The Digest of Services of the 2nd Battalion The Durham Light Infantry [D/DLI 2/2/14], records that on 24 June 1886 it received orders to proceed to India from Egypt.
The Battalion travelled down the Nile to Cairo and, on 6 January 1887, embarked at Suez on board H.M.S. ‘Crocodile’, arriving in Bombay on 20 January. The soldiers travelled by rail to Poona, where they lived in the Ghorpuri Barracks.
In December 1898, the 2nd Battalion moved to Mandalay in Burma, where they remained until 20 December 1900.
The photograph below shows a view of Mandalay, where they were stationed, taken from Mandalay Hill in 1899.
The Battalion returned to India, to Wellington, where the soldiers stayed for two years. On 16 December 1902, they left India for England. They spent the next three years at the Corunna Barracks, Aldershot.