Information about Unitarian churches and Unitarian records in Durham County Record Office.
About Unitarianism
Unitarianism is based on the belief in the single personality of God, in contrast to the doctrine of the Trinity (three persons in one God). Many Presbyterian Churches declined in the 18th century and the Unitarian Church arose out of a controversy about the doctrine of the Trinity. There is a History of Unitarianism on the BBC website.
The Record Office holds very few Unitarian Church registers.
How to search for Unitarian records
Search church registers for details of the registers we keep.
Many registers of non-conformist churches have been transcribed and/or indexed. See Indexes and transcripts (Non-conformist).
To search for all Unitarian church records on our online catalogue go to catalogue search. Type Unitarian into the Keywords box and select Non-conformist Church Records from the Category drop-down list.
To search for any references to Unitarians in our catalogue type Unitarian into the Keywords box and select Yes to include Word variations.