Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 2122 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Sam Watson, trade unionist, diaries
Covering Dates: 1956-1967
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Description
Sam Watson (1898-1967) was a trade unionist and active member of both the Labour Party and the Durham Miners' Association, serving as chairman of the latter from 1947. He was awarded a CBE in 1946.See also D/DMA (Sam Watson) for further papers and correspondence, both official and personal.
Catalogue Contents
D/X 2122 Miscellaneous documents - Sam Watson, trade unionist, diaries (Ref: D/X 2122/)Diary (Ref: D/X 2122/1)Ref: D/X 2122/1
Diary of Sam Watson, 13 January - 9 July 1956
(1 volume)
Essays (Ref: D/X 2122/2/1-4)Ref: D/X 2122/2/1Handwritten essay titled 'It occurred to me' [by Sam Watson] regarding the importance of young, active members in any organisation and system of miners' lodges in Durham as a means to achieve this, June 1938
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(7 papers)
Ref: D/X 2122/2/2Handwritten essay titled 'It occurred to me' [by Sam Watson] regarding the reading of 'good literature' as a means to help clear thinking and correct action, August 1938
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(7 papers)
Ref: D/X 2122/2/3Handwritten essay titled 'It occurred to me' [by Sam Watson] regarding William Morris, including copies of two of Morris' speeches or essays, 'Useful Work v Useless Toil' and 'A Factory as it Might Be', October 1938
[Continued in D/X 2122/2/4]
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(7 papers)
Ref: D/X 2122/2/4Handwritten essay titled 'It occurred to me' [by Sam Watson] regarding William Morris, including tributes to Morris and excerpts from articles or essays written by him, [November 1938]
[Continued from D/X 2122/2/3]
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(7 papers)
Press Cuttings (Ref: D/X 2122/3/1-8)Ref: D/X 2122/3/1Press cutting from The New York Times regarding the political situation in the Soviet Union in the years since Stalin's death and the front it has presented to the world before and since, 17 June 1956
Endorsed with a poem [possibly written or quoted by Sam Watson], implying that the only people who need to fear free speech are those with something to hide
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 2122/3/2Press cutting from the New York Herald regarding a goodwill tour of China by Labour party leaders, including Sam Watson, 27 September 1954
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 2122/3/3Press cutting from the Manchester Evening News regarding a visit to China and Russia by Labour party leaders, including Sam Watson, 27 September 1954
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 2122/3/4Press cutting from 'Truth' [possibly a supplement to The Observer] regarding a conference in London concerning the proposed European Defence Community, the visit of Labour leaders to China, naming Sam Watson and describing him as the only member of the party prepared to ask difficult questions, and the importance of Clement Atlee remaining leader of the Labour Party, 1 October 1954
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 2122/3/5Press cutting from The Observer praising a party political broadcast made by Sam Watson and an article written by him in the Observer the previous week, 1 October 1954
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 2122/3/6Press cutting from unknown publication regarding Sam Watson's views on whether Britain should join the European Economic Community (EEC), n.d. [1950s]
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 2122/3/7Press cutting from unknown publication regarding a statement by Sam Watson that Durham miners do not regularly beat their wives, prompted by a former Durham miner being convicted of attempting to murder his wife, n.d. [1950s]
Endorsed 'Thanks to Sam'
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 2122/3/8Press cutting from The Northern Echo in which Sam Watson argues that Britain should be part of the European Common Market, 4 March 1967
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(1 paper, printed)
Miscellaneous (Ref: D/X 2122/4-7)Ref: D/X 2122/4Guest list, with assigned tables, for a dinner held by the Labour Party for the Soviet Delegation, guests include Sam Watson, n.d. [1950s]
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 2122/5List of personal names, grouped under heading of Eastern European countries, with no further explanation, n.d. [1950s]
[Originally enclosed in D/X 2122/1]
(4 papers)
Ref: D/X 2122/6Business card of Beba Idelson, General Secretary of Women Workers' Council (Moetzet Hapoalot), Tel-Aviv, with message on reverse greeting 'Jennie' and mentioning 'our dear friend Sam', n.d. [1950s]
(1 card, printed)
Ref: D/X 2122/7Card with 'Mr. I. V. Kurchatov' typed with the same name written above in Russian, n.d. [1950s]
[Originally paper clipped to front page of D/X 2122/1]
(1 card)