Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 497 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Darlington deeds of John Harris of 'Woodside', civil engineer (part 2)
Covering Dates: 1674-1858
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- Miscellaneous documents
- Miscellaneous documents (Ref: D/X 497)
- Bundle 8 1841 - 1850 Prescott's Close, Darlington (Ref: D/X 497/8/1-9)
- Bundle 9 1854 - 1858 Glazensykes Close, Darlington (Ref: D/X 497/9/1-7)
- Bundle 10 1811 - 1848 Collyer and Pease title to lands in Darlington (Ref: D/X 497/10/1-4)
- Bundle 11 1674 - 1838 Properties in Darlington and Co. York (Ref: D/X 497/11/1-12)
Catalogue Contents
Miscellaneous documents (Ref: D/X 497)Bundle 8 1841 - 1850 Prescott's Close, Darlington (Ref: D/X 497/8/1-9)Ref: D/X 497/8/1
Abstract of title to land called Prescott's Close in Darlington, including indenture of 3 parts dated 7 March 1838 between (1) William Allan and others, (2) John Allan of Blackwell, and (3) John Maling and Rowland Webster. 13 August 1841
(Paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/8/223 November 1841
(1) Robert Henry Allan of Durham, esq.
(2) John Dunn of Durham, gent, and Henry Robert Allan Johnson of Bishopwearmouth, esq.
(3) Robert Mowbray Darnell of Harewood Hill in Darlington, esq.
(4) Francis Mewburn of Darlington, gent
(5) John Castell Hopkins of Darlington, esq.
(6) John Allan of Blackwell, esq., and Rowland Webster of Bishopwearmouth, esq.
Coveyance in fee by (1) and other parties to (3) and another, of the southern moiety of land called Prescott's Close in Darlington
(parchment, 3 skins)
Ref: D/X 497/8/3(i)Certificate for redemption of Land Tax and Declaration of payment of redemption of Land Tax for J. C. Hopkins, esq. 21 February 1842
Consideration: 1s. 7½d.
Ref: D/X 497/8/3(ii)Certificate [included with D/X 497/8/3(i) above] of registration concerning exoneration from Land Tax, of John Castell Hopkins. 2 March 1842
Ref: D/X 497/8/3(iii)Notice to J.C. Hopkins from the office for Stamps and Taxes, concerning contract for redemption of Land Tax. 2 March 1842
Ref: D/X 497/8/3(iv)Printed letter of M. Hay, register, at office for Stamps and Taxes, to J. C. Hopkins, confirming registration of his contract of exemption from Land Tax. 28 May 1842
(paper, 1 file, 3 folios)
Ref: D/X 497/8/413 May 1842
(1) Robert Mowbray Darnell of Harewood Hill in Darlington, esq.
(2) John Green of Darlington, architect
Contract for sale of the northern moiety of a piece of land called Prescott's Close, in Darlington
Consideration: £850
(parchment, 1 skin)
Ref: D/X 497/8/51842
(1) Robert Mowbray Darnell of Harewood Hill in Darlington, esq.
(2) William Rymer of Darlington, gent, and Henry William Corsby of the same, gent.
Appointment and release in trust of the northern moiety of a piece of land called Prescott' s Close in Darlington, and transfer of £500, payable under contract for the purchase thereof
(parchment, 3 skins)
Ref: D/X 497/8/6Conditions of sale of a mansion called 'Woodside' in Darlington, including poster, 30 October 1848:
1 November1848
(1) John Castell Hopkins
(2) John Harris of Darlington, gent
Agreement to sell a mansion called 'Woodside'
Consideration: £3,500
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/8/7Abstract of title to a moiety of land called Prescott's Close in Darlington, 1754 - 1842, including indenture of sale of above land, dated 14 May 1842, to William Ryder and H. W. Ornsby by R. M. Darnell, for a consideration of £500. 10 November 1848
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/8/8Bill of John Castell Hopkins and John Harris esqres to Henry William Ornsby concerning legal fees, May - December. 29 December 1848
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 497/8/9(i)Letter (included with D/X 497/8/9(ii) below) of W. Thompson at Darlington, to John Harris at Woodside in Darlington concerning a disagreement about a boundary ditch. 16 February 1849
Ref: D/X 497/8/9(ii)Note of W. Peacock of Darlington, to Mr. Harris at 'Woodside' in Darlington, advising that he is searching abstracts concerning Newton Grange, schedule 'piqued' by John B. Tease, and abstracts concerning Woodside. 6 July 1850
(paper, 2 folios)
Bundle 9 1854 - 1858 Glazensykes Close, Darlington (Ref: D/X 497/9/1-7)Ref: D/X 497/9/1Abstract of title of Robert Thompson and William Thompson both of Darlington, stockbrokers, to part of Glazensykes Close in Darlington, including surrender dated 11 July 1854, from John Carter of Darlington painter, and John Tweddell of Durham, hat manufacturer, to Robert Thompson and William Thompson. 1854
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/9/210 November 1855
(1) Robert Thompson and William Thompson both of Darlington, Stockbrokers
(2) John Harris of 'Woodside' near Darlington, gent
Deed of covenant allowing (1) to surrender to (2) 666 square yards in Polam Estate in Darlington. Plan included
Consideration: £416. 10s.
(parchment, 1 skin)
Ref: D/X 497/9/3Abstracts of title to lands in Glazensykes Close in Darlington, including surrender from Francis Mewburn of Darlington, gent and others, to Robert Thompson and William Thompson of the same, shareholders, dated 11 July 1854. n.d., c.1854, 1855
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/9/4Schedule of deeds 1848 - 1858 belonging to John Harris, forwarded to Stockton. (In each of the 10 deeds John Harris is the 2nd party, the 1st parties being respectively the trustees of the will of Jonathon Backhouse, William Backhouse, Jane Botcherby, John Wheatley, John Wheatley and trustee, Jane Botcherby, Joseph Foster, John Foster, Joseph Pease, Robert and William Thompson). 8 July 1871
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 497/9/5Memorandum that copy absolute surrender from R. Thompson to J. Harris, was sent to Darlington. 4 June 1872
(paper, 1 slip)
Ref: D/X 497/9/6Memorandum that release and declaration from J. Pease to J. Harris, dated 7 February 1849 was sent to Stockton. 6 July 1872
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 497/9/7Memorandum that deed of covenant from Edmund Backhouse to J. Harris, dated 12 February 1852, was sent to Stockton to be lent to Mr. Dodds. 25 August 1873
(paper, 1 folio)
Bundle 10 1811 - 1848 Collyer and Pease title to lands in Darlington (Ref: D/X 497/10/1-4)Ref: D/X 497/10/1Abstract of title of Dorothy Collyer [see (D/X 497/10/4) below] to lands in Darlington including: Ellins Close in Bondgate, Long Close, Harewood North Winter Close, Harewood Pasture, Burnhouse Close, Butt Close and Well Close, by 4 surrenders dated 20 January 1762 from Ann Crosfields spinster also Rev. James Nicholson and Dorothy his wife, to James Bland and William Chayter esqres; also by the will of Dorothy Nicholson of Hurworth widow, dated 18 January 1772 and devising her lands in Darlington and Hurworth to Isaac Nicholson of London, merchant; also by an indenture of 16 May 1811 between Dorothy Collyer of Queen Square, Co. Middlesex, widow, and Elizabeth Wilson of Burbage, Wiltshire, widow, reciting the above-mentioned will of Dorothy Nicholson; and also by an indenture dated 1 July 1811 between John Mowbray of Ormsby, esq., Dorothy Collyer [nee Nicholson] and her son Joseph Collyer, reciting the above-mentioned will of Dorothy Nicholson
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/10/2Note that deed of covenant to surrender from Mrs. Collyer to T. Pease's trustees, was sent to Stockton 6-7 July. 25 July 1826
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 497/10/330 November 1842
(1) Thomas Pease of South Villa, Darlington [druggist]
(2) John Harris of 'Woodside' Darlington, esq.
Agreement [in the form of a letter] to sell one acre of grassland at Harewood Hill [Darlington] bounded on the east by the road from Harewood Hill to Blackwell Lane, on the south and west by lands formerly belonging to John Castell Hopkins esq., and on the north by premises belonging to Miss Todhunter and Miss Forster [see (D/X 497/10/4) below]
Consideration: £850
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 497/10/4Abstract of title of Thomas Pease [of South Villa, Darlington] to 'field at Harewood Hill' [see D/X 497/10/3 above], including covenant of sale dated 25 July 1826 between Dorothy Collyer and others, consideration £330; surrender to and admission of William Gaskin Brantingham of Darlington, grocer, and Richard Otley of the same, gent, in trust for Thomas Pease, dated 25 July 1826. 1848
(paper, 1 file)
Bundle 11 1674 - 1838 Properties in Darlington and Co. York (Ref: D/X 497/11/1-12)Ref: D/X 497/11/1(i,ii)25 August 1674
(1) Cuthbert Cornforth of Tollthorpe, Co. York, gent, and Mary his wife
(2) Anne Ward of Darlington, widow
Lease and release for 1 year of 2 closes called Darlington Fields in Bondgate, in Darlington
Consideration: £194
(parchment, 2 skins)
Ref: D/X 497/11/2(i,ii)11 April 1709
(1) George Ward of Darlington, Saddler
(2) John Pemberton of Blackwell, gent
Lease and release of two closes called Darlington Fields in Bondgate in Darlington
Consideration: £240
(parchment, 2 skins)
Ref: D/X 497/11/3(i,ii)6-7 December 1714
(1) John Pemberton of Blackwell, gent, and Mary his wife
(2) John Wright the younger of Darlington, cooper
Lease and release for 1 year of two closes called Darlington Fields, in Darlington
Consideration: £280
Ref: D/X 497/11/3(iii)Final concord between Jacob Scott, John Wright and William Smith, plaintiffs; and Charles Pierson and Elizabeth his wife, John Pemberton and Mary his wife, and Thomas Short and Alice his wife, deforciants, when deforciants acknowledged that 2 messuages, 2 gardens, 12 acres of land, 12 acres of meadow and 12 acres of pasture in the parishes of Garnford and Darlington, to be the rights of the plaintiff. 3 June 1715
(parchment, 1 file of 3 skins)
Ref: D/X 497/11/3(iv)Rough copy for D/X 497/11/3(iii) above. 3 June 1715
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 497/11/44 June 1750
(1) Jane Wright of Darlington Yatts in Haughton, widow
(2) Philadelphia Smithson of York, widow
Mortgage by demise for a term of 500 years of 2 closes in Darlington abutting the lands of the Rev. Doctor Johnson on the east, and Mr. Arden on the west, and the highway from Darlington to Coniscliffe on the north
Consideration: £300
(parchment, 1 skin)
Ref: D/X 497/11/513 June 1751
(1) Jane Wright of Darlington Yatts [in Haughton, widow]
(2) Philadelphia Smithson of York, widow
(3) William Garmonsway of Great Burdon, gent
Assignment from (1) and (2) to (3) of a mortgage by demise for a term of 500 years of 2 closes in Darlington of the Rev. Doctor Johnson on the east, Mr. Ardent [spelt variously in other deeds] on the west and the highway from Darlington to Coniscliffe on the north
Consideration: £300
(parchment, 1 skin)
Ref: D/X 497/11/6(i,ii)3, 6 December 1754
(1) Jane Wright of Darlington Yatts in Haughton, widow
(2) Hannah Eden of Darlington, widow
Lease and release of 1 year of 2 closes in Darlington abutting on the lands of the Rev. Dr. Johnson on the east, and Mr. Arderne on the west, and on the highway from Darlington to Conescliff on the north
Consideration: £300 (part of purchase price of £705)
(parchment, 2 skins)
Ref: D/X 497/11/74 December 1754
(1) Jane Wright of Darlington Yatts in Houghton (spelt 'Haughton' in (D/X 497/11/4) etc above), widow
(2) William Garmonsway of Great Burdon, gent
(3) Hannah Eden of Darlington, widow
(4) James Allan of Darlington, gent
Assignment from (1) and (2) to (4) in trust for (3) of a mortgage by demise for a term of 500 years [see (D/X 497/11/ 4) above] of 2 closes in Darlington abutting on the lands of the Rev. Dr. Johnson on the east, Mr. Arderne on the west, and on the highway from Darlington to Conescliff on the north
Consideration: £300
(parchment, 1 skin)
Ref: D/X 497/11/8(i)12 March 1811
(1) George Allan of Blackwell Grange in Darlington esq. [devisee by the will of Ann Allan, deceased]
(2) Crosier Raine of the Inner Temple in London, gent
(3) Richard Scruton of Durham, gent
Copy lease for 1 year of lands in Nether Worsall, in Kirk Levington, Co. York; also of lands in Appleton upon Wiske, Co. York; also lands called Breakhouse in Eryholme, Co. York; also a tenement called East Field Farm and other lands in Eryholme, together with tithes, view of frank pledge, and other franchises in Eryholme; also lands in a close called Clay Row in Darlington; also lands called Dodmores in Darlington; also land called Prescott's Close in Darlington; also Pilkington Close in Darlington; also lands in High Row, Prestgate, Prebends Row, Blackwellgate, and Houndgate in Darlington
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/11/8(ii)13 March 1811
(1) George Allan of Blackwell Grange in Darlington, esq.
(2) Robert Allan of Newbottle in Houghton le Spring, esq.
(3) Jonathon Backhouse the elder, of Darlington, banker
(4) Crosier Raine of the Inner Temple, in London, gent
(5) Richard Scruton of Durham, gent
(6) Daniel Sykes of Raywell, Co. York
(7) Rowland Webster of Bishopwearmouth, esq. and George Lewis Hollingsworth of Darlington, banker
Copy deed to lend the uses of Common Recovery of manors and lands devised by the wills of Ann Allan deceased, in Nether Worsall in Kirk Leavington, Co. York; Appleton upon Wiske, Co. York; Eryholme, Co. York; Dalton upon Tees in Croft, Co. York; Blackwell, Bondgate, Skepper Closes, Clay Row, Dodmires, Prescott's Close, Pilkington Close, High Row, Priestgate, Prebend's Row, Blackwellgate, Houndgate, Blackwell Grange Farm, Fawcett's Close, Nordykes, Townfield Lane, Mickle Myers, Catterick Farm, Glazendykes, Cowfields, Nether Hill Close, in Darlington; Dalton on Tees, Co. York; and a mansion called Blackwell Grange in Darlington
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/11/9Copy minutes of Decree in Chancery dismissing bill of plaintiffs Arthur Saltmarshe and John Kynaston against defendant Rowland Webster and others, concerning claims relating to indentures of 1811 and 1812 and will of Ann Allan deceased; plaintiffs to pay costs. 16 March 1833
(paper, 3 folios)
Ref: D/X 497/11/10Reports, Orders and Decree in Chancery; also deeds, concerning case of Allan versus Allan, 1834 - 1837
Ref: D/X 497/11/10(i)4 July 1836
(1) John Allan, George Thomas Allan, Joanna May Allan, Mary Emma Allan, Mr. Hunter Burne and Caroline Jane his wife, plaintiffs
(2) John Allan, John Maling, Rowland Webster, William Allan, Robert Henry Allan, Benjamin Dunn and Elizabeth Ann his wife, and Ann Allan, deforciant
Copy Decree in Chancery that (2) pay (1) £43,000 for sale of estates entailed in codicil to will of Robert Allan, with costs
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/11/10(ii)21 July 1836
(1) John Allan and others [see (i) above]
(2) John Allan and others, deforciants
Separate Report in Chancery concerning Decree in Chancery relating to directions for sale and payment [see D/X 497/11/10(i) above]
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/11/10(iii)Copy order to confirm separate Report Nisi [see D/X 497/11/10(ii) above]. 2 November 1836
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 497/11/10(iv)18 November 1836
(1) Allan and others plaintiffs
(2) Allan and others, deforciants
Copy order in Chancery making order of 2 November 1836 [see D/X 497/11/10(iv) above] Absolute
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 497/11/10(ix)20 June 1836
(1) Edward Harrison of Southampton Buildings, Co. Middlesex, gent, William Backhouse of Darlington, banker, Edward Backhouse of Sunderland, banker, James Backhouse and John Backhouse both of Sunderland, bankers
(2) Rowland Webster of Bishopwearmouth esq., George Lewis Hollingsworth of Clapham Common Co. Surrey, esq.
Copy lease for 1 year of lands devised by will of Ann Allan dated 28 January 1783, also lands demised in indenture dated 30 September 1808
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/11/10(v)Copy, General Report in Chancery [on D/X 497/11/10(i)above] Absolute
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/11/10(vi)Copy, Order in Chancery to confirm General Report Nisi of 12 December 1837 [see D/X 497/11/10(v) above]. 19 December 1837
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 497/11/10(vii)Copy Order in Chancery confirming Report [1837 in of Absolute 12 December 1837 [see D/X 497/11/10(v) above]. 1838 [1837 in error in document 11 January]
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 497/11/10(viii)26 January 1838
(1) Philip Saltmarshe, Christopher Saltmarshe, William Henry Rawson, Christopher Rawson, Stansfield Rawson and John Waterhouse, plaintiffs
(2) Rowland Webster, George Lewis Hollingsworth, and many others, deforciants
Copy of Order in Chancery on further directions concerning taxation and payment of costs in the case of Allan v. Allan, and for the payment of taxed costs in the case of Saltmarshe v. Webster and for discharge of Receiver s Recognizance
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/11/10(x)21 June 1834
(1) Edward Harrison of Southampton Buildings, Co. Middlesex, gent
(2) William Backhouse of Darlington, banker, Edward Backhouse of Sunderland, banker, James Backhouse and John Backhouse both of Darlington, bankers
(3) Rowland Webster of Bishopwearmouth, esq., and George Lewis Hollingsworth of Clapham Common, Co. Surrey
Copy conveyance from (1) and (2) to (3) of the manors of Nether Walsall, Appleton upon Wiske and Kirk Leavington in the North Riding of Co. York, also Breakhouse Farm and East Field Farm in Eryholme in the North Riding of Co. York, also part of the manor of Dalton upon Tees, Co. York, also lands and houses in Bondgate in Darlington, also lands called Stepper Closes in Darlington, by the will of Ann Allan, late of Blackwell Grange in Darlington, deceased, dated 28 January 1783
Ref: D/X 497/11/11(i)14 October 1836
(1) Rowland Webster of Bishopwearmouth, esq., George Lewis Hollingsworth of Clapham Common Co. Surrey, esq.
(2) Edward Harrison of Southampton Buildings, Co. Middlesex, gent
Copy lease for 1 year of lands specified in the 3rd schedule annexed to indenture of Release to be dated 18 October 1836 [see D/X 497/11/11(ii) below] and called Breakhouse Farm, with other lands in Eryholme, Co. York, also Prescott's Close in Darlington and Pilkington Close in Darlington.
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/11/11(ii)15 October 1836
(1) Rowland Webster of Bishopwearmouth, esq., and George Lewis Hollingsworth of Clapham Common, Co. Surrey, esq.
(2) John Callrer of Carey Street, Co. Middlesex, gent
(3) Charles Ranken of Gray's Inn, Co. Middlesex, gent
(4) George Booth Tyndale of Hayling Island, Co. Southampton, esq., and Henry le Grice of Plymouth, Co. Devon, gent
(5) John Allan of Blackwell, esq., John Maling the younger of Bishopwearmouth, esq., and Rowland Webster, aforesaid
(6) Edward Harrison of Southampton Buildings, Co. Middlesex, gent.
Conveyance from (1) and others to the trustees of the codicil of the will of Robert Allan the younger, i.e. (5), of, and covenants to, lands in Co. Durham and Co. York including those called Nether Walsall and Appleton upon Wiske in Kirk Leavington, Co. York, also Breakhouse Farm and East Field Farm in Eryholme, Co. York, also lands in Dalton- upon-Tees in Croft, Co. York, also the mansion of Blackwell Grange and lands in Blackwell and Bondgate in Darlington, also lands called Skepper Closes in Darlington
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/11/12(i)5 March 1838
(1) John Allan of Blackwell, esq., John Maling and Rowland Webster both of Bishopwearmouth, esqres
(2) John Dunn of Durham, gent, and Henry Robert Allan Johnson of Bishopwearmouth, esq.
Copy lease for 1 year of land called Prescott's Close in Darlington
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/X 497/11/12(ii)6 March 1838
(1) John Allan of Blackwell, esq., John Maling and Rowland Webster both of Bishopwearmouth, esquires.
(2) William Allan of Blackwell Grange esq., Robert Henry Allan of Durham, esq. and others
(3) John Dunn of Durham, gent, and Henry Robert Allan Johnson of Bishopwearmouth, esq.
Copy conveyance from (1) and (3) to Robert Henry Allan (included in (2)) of lands and tithes in Co. Durham and Co. York specified in the codicil to the will of Robert Allan of Newbottle [father of Robert Henry Allan above-mentioned] ; also covenant to surrender to Robert Henry Allan certain lands in Darlington including Bank Close, Prescott' s Close, North and South Cross Woods, etc. [plan on pages 51, 52]
(paper, 1 file)