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- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 024 Minutes: Area General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (South and West)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 018 Minutes: Area Planning Committee (Central and East Durham)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 019 Minutes: Area Planning Committee (North)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 020 Minutes: Area Planning Committee (South and West)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 003 Minutes: Audit Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/B Minutes: Beamish Joint Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 002 Minutes: Cabinet
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/D Minutes: Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 011 Minutes: Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/F Minutes: Combined Fire Authority for County Durham and Darlington
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 012 Minutes: Corporate Issues Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 001 Minutes: County Council
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 017 Minutes: County Planning Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 013 Minutes: Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 014 Minutes: Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2011-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 031 Minutes: General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (1)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2011-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 032 Minutes: General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (2)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2011-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 027 Minutes: General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (3)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2013-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 034 Minutes: Health and Wellbeing Board
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 005 Minutes: Highways Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 006 Minutes: Human Resources Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/M Minutes: Mountsett Crematorium Joint Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 009 Minutes: Overview and Scrutiny Management Board
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 007 Minutes: Pension Fund
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 015 Minutes: Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 008 Minutes: Standards Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 030 Minutes: Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 3/1 Neighbourhood Services: Architectural and Building Design plans
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1985-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 2 Neighbourhood Services: Contaminated Land files
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1997 - 2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 4 Neighbourhood Services: Sport and Leisure - Art and Heritage
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1996-1998 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 3/4 Neighbourhood Services: Technical Services - Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory: Boreholes
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1953-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 3/3 Neighbourhood Services: Technical Services - Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory: Highways Reports
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1958-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 3/5 Neighbourhood Services: Technical Services - Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory: Miscellaneous
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1995 - 2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 3/2 Neighbourhood Services: Technical Services - Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory: Site Investigation Reports
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1878-2019 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 5 Neighbourhoods and Climate Change: Bereavement Services
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2005 - 2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RED 2 Regeneration and Economic Development: Economic Policy and Programmes: Heart of Teesdale Landscape Partnership
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1997-2004 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RED 4/5 Regeneration and Economic Development: Historic Environment Record - Hardwick Park restoration project
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1974-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RED 4/4 Regeneration and Economic Development: Historic Environment Record - Sites and Monuments Record
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2008-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RES 3/3 Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1886-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RES 3/2 Resources - Legal Services: Byelaws
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2002 - 2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RES 3/4 Resources - Legal Services: Seal books
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1991-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RES 5/1-9 Resources: Design and Print publications
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2020 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RES 3/1 Resources: Electoral registers
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2011-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/CAS 2 School and Governor Support
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) - Durham Police Authority 2010-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/P4 Finance, Audit and Resources Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) - Durham Police Authority 2010 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/P2 Governance and Financial Management Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) - Durham Police Authority 2009-2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/P1 Minutes
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) - Durham Police Authority 2009-2010 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/P3 People Responsibility Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 -) 2004-2023 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/CE Chief Executive
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 -) 1988 - 2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/FRS County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service