Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 1548 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Ryhope Coal Company
Covering Dates: 1875-1925
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Description
Records given:8 August 2006 Acc: 3271(D)
Ryhope Colliery operated between 1859 and 1966. It was run by the Haswell Coal Company at first, was registered as a limited joint stock company known as The Ryhope Coal Company Limited, on 21 December 1875. The two minute books below were found in a field in the 1970s.
Catalogue Contents
Ref: D/X 1548/1
Minute book of the Ryhope Coal Company Limited, 23 December 1875 - 21 June 1888
(1 volume, leather bound)
Ref: D/X 1548/2Minute book of the Ryhope Coal Company Limited, 10 January 1918 - 30 December 1925
(1 volume, leather half-bound)