Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 741 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Manor of Romaldkirk
Covering Dates: 1802-1952
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Catalogue Description
Records of the Manor of Romaldkirk deposited on long term loan, 23 July 1984(Acc: 1528(D))
Catalogue Contents
Manor of Romaldkirk (Ref: D/X 741/1-30)Ref: D/X 741/1-4
Notes on court procedures, foreman's oath, form of admittance etc., n.d. [1920s]
(4 papers)
Ref: D/X 741/5Notice of the holding of the Court Capital with view of Frankpledge for the Manor of Romaldkirk on 2 April 1891, 21 March 1891
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/6Notice of the holding of the Court Capital with view of Frankpledge for the Manor of Romaldkirk on 27 April 1905, 7 March 1905
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/7Notice of the holding of the Court Capital with view of Frankpledge for the Manor of Romaldkirk on 16 September 1909, 6 Septeber 1909
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/8Notice of the holding of the Court Capital with view of Frankpledge for the Manor of Romaldkirk on 6 March 1920, 24 February 1920
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/9Notice of the holding of the Court Capital with view of Frankpledge for the Manor of Romaldkirk on 15 November 1924, 27 September 1924
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/10-12Precepts from the Steward of the Manor to the Bailiff requiring him to summon jurors and freeholders, 3 March 1920 - 22 December 1925
(3 papers, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/13Precepts from the Steward of the Manor to the Bailiff to summon suitors, 6 September 1909
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 741/14Precepts from the Steward of the Manor to the Bailiff to summon suitors, 15 October 1924 (1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/15Draft summons to juryman, 28 February 1920
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 741/16Draft jury presentment, 6 March 1920
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 741/17Court roll, 6 March 1920
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/18Draft jury presentment, 6 May 1922
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 741/19Court roll, 6 May 1922
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/20Court roll, 15 November 1924
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/21Court roll, 29 December 1925
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/22Agenda for court, 14 December 1929
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/23Court roll and jury presentment, 13 December 1930
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 741/24Court roll, 11 May 1933
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/25Jury presentment, 11 May 1933
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/26List of freeholders to be summoned as jurors, 13 December 1929
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 741/27-30Statements of fines and fees due on admittances, 1920 - 1926
(4 papers)
Surrenders and Conveyances of property (Ref: D/X 741/31-43)Ref: D/X 741/3120 October 1866
(1) Thomas Elliot Harrison of Whitburn, esquire, and Reverend James Baker of Winchester, clerk
(2) Joshua Coke Monkhouse of Eggleston, gentleman
Power of attorney from (1) to (2) to surrender copyholds in Romaldkirk
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 741/32-33Appointment of Oliver Aldridge Owen of Snape Castle, Bedale, land agent, as attorney for William Gray of Thorp Perrow, gentleman, and affidavit of execution of the said power of attorney, 28 November 1922
(2 papers, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/34Appointment of John Sherlock Helmer of Barnard Castle, bank manager, as attorney to surrender copy-holds on behalf of John Plews of Northallerton and Walter Edward Plews of Kirkby Fleetham and to be admitted to the same properties on behalf of Alfred John Morgan of the Lion Brewery, West Hartlepool, with affidavits of execution etc., 24 September - 14 October 1925
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/3531 July 1917
(1) Margaret Bowser Kipling of Carrowcroft House, Romaldkirk, widow
(2) Ernest Sydney Hawthorne of Romaldkirk, Captain R.A.M.C.
(3) Charles Jarrett Clarke of Albany House, Driffield, Yorkshire, ironmonger, and others (trustees)
Copy conveyance by (1) to (3) of lands at Hunderthwaite (46a.), 4a. of land at Romaldkirk, Carrowcroft Farm (47a.), 4 customary dwellinghouses at Romaldkirk, a dwellinghouse and lands called Newhouses (119a.) at Hunderthwaite, a field (3a.) at Hunderthwaite and a wood on the west of Hard Ings, Hunderthwaite, all upon trust for sale at the direction of (1)
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/36Copy of the will of William Raine of the Rose and Crown Inn, Romaldkirk, innkeeper, 31 October 1924
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/3718 August 1926
(1) Joseph Reginald Raine of 2 Railway Terrace, Riding Mill, Northumberland, signalman, and James Peirse Bainbridge of Romaldkirk, quarryman (executors of William Raine)
(2) Robert Walton of Romaldkirk, butcher
Copy conveyance of land at Jesmond Terrace, Romaldkirk as specified
Consideration: £200
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/3819 August 1927
(1) Sydney Nicholson of Burn Bridge, Egglestone, farmer, and William Nicholson of Bent Holme, Egglestone, mason
(2) Richard Nicholson of Bent Holme, farmer
Copy assignment of a half share in 6a. of land in Romaldkirk as specified. Plan attached
Consideration: £110
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/3923 March 1928
(1) Mary Hannah Forster, wife of George William Forster of 2 Railway Terrace, Cockfield, signalman
(2) Lilian Dearing, wife of John Lewin Dearing of 43 Bright Street, Darlington, insurance agent
Copy conveyance of Ormasley Hill Plantation (5a.) and a parcel of land adjoining it, at Romaldkirk.
Plan attached
Consideration: £100
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/409 June 1928
(1) John Sherlock Helmer of Barnard Castle, gentleman
(2) Roy Helmerow Helmer of Louth, Lincoln, solicitor, and Thomas Helmer of London, dental mechanic
Copy appointment of (2) as new trustees of the will of Thomas Helmer, J.P., in place of (1)
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/4121 March 1934
Copy vesting assent in John William Nicholson of New Town, Egglestone, mason, of 6 acres of land at Romaldkirk, under the will of Richard Nicholson
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/421 May 1937
(1) Margaret Ann Kipling, wife of James William Kipling of West Thorngarth Hill, Baldersdale, farmer
(2) Elizabeth Florence Dowson, wife of Walter Dowson of West Park, Lunedale, farmer
Copy deed of partition: a dwellinghouse and 11 acres of land in Baldersdale to (1) and the former King's Arms Inn, Romaldkirk to (2)
Consideration: £200 (1) to (2)
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/4321 September 1940
(1) Elizabeth Florence Dowson
(2) Rachel Kennedy Smith of Ivy Cottage, Romaldkirk, spinster
Copy conveyance of the former King's Arms Inn, Romaldkirk
Consideration: £300
(1 file, typescript)
Canon Beal's Properties (Ref: D/X 741/44-48)Ref: D/X 741/441893
(1) Joseph Hanby Holmes of Barnard Castle, solicitor (agent for Reverend Samuel Gilbert Beal, M.A.)
(2) Thomas Barker of Romaldkirk, farmer
Annual tenancy agreement for closes of grass land at Romaldkirk
Rent: £42
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 741/4523 August 1905
(1) Edward Eastwood Atkinson of Ballina, Mayo, gentleman (executor of Joseph Atkinson of Romaldkirk)
(2) Reverend Samuel Gilbert Beal of The Rectory, Romaldkirk, clerk
Grant of an easement concerning a recently constructed cowbyre
Consideration: 10s.
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 741/461912
(1) Joseph Hanby Holmes as agent for Reverend Samuel Gilbert Beal
(2) Robert Allinson of Hunderthwaite, farmer
Tenancy agreement for Tarn Flatt and Crosset Hill (821 acres of grassland) at Romaldkirk, from year to year
Rent: £18
(1 paper, printed form)
Ref: D/X 741/4726 October 1921
(1) Reverend Canon Samuel Gilbert Beal
(2) Joseph Benjamin Metcalfe of Park House, Marwood, farmer
Tenancy agreement for Burnt Walls Farm (21.5 acres), Romaldkirk, from year to year
Rent: £60
(1 paper, printed form)
Ref: D/X 741/4830 April 1926
(1) Reverend Canon Samuel Gilbert Beal
(2) John Allinson of West Thorngarth Hill, Baldersdale, farmer
Tenancy agreement for three fields of grasslands in Mickleton and Romaldkirk (8 acres), from year to year
Rent: £18
(1 paper, printed form)
Village Green (Ref: D/X 741/49-64)Ref: D/X 741/49-50Extracts from the court rolls of the Manor of Romaldkirk concerning the village green, 24 November 1864 - 7 February 1893
(2 papers)
Ref: D/X 741/51Copy notice from the Committee to Mr. Thomas Lowes to remove stones placed on the green, n.d. [c.1905-1906]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 741/52Notes concerning camping on the green, 2 October 1906
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 741/53Circular notice from J. Hanby Holmes, Steward of the Manor of Romaldkirk, requiring recipient to cease trespassing on the green, 8 October 1908
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/54Copy case, with the opinion of A. Brown of Lincoln's Inn thereupon, concerning the prevention of encampment upon the green at the time of Romaldkirk Fair, 13 September 1911
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/55Duplicate deed poll of Claud Snushall, Rector of Romaldkirk, being a revocable deed of dedication of Romaldkirk Village Green to the public, 4 September 1930
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/56Minutes of meetings of the Green Committee, Romaldkirk, 3 July 1931 - 15 June 1934
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/57Agenda for meeting of the Village Green Committee, 7 March 1935
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/58Minutes of the Village Green Committee, 27 January 1951
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/59Statement of account of the Village Green Committee, 1931 - 1932
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/60Notes on the Kelton Moss, n.d. [1930s]
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/6113 September 1937
(1) The Reverend Claud Snushall of The Rectory, Romaldkirk, clerk
(2) The Tees Valley Water Board
Counterpart wayleave agreement for laying pipes under the green
Plan attached
Rent: 1s. p.a.
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/6231 July 1938
(1) The Reverend Claud Snushall
(2) Mary Hugginson of Romaldkirk, widow
Wayleave agreement for the laying of a pipe line under the green for a term of 21 years
Plan attached
Rent: 6d. p.a.
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/63Copy of letter concerning Romaldkirk Fair which appeared in the Teesdale Mercury of 9 February 1887
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 741/64Newspaper cuttings concerning the abandonment of Romaldkirk Fair, September 1930 - October 1931
(1 file, printed)
Inclosure (Ref: D/X 741/65-70)Ref: D/X 741/65Mickleton Inclosure Act, 1802
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/66Mickleton Inclosure Amendment Act, 1803
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/67Lune, Holwick and Romaldkirk Inclosure Act, 1811
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/68A copy of the Commissioners' Award on the division of Romaldkirk Moor, 9 August 1822
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Ref: D/X 741/69Middleton in Teesdale Inclosure Award, by John Machell of Carlisle, land surveyor, December 1841
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/70Copy of the Hunderthwaite Inclosure Award, n.d.
(1 file)
Romaldkirk Manorial Incidents, Enfranchisement and Extinguishment (Ref: D/X 741/71-92)Ref: D/X 741/71Schedule of rents and rent coals payable to the Rector of Romaldkirk as Lord of the Manor, 1821
Ref: D/X 741/72Rough details of Romaldkirk Free Rents, 1854 - 1891
Ref: D/X 741/73Schedule of the gross estimated and net rateable values of the tenements of the Manor, n.d. [c. 1920s]
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 741/74Details of Romaldkirk properties and rentals, taken from the court rolls, n.d. [c.1920s]
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 741/75Draft admittance of Elizabeth Richardson and Robert Taylor Richardson to lands in Romaldkirk, with notice of option to enfranchise the lands, 1899
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 741/76Draft admittance of John Simpson Oliver to lands in the Manor of Romaldkirk; estimates of compensation payable for Oliver's properties in the Manors of Romaldkirk and Cotherstone cum Hunderthwaite, 15 November 1924 and n.d.
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/771927
(1) The Reverend Canon Samuel Gilbert Beal
(2) Alfred Oliver of Ivyholme, Romaldkirk, grocer, and Thomas Singer of Barnard Castle, cashier
Draft compensation agreement for the extinguishment of manorial incidents
Consideration: £10
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/78-83Estimates of compensation payable on the extinguishment of manorial incidents on the property of Ann, William and Thomas Heslop in the Manors of Romaldkirk and Cotherstone, with copy of admittance, plan of property and compensation agreement (27 June 1940), 11 November 1922 - 27 June 1940
(6 files, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/84Letter from E.R. Hanby Holmes, Barnard Castle, Steward of the Manor of Romaldkirk, to John Brown, Bowbank, Middleton in Teesdale, bailiff, concerning G.W. Cameron's wish to extinguish manorial incidents on his lands in the Manors of Romaldkirk and Hunderthwaite, with plan of same attached, 26 February 1936
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 741/851946
(1) Reverend Horace White
(2) Two of the Church Estates Commissioners
(3) George William Cameron of Heathcote, Romaldkirk, farmer
Draft compensation agreement for the extinguishment of manorial incidents
Consideration: £22 17s. 6d.
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/861949
(1) Reverend Frederick Horace White
(2) Two of the Church Estates Commissioners
(3) George William Cameron of Heathcote, Romaldkirk, farmer
Draft compensation agreement for the extinguishment of manorial incidents on property known as Tin Ten, otherwise Heathercote
Consideration: £22 17s. 6d.
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/87-88Particulars of G.W. Cameron's extinguishment forwarded to the Church Estates Commissioners, with their receipt for £22 17s.6d., 9 July 1951
(1 paper, 1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/89Papers relating to the extinguishment of manorial incidents upon the property of John Sherlock Helmer, with copy admittance (dated 1922) attached, 1951 - 1952
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/90Estimate of compensation payable on extinguishment of manorial incidents, James Pattison, tenant, n.d. [1920s-1950s]
(1 file)
Ref: D/X 741/91Draft of letter from E.R. Hanby Holmes, Barnard Castle, to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries concerning extinguishment of Romaldkirk manorial incidents, 30 December 1940
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/92Attendance sheets [of E.R. Hanby Holmes] for work done in connection with extinguishment of Romaldkirk manorial incidents, 1946 - 1947
(2 papers)
Correspondence (Ref: D/X 741/93-137)Ref: D/X 741/93-95Correspondence with B. Blyth, Lincoln's Inn, solicitor, and the Board of Agriculture concerning Hugginson deceased's property in the Manor of Romaldkirk, 17 - 19 June 1905
(2 files, 1 paper)
Ref: D/X 741/96Correspondence with the District Valuer, Northallerton, regarding the value of the Manor of Romaldkirk, 7 - 19 June 1912
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/97-110General correspondence concerning manorial incidents, admittances, extinguishments etc., 15 December 1924 - 28 September 1926
(15 papers, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/111Copy letter from the Ecclesiastical Commission concerning Alfred Oliver's compensation agreement, 2 January 1929
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/112-121General correspondence regarding extinguishment of manorial incidents, wayleaves, Heslop deceased etc., 15 July 1933 - 27 June 1940
(10 papers, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/122Letter from H.M. Inspector of Taxes, Darlington, concerning sporting rights over Parsons Moss, 22 May 1942
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/123-137General correspondence concerning the extinguishment of manorial incidents, 7 August 1946 - 2 May 1952
(14 papers, 1 file, typescript)
Miscellaneous (Ref: D/X 741/138-150)Ref: D/X 741/138Schedule of deeds (1768-1837) received by Francis Banks, mortgagee of lands in the Manor of Romaldkirk, n.d. [1920s]
(1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/139Copy of a bill of costs of W. Watson, steward, in connexion with an admittance (May 1892), n.d. [1920s]
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/140Details of Caley's extinguishment, Romaldkirk and Hunderthwaite, n.d. [1940s]
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/X 741/141-142Notices of statement of proposed development value, under the Town and Country Planning Act, 24 May and 29 June 1951
(2 papers, printed form)
Ref: D/X 741/143Scheme of the Charity Commission for the management of St. John's Hospital, Barnard Castle, 22 November 1878
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/144Scheme of the Charity Commission for the management of Barnard Castle Grammar School and Flounder's Charity, 1881
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/145Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Lunatic -Asylum for the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire, 1865
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: D/X 741/146Petition to the Justices of the Peace for the Greta Bridge Petty Sessional Division against the renewal of the licence of the Kirk Inn, Romaldkirk, n.d. [early 20th century]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/X 741/147Plans and elevations of a dwellinghouse, for the Reverend S.G. Beal, n.d. [c.1900]
Scale: 8 feet to 1 inch [1:96]
(1 file of plans, 46cm x 33cm, waxed linen)
Ref: D/X 741/148Copy of plan of lands at Romaldkirk, with landowners as in the early 19th century, n.d.
No scale
(1 plan, 25cm x 19cm, tracing)
Ref: D/X 741/149Copy of plan of lands at Romaldkirk shewing owners and acreages [taken from the Inclosure Award], n.d.
No scale
(1 plan, 75cm x 26cm)
Ref: D/X 741/150Map of the various proposed railways between Newcastle upon Tyne and Bewick upon Tweed, ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed, 24 February 1845
No scale
(1 plan, 58cm x 29cm, lithograph)