Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 1171 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Rules for colliery managers
Covering Dates: 1874; 1951-1955
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Description
Records deposited on long-term loan15 August 1997 Acc: 2465(D)
Catalogue Contents
Ref: D/X 1171/1
Colliery Manager's "Calculator", containing practical rules and tables for the solution of various questions connected with mining, written for the use of mine agents, by W. Fairley, 1874
(1 volume, cloth-bound)
Ref: D/X 1171/2Surveying practice and statutory plans, Part 1, N.C.B. (Production) Codes And Rules, 1951
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: D/X 1171/3Surveying practice and statutory plans, Part 2, N.C.B. (Production) Codes and Rules, 1955
(1 volume, cloth bound)