Transcript of Digest of Services, April – May 1910 (D/DLI 2/2/15)
Please remember that all transcripts show what is written on the page; spelling and grammatical mistakes are not corrected.
“2nd Battalion The Durham Light Infantry
1910 April 2nd Lieutenant John Beauclerk Vandeleur is gazetted to the Regiment vice E.V. Manger seconded, and posted to the Battalion. Dated 6-4-10. Gazette 5-4-10.
John Ord Cobbold Hasted to be 2nd Lieutenant vice Lieutenant W.T. Wyllie seconded.
Edmund Swetenham to be 2nd Lieutenant on augmentation. Gazette dated 19-4-10.
2nd Lieut. Hasted is posted to the 1st Battalion.
2nd Lieutenant R.C. Smith to be Lieutenant vice W.T. Wyllie seconded. Dated 23-2-10.
J.P.L. Shea, Sergeant Major at the Depot, Newcastle-on-Tyne is appointed Sergt Major of the Battalion vice S.Whan promoted Quarter Master.
May 2nd Lieut. W.B. Twist to Lieutenant on augmentation. Dated 1-4-10.
Captain. A.W.B. Wallace whose tenure of duty as Adjutant of the 1st Battalion has expired, is absorbed into the 2nd Battalion.
Captain. J.W. Jeffreys, 1st Durham Light Infantry is permitted to exchange with Captain. H.E. Lavie, and the latter proceeds to India accordingly.
The Battalion mourns the death of His Majesty King Edward VII, which took Place at 11-45. a.m. on 6th May.
On the 13th May the Battalion, together with the remainder of the Garrison, attended the Civil Official Proclamation of the Accession of His Majesty King George V, to the Throne. The troops were drawn up in a hollow square facing the Royal Hotel in the Town. The High Sherriff read the Proclamation from the balcony of the hotel. The massed bands played the National Anthem and three cheers were then given for the King. Immediately following the cheers the Royal Artillery fired a salute of 21 guns from the North bank of the river. The troops then marched back to quarters.”