Transcript of Digest of Services, 1885-1886 (D/DLI 2/2/14, pp.101-102)
Please remember that all transcripts show what is written on the page; spelling and grammatical mistakes are not corrected.
“…Divisional & Brigade Order was read on parade at the Head of each Company.
‘The Lieut: General Commanding desires to congratulate the Troops comprising the Frontier Field Force on the success of this day’s operations, during which they have given another proof of the Soldierlike qualities they have been distinguished for during so many weeks, when exposed to the constant and harassing annoyance of the Enemy of whom at last, they have been able to give a good account’.
‘The success of to-day will be heartily welcomed at home, and be a happy announcement to their friends on the ‘Coming New Year’.
By Order
(Sd) L.D. Murray Lt.Col
A.A.G. F.F. Force
In publishing to the 1st Brigade the above congratulatory order of the Lieut: General Commanding the Troops begs to add the expression of his sincere thanks to the Officers, Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and men, English and Egyptian, of the Brigade which he had the honor to Command in yesterday’s action.
The Steadiness with which the march was carried out in the darkness of the early morning over extremely rugged ground; the cool courage evinced when exposed to a heavy and sustained Rifle fire along 800 yards of front, and on ground which gave effective cover to the Enemy, the determined manner in which the Artillery (Egyptian) and Camel Corps co-operated in the most exposed positions, the admirable order in which the final advance on Ginness was carried out, reflects the highest credit on the Troops engaged.
Above all the Brigadier General desires to congratulate the Force under his Command upon the fact that yesterday’s action was fought in the old English Formation of Line, and that acting in this order, the Brigade inflicted a crushing defeat upon the Enemy, captured his Guns, Camp and Standards, and routed the entire Arab Army from its strong position.
By Order
(Sd.) Morgan Crofton Lt.Col
Brigade Major Brigade F.F.
Assouan Soudan 31.12.85
On the 9th January 1886, the operations against the Arabs under Lieut. General Sir Frederick Stephenson were brought to a close, and the Force broken up.
The Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry was detailed to hold the extreme Frontier post of Kosheh, and was encamped for nearly three months on the River bank close outside the Fort.
On the 5th February 1886, the Annual Inspection was taken by Brigadier General Butler C.B. who came from Wady Halfa for that purpose.
On this occasion orders were given for the Regiment to commence Hutting itself with a view to the probability that the…”