Durham Light Infantry Records
Reference: D/DLI 7 Catalogue Title: Durham Light Infantry Records Area: Catalogue Category: Antiquarian and Composite Records Description: Individual Soldiers - surnames R: Roc to Roy
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- Durham Light Infantry Records
- 4447931 Company Sergeant-Major William Turnbull ROCHESTER, D.C.M. (Ref: Rochester D/DLI 7/949/1-25)
- 12621 Company Sergeant-Major William ROGERS (Ref: Rogers D/DLI 7/950/1)
- Major Patrick Leslie ROME, M.C. (Ref: Rome D/DLI 7/593/1-3)
- Major John Henry ROPNER (Ref: Ropner D/DLI 7/594/1-7)
- Lieutenant-Colonel John Brenchley ROSHER, D.S.O., M.C. (Ref: Rosher D/DLI 7/595/1-7)
- Colour-Sergeant J.F. ROSS (Ref: Ross D/DLI 7/596/1-3)
- Brigadier-General Sir Walter Charteris ROSS, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G. (Ref: Ross D/DLI 7/597/1-14)
- Major Henry Donald ROSSETER (Ref: Rosseter D/DLI 7/598/1)
- Captain George Frederick ROWE, M.C. (Ref: Rowe D/DLI 7/951/1-15)
- Sergeant J.H. ROWELL (Ref: Rowell D/DLI 7/952/1)
- 22562372 [Private] John ROWLAND (Ref: Rowland D/DLI 7/599/1-2)
- Colonel Christopher ROWLANDSON (Ref: Rowlandson D/DLI 7/600/1-2)
- Lieutenant Christopher Orlebar ROWLANDSON (Ref: Rowlandson D/DLI 7/601/1-3)
- Major Samuel Messiter ROWLANDSON (Ref: Rowlandson D/DLI 7/602/1-19)
- Private Thomas ROWLANDSON (Ref: Rowlandson D/DLI 7/603/1-11)
- 81670/4435896 Acting Corporal Alfred John ROYAL (Ref: Royal D/DLI 7/953/1-2)
Catalogue Contents
2nd Battalion The Durham Light Infantry
Born 1913; enlisted 13 January 1930; served with The Durham Light Infantry in India 1933 - 1937, Sudan 1937 and North West Europe 1944; discharged 13 March 1945; awarded Distinguished Conduct Medal, London Gazette Supplement 19 October 1944.
11th Battalion The Durham Light Infantry
Born c. 1883; attested 12 August 1914; served in 'B' Company, 11th Battalion during the First World War; formerly in the Grenadier Guards, served in the South African War from 1899; also served in Spennymoor Home Guard 1939 - 1945; died December 1945.
2nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Entry in McGregor; Second Lieutenant, 1941 - 1942; Lieutenant, 1942 - 1944; Captain, 1944 - 1955; Major, 1955 - 1958
1st Durham Rifle Volunteers, later 1st Volunteer Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
1st Durham Rifle Volunteers, 1878 - 1879; 1st Volunteer Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, 1881 - [1901]
14th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Born 1890; commissioned as a Second Lieutenant, 1914; commanded 14th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, September 1916 and October 1916 - January 1918; awarded the Military Cross, 1916; gained the Distinguished Service Order for commanding 14 DLI in the capture of Cantaing, France, 21 November 1917; awarded the bar to his Distinguished Service Order for defending Marcoing, France, 3 December 1917; commanded Machine Gun Battalion, 6th Division, from 1 February 1918; served as a staff officer during the Second World War; died 1965, aged 75. Medals in DLI Medal Collection.
The Durham Light Infantry
Ref: D/DLI 7/596/168th Light Infantry and 1st Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Entry in McGregor; born, 5 August 1857; commissioned from militia, Second Lieutenant, 2nd Foot, 29 September 1877; 68th Foot, 31 October 1877; Lieutenant, 16 July 1880; Captain, The Durham Light Infantry, 5 November 1887; Major, 31 October 1896; retired 1908. Medals in DLI Medal Collection.
2nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Entry in McGregor; born, 1852; Lieutenant 1st Royal Lanark Militia, 1871 - 1875; Lieutenant 106th Foot, 1875 - 1881; Captain 2nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, 1881 - 1890; Major, 1890 - 1896; Instructor of Musketry 106th Foot, 1879 - 1881; Adjutant Great Indian Peninsula Railway Volunteer Corps, 1887 - 1890; D.A.A.G. (Musketry) Bombay, 1891 - 1894; A.A.G. (Musketry) Madras 1894; died of fever at Poona, 1896.
1/5th Battalion The Durham Light Infantry
Born London 1888; enlisted as a private in the London Regiment in August 1914; commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the 5th Battalion The Durham Light Infantry in September 1915; wounded and taken prisoner during the German offensive at Lys on 11 April 1918; held as a prisoner of war until 22 December 1918; awarded the Military Cross in September 1918; died 1976. Medals in DLI Medal Collection.
4th Volunteer Battalion The Durham Light Infantry
Served in the South African War.
1st Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Ref: D/DLI 7/599/11st Administrative Battalion Durham Rifle Volunteer Corps and 4th Volunteer Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Joined 1860; honorary colonel, 5 July 1885 - 23 February 1894. Medals in DLI Medal Collection.
3rd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Entry in McGregor; son of Colonel Christopher Rowlandson; second lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, 29 June 1900; served with 23rd Battalion Mounted Infantry in South African War, 1900 - 1902; second lieutenant, regular commission, 14 September 1901; half pay, 1907; died, 16 April 1909. Medals in DLI Medal Collection.
4th Battalion, later 3rd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Born Durham, 1887; second lieutenant, 13 April 1898; temporary lieutenant, 7 May 1900; captain [by 3 November 1901]; major commanding 3rd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, [by 11 November 1918]; served in South African War with 4th Battalion, 1901; First World War with 3rd Battalion, 1914 - 1918. Medals in DLI Medal Collection.
6th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Also served in 50th (Northumbrian) Divisional Signal Company of the Royal Engineers
4th Battalion The Durham Light Infantry
Born 1899; enlisted in 4th Battalion The Durham Light Infantry 24 April 1917; re-enlisted Seaham Harbour 27 February 1919; also served in the West Yorkshire Regiment.