Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 495 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: W. Stobart of Pelaw, agent to the Lambton family
Covering Dates: 1787-1824
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Description
Material deposited on long term loan,10 February 1977
(Acc: 959(D))
Catalogue Contents
Ref: D/X 495/1
Part copy of The Ladies' Complete Pocket-Book or, Memorandum Repository for the Year 1787 containing only the title page and pp.13-24. At the front are several hand written lists of items to be purchased
(1 volume, buckram bound)
Ref: D/X 495/2Part copy of the Newcastle Memorandum Book and Register of the Northern Counties 1797 containing pp.1-64 personal diary and accounts, possibly of W. Stobart of Pelaw for the months February-December 1797. Detailed entries only for February including references to daily business meetings, winning at cards and the birth of a still-born child to his wife. pp.65-72 contain list of fairs in the northern counties, pp.72-81 contain list of members of the Houses of Lords and Commons, pp.81-98 contain abstracts of the most important acts of the previous session of parliament, pp.98-117 contain a list of horse races for the whole county
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: D/X 495/3Part copy of the Newcastle Memorandum Book and Register of the Northern Counties, 1799 The volume begins on 18 August of the personal diary section pp.1-39 contain the business diary and accounts, possibly of W. Stobart of Pelaw, including a brief account of a journey to Leeds via Barnard Castle, Penrith, Ambleside, Lancaster, Wigan, Manchester, Rochdale, and Halifax. There are references to meetings with Mr. Bassett of Lumley Castle, Mr. Buddle and Sir Ralph Mulbanke and a dispute with the pitmen at Fatfield pp.40-110 contain information similar to that listed in D/X 495/2 above
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: D/X 495/4Copy of The Newcastle Memorandum Book and Register of the Northern Counties containing the business diary and accounts of W. Stobart of Pelaw. This includes a brief account of a business journey to Leeds and Wakefield, details of his daily meetings including references to Sir Henry Wilson at Wakefield, Mr. William Beckett at Leeds, Major Johnson at Newcastle Mr. Backhouse at Darlington. He refers to his 64th birthday on 4 March and meeting Mr. Ellison at Lumley Castle. 5 May he started 8 days military duty at Durham. Numerous references to visits to Hetton, Washington and Coxhoe collieries and meetings with Mr. Buddle July 11 refers to Bessy Charlesworth, of Chaplethorp's death, July 17 visit to Leeds to see William Beckel, 29 July - 22 August journey to Yorkshire, 11 October 'greatest flood since the Year 1771'. The diary covers the year 1824
(1 volume, leather half-bound)