Brancepeth Estate
Reference: D/Br/D Catalogue Title: Brancepeth Estate Area: Catalogue Category: Estate and Family Records Description: Deeds (part 04) places B
Covering Dates: 1563-1828
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- Brancepeth Estate
Catalogue Contents
Brancepeth Estate (Ref: D/Br)Deeds (Ref: D/Br/D)Brancepeth (continued) (Ref: D/Br/D 1594-1706)Willington (Ref: D/Br/D 1594-1612)Ref: D/Br/D 1594
21 April 1679
(1) Charles Pickering the elder of Willington, yeo.
(2) Charles Pickering the younger of Willington, yeo.
Feoffment of a messuage and kilne, together with a close called Lowhill and the Brew, containing in Willington, as specified
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/Br/D 15952 December 1707
(1) Charles Pickering of Willington, yeo.
(2) Charles Pickering the younger of Willington, yeo.
Feoffment of a messuage and malt kilne adjoining, together with his closes called the Lowhill and the Brow, all of which are in Willington
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/Br/D 15963 December 1707
(1) Charles Pickering the elder of Willington, yeo., and Charles Pickering the younger of Willington, yeo.
(2) Humphrey Darnton of Sunderland by the Bridge, blacksmith
Mortgage by lease for a term of 99 years of a messuage and malt kilne, together with lands called Bowhill and the Brew, all in the township of Willington
Consideration: £30
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/Br/D 1597-159811 July 1712
(1) Charles Pickering the elder of Eldon, yeo., and Margaret, his wife, Charles Pickering the younger, yeo., and Margaret, his wife
(2) Humphrey Darneton of Sunderland nigh the Bridge, blacksmith
Lease and release of a messuage and malt kilne in Willington, as specified, together with an orchard and parcel of ground adjoining called Lowbill and the Browe, containing also in Willington, as specified
Consideration: £60
(parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/Br/D 159911 July 1712
(1) Charles Pickering senior of Eldon, yeo., and Charles Pickering junior of Eldon, yeo.
(2) Humphrey Darneton of Sunderland near the Bridge, blacksmith
Bond in £120 for the performance of covenants concerning a messuage, malt kilne and lands in Willington
(1 paper, Latin/English)
Ref: D/Br/D 160029 July 1712
(1) Humphrey Darneton, plaintiff
(2) Charles Pickering the elder and Margaret, his wife, Charles Pickering the younger and Margaret, his wife, deforciants,
Final concord of messuages and lands in Willington
Consideration: 100 silver marks
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: D/Br/D 160129 July 1712
(1) Humphrey Darneton, plaintiff
(2) Charles Pickering the elder and Margaret, his wife, and Charles Pickering the younger, and Margaret, his wife, deforciants
Copy of final concord as at D/Br/D 1600 above
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: D/Br/D 160212 December 1712
(1) Charles Pickering the elder, yeo.
(2) Humphrey Darneton, blacksmith
Mortgage for a term of 999 years from (1) to (2) of 2a. of lands near Pedgebank Gate, in a parcel of ground called the Crowne Hill, part of the townfields of Willington
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/Br/D 160317 October 1722
Letters of administration granted to Jane Darnton of Croxdale to administer the estate of the late Humphrey Darnton, her husband
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: D/Br/D 1604-160518 and 19 August 1730
(1) Humphrey Darnton of Bunderland Bridge, blacksmith
(2) Martin Wilkinson of Crossgate, Durham City, taylor
(3) Mary Wilkinson of Crossgate, spinster, daughter of (2)
Lease and release being a settlement on the marriage of (1) and (3) from (1) to (2) of a farm with several closes of land and a malt kiln, divided into 2 messuages, in Willington, as specified; together with an orchard and pasture adjoining called Lowbill and the Browe containing also in Willington, as specified
Consideration: £50
(parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/Br/D 160620 June 1798
(1) Humphrey Darnton of Corohill, London, haberdasher
(2) Humphrey Belmont Darnton of Brabam, Cambridge, gent.
(3) John Henry Schneider, John Relph, James Hammond, and Thomas Purguand, all of London, trustees
(4) Rev. Frederick Wollaston, George Wollaston, James Mathew, Hurst Wharton Borwick, and Robert Carss, all of Bury St. Edmunds, executors of the will of John Spink
(5) Joseph Aldridge, Thomas Wilkinson, Mathew Bloxam, James Bulcock, Thomas Wilkinson the younger, William Sims, and others not named, creditors of (1)
Attested copy of conveyance and assignment in trust for creditors from (1) and (2) to (3) with the consent of (4) and (5) of a messuage and malt kiln in Willington, as specified, together with an orchard and pasture called Low Hill and the Browe of; and several massuages in Church Street, East Greenwich, as specified, and a messuaga in Finch Lane, Cornhill, as specified, together with all goods etc.
(1 file, paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1607-160821 and 22 April 1800
(1) John Henry Schneider, John Ralph, Andrew Stirling, James Hammond and Thomas Turquand
(2) Humphrey Darnton and Humphrey Belmont Darnton
(3) Thomas Palmer of London, gent.
(4) William Thomson of London, gent.
(5) George Tomlinson of London, gent.
Lease and release being a deed to make a tenant to the praecipe and lead the uses of a common recovery of a messuage, orchard and lands called the Lowhill and the Browa and an allotment of c.2a.2r.18p. originally part of the common fields of Willington now known as 2 cottages and a parcel of land called the Home Close and another unnamed close, all of which are in Willington
Consideration: £315
1 and 2 November 1803
(1) John Henry Schneider
(2) John Ralph, Andrew Stirling and James Hammond
Lease and release being an assignment from (1) to(2) of lands as above
(parchment, 7 membranes)
Ref: D/Br/D 160911 September 1800
(1) William Thomson, damandant
(2) Thomas Palmer, tenant
Exemplification of a common recovery by double vouchee between (1) and (2) for lands as at D/Br/D 1607-1608 above
Vouchees are John Henry Schneider, John Ralph, Andrew Stirling, James Hammond, Thomas Turquand and Humphrey Belmont Darnbon
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/Br/D 1610-161111 and 12 November 1804
(1) John Ralph, Andrew Stirling and James Hammond
(2) John Greenwell of Willington, Esq.
(3) Ann Matthews of Chester-la-Street, widow
Lease and release from (1) to (2) of lands as at D/Br/D 1607,1608 above
Consideration: £300
(parchment, 5 membranes)
Ref: D/Br/D 161210 June 1805
Letters of administration granted to Ann Matthews of Chester-le-Street, to administer the estate of Martin Wilkinson of Crosgate, Durham City, taylor (parchment, 1 membrane)
Low Wooley Farm (Ref: D/Br/D 1613-1641)Ref: D/Br/D 161318 January 1563/64
(1) Robert Bowes of Busshopwarmowth [Bishopwearmouth], Esq.
(2) John Dobyson of Willyngton, yeo.
Bargain and sale of a tenement in Willyngton in the tenure of Thomas Jaxon and a little close of 1/2a. adjoining, one close in Willyngton called Thornye Cruke of c.24a. as specified, another small close in Willyngton of c.4a. abutting on the Crowne Hill Field and 26a. of arable land lyinq in the several fields of Willyngton, a close in Stockley nigh Willyngton called Whynnye Law of c.28a. as specified
Consideration: £80
(parchment, 1 membrane, pendant seal defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 161430 January 1563/64
(1) Robert Bowes, Esq.
(2) John Dobyson, yeo.
Feoffment of lands as at D/Br/D 1613 above
(parchment, 1 membrane, pendant seal defective, Latin)
Ref: D/Br/D 161530 January 1563/64
(1) Robert Bowes, Esq.
(2) John Dobyson, yeo.
Copy feoffment as at D/Br/D 1614 above
(1 paper, Latin)
Ref: D/Br/D 161620 February 1563/64
(1) Robert Bowes, Esq.
(2) William Foster of Willington, yeo.
Bond in £40 for the performance of covenants set out in indentures of even date
(parchment, 1 membrane, pendant seal defective, Latin/English)
Ref: D/Br/D 161720 August 1564
(1) Robert Layton of Durham City, merchant; Humphrey Brake of Willington, yeo.; and William Foster of Willington, yeo.
(2) John Dobyson, yeo.
Quitclaim of lands as at D/Br/D 1613 above
(parchment, 1 membrane, pendant seals defective, Latin)
Ref: D/Br/D 16181 January 1595/96
(1) Henrie Dobinson of Willington, husbandman
(2) Ralph Tatam of Willington
Lease for 6 years of a fourth part of lands as at D/Br/D 1613 above
Consideration: £16
(parchment, 1 membrane, pendant seal defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 16191662
(1) Thomas Watson of Waldrig, yeo.
(2) Henry Forster of Chestr., gent.
Articles of agreement for the lease of a farm in Wallinton [Willington]
(1 paper, applied seals defective, badly damaged)
Ref: D/Br/D 162015 November 1666
(1) John Robinson of Willington, yeo., and Railph Robinson, his son
(2) Henry Forster, yeo.
Acknowledgement of satisfaction over damage caused by building new house walls by (2)
Consideration: £20
(1 paper, applied seals defective, badly damaged)
Ref: D/Br/D 162124 June 1669
Order concerning responsibility for a water [course] or conduit in Willington, disputed by John Robinson and Henry Forster of Willington, yeo.
(1 paper, badly damaged)
Ref: D/Br/D 1622-162330 April and 1 May 1708
(1) Henry Dobyson of Willington, yeo.
(2) Richard Johnson of Brancepeth East Park, yeo.
Mortgage by lease and release for securing £160 and interest of several closes called Wrights Peice, New Close, Banke Hill, lying in Willington; and all riggs in the west townfields of Willington called Half Roodes
(parchment, 2 membranes, applied seals)
Ref: D/Br/D 16241 June 1709
(1) Robert Wilson, tailor
(2) William Downes [of Willington]
Bond in £30 for the performance of covenants
(1 paper, applied seals, badly damaged)
Ref: D/Br/D 162514 July 1713
(1) Robert Spearman, gent., plaintiff
(2) Henry Dobinson and Alice, his wife, deforciants
Final concord for lands in the parish of Brancepeth
Consideration: 100 silver marks
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: D/Br/D 162627 February 1723/24
(1) Thomas Dobinson of Bishop Auckland, yeo.
(2) Henry Forster of Durham City, merchant
Articles of agreement for the conveyance of 2 closes in Willington called Wrights Peace and Cow Close
Consideration: £235
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 162723 and 24 June 1724
(1) Robert Spearman of Durham City, gent., Thomas Dobinson of Bishop Auckland, yeo., and Eleanor, his wife
(2) Henry Forster of Durham City, merchant
Lease and release of 2 closes within the township of Willington called Wrights Peece and New Close, with boundaries as specified
Consideration: £235
(parchment, 2 membranes, applied seals defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 162824 June 1724
(1) Thomas Dobinson, yeo.
(2) Henry Forster, merchant
Covenant to produce deeds to prove title to lands as at D/Br/D 1627 above, with schedule of deeds, 18 January 1564 - 1 January 1596
(parchment, 1 membrane, applied seal defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 162924 June 1724
(1) James Nicholson of Durham City, Esq.
(2) Henry Forster, merchant
Covenant to produce deeds to prove title to several closes called Whinney Law, Wrights Peice and New Close in Stockley and Willington respectively, with schedule of deeds, 23 June 1713 - 4 June 1720
(parchment, 1 membrane, applied seal defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 1630Robert Spearman, solicitor's bill and receipt for work carried out for Henry Forster, 3 September 1724
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1631Schedule of deeds, 18 January 1563/64 - 24 June 1724 of land in [Willington and] Stockley belonging to Thomas Dobinson, n.d. [1724]
(1 paper, badly damaged)
Ref: D/Br/D 1632Abstract of title, 23 June 1713 - 19 September 1724, to premises at Willington called Whinney Law, purchased by James Nicholson, Esq., of Thomas Dobinson, n.d. [1724]
(1 file)
Ref: D/Br/D 1633A list of lands had "on John Brack" [in Willington]
n.d. [c.1725]
A list of "Sunday Preachers", 1725
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1634-16351 and 2 May 1733
(1) Henry Forster, alderman
(2) William Forster of Durham City, merchant, son of (1)
Lease and release of closes called The Peace of c.6a., and The Toddalls of c.4a., in Willington as specified
(parchment, 2 membranes, applied seals)
Ref: D/Br/D 1636Letter from W[illiam] Dixon to Henry Forster at Durham concerning the Downes deeds and the bond upon Hall, 22 February n.y. [c.1740s]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1637/1-2Notes of the purchase of Pickering's and Robinson's lands by Henry Forster, 1720, 1723 and 1742, n.d. [1740s]
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Br/D 1638A list of lands in the East and West townfields of Willington exchanged between Henry Forster and James Nicholson, n.d. [1740s]
(1 Paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1639/1-2Rough notes relating to the ownership of lands in Willington, n.d. [c.1740s]
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Br/D 1640A list of fee farm rents [in Willington], n.d. [c. 1740s]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1641Receipt of John Elliot for £199 19s.11d. from William Russell for the purchase of a farm at Low Wooley, 6 October 1811
(1 paper)
Lands of Henry Forster Mills (Ref: D/Br/D 1642-1657)Ref: D/Br/D 1642-164323 and 24 September 1742
(1) Henry Forster of Durham City, alderman
(2) William Forster of Durham City, alderman, son of (1)
Lease and release of a messuage in Willington as specified, with closes called Calf Close, Blue Cap, Wright's Peece, Hott Close, Old Pasture, Well Bank, East and West Townfield and Pasture Banks together with several other messuages in Willington as specified with closes called Bank Close, Farr Pasture Bank, Todd Lees, Hulls Little Close, Little New Close, Middle New Close, Farr New Close, Paddock/Parrock, Hott Close and Great Hott Close; a close called Fenletch in the township of Stockley; and a messuage in Willington as specified with closes called The Bank, Hul1's New Close and Stagg's Garth
(parchment, 2 membranes, applied seals)
Ref: D/Br/D 16447 July 1752
Copy will of Henry Forster of Durham City, alderman and merchant, as follows:
To William Forster, his son, as sole executor, all real and personal estate, to be chargeable for legacies to nephews
20 February 1758 Letters of administration granted to Rev. Robert Davison, John Mason and Thomas Hornsby to the use during the minority of Henry Mills, grandson of testator
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 16454 October 1755
Copy will of William Forster of Durham City, alderman, as follows:
To Rev. Robert Davison, Thomas Hornsby, alderman and John Mann, gent., all of Durham, as trustees, all real estate in trust for Henry Mills, his nephew, with remainders as specified; several monetary bequests to family; Henry Mills is sole executor; proved 17 July 1756
(1 file)
Ref: D/Br/D 16468 July 1765
(1) Henry Mills of Durham City, Esq.
(2) Robert Fenwick of Lemington, Northumberland, Esq., and Elizabeth Fenwick, spinster, his daughter
(3) John Orde of- Morpeth, Northumberland, Esq.
Copy assignment from (1) to the use of Elizabeth Fenwick on their intended marriage, of lands as at D/Br/D 1642-1643 above except The Bank, Hulls New Close and Staggs Close
Consideration: £600 from (2) to (1)
(1 file)
Ref: D/Br/D 164720 and 21 November 1794
(1) Henry Mills
(2) Henry Forster Mills
(3) Archbishop of York and Alicia Harriet Markham, spinster, his daughter
(4) William Markham and William Hoar, Esqs.
(5) Rt. Hon. Thomas Orde and Osborne Markham, Esq.
Copy (made 1815) abstract of the marriage settlement of (2) and Alicia H. Markham for several messuages at Helm Park in Wolsingham and Witton-le-Wear
(1 file)
Ref: D/Br/D 16482 February 1798
(1) Henry Mills of Willington, Esq., and Elizabeth, his wife (nee Fenwick)
(2) Rev. Henry Forster Mills of Castle Eden, clerk
(3) Ralph Ord of Sands, Esq.
(4) Samuel Castle of Durham City, gent.
Release to create (4) tenant to the praecipe for suffering a common recovery of a capital messuage in Willington, together with a messuage, also in Willington, as specified, and closes as at D/Br/D 1642-1643 above; 27 riggs of land within the several townfields of Willington, as specified; a messuage belonging to William Dunn in Willington with closes called New Close, New Close Heads, Oxclose and Paddock, Jordan Letch, Garth Ends, Toddall's Close, Townfield Close and Broom Close; several riggs in Willington called East Crown Hill Field with boundaries as specified; several riggs in the East and West Crownhill fields as specified; a messuage, shop and garth in Willington with boundaries as specified, with several closes called East Field, Eleven Riggs, Broom Field, Cow Close Riggs, Partridge Thorn Rigg, Eight Half Roods; Two Crow. Nest Riggs and Five Wheat Field Riggs; several messuages situated at The Burn near Willington, several closes called Drury Dales/ Allerburn and Upper Row Field in Helmington Row; a messuage and garth in Willington in the occupation of John Carter; a messuage in Willington formerly in the occupation of Ann Moss, with boundaries as specified; 2 closes in Willington called Cow Close and part of the Lady Acre, as specified; 19 riggs and 3 butts of land in Willington of c.3a.2r.6p. as specified; an allotment of 8a.3r.5p. formerly part of Willington Moor, as specified; an allotment of 108a.3r.11p. also formerly part of Willington Moor, as specified; an allotment of 6a.17p. formerly part of Stockley Moor, as specified; several closes called White Close, Long Riggs, Short Riggs, The Oaks, High Dean Bank, Middle Dean Bank, Robinson s Wood, Low Dean Bank and Woody Bank in Helmington Row as specified; a messuage and 2 shops in the Market Place, Durham City and pew in the parish church as specified; 2 shops and one other messuage in Durham City, with boundaries as specified; a close in Alvertongate near Durham City, as specified and a messuage in Fleshergate with appurtenances as specified;a messuage in the occupation of William Humes in Willington; and a close in Willington called Burnmouth
(parchment, 9 membranes, applied seals defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 164922 July 1799
Agreement for the sale of 1a. of land in Willington by Isabella Davison, widow, to Henry Mills for £60
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1650/1-27
Correspondence between H.F. Mills at Bath, William Russell at Brancepeth Castle, Elizabeth Mills at Willington and J[ohn] Ward at Durham concerning the purchase of an estate in Willington by William Russell from Henry Forster Mills, 22 October 1814 - 10 June 1815
(29 papers)
Ref: D/Br/D 1651AgreementAgreement to quit a farm held under Mrs Mills at Willington by John Stobbs on payment of £30, 13 January 1815
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1652Agreement to quit a farm held under Mrs Mills at Willington by Henry Scott on payment of £16, 13 January 1815
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 165314 January 1815
(1) Rev. Henry Forster Mills of Bath, clerk, and Elizabeth Mills of Willington, widow
(2) William Russell of Brancepeth Castle, Esq
Articles of agreement for the purchase of a messuage in willington with outhouses, stable, coach house, gardens, pleasure grounds, lawn or paddock; a field of 6a. on the south-east of the turnpike road; several messuages; several farms in Willingon and Stockley, as specified, containing together c.271a.; several messuages in Willington as specified
Consideration: £17,000
(1 file)
Ref: D/Br/D 165428 June 1815
(1) William Russell, Esq., plaintiff
(2) Rev. Henry Forster Mills, clerk, and Elizabeth Mills, widow, deforceants
Final concord of lands in Willington and Stockley
Consideration: 100 silver marks
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/Br/D 165528 June 1815
(1) William Russell
(2) Rev Henry Forster Mills and Elizabeth Mills
Final concord as at D/Br/D 1654 above
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/Br/D 16561815
Addition to Rev. H.F. Mills' abstract of title, May 1809, to his estate at Willington being an abstract of the settlement made on the marriage of Rev. W. Nesfield and Miss Marianne Mills, 1815
(1 file)
Ref: D/Br/D 1657Abstract of title, 3 November 1621 - 11 January 1804, to an estate at Escomb and Willington belonging to John Perkin and Ralph Robson, n.d. [c.1815]
(1 file)
Nackshivan (Ref: D/Br/D 1658-1662)Ref: D/Br/D 165811 September 1798
(1) Henry Mills of Willington, Esq.
(2) Eliza Mills, spinster, daughter of (1)
(3) Anthony Salvin, Esq., Paymaster of H.M.'s 3rd regiment of Norfolk Militia
(4) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esq., and Rev. Henry Forster Mills of Castle Eden
Copy release (made 22 May 1821) from (1) to (4) being a settlement on the marriage of (2) and (3) of a farm and several parcels of land in the township of Willington called Nackshivan of c.108a., as specified, to the uses, as specified
(1 file)
Ref: D/Br/D 1659-166014 and 15 May 1821
(1) Anthony Salvin and Eliza, his wife (nee Mills)
(2) Rowland Burdon, Esq., and Rev. Henry Forster Mills
(3) Matthew Russell of Brancepeth Castle, Esq.
Lease and release from (1) to (3) with the consent of (2) of lands as at D/Br/D 1658 above Consideration: £2,000
(parchment, 3 membranes)
Ref: D/Br/D 1661Letter from Rowland Burdon at Castle Eden to John Ward [at Durham] enclosing D/Br/D 1659, 1660 above, 23 November 1821
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1662Abstract of the title 1755/56 - 11 September 1798, of the trustees of the settlement made on the marriage of Anthony Salvin and Eliza Mills, to a freehold estate called Nackshivan, within the township of Willington, agreed to be sold to Matthew Russell, Esq., 1821
(1 file)
North Row (Ref: D/Br/D 1663-1680)Ref: D/Br/D 166310 September 1674
(1) Nicholas Hull of Willington, joyner
(2) Ralph Hodshon of Hampsterley, carpenter
Assignment of a feoffment of a house and garth on the North Row in Willington, with boundaries as specified
Consideration: £24
(parchment, 1 membrane, pendant seal defective, bottom left-hand corner missing)
Ref: D/Br/D 166425 April 1681
(1) John Aisley of Wolsingham, clerk, rector of Wolsingham
(2) William Gowland of Willington, yeo.
Quitclaim of a cottage etc. in Willington formerly in the occupation of Ralph Gowland, father of (2)
(parchment, 1 membrane, pendant seal defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 1665-16668 and 9 December 1699
(1) William Forster of Willington, yeo.
(2) Robert Wilson of Willington, taylor
Feoffment by lease and release of a messuage and garth etc. in the North Row in Willington with boundaries as specified
Consideration: £27 10s.0d.
(parchment, 2 membranes, pendant seals defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 16679 December 1699
(1) William Forster, yeo.
(2) Robert Wilson, taylor
Bond in £60 for the performance of covenants as set out in D/Br/D 1665-1666 above
(1 paper, applied seal defective, badly damaged)
Ref: D/Br/D 166810 December 1699
(1) William Forster, yeo.
(2) Robert Wilson, taylor
Receipt.for £27 purchase money for a messuage as at D/Br/D 1665-1666 above
(1 paper, applied seal defective, badly damaged)
Ref: D/Br/D 16694 November 1708
(1) Robert Wilson, taylor
(2) William Downes of Merrington, butcher and Mary, his wife, daughter of (1)
Feoffment of a messuage etc., as at D/Br/D 1665-1666 above
(1 paper, applied seal defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 1670-167112 and 13 November 1708
(1) Wiliam Downes and Mary his wife
(2) John Naisbey of Ferry Hill, yeo
Lease and release of a messuage etc. as at D/Br/D 1665-1666 above
Consideration: £16
(parchment, 2 membranes, applied seals defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 16721 June 1709
(1) Robert Wilson, tayler
(2) John Wilson of Tudhoe, gent
Mortgage for a term of 999 years for a messuage etc. as at D/Br/D 1665-1666 above
Consideration: £15
(parchment, 1 membrane, applied seal defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 167311 May 1710
Will of John Nesbit of Ferryhill, yeo., as follows:
To his wife for life, use and profit of house and garth in Willington thereafter to George Nesbit, his son; small monetary and personal bequests to family and friends; his wife is constituted sole executrix
8 November 1712
Letters of administration granted to Ann Nesbit, widow, to administer the estate of John Nesbit
(parchment, 2 membranes, pendant seal defective, Latin/English)
Ref: D/Br/D 1674Schedule of deeds, 4 November 1708 - 11 May 1710, for a messuage etc. as at D/Br/D 1665-1666 above, 1710
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 167520 November 1718
(1) Anne Moss of Gilligate, Durham City, widow; William Moss of London, yeo.; John Moss of Little Thorp, Easington, yeo.; William Shepherdson of Field House near Wearmouth, yeo., and Mary his wife; and James Kelsey of Gilligate, taylor, and Elizabeth, his wife
(2) Henry Forster of Durham City, alderman
Feoffment of a messuage in Willington with boundaries as specified
Consideration: £6
(parchment, 1 membrane, applied seals defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 167629 November 1718
(1) William Shepherdson, yeo., and James Kelsey, taylor
(2) Henry Forster, alderman
Bond in £20 to secure the execution of a deed as at D/Br/D 1675 above
(1 paper, applied seals defective, badly damaged, Latin/English)
Ref: D/Br/D 1677-16783 and 4 March 1729/30
(1) William Downs, butcher and Mary, his wife
(2) Henry Forster, alderman
Lease and release of a messuage and shop and garth of c. 1/2a. on the North Row in Willington with boundaries as specified
Consideration: £26 5s.0d.
(parchment, 2 membranes, applied seals)
Ref: D/Br/D 1679-168021 and 22 January 1733/34
(1) Anthony Woodifield of West Park, yeo., and William and Mary Downs
(2) Henry Forster, alderman
Lease and release of a messuage etc. in Willington as specified
Consideration: £12
(parchment, 2 membranes, applied seals defective)
Oxcloses (Ref: D/Br/D 1681-1692)Ref: D/Br/D 1681-168226 and 27 December 1709
(1) Henry Forster of Durham City, merchant, and Jane, his wife; William Robson of Willington, yeo., and Elizabeth, his wife (formerly Forster)
(2) Robert Spearman of Durham City, gent.
Lease and release of several closes in the township of Willington called Oxcloses of c.18a. formerly part of Johnson's Farm; East Close of c.7a. as specified
Consideration: £200
(parchment, 2 membranes, applied seals defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 168329 December 1709
(1) Henry Forster, merchant
(2) Robert Spearman, gent.
Covenant to produce deeds concerning lands as at D/Br/D 1681-1682 above with schedule of deeds, 18 February 1657 - 23 June 1690
(parchment, 1 membrane, applied seal defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 168413 January 1710
(1) Henry Clerke, Henry Cooke and Isabella, his wife, and Robert Spearman, gent. , plaintiffs
(2) John Fairbarne and Katherine, his wife, Henry Forster and Jane, his wife, and William Robson and Elizabeth, his wife, deforciants
Final concord for 2 messuages and lands in Witton Gilbert and Willington
Consideration: 100 silver marks
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: D/Br/D 168513 January 1710
(1) Henry Clerke, Henry and Isabella Cooke and Robert Spearman
(2) John and Katherine Fairbarne, Henry and Jane Forster and William and Elizabeth Forster
Final concord as at D/Br/D 1684 above
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: D/Br/D 1686Copy of the enclosure award for Willington Common concerning an allotment given to Robert Spearman, Esq., 1755/56
(1 file)
Ref: D/Br/D 168712 May 1800
(1) John~Ralph Fenwick of Durham City, Doctor of Physic
(2) William Russell of Brancepeth Castle, Esq.
Articles of agreement for the purchase of East Oxclose and High and Low West Oxcloses, part of an estate called Page Bank in Stockley; and a close formerly part of Willington Common, as specified
Consideration: £700
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1688-168921 and 22 November 1800
(1) John Ralph Fenwick and Dorothy, his wife (nee Spearman)
(2) Ann Spearman of Durham City, and Old Acres, widow
(3) Thomas Wilkinson of Sherburn, Esq., and Hannah Elizabeth, his wife (nee Spearman)
(4) Calverley Bewicke of Close House, Northumberland, Esq., and Hannah, his wife (nee Spearman)
(5) Sir John Eden of Windlestone, bart., and Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esq.
(6) William Russell of Brancepeth Castle, Esq.
Lease and release from (2) - (4) to (6) at the request of (1) of lands as at
1688-1689 D/Br/D 1687 above, and assignment of the residue of a term of 500 years from (5) to (6) of all lands as above with schedule of deeds, 7 August 1787 - 27 May 1789
Consideration: £700
(parchment, 7 membranes, applied seals defective)
Ref: D/Br/D 1690Abstract of Dr. Fenwick's title, 26 December 1709 - 27 May 1789, to an estate in the township of Willington sold to William Russell, n.d. [c.1800]
(1 file)
Ref: D/Br/D 1691Letter from Samuel Castle at Durham to William Russell at Brancepeth concerning deeds for Oxclose and enclosing his bill for the same, 15 January 1801 - 9 January 1802
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1692/1-2Letter from Samuel Castle to William Russell at Brancepeth enclosing a receipt from J.R. Fenwick for the purchase of land tax by William Russell, Esq., 18 April 1804
(2 papers)
Reins (Ref: D/Br/D 1693-1706)Ref: D/Br/D 169319 June 1633
(1) Lindley Wren of Binchester, Esq., and Francis Wren of Henknowle, gent.
(2) Humfrey Wall son of Rowland Wall of Willington
Feoffment of a messuage in Willington, of annual rent of 27s.7 1/4d. together with a close of c.15a. in the townfields of Willington, as specified Consideration: £72
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/Br/D 1694-169512 and 13 May 1766
(1) Ralph Robson of Darlington, gent.
(2) Abraham Smith of Brancepeth West Parks, yeo.
Lease and release of a parcel of land called Reins in the township of Willington, containing c.9a.4p., as specified
Consideration: £105
(parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/Br/D 1696-169720 and 21 May 1808
(1) Abraham Smith of Melsonby, Yorkshire, yeo.
(2) John Welton of Stockley, yeo.
(3) John Gregson of Durham City, gent.
Mortgage by lease and release for securing £77 and interest from (1) to (3) with the consent of (2) for lands as at D/Br/D 1694-1695 above
(parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/Br/D 1698-16999 and 10 June 1809
(1) John Gregson, gent.
(2) John Welton, yeo.
(3) Thomas Wilkinson of Oswald House, Durham City, Esq
Mortgage by lease and release for securing £77 and interest from (1) to (3) with the consent of (2) of lands as at D/Br/D 1694-1695 above
(parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/Br/D 170011 April 1818
(1) John Welton, yeo.
(2) Thomas Wilkinson of Old Elvet, Durham City, Esq.
Additional mortgage for securing a further sum of £100 from (1) to (2) of lands as at D/Br/D 1694-1695 above
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/Br/D 170122 May 1824
Copy of the will of John Welton of Willington, joiner and cartwright, as follows:
To Ann Welton, his wife, all real estate and household goods for life and thereafter to Christopher Welton, his son; small bequests to his other sons and daughters; Christopher Welton is sole executor
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1702-170315 and 16 June 1827
(1) Ann Welton of Willington, widow
(2) Christopher Welton, son of (1)
(3) Thomas Wilkinson of Old Elvet, Esq.
(4) Robert William Mills of Willington, Lt. Colonel in H.M.'s Army
(5) William Russell of Brancepeth Castle, Esq.
Lease and release from (3) to (4) in trust for (5) with the consent of (1) and (2) of lands as at D/Br/D 1694-1695 above
Consideration: £520
(parchment, 4 membranes)
Ref: D/Br/D 170416 June 1827
(1) John Welton of Pelton, joiner; William Welton of Reckington [Wrekenton], innkeeper; William Thirlaway of Kibblesworth, yeo., and Mary, his wife; John Jackson of Durham City, hatter, and Ann, his wife; Hall Stobbs of Kibblesworth, farmer and Jane, his wife
(2) Christopher Welton, son of late John Welton of Willington, joiner and cartwright
Quitclaim from (1) to (2) of legacies under the will of the late John Welton
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Br/D 1705-17061 and 2 August 1828
(1) William Russell
(2) Robert William Mills
(3) William Hunter of Brancepeth, gent.
(4) William Russell, Charles Tennyson of Westminster, Esq., and Thomas Robinson Grey of Norton, Esq., trustees of the will of Matthew Russell
Lease and release from (1) to (3) of lands as at D/Br/D 1694-1695 above
Consideration: £520
(parchment, 3 membranes)