Pease family of Darlington
Reference: D/Pe 3 Catalogue Title: Pease family of Darlington Area: Catalogue Category: Estate and Family Records Description: Business
Covering Dates: 1828-1906
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- Pease family of Darlington
Catalogue Description
BusinessCatalogue Contents
Edward Pease jun. (Ref: D/Pe 3/1-5)Ref: D/Pe 3/1
Letter from Edward Pease, Darlington, to Edward Pease jun., Stockton, concerning export of coal; John Pease's ministry; proposed religious visit of Rachel and John Pease to Cockfield, Staindrop and Cotherstone; and family matters, 11 February 1828
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/2Letter from Henry Pease, Darlington, to Edward Pease jun. concerning woollen mill; railway committee meeting and railway business; railway accident at Earl Nook (?); damage by hailstorm at company's works; three of the "Black Troop" sent to Durham on charge of knocking down and robbing a man in Church Lane; letter from cousins Jonathan and Hannah Backhouse visiting families near Philadelphia and in Canada, 18 May 1833
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/3Letter from W. Fallows, Middlesbrough to Edward Pease jun., Darlington, concerning sale of coal, 25 June 1834
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/4Letter from Henry Pease, Darlington, to Edward Pease jun., Paris, concerning his trip to Paris; visit of cousin C. Braithwaite; prices of new and old wheat; visit to Cotherstone Meeting and return via High Force; Bible Meetings at Durham and Auckland. family news; business news and railway committee meeting, 21 August 1834
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/5Letter from John Pease, Cartington to Edward Pease jun., Sugar House, Stockton, concerning uncle Gurney effecting a settlement among them over land at Darlington and family news, 16 February 1836
(1 paper)
John Beaumont Pease (Ref: D/Pe 3/6-8)Ref: D/Pe 3/6Letter from Joseph Pease, Northgate, to Edward Pease jun. concerning uncle Pease [Joseph Pease of Feethams ?] insisting on John Beaumont Pease retiring from worsted trade and a meeting at South End to discuss matter to which Edward is summoned, 8 April 1833
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/7Letter from John F. Wilson, Tees Iron Works, Middlesbrough, to Henry Fell Pease, Darlington, concerning sale of estate as executors of [John Beaumont Pease] and valuation of property, 21 February 1874
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/8Letter from J.W. Pease, Bank, St Nicholas Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, to Henry Fell Pease concerning sale of [John Beaumont Pease's] estate, 4 March 1874
(1 paper)
Joseph Pease (Ref: D/Pe 3/9)Ref: D/Pe 3/9Letter from Joseph Pease, House of Commons, to Edward Pease sen. concerning his children, Joseph and Elizabeth and the wool business, 25 July 1834
(1 paper)
Henry Pease (Ref: D/Pe 3/10-57)Ref: D/Pe 3/10Letter from Thomas Carr, Wooler, to Messrs. H. Pease etc. ,Darlington, concerning his terms of employment, 9 July 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/11Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to [Anna Pease] concerning stay at West Brooke; family and friends; marriage of Rachel Pease and Richard Fry and Stockton and Darlington, Railway meeting, 16 August 1838
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/12Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, Belmont, Uxbridge, concerning activities the day after the wedding; family and friends and mill business, 17 August 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/13Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, c/o Richard Fell, London, concerning family and friends; her health and their son; mill business; railway business and outing to Cotherstone for Meeting, 21 August 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/14Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning railway business; family and friends; work at South End; mill business; Middlesbrough Bazaar and plans to meet, 30 August 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/15Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease concerning mill business; alterations at railway station for passenger accommodation; family and friends and plans to meet, 1 September 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/16Letter from Henry Pease to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning work at South End; mill business; family and friends and Meetings, 13 October 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/17Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning family and friends. Great North Eastern Railway Board meeting; mill business and problems with John; various accidents due to drunkenness; her health and proposed trip to Brighton, 18 October 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/18Letter from Henry Pease, Darlington, to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning family and friends; problems with John and business; sorting of letters; trip to Brighton, 21 October 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/19Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning her health; their son; family and friends; plans to visit Belmont; mill business and railway business, 29 October 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/20Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning planned visit; Hurworth Bible Meeting; family and friends; John and business, 4 November 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/21Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning business; Meeting; their new house and family and friends, 15 December 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/22Letters from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease concerning Edward's ill health, railway business, family and friends, her health and their son, 19 December 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/23Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning Edward's ill health; coal trade; family and friends, her health and their son, 22 December 1838
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/24Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning family and friends; Meetings; new meeting house; lease of a house for two years; coal trade; and applications for secretaryship to Great North Eastern Railway, 24 December 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/25Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease concerning his wish to see her again; proposed journey to Scotland; railway business - appointment of secretary; essay meeting; family and friends; and wool business, 29 December 1838
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/26Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning news of John's safe arrival at London; secretaryship of Great North Eastern Railway; family and friends; Meetings; mill business; their house at Blackwell, her health and their son, 10 January 1839
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/27Letter from A.C. Majolees, London, to Henry Pease, 3 Royal Crescent, Brighton, giving business advice on the prudence of making a visit to France to sell yarn and buy wool, giving details of travelling arrangements and offering to accompany him at the end of the month, 3 October 1840
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/28Letter from Richard Fell, Belmont, to Henry Pease, Darlington, concerning the cloth industry, enclosing an example of cloth, and family news, 13 March 1841
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/29Letter from John Fell, Brighton, to Henry Pease, Darlington, concerning news from John's brother [Richard Fell ?] concerning progress in financial arrangements and hopes of a partnership; their stay in Brighton; news of friends etc., March 1841
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/30Authorisation by Henry Pease (acting for Henry Fell Pease) and John Hull Fell (acting for his children) to John Fell (executor of Richard Fell) to settle with debtors and creditors and indemnity against loss so incurred, 16 December 1846
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/31Copy letters from Henry Pease, Pierremont, Darlington, to various correspondents concerning Stockton to Darlington railway and other railways, 1 September - 4 November 1847 and 3 July 1849
(3 files)
Ref: D/Pe 3/32Letter from Henry Pease, Pierremont, to Henry Fell Pease concerning a general meeting of the Guisborough Railway Company; examinations; dismissing the gardener; Bible Meetings; Darlington to Barnard Castle railway; buying of Pierremont seven years previously; trip to Guisborough" to cut the first sod"; Aunt Fry's poor health, 3 October 1852
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/33Letter from Henry Pease, Pierremont to Henry Fell Pease concerning his visit to Henbury; operation by Sir John Fyfe to remove lump from Cos. T. Richardson's lip; visit to Scotland on business including trip to Napiers Engine Works, Glasgow, and conferences on railways re proposed railway down Teesdale; machinery for mills and a colliery meeting; colliery furnaces; railway business and gas works at Guisborough; meetings with Water Board and bank, 14 October 1852
(3 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/34Invitation to Henry Fell Pease to tea in Henry Pease & Co.'s new building, 23 January 1857
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/Pe 3/35Letter from Henry Pease, Worthing, to Henry Fell Pease concerning monetary affairs; situation in France and India and its effect on stock exchange; prices of cotton, silk and wool; exports; the good harvest; his pleasant stay in Wet thing with a description of the place; payment to T. Carr for. horses; his return to London and political news and the effect of the Russian news on the City, 12 July 1857
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/3627 January 1860
(1) Robert Thompson of Darlington, Sharebroker
(2) Henry Pease of Darlington, Esq.
Agreement that (1) will hold 6 seventy-first parts of the Central Buildings in Darlington in trust for (2)
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/37Letter from Mewburn, Hutchinson & Mewburn, Darlington, to Henry Pease concerning his share in Central Buildings, 29 February 1860
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/38Letter from Henry Pease, Pierremont to [Henry Fell Pease] concerning negotiations for a new colliery, n.d. [1862/3 ]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/39Letter from Henry Pease, Stanhope Castle, Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease concerning business; railway to Keswick; hotel company building in Penrith, Bassenthwaite and Cockermouth, 7 August 1864
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/40Letter from Henry Pease, Friends Meeting House, 86 Houndsditch, London, to Henry Fell Pease concerning business affairs and Meeting, 24 May 1865
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/41Letter from Henry Pease, House of Commons, to Henry Fell Pease concerning visit to Duke C[leveland] on business affairs, 21 June 1865
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/42Letter from Henry Pease, Stanhope Castle, to Henry Fell Pease concerning Tees operation; seeing his first grandson [Norman Henry Pease], need to build another dam for the trout, 19 July 1866
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/43Letter from [blank], Darlington to John Pease esq., East Mount concerning Henry Pease Esq.'s finances, 25 November 1867
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/44Notes by John Pease, East Mount, concerning settlement of Henry Pease's financial difficulties, November 1867
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/45Letter from Henry Pease, 48 Finsbury Circus, London, to Henry Fell Pease concerning Y.M. without John Pease and business meeting re mining, 18 May 1869
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/46Letter from Henry Pease, Stanhope Castle, to Henry Fell Pease, Brighton, concerning children's whooping cough; Meetings; family and friends; London men being brought in to work in mines, 21 April 1870
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/47Letter from Henry Pease, Friends Meeting House, Manchester, to Henry Fell Pease concerning meetings with young Friends and visit to Mackintosh's Patent India Rubber Works, 19 October 1870
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/48Letter from Henry Pease, Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease concerning money owed to him by William Jones & Co.. and arrangements to settle, 10 March 1874
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/49Letter from Henry Pease, Tuffleigh, Gloucester, to Henry Fell Pease concerning collieries; visits to friends in neighbourhood and visit to printing works, 23 March 1874
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/50Letter from Henry Pease, Pierremont, to Henry Fell Pease concerning funeral of A.E. Dale, chemical works and collieries, 24 December 1879
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/51Letter from Henry Pease, Pierremont, Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease concerning disgraceful state of grave stone in Friends' graveyard and colliery business, 1 January 1880
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/52Letter from Henry Pease, Pierremont, to Henry Fell Pease concerning colliery business and family, 9 August 1880
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/53Newspaper cutting from The Friend concerning firm of Pease & Partners Ltd, 21 October 1898
Originally enclosed in D/Pe 9/9
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/Pe 3/54Letter from Henry Pease to Henry Fell Pease concerning diary of events, severe weather, family and friends, Water Bill, railways and colliery business, Meetings and his children, n.d.
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/55Letter from Henry Pease, Northgate, to Anna Pease, Belmont, concerning business trip to Leeds and Bradford, family and friends, Joseph and Emma's household coming to stay while their house is repaired and Q.M., n.d.
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/56Extract of letter from Henry Pease to Henry Fell Pease concerning latter's proposed excursion, exhorting his good behaviour; and "ill behaved pitmen who know not what to ask for their work", n.d.
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/57Letter from Henry Pease, Pierremont to Henry Fell Pease concerning Y.M. and business affairs, n.d.
(1 paper)
(Ref: D/Pe 3/58-79)Henry Fell Pease
Chemical Business
Letter from William Jones, Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease concerning possible trip to Ilfracombe; friends in Darlington; problems with water supply to Stockton and Middlesbrough due to pipes being airlocked and cholera at Stockton, 18 October 1853
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/59Letter from William Jones Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease concerning business arrangements for Henry Fell Pease and William Jones & Co.. re acid works, 19 November 1859
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/60Letter from William Jones, North Terrace, Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease concerning his joining William Jones & Co. for acid works, 29 November 1859
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/61Draft agreement for partners in William Jones & Co., December 1859
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/62Letter from William Jones, The Alum Works, Guisbrough, to Henry Fell Pease concerning improvements to equipment at works and Gay Lassac's Apparatus, 5 October 1861
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/63Letter from William Jones, Ruthin, to Henry Fell Pease concerning business problems, 28 May 1866
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/64Draft accounts, William Jones & Co., 31 October 1866
(1 file)
Ref: D/Pe 3/65Report on the chemical works and affairs of William Jones & Co., 19 April 1868
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/66/1-3Letters from William Jones, chemical manufacturers, Middlesbrough and Norwich, to Henry Fell Pease concerning damage to the "Active" and claim from underwriters, supplies for chemical works etc., 25 - 27 October 1869
(3 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/67Letter from William Jones, Middlesbrough, to Henry Fell Pease concerning news of business transactions, 5 July 1870
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/68Letter from William Jones, Middlesbrough, to Henry Fell Pease concerning price of sulphur as regards the war; other products from the chemical works; and adverse effect of war for their supplies of raw materials; mine surveying etc., 5 August 1870
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/69Letter from William Jones, Metz, France, to Henry Fell Pease concerning his brief return to London; business matters; problems with transporting grain through Belgium to Metz for relief work, 12 February 1871
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/70Letter from J. Mitchell Steel of William Jones & Co. , Middlesbrough to [Henry Fell Pease] concerning business in Manchester; chemical prices; agreements and agents, 17 February 1871
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/71Letter from J. Mitchell Steel, 23 George Square, Glasgow, to [Henry Fell Pease] excusing himself against his complaints; business affairs; an accident with a sample of acid on train when jar cracked and burnt his trousers 17 February 1871
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/72Letter from J. Mitchell Steel, Glasgow, to Henry Fell Pease concerning sales and prices, 20 February 1871
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/73Letter from J. Mitchell Steel, Middlesbrough, to [Henry Fell Pease] concerning balance sheet showing losses and giving explanations and plans for future; run-down on profits and business in general, 15 August 1871
(3 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/74Report on the accounts of William Jones & Co., 5 December 1871
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/75Letter from William Jones, Middlesbrough, to Henry Fell Pease concerning oxalic acid trade, 22 January 1872
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/76Letter from William Jones, Middlesbrough, to Henry Fell Pease concerning his objections to erecting oxalic plant at old works and alternative sites; arrangements for setting up plant; expectations of profits; Henry's wife's illness and John William and Helen joining them in Sicily; and other business news, 12 April 1872
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/77Letter from William Jones, Middlesbrough, to Henry Fell Pease concerning his news from Naples and volcano erupting; progress re oxalic affairs and other chemical business, 13 May 1872
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/78Letter from Henry Fell Pease, 7 Bishop's Down Park, Tunbridge Wells, to Henry Pease, Pierremont, Darlington, concerning William Jones and business matters, 13 June 1874
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/79Letter from Isaac Sharp, Invercargill, New Zealand, to Henry Fell Pease, concerning death of his father and memories of past times together; chemical works and Meetings, 15 April 1882
(1 paper)
Wool Business (Ref: D/Pe 3/80-82)Ref: D/Pe 3/80Letter from Henry Fell Pease, Darlington Mills, to Henry Pease enclosing bankers draft for £30; Meetings; house decorations and wedding clothes, 22 July 1857
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/81Letter from Henry Fell Pease, Darlington Mills, to Henry Pease concerning purchase of land and wool business, 2 July 1860
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/82Letter from J.W. Pease, House of Commons Library, to Henry Fell Pease concerning business at their mills, 20 February 1884
(1 paper)
Thames Tunnel Company (Ref: D/Pe 3/83-84)Ref: D/Pe 3/835 February 1865
(1) Jacob Hagen, James Christy, Burwood (?) Godlee and Richard Christy, executors of John Fell of Uxbridge
(2) Henry Fell Pease of Darlington, merchant
Transfer of £500 capital stock of the Thames Tunnel Company
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/84Letter from N. N. Mason, Clerk to the Thames Tunnel Company, Rotherhithe, London, to Henry Fell Pease concerning probate of will of John Fell and transfer of stock, 9 February 1866
(1 paper)
Railways (Ref: D/Pe 3/85-103)Ref: D/Pe 3/85Letters from Lanct. Railton, secretary of Tees Valley Railway, to Henry Fell Pease concerning registration of shares in railway, 15 September - 23 December 1865
(1 file)
Ref: D/Pe 3/86List of directors of the Great Northern Railway, n.d. [1883 - 1884]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/87Letter from I [J?] Lowthian Bell, Imperial Hotel, Torquay, to Sir J.W. Pease[?] concerning his writing to Sir John Brown recommending Henry Fell Pease [for seat on Great Northern Board], 19 February n.y. [1883]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/88Letter from John Brown, Endcliffe Hall, Sheffield to J. Lowthian Bell concerning his support for Henry Fell Pease as candidate for seat on Great North Board, with note endorsed from J.L.B. to Pease, 22 February 1883
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/89Letter from H Oakley, The Great Northern Railway, General Manager's Office, King's Cross Station, London, to Sir Joseph Pease, Hutton Hall, Guisbrough, concerning candidature of Henry Fell Pease for Board, 11 February 1884
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/90Letter from H. Oakley, Great Northern Railway, General Manager's Office, King's Cross Station, London, to Henry Fell Pease, Brinkburn, Darlington, concerning canvassing for his candidature for seat on Board, with list of directors, 16 February 1884
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/91Letter from J.W. Pease, Bank, St Nicholas Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, to Henry Fell Pease concerning his application to the Great Northern Board, 18 February 1884
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/92Letter from Thomas Fenwick, 1 Park Place, Leeds, to Henry Fell Pease concerning his candidature as director on Board of Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway and extension of railway through Swaledale, enclosing letter from Sir Alexander Wood supporting Henry, 18 February 1884
(3 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/93/1-2Correspondence between Henry Fell Pease, Brinkburn, Darlington, and John Dent Dent, Ribston Hall, Wetherby, concerning Henry Fell Pease's application to be director on Great Northern Railway Board, 18 - 19 February 1884
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/94Letter from J.W. Pease, 24 Kensington Palace Gardens, to Henry Fell Pease concerning his application for G.N.R. Board, 19 February 1884
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/95Draft letter from Henry Fell Pease, Darlington, to Thomas Fenwick concerning the promotion of a new line through Swaledale to serve Richmond and whether he may be able to help by gaining a seat on the Board of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway without offending his friends on the Board of the N.E.R., 20 February 1884
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/96Letter from Henry Fell Pease, Brinkburn, Darlington, to Lord Colville of Culross, 42 Eaton Place, London, concerning his application to be a director of the G.N.R., 21 February 1884
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/97Letter from Lord Colville, 42 Eaton Place, London, to Henry Fell Pease concerning his application to be director of G.N.R. Board, 23 February 1884
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/98Letter from C.B. Denison, Carlton Club, Pall Mall, London, to Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease concerning Henry Fell Pease's candidature for the G.N.R. Board and the likelihood of his not succeeding, 23 February 1884
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/99/1-2Letters from H. Tylston Hodgson, Harpenden, to Henry Fell Pease concerning his candidature for Board of G.N.R., 6 - 17 November 1884
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/100Draft letter from Henry Fell Pease, Brinkburn, Darlington, to Lord Colville of Culross reapplying for a new vacancy as director of G.N.R., 17 November 1884
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/101Letter from Lord Colville, King's Cross, London, to Henry Fell Pease refusing his application for another seat on the Board, 18 November 1884
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/102Letter from J.W. Pease, Brooks's to Henry Fell Pease concerning his application for G.N.R. Board, 18 November 1884
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/103Letter from William Harrow, Fighting Cocks, near Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease Esq. M.P., concerning his intercession in the case of Isaac Vickers, a porter at Fighting Cocks Station, who had been suspended after not closing the points and causing a slight accident but who was now reinstated, 11 December 1885
(1 paper)
South Stockton Estate (Ref: D/Pe 3/104-105)Ref: D/Pe 3/10431 August 1882
(1) Henry Fell Pease of Darlington, Esq.
(2) Charles Arthur Head and Thomas Wrightson of Stockton, ironfounders and engineers
Memorandum of agreement that (1) will sell to (2) 6a. lr. 3p. known as South Stockton Estate with wharf, railways and wayleaves (plan attached)
Consideration: £8500
(1 paper and 1 plan, 46.5 cm x 24cm, waxed linen)
Ref: D/Pe 3/1054 January 1883
(1) Henry Fell Pease of Darlington, Esq.
(2) John Robinson of Stockton-on-Tees, accountant and Robert Francis Laidler of Darlington, accountant
Release by (1) of (2) and (2) of (1) of all claims on South Stockton estate.
Recites Henry Pease's acquisition of site, 1853; sale to Robert and William Thompson and their bankruptcy, 1878; appointment of (2) as trustees; and sale to Arthur Head and Thomas Wrightson, 1882
(1 file)
Collieries (Ref: D/Pe 3/106)Ref: D/Pe 3/106Letter from Alfred Jobson, Colliery Department, Pease & Partners Ltd, Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease, Brinkburn, concerning colliery profits for past half-year, 12 August 1885
(2 papers)
Middlesbrough Estate Company Limited (Ref: D/Pe 3/107)Ref: D/Pe 3/107Correspondence between Edward Lloyd Pease, Pierremont, Darlington, and Henry Fell Pease, Darlington, concerning shares in the Middlesbrough Estate Co. Ltd which HFP has placed in ELP's same, 16 November 1886 - 3 January 1887
(1 file)
River Tees Conservancy Commission (Ref: D/Pe 3/108)Ref: D/Pe 3/108Invitation by chairman Sir Joseph W. Pease Bart. M.P. and members of River Tees Conservancy Commission to Henry Fell Pease Esq., M.P. to opening of South Gore Breakwater by Rt. Hon. William Henry Smith M.P., 25 October 1888
(1 paper)
Shares (Ref: D/Pe 3/109-112)Ref: D/Pe 3/109Accounts of shares purchased, in account with R. Lindsley Pratt, 1888 - 1896
(11 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/110Letter from R.L. Pratt, 80 Bondgate, Darlington, stock and share broker to Henry Fell Pease concerning shares, 1 February 1896
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/111Letter from R.L. Pratt, 80 Bondgate, Darlington, stock and share broker to Henry Fell Pease concerning purchase of shares, 11 November 1896
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/112Telegram to R. Lindsley Pratt, Darlington, stock and share broker concerning Tennessee shares, 1896
(1 paper)
General Business (Ref: D/Pe 3/113-128)Ref: D/Pe 3/113Letter from John Fell, The Hermitage, Uxbridge, to Henry Fell Pease concerning the iron trade, railways, anti-slavery, threat of war, constitutional matters of Society of Friends, John Hull Fell and family and friends, 17 October 1853
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/114Letter from Henry Fell Pease to Henry Pease concerning fishing holiday; trip to Holystone and Morpeth; business proposals; special general meeting of Saltburn Improvement Company and plans for Cockerton buildings, 18 May 1862.
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/115Letter from Henry Fell Pease, Darlington Mills, to Henry Pease concerning business troubles of Joseph Beaumont Pease and its effects, 18 June 1866
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/116Letter from "Uncle Mo Pease" [John Pease?] East Mount, Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease concerning adverse business conditions, 12 November 1867
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/117Letter from J.W. Pease, Bank, St Nicholas Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, to Henry [Fell Pease]concerning advice for a sale, 19 February 1874
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/118Letter from Henry Fell Pease, Kenmore, to Henry Pease concerning business affairs and fishing, 14 February 1875
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/119Letter from William C. Best, Brinkburn, Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease concerning business news, 26 March 1879
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/120Letter from Henry Fell Pease, Brinkburn, to Henry Pease concerning journey back from St Helen's; meeting of new Teeside Iron and Engine Works directors; colliery business; 4 March 1880
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/121Letter from J.S. Cookson, Neasham Hall, Darlington, to Henry Fell Pease, Brinkburn, acknowledging receipt of cheque, 5 April 1883
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/122Letter from J.W. Pease, Benwelldene, Newcastle upon Tyne, to Henry Fell Pease concerning family and friends, newspaper business and trade generally, 30 June 1888
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/123Letter from J.W. Pease, 44 Grosvenor Gardens, London, to Henry Fell Pease concerning financial matters, 2 April 1892
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/124Letter from J.W. Pease, Alexandria Hotel, St Leonards on Sea, to Henry Fell Pease concerning financial matters, 18 April 1892
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/125May 1892
(1) Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease
(2) Henry Fell Pease
Memorandum of agreement re (2)'s overdrawn accounts with J. & J.W. Pease
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/126Letter from J.W. Pease, Hutton Hall, Guisborough, Yorkshire, to Henry Fell Pease, Cromer, concerning rumours being spread by Joe Taylor of break among Peases due to money matters, and sale of the "Cleveland", 6 October 1893
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/127Letter from J.W. Pease, Hutton Hall, Guisbrough, Yorkshire, to Henry Fell Pease concerning speaking freely in front of James Taylor, 9 October 1893
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/128Letter from J.W. Pease, Hutton Hall, Guisbrough, Yorkshire, to Henry Fell Pease concerning financial matters, 17 January 1896
(1 paper)
Joseph Beaumont Pease (Ref: D/Pe 3/129)Ref: D/Pe 3/129Note concerning estate of Joseph Beaumont Pease and money owed to it by Gilkes, Wilson & Co. and Lloyd & Co., n.d. [March 1874?]
(1 paper)
J.& J.W. Pease (Ref: D/Pe 3/130-149)Ref: D/Pe 3/130Newspaper cuttings, The North Star concerning Portsmouth v Pease, 5 - 12 December 1900
(2 papers, printed)
Ref: D/Pe 3/131Letter from John W. Pease, Pendower, Newcastle, to Walter Pease concerning Portsmouth v Pease, 13 December 1900
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/132Letter from Lucas, Hutchinson & Meak, Darlington, to Walter Brunskill concerning Portsmouth v Pease, enclosing statement of case, January 1901 - 6 October 1902
(1 paper, typescript and 1 file)
Ref: D/Pe 3/133Letter from Alfred E. Pease, Pinchinthorpe, Guisborough, Yorkshire, to Elizabeth P. Pease concerning collapse of banking business and handing over to Barclay & Co., 24 August 1902
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/134Letter from Elizabeth P. Pease, Brinkburn, Darlington, to A.E.P. concerning collapse of A.E.P.'s business and expressing hopes she may recover her money, 15 August 1902
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/135Letter from A.E.P., 92 Northgate, Darlington, to Elizabeth P. Pease expressing hope she will be repaid and informing her that Barclays will honour her cheques, 29 August 1902
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/136Newspaper cuttings re transfer of J. & J.W. Pease to Barclay & Co., August 1902
(5 papers, printed)
Ref: D/Pe 3/137Letter from A.E.P., 92 Northgate, Darlington, to Anna Louisa Pease concerning her income tax form and hopes that his creditors will be paid, 2 September 1902
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/138Letter from [L.A.A.?] Bonsteid to Elizabeth P. Pease concerning her suffering due to collapse of Joseph, Alfred and Jack's business, 6 September [1902]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/139Notes on interview between Sir D.D. and Walter Fell Pease re collapse of J. & J.W. Pease, 8 September 1902
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/140Letter from Elizabeth Fell Pease to Beatrice, Countess of Portsmouth, concerning her sorrow for distress to Joseph Pease on collapse of business and asking if she can help, 23 September 1902
(2 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/141Letter from Countess of Portsmouth, Rossshire, to Elizabeth Fell Pease concerning her distress at being blamed for collapse of J. & J.W. Pease and explaining why she took legal proceedings to obtain her share is Pease & Partners, 2 October 1902
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/142Letter from Elizabeth Fell Pease, Brinkburn, Darlington, to Beatrice, Countess of Portsmouth, Hurstbourne Park, Whitchurch, Hants., concerning details in Portsmouth v Pease and how her actions had been directly responsible for collapse of bank, 29 October 1902
(3 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/143Letter from Blanche, Hurworth Moor, Darlington, to Elizabeth Fell Pease thanking her for her sympathy in collapse of bank, 9 November 1902
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/144Newspaper cuttings re business affairs of J. & J.W. Pease following deed of arrangement for benefit of creditors, 22 December 1902 - 3 January 1903
(13 papers, printed)
Ref: D/Pe 3/145Extracts from J.A. Pease's paper re circumstances connected with the bank which led up to catastrophe in August 1902, n.d. [c.1902]
(1 file)
Ref: D/Pe 3/146Notes on amounts owing and lost, n.d. [1902]
(4 papers)
Ref: D/Pe 3/147Letter from Truman, Hanbury, Buxton & Company Limited, Brewery, Spitalfields, to Walter Fell Pease concerning payment of creditors and liquidation of J. & J.W. Pease, 29 June n.y [1903/4]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/148/1-15Letters from W.B. Peat & Co., Middlesbrough, to Walter Fell Pease and Anna Louisa Pease as executors of Henry Fell and Elizabeth Pease concerning liquidation of J. & J.W. Pease and distribution of shares among creditors, 18 November 1903 - 28 June 1906
(15 papers, printed)
Ref: D/Pe 3/149Letters from Lucas, Hutchinson & Meak, Darlington, to Walter Fell Pease, Brinkburn, concerning compromise for benefit of creditors of J. & J.W. Pease, 2 December 1903 - 9 June 1904
(1 file, typescript
John William Pease (Ref: D/Pe 3/151)Ref: D/Pe 3/151Letter from sister L. Brinkburn to John William Pease concerning debts and enclosing Joseph's letters, n.d.
(1 paper)
Miscellaneous (Ref: D/Pe 3/152)Ref: D/Pe 3/152Programme for the East London Industries Exhibition at the People's Palace, n.d.
(1 paper, printed)
Walter Fell Pease (Ref: D/Pe 3/149A-150/1-2)Ref: D/Pe 3/149ALetter from Howard Pease, Arcot Hall, Dudley, Northumberland, to Walter concerning investment, 21 June 1903
(1 paper)
Ref: D/Pe 3/150/1-2Letters from W.B. Peat & Co., Middlesbrough, to Walter Fell Pease, Witton Castle, Witton-le-Wear, concerning transfer of shares in Henry Pease & Co. Ltd. and dividend due to Henry Pease's executor, 14 December 1905 - 7 April 1906
(2 papers)