Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 522 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Witton Gilbert deeds
Covering Dates: 1612-1696
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Description
Records relating to Witton Gilbertdeposited on permanent loan
(Acc. 1007 (D))
County Record Office,
County Hall,
DHl 5UL.
Catalogue Contents
Ref: D/X 522/1
30 July 1612
(1) Sir Edward Musgrave of Hayton Castle (Co. Cumberland), Kt.
(2) Robert Watson of Witton Gilbert, yeo.
Covenant to convey from (1) to (2) before 29 September 1612 a messuage and tenement in Witton Gilbert, of the ancient yearly rent of 13s. 11d. Recites: Agreement between (1) and (2) and other tenants in Moorsley, Hetton-in-the-Hole, Great Lumley, Witton Gilbert, Ebchester, Kibblesworth to convert tenements held of (1) from leasehold to farmhold.
Consideration: £36 19s. 9d.
Ref: D/X 522/230 July 1612
(1) Edward Musgrave of Hayton Castle (Co. Cumberland), Kt.; and George Walton of the City of Durham, merchant; Thomas Smith of East Boldon, yeo.
(2) Robert Watson of Witton Gilbert, yeo.
Feoffment of messuage and tenement in Witton Gilbert (in accordance with agreement in D/X 522/1)
Ref: D/X 522/34 December 1696
(1) Miles Middleton, pl.
(2) James Middleton, det.
Fine of 10 a. of land in Witton Gilbert.
(Parchment, seal fragmented)