Durham Light Infantry Records
Reference: D/DLI 7 Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Area: Catalogue Category: Antiquarian and Composite Records Description: Individual Soldiers - surnames G: Ge to Gl
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- Durham Light Infantry Records
- 14412000 Private Edward Trevor GEDGE (Ref: Gedge D/DLI 7/246/1)
- Charles Hilton Rodney GEE, M.C. (Ref: Gee D/DLI 7/247/1)
- John GEE (Ref: Gee D/DLI 7/248/1-2)
- Captain (acting Major) Alfred Morris GELSTHORPE, D.D., D.S.O. (Ref: Gelsthorpe D/DLI 7/249/1-2)
- 8346 Private, later Major Charles GIBBENS, D.S.O., M.C., D.C.M. (Ref: Gibbens D/DLI 7/250/1-3)
- 31964 Private Henry GIBSON (Ref: Gibson D/DLI 7/251/1-2)
- W. GILBERTSON (Ref: Gilbertson D/DLI 7/252/1)
- Second Lieutenant Arthur Brooks GILES (Ref: Giles D/DLI 7/880/1-1(106))
- 325637 Sergeant Ernest GILL M.M., D.C.M. (Ref: Gill D/DLI 7/881/1-2)
- Major-General Robert Rollo GILLESPIE (Ref: Gillespie D/DLI 7/253/1-6)
- 15519 Sergeant Henry GINGELL (Ref: Gingell D/DLI 7/254/1)
- 4469737 Corporal John Henry GLADDEN (Ref: Gladden D/DLI 7/255/1-4)
- 22/407 Private William GLENDINNING (Ref: Glendinning D/DLI 7/256/1-5)
Catalogue Description
Records of soldiers who served in The Durham Light Infantry regiment and predecessor units.Associated people and organisations:
Gedge, Edward Trevor
Gee, Charles Hilton Rodney
Gee, John
Gelsthorpe, Alfred Morris
Gibbens, Charles
Gibson, Henry
Gilbertson, W.
Giles, Arthur Brooks
Gill, Ernest
Gillespie, Robert Rollo
Gingell, Henry
Gladden, John Henry
Glendinning, William
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, Battalion 2nd
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, Battalion 5th
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, Battalion 7th
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, Battalion 8th
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, Battalion 9th
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, Battalion 11th
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, Battalion 12th
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, Battalion 16th
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, Battalion 19th
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, Battalion 22nd
British Army, 106th Regiment of Foot (2nd Bombay European Light Infantry)
Catalogue Contents
11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Born Durham, 1924; residence Durham; died, 27 June 1944
9th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Medals in DLI Medal Collection.
'C' Company, 7th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Ref: D/DLI 7/248/1151 Machine Gun Company, 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Second in Command of 151 Machine Gun Company from 1915; commanded 207 Machine Gun Company, from October 1916; mentioned in despatches, 7 November 1917 and 1 March 1919; overseas service with British Expeditionary Force, France, including Passchendaele, and in Mesopotamia; later Assistant Bishop on the Niger, Bishop in the Sudan and Assistant Bishop of Southwell
2nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, attached to 12th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Entry in McGregor; enlisted as a boy in 2nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, 1903; commissioned from Sergeant as Second Lieutenant, 5 March 1916; Lieutenant, 5 September 1917; acting Captain 12th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, 22 September 1917 - 5 January 1918; temporary Captain, 6 January - 27 October 1918; temporary Major, 28 October 1918 - December 1919; Captain, 17 March 1920 when retired; served in France and Belgium, 1914 - 1916 and 1917; in Italy 1917 - 1918; wounded; mentioned in despatches, London Gazette, 5 June 1919; promoted Second Lieutenant for services in the field; Distinguished Service Order citation, London Gazette, 10 December 1919
19th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Ref: D/DLI 7/251/12nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Ref: D/DLI 7/252/15th Battalion The Durham Light Infantry
Born 14 November 1898; enlisted in Royal Army Medical Corps c. February 1915; commissioned into 5th Battalion by 1917; in training at Hornsea, Yorkshire, in 1917; prisoner of war at Pillau Camp and Rastatt Camp, Germany, 1918; enlisted in Royal Air Force during Second World War, then served in India until independence in 1947 when he was discharged on health grounds; died 6 March 1972
9th Battalion The Durham Light Infantry
Ref: D/DLI 7/881/12nd Bombay European Light Infantry and 106th Regiment
Entry in McGregor; Ensign, Bombay Army, 8 June 1849; 2nd Bombay European Regiment, 25 June 1850; Lieutenant, 3 July 1855; Captain 106th Foot, 30 July 1862; Major, 11 September 1868; Lieutenant-Colonel, 13 August 1873; commanded 106th Light Infantry, 13 August 1873 - 4 September 1877; Brevet Colonel, 22 October 1878; Major-General, 31 December 1887
The Durham Light Infantry
Ref: D/DLI 7/254/170th Battalion, later 16th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Ref: D/DLI 7/255/122nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Born Cornforth, Co. Durham; residence Coxhoe, Co. Durham; enlisted Deaf Hill, Co. Durham; killed in action, 4 March 1917