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” 1882
The Bn. left The Curragh in August & embarked for the Meditteranean – half the Bn. being stationed at Malta & half at Gibraltar.
In this year the Depot & headquarters of the 68th Regimental District moved from Sunderland to Newcastle where a double Depot was formed jointly with that of The Northumberland Fusiliers – which remains unchanged to the present day.
The Bn. was ordered to strengthen the Garrison in Egypt & moved to Cairo in February – in September it went to Abassigyeh – thence to Wadi Halfa in Upper Egypt. The regimental Detachment of Mounted Infantry commanded by Lieut De Lisle – were engaged with the Enemy in December of this year – where Lieut De Lisle & Sergeant Stuart earned the D.S.O. & the D.C.M. respectively for their gallantry in action. On December the 30th the Bn. took part in the battle of Ginnis when the Arabs were completely defeated – the casualties of the Bn. being five men wounded. Shortly after this an infant Arab boy whose father had been killed in the battle was found & adopted by the regiment – being christened James Francis Durham – his real name was Mustapha – he was brought up in the Battalion, in due course enlisted in it, became a bandsman, & died at Fermoy on 8th August 1910.
On January 9th operations ceased – General Butler issued a special order on the day of the battle of Ginnis complimenting the troops on the steadiness & coolness displayed by all ranks. The D.S.O. had been gained by Colonel Coker and Lieut. De Lisle & the D.C.M. by Sergt. Stuart and Pte. Warburton.
While in Egypt the Bn. lost one officer and 55 O.R. from wounds & disease…”