Durham County Council (1974 - 2009)
Reference: DC/ENV Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) Area: Catalogue Category: Local Authority Records Description: County Environment Department - publications
Covering Dates: 1969-2004
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- Durham County Council (1974 - 2009)
Catalogue Contents
Publications (Ref: DC/ENV)Environment Department publications (Ref: DC/Env )Road Safety (Ref: DC/Env 1229-1232; 1294/11, 25, 53, 61, 81)Ref: DC/Env 1229
County Durham Road Accident Statistics, Durham County Council, Environment Department, 1990
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1230County Durham Road Accident Statistics, Durham County Council, Environment Department, 1991
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1231County Durham Road Accident Statistics, Durham County Council, Environment Department, 1992
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1232County Durham Road Accident Statistics, Durham County Council, Environment Department, 1993
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/11Road accident statistics, 1990
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/25Do You Remember; road safety leaflet aimed at older people, 1992
(1 leaflet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/53Road Accident Statistics, 1994
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/61Accident Statistics, 1996
(1 leaflet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/81Road Accident Statistics, 1989
(1 booklet, printed)
Tourism and events (Ref: DC/Env 1235, 1294/1-2, 4-8, 10, 12-14, 16-22, 40-44, 50)Ref: DC/Env 1235Tourism Strategy for County Durham, 1988 to 1993 , Durham County Council, Planning Department, n.d.
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/1Holiday Guide, 1991
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/2Take a Closer Look at County Durham, 1991
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/4County Durham Attractions, 1991-1992
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/5Hardwick Hall: Country Park, 1991
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/6A Drive Through County Durham, 1991
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/7Events in County Durham: Easter to June, 1991
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/8Guided Walks in County Durham, April-July 1991
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/10Events in County Durham, July-September 1991
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/12News From the Land of the Prince Bishops: Travel Trade News and Views from Durham County Council, March 1991
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/13News From the Land of the Prince Bishops: Postscript for the Local Travel Trade, July 1991
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/14Guided Walks in County Durham, August-October 1991
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/16Guided Walks in County Durham, November 1991 - March 1992
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/17Holiday Guide, 1992
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/18/1Bowes Museum Centenary, 1992
(9 papers, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/18/2Cycling in County Durham
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/18/3Places to visit with children in County Durham
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/18/4Horse Riding in County Durham
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/18/5Indoor Leisure and Entertainment in County Durham, 1992
(2 papers, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/18/6Water sports in County Durham, 1992
(2 papers, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/19Events in County Durham, April-June 1992
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/20Guided Walks in County Durham, April-July 1992
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/21County Durham Attractions, 1992-1993
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/22News from the Land of the Prince Bishops: Travel Trade News from Durham County Council, March 1992
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/40Holiday Guide, 1993
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/41Events in County Durham, April-June 1993
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/42Guided Walks in County Durham, April-July 1993
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/43County Durham Attractions, 1993-1994
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/44Killhope Lead Mining Centre, 1993
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/50Guided walks in County Durham, September-November 1994
(1 paper, printed)
Road traffic and schemes (Ref: DC/Env 1238, 1294/45, 52)Ref: DC/Env 1238Forecasts of Vehicle Ownership in Boroughs, Urban and Rural Districts in County Durham, 1970 - 2010 , County Surveyor's Office, March 1969
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/45A692 Consett Bypass: Opening Ceremony performed by Councillor Don Robson, 26 April 1993
(1 leaflet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/52A689 Newton Cap Viaduct: Conversion and Toronto By-pass, booklet produced to mark the opening of the viaduct as a road bridge, 1995
(1 booklet, printed)
Design and Conservation (Ref: DC/Env 1294/3, 26-39)Ref: DC/Env 1294/3Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monuments owned and maintained by Durham County Council, 1990
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/26Conservation Areas in County Durham, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/27Index of large-format negatives, 1983
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/28Bishop Auckland Town Scheme - grants for the repair of historic buildings, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 leaflet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/29Stanhope Town Scheme - grants for the repair of historic buildings, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 leaflet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/30Darlington Town Scheme - grants for the repair of historic buildings, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 leaflet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/31Barnard Castle Town Scheme - grants for the repair of historic buildings, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/32Guide to repointing external stone walls, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 leaflet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/33Conservation Areas in Wear Valley, 1991
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/34Listed Buildings: Teesdale District, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/35Listed Buildings: Wear Valley District, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/36Barnard Castle Horsemarket Paving Scheme, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 leaflet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/37Stanhope Market Place Enhancement Scheme, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 leaflet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/38Tow Law Enhancement Scheme, n.d. [c.1990]
(1 leaflet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/39Saddler Street, Durham City, Facelift Scheme, n.d. [1990s]
(1 leaflet, printed)
Countryside and Rights of Way (Ref: DC/Env 1294/9, 15, 23, 47, 54-55)Ref: DC/Env 1294/9Countryside News, Spring 1991
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/15Countryside News, Summer 1991
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/23Countryside News, Spring 1992
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/47Nature Conservation Strategy, 1993
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/54Geological Conservation Strategy, 1994
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/55Durham Wildlife Audit, 1995
(1 volume, printed)
Public transport (Ref: DC/Env 1294/24)Ref: DC/Env 1294/24Transport Act 1985: details of tenders for local bus services, reference PPT831 to 973, 20 May 1990 - 1 February 1992
(1 booklet, printed)
Business Plans (Ref: DC/Env 1294/46, 49, 51, 56-57, 60, 62-63, 65-68, 82-83)Ref: DC/Env 1294/46Environment Department Business Plan, 1993-1994
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/49Environment Department Business Plan, 1994-1995
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/51Environment Department Business Plan, 1995-1996
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/56/1-2Milestones Statement and Technical Report, 1996
(2 volumes, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/57Environment Department Business Plan, 1996-1997
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/60Environment and Technical Services Department: Business Plan, 1997-1998
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/62Environment and Technical Services Business Plan, 1998-1999
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/63Milestones Statement, First Monitoring Review, December 1997
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/65Milestones Statement, Second Monitoring Review, March 1999
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/66Environment and Technical Services Department Business Plan, 1999-2000
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/67Environment and Technical Services Department Performance Plan, 2000-2001
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/68Environment and Technical Services Department Operational Plan, 2001-2002
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/82Environment and Technical Services Operational Plan, 2002-2003
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/83Environment and Technical Services Operational Plan, 2003-2004
(1 volume, printed)
Environmental sustainability (Ref: DC/Env 1294/48, 58-59, 84)Ref: DC/Env 1294/48Green Lines, internal newsletter of the D.C.C. Action on the Environment Working Group, issue no. 2, April 1994
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/58Life in County Durham - More or Less Sustainable?, Local Agenda 21, 1996
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/59Sustainable County Durham: Local Agenda 21 Newsletter, Issue 2, Autumn 1996
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/84Sustainable Environment Policy, 2004
(1 poster, printed)
Staff newsletters (Ref: DC/Env 1294/64)Ref: DC/Env 1294/64/1-9Environment and Technical Services Departmental Newsletter, issue nos. 1-9, August 1998 - February 2000
(9 papers, printed)
Transport policies and programmes (Ref: DC/Env 1294/69-80)Ref: DC/Env 1294/69Transport Policies and Programmes 1983-1984, July 1982
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/70Transport Policies and Programmes 1984-1985, July 1983
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/71Transport Policies and Programmes 1985-1986, July 1984
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/72Transport Policies and Programmes 1986-1987, July 1985
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/73Transport Policies and Programmes 1988-1989, July 1987
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/74Transport Policies and Programmes 1989-1990, July 1988
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/75Transport Policies and Programmes 1990-1991, July 1989
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/76Transport Policies and Programmes 1991-1992, July 1990
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/77Transport Policies and Programmes 1992-1993, July 1991
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/78Transport Policies and Programmes 1993-1994, July 1992
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/79Transport Policies and Programmes 1994-1995, July 1993
(1 volume, printed)
Ref: DC/Env 1294/80Transport Policies and Programmes 1995-1996, July 1994
(1 volume, printed)
Other county council departments' business plans and publications (Ref: DC/Env 1219-1228, 1233-1234, 1236-1237, 1239)Ref: DC/Env 1219Durham County Council, County Analyst's Department: Business Plan, 1993
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1220Standardised Approach to Sports Halls, Durham County Council, Department of Architecture, 1982
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1221Durham County Council, Arts, Libraries and Museums Department: Business Plan, 1993 - 1994
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1222Rabies Action Plan, Consumer Protection Department, June 1993
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1223Durham County Council, Consumer Protection Department: Operational Plan, 1993-1994
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1224D.C.C. Consumer and Scientific Services: Operational Plan, 1995-1996
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1225Durham County Council, Contract Services Department, Direct Service Organisation: Annual Report, 1991 - 1992
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1226Comprehensive Schools: Brief for the Guidance of Architects, Durham County Education Authority, May 1972
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1227Re-organisation of Secondary Education: Proposals for Comprehensive Schools, County Council of Durham Education Department, September 1973
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1228Durham County Council, Education Department: Business Plan, 1995 - 1996
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1233The work of the Land and Property Department, May 1991
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1234Land and Property Sub-Committee: Business Plan, 1992 - 1993
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1236Durham County Council, County Secretary and Solicitor's Department: Business Plan, 1992 - 1993
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1237Gypsy Site Management: A Survey, Durham County Council, Social Services Department, January 1987
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1239Investing in Information to Improve Performance, Information Systems/Information Technology Strategy Plan, I.S./I.T. Strategy Project Team, [Treasurer's Department], January 1997
(1 booklet)
Publications of other local and national organisations (Ref: DC/Env 1240-1243)Ref: DC/Env 1240Experimental scheme for the Peninsula Area and the Market Place, Durham City, consultation report by Durham County Council and City of Durham District Council Joint Officers' Working Group, November 1992
(1 file)
Ref: DC/Env 1241Straw and Stubble Burning Byelaws, District Council of Chester-le-Street, 1984
(1 paper)
Ref: DC/Env 1242The Threat to Upper Teesdale: An Appeal by the Botanical Society of the British Isles, July 1965
(1 booklet)
Ref: DC/Env 1243Women Steelworkers at Consett during the Second World War, Open University, Northern Region, Working Paper No. 2, June 1984
(1 file)