This section contains information about the records we keep and how you can search our collections.
Find out what records we keep using search options, a gateway to all the searchable databases of our archive collections.
To get an overview of the collections select search the catalogue. Scroll down the search screen past Search Details to Refine Options. Select the Catalogue Title drop-down list to see an A-Z list of catalogues you can view online.
If you are interested in a particular type of record, see the Category drop-down list on the search the catalogue screen. Our catalogues are organised in 14 separate categories:
- Antiquarian and Composite Records
- Business and Industry Records
- Business and Industry Records (Solicitors)
- Charity and Society Records
- Ecclesiastical Parish Records
- Education Records
- Estate and Family Records
- Indexes
- Library
- Local Authority Records
- Non-Conformist Church Records
- Other Records
- Public Records
- Trade Union and Employers’ Association Records
Select a category to display all the relevant catalogue titles.
Find out more about popular archive collections:
Coal Mining and Durham Collieries
Durham Light Infantry Archives
Take a look at records from the collections in our Picture Gallery and on the Learning Zone.