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- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 29-Dec-1911
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 19-Oct-1911
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 14-Dec-1911
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 11-Dec-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 7-Jan-1920
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 7-Aug-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 4-Feb-1920
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 30-Oct-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 27-Nov-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 3-Oct-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 13-Dec-1907
- Buttle, F. , 7-Nov-1934
- Buttle, F. , 4-Nov-1935
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 7-Feb-1919
- Buttle, F. New Copley [or] Victoria, 25-Feb-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 22-Mar-1920
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 3-Nov-1911
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 5-Oct-1911
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 24-May-1911
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 8-Jun-1911
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 16-Mar-1920
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 6-Jul-1911
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 24-Jun-1911
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 12-Sep-1911
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 18-Feb-1920
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 6-Feb-1913
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 24-Jan-1913
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 19-Jun-1917
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 19-Nov-1912
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 15-Aug-1917
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 17-Feb-1916
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 9-Jan-1913
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 5-Sep-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 25-Feb-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 8-Feb-1917
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 16-Apr-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 8-Nov-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 14-Apr-1920
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 12-Aug-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, 12-May-1919
- Buttle, F. Gordon House, Nov-1919
- Buttle, F.H. Gordon House, 11-May-1911
- Buttle, J. Gordon House, 11-Dec-1919
- Buttle, J. , 16-Feb-1943
- Buttle, J. Gordon House, 1916
- Buttle, J. Gordon House, 13-Sep-1916
- Buttle, J. , 4-Mar-1942
- Buttle, J. , 5-Mar-1941
- Buttle, R. , 31-Dec-1934
- Buttle, S. , 22-Feb-1915
- Buttle, T. Gordon House, 16-Nov-1911
- Buttler, A. , 1918
- Buttler, F. , 1918
- Buttler, H. , 1918
- Buttler, James , 13-Mar-1884
- Buttler, Robert , 22-Apr-1878
- Buttler, William H. , 18-Mar-1911
- Buttler, , 16-Apr-1884
- Buttler, , 1-Apr-1884
- Buttler, , 14-May-1878
- Button, A. , 6-Sep-1911
- Button, A. , 6-Sep-1911
- Button, Daniel Dawdon, 2-Dec-1908
- Button, Edna May , 25-Jun-1951
- Button, Frederick , 1-Feb-1911
- Button, G. New Seaham [or] Seaham [or] Nicky Nack, 1957
- Button, George , 20-Jul-1951
- Button, George , 21-Jul-1950
- Button, J. Silksworth, 15-Dec-1919
- Button, J. , 24-Jul-1921
- Button, J. Silksworth, 19-Apr-1920
- Button, J.G. , 20-Jul-1951
- Button, J.W. Murton, 15-Jan-1941
- Button, John Arthur Murton, 27-Sep-1937
- Button, John Arthur , 4-Dec-1952
- Button, L.S. , 13-May-1915
- Button, T. , 14-Mar-1919
- Button, Theodore , 3-Oct-1889
- Button, W. , 23-Jun-1918
- Button, W. , 23-Sep-1935
- Button, Walter , 30-Dec-1913
- Button, Walter , 30-Dec-1913
- Button, William Dean and Chapter [or] Ferryhill, Jul-1930
- Button, William Dean and Chapter [or] Ferryhill, 3-Jul-1930
- Button, William Dean and Chapter [or] Ferryhill, 3-Mar-1930
- Button, William , 28-Jul-1961
- Button, , 17-Feb-1880
- Button, Wooley, 17-Apr-1923
- Buttons, James , 17-Mar-1911
- Butts, T. , 8-Dec-1941
- Butts, T. , 1946
- Butts, Thomas Wingate [or] Wingate Grange, 1939
- Buxon, W. , 1-May-1900
- Buxton, F. , 21-Jul-1950
- Buxton, F. , 20-Jul-1951
- Buxton, George , 27-May-1926
- Buxton, Henry J. Horden, 23-Apr-1937
- Buxton, J. , 25-Feb-1935
- Buxton, J. Usworth, 6-Oct-1906
- Buxton, M. , 10-Nov-1892
- Buxton, R. , 10-Sep-1935
- Buxton, Robert , 21-Jan-1911
- Buxton, Robert , 16-Feb-1912
- Buxton, Robert H. , 14-Jul-1911
- Buxton, Samuel Deaf Hill, 9-Jan-1895
- Buxton, T. , 24-May-1912
- Buxton, T. , 5-Sep-1912
- Buxton, T. , Dec-1908
- Buxton, Thomas , 20-Nov-1908
- Buxton, W. Usworth, 30-Sep-1899
- Buxton, , 15-May-1926
- Buxton, , 15-May-1926
- Buydon, John , 12-Jun-1879
- Buzzard, A. , 10-Aug-1913
- Buzzard, Arthur , 4-Dec-1915
- Buzzard, Arthur Edward , 26-Jul-1912
- Buzzard, C. Whitburn [or] Marsden (3), 28-Sep-1921
- Buzzard, E. , 19-Jun-1915
- Buzzard, E. , 9-Nov-1912
- Buzzard, James E. , 2-Jun-1911
- Buzzard, T. , 30-Dec-1917
- Buzzard, T. , 28-Nov-1920
- Buzzard, Thomas , 6-Sep-1912
- Buzzard, , 16-Mar-1914
- Byers, B. , 1946
- Byers, B. Gordon House, 9-Dec-1922
- Byers, Charles , 30-Nov-1910
- Byers, F. , 28-Aug-1915
- Byers, F. , 13-Jun-1918
- Byers, F. , 5-Jul-1946
- Byers, F. , 23-Nov-1933
- Byers, F. , 18-Jan-1946
- Byers, Fenwick , 14-Feb-1919
- Byers, Fenwick , 3-Jan-1914
- Byers, H. , 15-Nov-1932
- Byers, James , 14-Sep-1911
- Byers, R. , 10-Sep-1935
- Byers, R. , 25-Jun-1929
- Byers, Ralph , 19-Nov-1910
- Byers, Thomas Murton, 23-Jan-1894
- Byers, W. , 1944
- Byers, W. Gordon House, 7-Oct-1914
- Byers, W. , 11-Nov-1926
- Byers, W.W. Lumley (Sixth), 24-Jun-1961
- Byers, William , 3-Jan-1914
- Byers, William , 18-Aug-1911
- Byers, , 16-Aug-1924
- Byers, , 10-Jun-1916
- Byers, Horden, 9-Feb-1911
- Byfield, David , 17-May-1912
- Byfield, J.W. Waldridge, 11-Sep-1902
- Byfield, John Old Sherburn, 21-Nov-1891
- Byfield, Samuel Old Sherburn, 10-Oct-1891
- Byfield, T. , 25-Feb-1935
- Byfield, W. , 1929
- Byfield, William Arthur Follonsby, 1-Nov-1930
- Byfield, Hebburn, 1-Nov-1911
- Byfield, , 18-Jan-1912
- Byfield, , 22-Jan-1912
- Byfield, Hebburn, 22-Jan-1912
- Bygate, A.W. , 1-Dec-1914
- Bygate, S. Heworth [or] High Heworth, 29-Nov-1957
- Bygroves, James , 30-Aug-1937
- Bynne, Thomas , 11-Nov-1911
- Byone, Peter , 20-Sep-1911
- Byrne, E. , 5-Nov-1964
- Byrne, J. , 15-Dec-1919
- Byrne, J. (L/Cpl.) , 1943
- Byrne, James , 2-Feb-1920
- Byrne, John Mainsforth, 15-Dec-1919
- Byrne, M. Trimdon Grange, 18-Jul-1954
- Byrne, Peter , 10-Sep-1911
- Byrne, Robert Framwellgate [or] Framwellgate Moor, 10-Mar-1888
- Byrne, Thomas , 24-Apr-1933
- Byrne, William , 1-Mar-1912
- Byrne, Whitburn [or] Marsden, 29-Sep-1898
- Byrns, J. Etherley (George), 14-Apr-1899
- Byrns, J. Etherley (George), 20-Feb-1899
- Byrns, J. Etherley (George), 9-Jan-1899
- Byrns, R. Etherley (George), 9-Jan-1899
- Byrns, R. Etherley (George), 20-Feb-1899
- Byrns, R. Etherley (George), 14-Apr-1899
- Byron, B. , 10-Feb-1941
- Byron, E. , 8-Jun-1933
- Byron, J. , 5-Jul-1956
- Byron, Robert Murton, 30-Jul-1956
- Byron, , 13-May-1919
- Byron, , 6-May-1919
- Caacke, T. , 13-Sep-1894
- Cabe, J.M. , 1918
- Cable, A. , 17-Jul-1917
- Cable, Benjamin Blackhall, 17-Aug-1923
- Cable, Benjamin Blackhall, 19-Dec-1923
- Cable, J.R. Hebburn, 16-Jul-1917
- Cable, J.R. , 16-Jul-1917
- Cable, J.W. Whitburn [or] Marsden, 27-Jul-1922
- Cable, J.W. , 16-Dec-1916
- Cable, James , 20-Oct-1911
- Cable, James W. Whitburn [or] Marsden, 23-May-1923
- Cable, James W. Whitburn [or] Marsden, 27-Jul-1922
- Cable, John E. , 29-Apr-1944
- Cable, John E. , 18-May-1944
- Cable, P. , 14-Jun-1937
- Cable, William , 30-Aug-1913
- Cable, William T. , 10-Jan-1913
- Cable, , 29-May-1917
- Cable, , 4-Jul-1914
- Cable, , 23-Jul-1917
- Cable, , 9-Jul-1917
- Cable, , 24-Sep-1917
- Caddle, Robert , 4-Jun-1913
- Caddock, J. Hamsteels, 9-Feb-1914
- Caddow, J.W. New Seaham [or] Seaham [or] Nicky Nack, 1957
- Caddow, Joseph W. New Seaham [or] Seaham [or] Nicky Nack, Jun-1917
- Cade, Thomas , 3-Mar-1911
- Cadle, C.E. , 10-Apr-1911
- Cadle, C.E. Sherburn House, 9-Mar-1911
- Cadle, C.E. , 30-Nov-1911
- Cadler, C.E. Horden, 1-Nov-1911
- Cadman, A. , 25-Jul-1913
- Cadman, Francis , 15-Oct-1910
- Cadman, Frank , 30-Jul-1911
- Cadman, J. Tudhoe, 1919
- Cadman, J. , 28-Feb-1913
- Cadman, J. , 18-Jan-1913
- Cadman, J.W. Thornley, 29-Jan-1903
- Cadman, James , 28-Dec-1880
- Cadman, James , Dec-1901
- Cadman, John , 4-Jan-1911
- Cadman, Joseph , Dec-1901
- Cadman, Joseph Tudhoe, 8-Apr-1904
- Cadman, Joseph Tudhoe, 8-Apr-1904
- Cadman, Joseph ,
- Cadman, Joseph , 8-Apr-1904
- Cadman, T. , 8-Jun-1933
- Cadman, W. , 6-Oct-1911
- Cadman, William Whitburn [or] Marsden, 15-Jan-1890
- Cadman, William , 18-Sep-1911
- Cadwallender, George , 16-May-1913
- Cadwallender, W.E. Browney, 1938
- Cadwell, George , 4-Oct-1911
- Cadwell, James , 24-May-1914
- Cadwell, T. Leasingthorne, 27-Jul-1888
- Cadwell, Thomas , 5-Sep-1920
- Cadwell, Leasingthorne, 14-Jul-1888
- Cadwell, Leasingthorne, 22-Jun-1888
- Cadwell, , 12-Feb-1912
- Cady, Frederick Tudhoe, 16-Apr-1903
- Cady, John Marley Hill [or] North Banks, 16-Apr-1903
- Cafferty, James Marley Hill [or] North Banks, 4-May-1937