The following is an alphabetical list of Durham miners' sorted by surname. Please click a miners' name for further information or click on a letter to jump to surnames starting with that initial.
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- Asbridge, Ryhope, 27-Mar-1908
- Ascot, Frank , 17-Mar-1892
- Ascott, E. Stargate [or] Towneley Main, 7-Jun-1922
- Ascott, James W. , 25-Aug-1911
- Ash, Arthur , 11-Mar-1944
- Ash, G. , 19-Apr-1894
- Ash, George Castle Eden, 1-Mar-1887
- Ash, Jonathan , 10-Aug-1913
- Ash, M. Wearmouth [or] Monkwearmouth (B), 19-Dec-1895
- Ash, Moses Houghton, 17-Mar-1891
- Ash, Samuel , 5-Mar-1887
- Ash, T. , 7-Oct-1935
- Ash, Thomas Tudhoe, 19-May-1919
- Ash, Dean and Chapter [or] Ferryhill, 6-Dec-1955
- Ash, Dean and Chapter [or] Ferryhill, 6-Dec-1955
- Ash, , 9-Jul-1917
- Ashall, J. , 4-Jun-1942
- Ashall, John , 23-Apr-1942
- Ashall, John , 23-Apr-1942
- Ashall, East Tanfield, 12-Apr-1918
- Asham, J. Usworth, 6-Oct-1899
- Ashborne, H. , 13-Mar-1926
- Ashbourne, A. , 12-Dec-1925
- Ashbourne, S. Nicholson's, 6-Jul-1891
- Ashbridge, James Ryhope, 27-Mar-1908
- Ashbridge, T. , 19-Dec-1883
- Ashbridge, T. , 1890
- Ashbridge, T. , 1890
- Ashbridge, T. , 1890
- Ashburn, G. Beamish (Mary), 30-Sep-1955
- Ashburn, George South Tanfield, 28-Nov-1892
- Ashburn, George , 7-Oct-1910
- Ashburn, H. Garesfield [or] Spen (Towneley), 13-Sep-1909
- Ashburn, J. Murton, 10-May-1947
- Ashburn, James , 20-Jul-1951
- Ashburn, John W. , 14-May-1936
- Ashburn, L.. , 22-Oct-1948
- Ashby, H. , 4-Mar-1942
- Ashby, Henry , 19-Jul-1946
- Ashby, Henry , 4-Jan-1946
- Ashby, Joseph , 15-Jul-1893
- Ashby, , 1944
- Ashby, , 1945
- Ashcroft, A. , 1935
- Ashcroft, A. , 1930
- Ashcroft, Abraham Herrington [or] New Herrington [or] Philadelphia, 18-Dec-1891
- Ashcroft, Albert Heworth [or] High Heworth, 28-Dec-1934
- Ashcroft, J. , 5-Apr-1920
- Ashcroft, J. , 1930
- Ashcroft, J. , 10-Jul-1919