Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 788 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Darlington and Spennymoor plans
Covering Dates: 1947-1957
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- Miscellaneous documents
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Records received as a gift, 7 August 1985(Acc: 1613(D))
Catalogue Contents
Ref: D/X 788/1
Plan of proposed alterations to nos. 56 and 58 Northgate, Darlington, c.1955.
Gives plans of the ground floor, first floor and second floor noting the intended use for each room. Copied by Hillier, Parker, May & Rowden, Surveyors, 77 Grosvenor Street, London W1
Scale: 1/8 inch to 1 foot [1:96]
(1 plan, 66cm x 53cm, waxed paper)
Ref: D/X 788/1lGround plan of nos. 5, 7 & 8 Prebend Row - no.39 Priestgate and Penny Yard, Darlington, 1947
Gives general layout of the area showing yards, passageways etc. Copied by Hillier, Parker, May & Rowden, Surveyors, 77 Grosvenor Street, London W1
Scale: 1" to 8 feet [1:96]
(1 plan, 41cm x 65cm, waxed paper)
Ref: D/X 788/2Plan of nos. 9-12 Bondgate, Darlington, 1947.
Gives location of the buildings in the square bounded by Skinnergate, Bondgate and High Row. Copied by Hillier, Parker, May & Rowden, Surveyors, 77 Grosvenor Street, London W1
Scale: 1 inch to 40 feet [1:480]
(1 plan, 38cm x 29cm, waxed paper)
Ref: D/X 788/3"Ground floor plan of 206/14 Northgate, Darlington", 1947.
Gives location of the various [shop] windows and other external features of the building. Copied by Hillier, Parker, May & Rowden, Surveyors, 77 Grosvenor Street, London W1
Scale: 1 inch to 10 feet [1:120]
(1 plan, 34cm x 48cm, waxed paper)
Ref: D/X 788/4Working drawings for the porposed lock up shops at St. Paul's School site, Spennymoor, 1957
Gives elevations and floor plans of the proposed construction. Designed by Brian L. Sutcliffe and Partners, Chartered Architects and Civil Engineers, 5 Manchester Square, London W1
Scale: 1/8 inch to 16 inches [1:128]
(1 plan, 73cm x 54cm, paper, duplicated)
Ref: D/X 788/5"The King's Head Hotel and Messrs. F.W. Woolworth & Co. Ltd., Northgate, Darlington", c.1950
Gives ground, first, second and third floor plans of the hotel; the location of Woolworths in relation to the hotel and a site plan of the prmises in relation to High Row, Tubwell Row, Priestgate and the Town Hall
Scales: 1" to 2O feet [1:240], 1" to 30 feet [1:360]
(1 plan, 77cm x 50cm, waxed paper)
Ref: D/X 788/6Basement plan of the King's Head Hotel, Darlington, 1955
Gives floor plan showing use of each room, dimensions etc. Copied by Hillier, Parker, May & Rowden, Surveyors, 77 Grosvenor Street, London W1
Scale: 8" to 1 foot [1:15]
(1 plan, 61cm x 53cm, waxed paper)
Ref: D/X 788/7Floor plans of The Shafto Arms, Spennymoor, West Auckland as existing, 1955
Gives floor plans of the basement, ground floor, first floor, second floor and section of the building. Copied by Hillier, Parker, May & Rowden, Surveyors, 77 Grosvenor Street, London W1
Scale: 1/8" to 1 foot [1:96]
(1 plan, 83cm x 55cm, paper)
Ref: D/X 788/8Ground plan of 67 Northgate, Darlington, c.1950
Gives outline sketch of the property in relation to Back Road and the property of Archer Vann and the Trustees of the Bethel Chapel. Copied by Hillier, Parker, May and Rowden, Surveyors, 27 Maddox Street, London W1
Scale: 1" to 8 feet [1:96]
(1 plan, 25cm x 44cm, waxed paper)
Ref: D/X 788/9Ground floor plan of 96 Northgate, Darlington, c.1950
Gives basic layout design of a shop. Copied by Hillier, Parker, May & Rowden, Surveyors, 27 Maddox Street, London W1
No scale
(1 plan, 50cm x 77cm, waxed paper)
Ref: D/X 788/10Ground floor plan of 91 Northgate, Darlington, c.1950
Gives basic layout design of a shop and its back premises, also gives dimensions
No scale
(1 plan, 30cm x 40cm, waxed paper)
Ref: D/X 788/12Ground floor plan and first floor plan of 64/66 Northgate, Darlington, c.1950
Gives general layout and use of specific areas on each floor of the shop
No scale
(1 plan, 77cm x 50cm, waxed paper)
Ref: D/X 788/13Ground floor, first floor and second floor plans of the office premises etc. at no.32 Northgate, Darlington, c.1950
Gives use of each room, room dimensions etc. Copied by Hillier, Parker, May & Rowden, Surveyors, 77 Grosvenor Street, London W1
Scale: 1" to 8 feet [1:96]
(1 plan, 60cm x 51cm, waxed paper)