Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 1634 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Durham Girls Grammar School
Covering Dates: 1958-1969
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Contents
Durham Girls' Grammar School (Ref: D/X 1634)School Exercise Books (Ref: D/X 1634/1-10)Ref: D/X 1634/1
Geography exercise book, Linda Mercer, form LV [Lower Fifth], Girls' Grammar School, Durham, 5 November 1958 - 13 October 1959
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 1634/2Geography exercise book, Linda Mercer, form LV [Lower Fifth], Girls' Grammar School, Durham, 20 October 1959 - June 1960
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 1634/3History exercise book, Linda Mercer, form LV [Lower Fifth], Girls' Grammar School, Durham, 11 March - 18 October 1960
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 1634/4French notebook, Linda Mercer, form LV [Lower Fifth], Girls' Grammar School, Durham, n.d. c.1960
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 1634/5Needlework sample book, Linda Mercer, Girls' Grammar School, Durham, n.d. c.1960
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 1634/6Religious instruction exercise book, Linda Mercer, form LV [Lower Fifth], Girls' Grammar School, Durham, n.d. c.1960
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 1634/7Graphs exercise book, Linda Mercer, form LV [Lower Fifth], Girls' Grammar School, Durham, n.d. [ c.1960/61
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 1634/8History exercise book, Linda Mercer, form LV [Lower Fifth], Girls' Grammar School, Durham, 12 October 1961
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 1634/9Needlework sample book, Linda Mercer, form UV [Upper Fifth], Girls' Grammar School, Durham, n.d. c.1961
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 1634/10Geography exercise book, Linda Mercer, form UV [Upper Fifth], Girls' Grammar School, Durham, 27 September 1961 - 9 April 1962
(1 booklet)
Administration (Ref: D/X 1634/11)Ref: D/X 1634/11Blank declaration form relating to exposure to infectious disease, n.d. [c.1960]
(1 paper, printed)
Examinations (Ref: D/X 1634/12)Ref: D/X 1634/12Scrap of paper with typewritten English Literature examination questions for Form III, June 1959
(1 paper, printed)
School magazines (Ref: D/X 1634/13-16)Ref: D/X 1634/13Durham Girls' Grammar School Magazine No. 39, June 1964
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: D/X 1634/14Durham Girls' Grammar School Magazine No. 42, June 1967
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: D/X 1634/15Durham Girls' Grammar School Magazine No. 43, June 1968
(1 booklet, printed)
Ref: D/X 1634/16Durham Girls' Grammar School Magazine No. 44, June 1969
(1 booklet, printed)