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- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1886-c.1920 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1116 Cuthbert Holmes of Bearpark
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1755-1970s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1598 Daddry Shield, Dry Gill, deeds; First World War recollections
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1940 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 737 Daily Telegraph newspaper
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1858-1892 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 344 Dale Young & Co., bankers, of South Shields, Jarrow, and Newcastle
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents c.1172-1932 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 575 Dalton le Dale monumental inscriptions
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 2001-2003 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2160 Daniel Adamson Coach House Community Association, Shildon
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1715 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2054 Darlington Blue Coat School
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1903-1965 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1206 Darlington Branch of Railway Clerks' Association, later Transport Salaried Staffs' Association
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1935-1993 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1061 Darlington Branch of The United Nations Association
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1960s-1983 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1526 Darlington Civic Theatre programmes
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1794-1972 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1092 Darlington Corn Mill, Flour and Provision Company
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1950s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1530 Darlington Drill Hall musical programme
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1907-1942 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1747 Darlington Equitable Building Society; Thomas Summerson & Sons Ltd
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1898-1955 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2003 Darlington Forge
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1914 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1781 Darlington Forge Company Limited
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1922-1968 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 922 Darlington Labour Party
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1936 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1196 Darlington Male Voice Choir
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1885-1913 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1830 Darlington Market Hall
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1618-1866 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 667 Darlington Poor Law records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1632-1878 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 666 Darlington Poor Law, Sunderland and other records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1938-1963 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 955 Darlington Queen's Nurses Association
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1852-1972 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 944 Darlington Town Mission and Christian Visiting Society
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1931-1937 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 578 Darlington Training College and St. Hild's College, Durham
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1881-1883 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 945 Darlington West End Football Club
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1918-1983 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 924 Darlington and Barnard Castle parish records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1841-1889 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 879 Darlington and Bishop Auckland records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1688-1693 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 097 Darlington and Bishopwearmouth deeds
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1701-1869 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 874 Darlington and Gainford overseers of the poor records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1875 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 613 Darlington and Richmond Herald newspaper
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1947-1957 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 788 Darlington and Spennymoor plans
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1820-1946 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 580 Darlington and other records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1640 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 137 Darlington deed
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1791 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 155 Darlington deed
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1749 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1920 Darlington deeds
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1749-1812 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1947 Darlington deeds
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1663-1836 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 745 Darlington deeds and correspondence re. John Sanson's estate
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1698-1867 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 497 Darlington deeds of John Harris of 'Woodside', civil engineer (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1674-1858 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 497 Darlington deeds of John Harris of 'Woodside', civil engineer (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1798-1805 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 386 Darlington diary, probably of George Ornsby
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1741-1835 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 231 Darlington, Blackwellgate, deeds
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1836-1838 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 232 Darlington, Blackwellgate, deeds
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1781-1903 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1329 Darlington, Bondgate and Southend Estate
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1926 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1189 Darlington, Bondgate, Wesleyan Methodist Circuit
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 972 Darlington, Cathericks Buildings and Northgate
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1871-1974 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2208 Darlington, Durham and South Shields local history
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1655-1888 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1296 Darlington, Gainford, Hamsterley and Wolsingham, Sunderland, Melsonby, North Yorkshire, deeds
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1775-1899 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 136 Darlington, High Row, deeds
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1896-1925 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 963 Darlington, Ketton Hall and Estate
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1714-1848 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 350 Darlington, Manor of Blackwell
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1705-1907 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 905 Darlington, Northgate and Durham City, Silver Street, deeds