/6Plan of 2 branches of the Stockton to Darlington railway, branch terminating in the grounds of Thomas Hustler, esq., Middlesbrough, and branch terminating in the grounds of William Brown, esq., Cleveland Port or Cargofleet
Endorsement of deposit with the Clerk of the Peace for Durham, 27 November 1827
No scale [approx. 1 : 15840]
For another copy see: Q/D/P25
(1 plan, paper on linen, 60 cm. x 47 cm., coloured)
Ref: D/X 1094/7'Plan and section of the alterations, extensions and amendments, also the additional branches proposed to be made in and to the Clarence Rail Way from the River Tees near Haverton Hill in the parish of Billingham to Sim Pasture Farm in the parish of Heighington, and the branches therefrom .....
..... all in the county of Durham. Made in 1831 by Edward Steel, civil engineer.'
Includes city of Durham, Durham to Sherburn, Durham to Byers Green, Chilton and Stockton branches
Scale: 20 chains to 1 inch [1 : 15840]
For another copy see: Q/D/P45
(1 plan, paper, 242 cm. x 149 cm., coloured)
Ref: D/X 1094/8'Plan and sections of the alterations, extensions and amendments also the additional branches proposed to be made in and to the Clarence Railway from the River Tees near Haverton Hill in the parish of Billingham to Sim Pasture Farm in the parish of Heighington and the branches therefrom ........
.........all in the county of Durham, by Edward Steel, civil engineer, 1832'
The Clarence railway as sanctioned by Acts of Parliament shown in black, proposed alterations and additional branches shown in red (Chilton branch, Etherley branch, Deanery branch and St. Helens Auckland branch)
Scale: 20 chains to 1 inch [1 : 15840]
For another copy see: Q/D/P48
(1 plan, paper on linen, 150 cm. x 165 cm., coloured)
Ref: D/X 1094/9'Plan of a railway or tramroad commencing at or in the Stockton and Darlington Railway near the junction of the said railway with the Blackboy branch thereof in the township of East Thickley and terminating in a field in the occupation of John Bainbridge situate in the township of Frosterly and on the south side of the turnpike road leading from the city of Durham to the town of Stanhope with two branches therefrom all in the county of Durham', Thomas Storey, engineer, Richard Otley, surveyor, 30 November 1836
Endorsement of deposit with the Clerk of the Peace for Durham, 30 November 1836, [section marked 'A' referred to in endorsement as annexed to plan is missing]
Scale: 4 inches to 1 mile [1 : 15840]
For another copy see: Q/D/P76
(1 plan, paper on linen, 166 cm. x 70 cm.)
Ref: D/X 1094/10'Plan and section of an intended railway to be called the Wear Valley Railway with an intended branch therefrom to be called the Bishopley Branch of the said railway, all in the county of Durham' by John Dixon, engineer, 1844
Endorsement of deposit with the Clerk of the Peace for Durham, 30 November 1844
Scale: 20 chains to 1 inch [1 : 15840]
For another copy see: Q/D/P145
(1 plan, paper on linen, 134 cm. x 74 cm.)
Ref: D/X 1094/11'Plan and sections of proposed harbour of refuge at Hartlepool, November, 1854' J.M. Rendel, F.R.S., engineer
Includes breakwaters, sea walls, piers and docks from Seaton Carew to Hartlepool, and Hartlepool township
Scale: 4 chains to 1 inch [1 : 3168]
For another copy see: Q/D/P208
(1 plan, paper on linen, 211 cm. x 97 cm., coloured, mounted on roller)