Westwood Council Mixed School
Reference: E/NW Catalogue Title: Westwood Council Mixed School Area: Catalogue Category: Education Records Description:
Covering Dates: 1879-1999
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- Westwood Council Mixed School
Catalogue Description
Westwood Council Mixed SchoolIncludes Infants from 1919
Catalogue Contents
E/NW Westwood Council Mixed School (Ref: E/NW)Log Books (Ref: E/NW 65-66,101-103)Ref: E/NW 103
28 April 1879 - 19 August 1910
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW1016 September 1989 - 26 July 1999
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW10212 March 1951 - 22 July 1977
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW652 September 1910 - 29 September 1933
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW663 October 1933 - 9 March 1951
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
School Governors and Managers Minutes (Ref: E/NW/C26)Ref: E/NW/C2617 January 1905 - 4 March 1935
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Admission Registers (Ref: E/NW/F41-F49)Ref: E/NW/F4128 April 1879 - 23 August 1887
(1 volume, card bound)
Ref: E/NW/F426 December 1886 - 23 August 1897
(1 volume, card bound)
Ref: E/NW/F431 September 1897 - 17 August 1909
(1 volume, card bound)
Ref: E/NW/F4415 February 1910 - 11 July 1932
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F4516 August 1909 - 18 August 1913
(1 volume, card bound)
Ref: E/NW/F4623 August 1932 - 23 February 1948
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F473 March 1948 - 2 September 1992
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F48Admission register for pupils under compulsory school age, 6 January 1947 - 30 August 1948
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F49Admission register for pupils over compulsory school age, 6 January 1947 - 23 July 1948
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Summary Registers (Ref: E/NW/F50-F58)Ref: E/NW/F506 September 1918 - 31 March 1920
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F517 July 1933 - 31 March 1938
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F521 April 1938 - 31 March 1943
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F532 April 1943 - 31 December 1946
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F5431 December 1946 - 27 July 1951
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F5514 September 1951 - 20 July 1956
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F567 September 1956 - 29 July 1960
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F579 September 1960 - 24 July 1964
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/F587 September 1964 - 19 July 1968
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Miscellaneous (Ref: E/NW/G 76-154)Staff (Ref: E/NW/G )Teaching staff (Ref: E/NW/G 126, 135)Ref: E/NW/G126Pupil teacher agreements for the following:
Isabella Wheatley, 20 November 1879
Isabella Walton, 21 December 1882
Margaret Smith, 25 January 1883
Tom R. Smith, 20 February 1885
Margaret Thompson, 16 December 1886
Margaret Holland, 8 December 1888
Sarah J. Fenwick, 8 December 1888
Florence Lane, 12 December 1890
John T. Hume, 12 December 1890
Phyllis J. Elliott, 30 November 1892
Elizabeth J. Turnbull, 2 November 1893
Isabella Parker, 25 October 1894
Margaret Scott, 16 October 1896
Hannah Armstrong, 17 August 1899
Frances e. Coxford, 19 October 1899
Laura Beatrice Liddell, 20 November 1902
Dora Armstrong, 20 November 1902
John Anderson, 16 December 1903
(17 papers and 1 file)
Ref: E/NW/G135Reports on the performance of pupil teachers in examinations, Form 27B, 1897 - 1900
(1 file)
Non-teaching staff (Ref: E/NW/G 144, 146-147)Ref: E/NW/G144Record of the appointment of ancillary staff, 2 November 1948 - 25 September 1958
(1 volume, paper bound)
Ref: E/NW/G146Terms of appointment for the school cleaner, 21 October 1886
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G147List of duties of school cleaners and caretakers, c.1950
(1 card, 28.7 cm. x 3.5 cm.)
War pensions (Ref: E/NW/G 153)Ref: E/NW/G153Correspondence between the Overseas Military forces of Canada, 7 Millbank, London; John Riley, Naval and Military War Pensions Committee, Derwentcote House, Rowlands Gill; Ministry of Pensions, Royal Hospital, Chelsea, London; R.J. Chaytor, 'Fernlea', Hamsterley Colliery; Australian Imperial Force, 130 Horseferry Road, London; Naval and Military War Pensions Act, Lanchester District Committee, Council Offices, Annfield Plain; Regimental Paymaster, York; Commonwealth of Australia, High Commissioner's Office, Australia House, Strand, London; The Lord Derby War Hospital, Warrington, Lancashire; the Insurance Committee for the County of Durham, 20 New Elvet, Durham; Stationery Office, Peter Street, Manchester, Lancashire; Officer i/c Records, Northumberland Fusiliers, York; concerning the payment of war pensions to named individuals, 16 April 1917 - 10 April 1988
(29 papers)
Newsletters (Ref: E/NW/G 58-61)Ref: E/NW/G58Newsletter, nos. 1-3, 5-7, 9-10, 1956
(23 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G59Newsletter, nos. 1-11, 1957
(56 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G60Newsletter, nos. 1-11, 1958
(74 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G61Newsletter, nos. 1-11, 1959
(94 papers)
Circulars issued by Durham Education Department, Department for Education (Ref: E/NW/G 62-75, 100-102)Ref: E/NW/G100List of books on teaching mathematics in primary schools; curriculum for 'Discovery With Numbers'; curriculum for 'Mathematical Structure (using environmental materials)'; curriculum for 'Mathematical Structure: Notation and Number Relationships', c.1970
(7 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G101'Planning Mathematical Experiments', by A.J.C., June 1971
(2 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G102Curriculum for teaching 'sets', by A.J.C., and D.O. Holland, 1972
(6 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G62Clerical Assistants in Schools, 20 March 1953
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G63School Libraries, 1957-58, 9 September 1957
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G64Regulations for the Grammar Schools Admission Examination, 1958, December 1957
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G65Training of Teachers and Ministry of Education Courses for Qualified Teachers, 1958-59, 20 January 1958
(4 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G66Instructions re Supplies to Schools (applicable to the year 1958-59), 10 February 1958
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G67Instructions re Supplies to Schools (applicable to the Year 1958-59), 24 February 1958
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G68Dysentery, 24 March 1958
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G69County Inspector of Schools, 24 March 1958
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G70Report of the Burnham Committee on Scales of Salaries in Primary and Secondary Schools (1956), 19 May 1958
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G71County Regulations (Part VI) relating to secondary schools in the County Administrative Area with the exception of the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees (excepted division), June 1958
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G72County Inspector of Schools and Eastablishments of Further Education, and County Organiser of Handicraft, 7 July 1958
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G73School Libraries, 1958-59, 8 September 1958
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G74School Holidays, 8 September 1958
(1 paper)
Ref: E/NW/G75Scheme for the exercise of powers under Section 10 of the Employment and Training Act, 1948, n.d., c.1948
(2 papers)
Punishment books (Ref: E/NW/G 76)Ref: E/NW/G76Punishment book, 14 December 1920 - 9 January 1963
(1 volume, card bound)
Accidents (Ref: E/NW/G 77, 292)Ref: E/NW/G 292Note by E.V. Smith, Headmaster of High Westwood County Mixed School with enclosed accident form relating to a fatal injury of a pupil Derrick Doyle, of 49, Fourth Street, Watling Bungalows, Leadgate, who at the age of 7 was hit by a bus and died on the way to hospital, 10 July 1950
[Originally enclosed in E/NW 103]
(2 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G77Accident book, 10 December 1951 - 10 November 1971
(1 volume, paper bound)
Visitors books (Ref: E/NW/G 78-79)Ref: E/NW/G78Visitors' book, 17 January 1905 - 18 November 1958
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G79Visitors' register for open days, 23 November. n.y. and 24 April 1997
(1 volume, plastic bound)
Schemes of work and curricula (Ref: E/NW/G 80-99)Ref: E/NW/G80Scheme of work, 1915 - 1916
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G81Syllabus book, c.1925
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G82Syllabus book, c.1925 - c.1928
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G83Syllabus book, c.1929
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G84Syllabus book, 10 September 1951
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G85Syllabus book, 10 September 1951
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G86Syllabus book for needlework and hygiene and physical training,
10 September 1951
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G87Syllabus book, 1 September 1960
(1 file)
Ref: E/NW/G88Scheme of work for arithmetic and mathematics, reading, English, geography, history, nature study, singing and drill, drawing, needlework, n.d.
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G89Scheme of work, n.d. 1960s
(86 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G90Curriculum for teaching number at stages 1-4, c.1970
(19 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G91Curriculum for 'Mathematics Through discovery', c.1970
(5 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G92Curriculum for Let's Explore Mathematics', c.1970
(4 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G93Curriculum for arithmetic for first to third year junior school pupils, c.1970
(3 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G94Curriculum for teaching mathematics for classes 4 and 5 in the infants' school and third and fourth year junior school pupils, c.1970
(4 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G95Curriculum for teaching length, height and areas, c.1970
(7 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G96Curriculum for a practical mathematics programme by A.J.C., c.1970
(3 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G97Curriculum for the introduction of metric measurements: a project on personal measurements, c.1970
(3 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G98Content of syllabus in arithmetic for backward classes and suggestions for remedial work, c.1970
(3 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G99Curriculum for 'Another Approach to Environmental Studies', c.1970
(7 papers)
Stock Books (Ref: E/NW/G 103-122)Ref: E/NW/G103Permanent stock book, 1 April 1916 - 31 March 1921
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G104Permanent stock book, 1 April 1937 - 31 March 1951
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G105Permanent stock book for domestic science, April 1949 - October 1959
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G106Permanent stock book, 1 April 1951 - 31 March 1961
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G107Permanent stock book, 1960 - 1967
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G108Permanent stock book, 1966
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G109Permanent stock book, 1971 - 1978
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G110Consumable stock book, 1 April 1934 - 31 March 1939
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G111Consumable stock book, 1 April 1935 - 31 March 1944
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G112Consumable stock book for handcrafts and science, 1 April 1937 -
31 March 1942
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G113Consumable stock book, 1 April 1938 - 31 March 1944
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G114Number not used
Ref: E/NW/G115Consumable stock and stores book for handicraft and science, 1 April 1942 - 31 March 1951
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G116Consumable stock and stores book, 1 April 1943 - 31 March 1951
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G117Consumable stock and stores book, 1 April 1943 - 31 March 1951
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G118Consumable stock book, 31 April 1950 - 31 March 1956
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G119Consumable stock and stores book for woodwork and science, 31 March 1956 - 23 July 1959
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G120Consumable stock book, 31 March 1956 - 1 September 1960
(1 volume, lealther half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G121Consumable stock book, 1 September 1960 - 31 March 1968
(1 volume, lealther half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G122Consumable stock book, April 1968 - September 1971
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Special Subjects Record Books (Ref: E/NW/G 123-125)Ref: E/NW/G123Special subjects record book for cookery, for pupils from High Westwood and Blackhill Roman Catholic schools, 22 November 1949 - 27 February 1953
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: E/NW/G124Special subjects record book for domestic science, 2 March 1953 - 7 September 1956
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: E/NW/G125Special subjects record book for domestic science, 17 September 1956 - 24 July 1959
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Returns and statistics (Ref: E/NW/G 127, 131, 140-143, 145)Ref: E/NW/G127Duplicate returns, giving details of finances, attendance, names of school teachers, and so on, Form 9B, 1883 - 1890, 1892 - 1901, 1903
(19 files)
Ref: E/NW/G131Return, and claim, giving attendance figures and lists of staff at the school, Form 9 and Form 9E, 1891, 1902, 1904 - 1916, 1918, 1920 - 1925
(4 papers and 19 files)
Ref: E/NW/G140Duplicate returns giving statistics, Form 96E, 1924 - 1944
(21 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G141Returns of teachers and salaries, Form B, 1925 - 1928, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1939, 1940, 1944
(19 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G142Returns of teachers giving details of teachers' service required under the School Teachers (Superannuation) Acts, 1918 - 1924, 31 March 1926
(5 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G143Returns of teachers and salaries, Form B(a), 1945, 1948 - 1957, 1959 - 1962
(14 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G145Return of allowances, including general requisition for stationery, library books, games, school prizes, Form E15(A), 1952 - 1958
(7 papers)
Inspectors' reports (Ref: E/NW/G 128, 133-134, 138-139)Ref: E/NW/G128Copy reports of H.M Inspectors, Form 17a, 1883 - 1885, 1890 - 1904
(4 papers and 19 files)
Ref: E/NW/G133Reports of H.M. Inspector on drawing instruction, Form 523, 1892, 1895 - 1897
(4 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G134Report on the standard of drawing in the school, Form 1294J, 1893 and 1894
(2 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G138Copy report of H.M. Inspectors, on mixed and infants' schools, Form 35, 1905, 1907, 1908
(6 papers and 3 files)
Ref: E/NW/G139Copy reports of Durham County Council's inspections of the mixed and infants' schools, 1906, 1907
(4 papers)
Examinations (Ref: E/NW/G 129-132, 136)Ref: E/NW/G129Duplicate examination schedules, listing names of candidates, Form 61, 1883 - 1894
(10 papers and 1 file)
Ref: E/NW/G130'Lists of children examined for Certificates of Proficiency under No. 5 of the Regulations of 12 April 1883, and not under Art. 109 of the Code', Form 63, 1888, 1894, 1896
(5 papers)
Ref: E/NW/G132Examination (drawing) schedule, listing teacher of drawing and candidates for the examination, Form 1294d, 1891 - 1897
(5 files)
Ref: E/NW/G136Proficiency schedule: lists of children examined for certificates of proficiency, Form 63, 1899, 1901 - 1904
(1 paper and 1 file)
Other records (Ref: E/NW/G137, 302)Ref: E/NW/G302List of pupils of Medomsley Westwood Infant Board School, n.d. [1880s]
Previously enclosed in E/NW/F41
(1 paper)
School building (Ref: E/NW/G 148)Ref: E/NW/G148Letter from the North-Eastern Electric Supply Company Limited, Carliol House, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to the Headmaster, Westwood Council School, enclosing a schedule of the electrical installation at the school, 12 October 1937
(6 papers)
School projects (Ref: E/NW/G 149-152)Ref: E/NW/G149'Coal', a brief description of the organisation of a coal mine, with illustrations, by S. Reed, July 1939
(1 volume, card bound)
Ref: E/NW/G150'Our Water Supply', a brief description of the organisation of water supply in north-west Durham, with illustrations, July 1940
(1 volume, card bound)
Ref: E/NW/G151Temperature record, 6 April 1959 - 25 September 1959
(1 volume, paper bound)
Ref: E/NW/G152Temperature record, 24 January 1994 - 19 July 1994
(1 volume, paper-bound)
Photographs (Ref: E/NW/G 154)Ref: E/NW/G154Photograph of unidentified group of small children and their teachers, n.d., c.1960
Originally enclosed in E/NW G82
(1 photograph, 14.3 cm. x 10.3 cm., sepia)
Ref: E/NW/G137Schedule of grants payable, Form 17A, 1905
(1 paper)