Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 669 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Satley, Hill Farm, deeds
Covering Dates: 1694-1861
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Description
Material deposited on long term loan,18 May 1981
(Acc: 1303 (D))
County Record Office,
County Hall,
DHl 5UL.
Catalogue Contents
Ref: D/X 669/1
21 April 1694
(1) Thomas Rippon of Low Mill, yeoman
(2) Robert Rippon of Low Mill, yeoman
Quit claims by (1) to (2) and (2) to (1) of moieties in the Bryars Croft, the Well Garth, the Mill Hill (5 acres in all), Satley Milne and the tithes arising from the above mentioned properties, all at Satley to the intent that they become tenants in common of the property and not joint tenants. Recites conveyance to them of 26 April 1675
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/221 April 1694
Counterpart of D/X 669/1
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/319-20 December 1709
(1) Thomas Rippon of pattricks Closehouse, Butsfeild, yeoman (only son and heir of Thomas Rippon late of Lowmill) and Jane his wife
(2) William Taylor of Satley, yeoman
(3) William Rippon of Lowmill, milner (only son and heir of Robert Rippon)
Lease and Release by (1) to (2) of a moiety of lands etc at Satley specified in D/X 669/1.
Quit claim by (3) to (2)
Consideration: £95
(Parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/X 669/41-2 May 1716
(1) William Taylor of Satley, yeoman and Catherine his wife
(2) William Rippon of Satley, yeoman
Lease and Release by (1) to (2) of a moiety of property in Satley as specified in D/X 669/1
Consideration: £100
(parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/X 669/511 August 1727
(1) Thomas Kirkley of Hamstells, gentleman
(2) Thomas Rippon of Wolsingham, yeoman
Declaration of trust by (1) to (2) of the tithes of hay, calf, lamb and wool upon (2) 's property at Butsfield called Fine House. Recites conveyance from Fenwick to Kirkley of 9-10 August 1727
Consideration: £4 9s 6d
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/621 October 1727
(1) John Fenwick of Bywell, Northumberland, Esquire
(2) Ralph Widdrington of Cheesburne Grainge, Northumberland, Esquire
(3) William Rippon of Satley, yeoman
Release (lease missing) by (1) to (3) of tithes of hay, wool, lamb, calf, goose, pig and hen upon land called Blakelocks Fyne in the parish of Lanchester.
Recites previous deeds
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/730 November 1726
(1) Ralph Widdrington
(2) William Rippon
Agreement to convey tithes.
Formerly enclosed in D/X 669/6
(I paper)
Ref: D/X 669/829 April 1741
Admittance of Robert Rippon, son and heir of William Rippon deceased to 2 acres of land at Satley (parcel of 5 acres of land there) . Halmote Court of the Bishop of Durham for Butsfield, Broomsheels, Coltpighill and Satley
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/921 April 1764
Admittance of Thomas Rippon, son and heir of Robert Rippon deceased, to 2 acres of land at Satley
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/109 March 1765
Probate of the will of Robert Rippon of Satley, yeoman (dated 10 August 1763) devising all real estate to son Thomas
(Parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/X 669/113 March 1766
Probate of the will of Thomas Rippon of Elmpark, Wolsingham, yeoman (dated 4 November 1765) devising Fine House, Lanchester to Elizabeth Rippon his wife for life thence to son Thomas Rippon charged with £20 to other son William and £5 to daughter Dorothy
(Parchment, 2 membranes, pendent seal)
Ref: D/X 669/127 November 1766
Admittance of Elizabeth widow of Thomas Rippon to a moiety of 1 messuage and 3 acres of land on the north of Steely
Details of Elizabeth Rippon's copyhold allotments from Lanchester Common
Attached: details of previous admittance to above property (21 April 1723)
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 669/1312 June 1777
Letters of Administration of the goods and chattels of William Rippon of Durham, merchant, deceased granted to his brother Thomas Rippon
(Parchment, 1 membrane, pendent seal)
Ref: D/X 669/14Receipt for 16s. rent for Lanchester allotments from Thomas Rippon, 6 September 1781
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 669/1515 March 1784
(1) Jane Ridley of East Butsfield, widow (formerly Jane Hixon)
(2) Thomas Rippon of Durham, merchant
Surrender by (1) to (2) of the north moiety of a house formerly called a barkhouse (5.5yds x 6yds) upon such trusts as (1) shall direct in her will. Halmote Court of the Bishop of Durham, Wolsingham
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/1610 May 1803
Probate of the will of Thomas Rippon of Silver Street, Durham, merchant (dated 21 September 1802) devising to eldest son William his real estate at Chapel in the parish of Stanhope and at Satley (the latter charged with £20 p.a. to testator 's wife Elizabeth, £1000 to younger son Robert, £100 to daughter Jane wife of Joseph Walton etc
(Parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/X 669/171 September 1807
Admittance of William Rippon of Stanhope Ha~11, farmer, only surviving son and heir of Thomas Rippon, to a moiety of a messuage and a parcel of land on the North of Steely (3a.); and allotments of 7 acres and 1a lr 35p from Lanchester Common (boundaries specified) .Halmote Court of the Bishop of Durham
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/184 November 1818
(1) William Rippon of Stanhope Hall
(2) Cuthbert Rippon of Stanhope Castle, Esquire
Conditional surrender by (1) to (2) of Fine House described as a moiety of one messuage and one parcel of land lying north of Steely, and two allotments from Lanchester Common, to secure £300 and interest by way of mortgage
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/199 June 1823
(1) William Rippon
(2) Thomas and John Rippon, sons of (1)
Agreement whereby (2) will pay £300 due on mortgage, provide for (1) and his wife for life, pay legacies of £10 to Mary Rippon and Elizabeth Waggot (daughters of (1)) after his death. All of (1)'s stock and crops at Stanhope Hall with all furnishings etc pass to (2)
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 669/2018 September 1826
(1) Thomas Emmerson of Frosterley, farmer and George Raw of Wharney Burn, farmer
(2) John Potts of Swalwell, butcher
(3) William Rippon of Durham, merchant
Agreement between (1) (2) and (3), all land owners at Butsfield,regulating use of waters from Byerlay Spring and construction of drainage channels etc
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 669/2126 February 1830
(1) Cuthbert Rippon of Stanhope Castle, Esquire
(2) William Smith Batson of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire and Christopher Myers of Newcastle, druggist
Conditional surrender by (1) to (2) of Fine House, near Steely in Butsfield and Satley and two allotments of Lanchester Common being an assignment of a mortgage to secure £300 and interest
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/2214 January 1832
(1) Thomas Rippon of Fine House, Lanchester, farmer (eldest son and heir at law of William Rippon late of Stanhope Hall)
(2) John Fenwick of Newcastle upon Tyne, gentleman
Assignment by (1) to (2) of his equity of redemption in properties at Fine House and Lanchester (as specified in D/X 669/18 and D/X 669/21 herein recited) to secure £35 and interest
Consideration: £35
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/23Plan and description of Thomas Rippon's allotments from Lanchester Common, n.d. [early 19th Century]
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 669/2420 May 1834
(1) William Smith Batson and Christopher Myers
(2) John Fenwick
(3) William Gibson of Wolsingham Park, farmer
Assignment by (1) to (3) of their first mortgage, and by (2) to (3) of his second mortgage, on premises specified (Fine House and two allotments of Lanchester Common)
Recites previous mortgage deeds etc
Consideration: £300 (3) to (1) and £35 (3) to (2)
(Parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/X 669/2520 May 1834
(1) William Smith Batson and Charles Myers
(2) William Gibson
Surrender by (1) to (2) of Fine House and allotments of Lanchester Common as specified, being an assignment of a mortgage on the same to secure £300 and interest
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/2611 June 1834
(1) Thomas Rippon late of Stanhope, labourer (sued with John Rippon) an Insolvent Debtor now in Durham Gaol
(2) Samuel Sturgis of Lincoln's Inn Fields, gentleman, Provisional Assignee under the Act of 7 George IV
Copy assignment by (1) to (2) of all his estate
(Parchment, 1 membrane, printed form)
Ref: D/X 669/2713 October 1834
(1) Samuel Surgis, Provisional Assignee of the Estate and Effects of Insolvent Debtors in England
(2) Joseph Rutledge of Stanhope, shoemaker
Conveyance by (1) to (2) of the estate of the Insolvent Debtor Thomas Rippon upon trust for the benefit of the latter's creditors.
Recites D/X 669/26
(Parchment, 1 membrane, printed form)
Ref: D/X 669/28Particulars and conditions of sale of Fine House Farm, Satley, with purchase agreement of Ralph Byerly, 19 January 1835
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 669/291 May 1835
(1) Joseph Rutledge of Stanhope, shoemaker (assignee of Thomas Rippon)
(2) William Gibson of Wolsingham Park, farmer
(3) Ralph Byerley of Lanchester, gentleman
(4) Nicholas Greenwell of Lanchester, gentleman and William Reed the younger of Newbiggin, farmer
Conveyance by (1) to (3) of tithes upon the copyhold estate of Fine House formerly belonging to Ralph Widdrington. Surrender by (1) and (2) to (4) of the said copyhold estate upon trust for (3) and the trusts of his will.
Recites previous deeds
Consideration: £60 (3) to (1), £368 5s 6d by (3)to (2)
(Parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/X 669/301 May 1835
(1) Joseph Rutledge of Stanhope, shoemaker (assignee of Thomas Rippon) and William Gibson of Wolsingham Park, farmer
(2) Nicholas Greenwell of Lanchester, gentleman and William Reed the younger of Newbiggin, Lanchester, farmer
Surrender by (1) to (2) of Fine House and two allotments of Lanchester Common as specified, upon such trusts as Ralph Byerley shall direct. Recites previous surrenders, mortgages, assignment by Rippon, apportionment of purcha~se money. Halmote Court
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/31Office copy of the will of Ralph Byerley of Lanchester, gentleman (dated 29 December 1847). Annuity of £100 to wife Barbara charged upon farms at Newbiggin in the township of Lanchester which he devises to nephews William Reed and Thomas Reed. £2000to William Reed. Devises to William Reed and Ralph Reed (great nephews) the estate at Butsfield charged with £30 annuity to their father John Reed. Devises to Mary Matilda Hedley and Jane Wilkinson Hedley estates at Middlewood, Lanchester and South Moor House, Medomsley. Legacies to various nieces and nephews etc. Note of probate, 6 May 1848
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 669/3210 September 1853
(1) Nicholas Greenwell of Lanchester, gentleman and William Reed of Newbiggin, farmer
(2) Ralph Byerly Reed of Newcastle upon Tyne, cartwright and joiner
(3) William Rippon of Durham, gentleman
Covenant by (2) with (3) for the surrender by (1) and (2) to (3) of Fine House (including the allotments of Lanchester Common. Covenant to produce title deeds. Recites previous deeds
Consideration:£610 (3) to (2)
(Parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/X 669/3310 September 1853
(1) Nicholas Greenwell, William Reed and Ralph Byerley Reed
(2) William Rippon
Surrender by (1) to (2) of Fine House etc including two allotments of Lanchester Common
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 669/34Ordnance Survey sheet XVIIl 1st edition, with property around Satley coloured in. Endorsed: J.M. Rippon, 1861
Scale: 1:10560
(1 plan, 90cm x 60cm, printed, coloured additions)
Ref: D/X 669/35Plan of fields at Fine House belonging to Ralph Byerley, n.d. [1830s-40s]
Scale: 4 chains to 1 inch [1:3168]
(1 plan, 25cm x 26cm)