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Catalogue includes images
- Catalogue Title: Kelloe St. Helen Parish 1693 - 2012 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Ke
- Catalogue Title: Kelly Photographic Collection 1950-1990 Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/Ke
- Catalogue Title: Ken Fairless Collection 1995-1996 Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/KF
- Catalogue Title: Kimblesworth Civil Parish 1894-1986 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Ki
- Catalogue Title: Kimblesworth Colliery School 1878-1963 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/C
- Catalogue Title: Kimblesworth Parish 1892-2016 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Ki
- Catalogue Title: Kinninvie Chapel 1911-1970 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Kin
- Catalogue Title: Kitching family of Great Ayton 1505-1957 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/Ki
- Catalogue Title: Laithkirk Parish (Holy Barn) 1844-2022 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Lai
- Catalogue Title: Lamesley St. Andrew Parish 1603-2019 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Lam
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester (Temporary) Council School 1916-1976 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 1560 - 2009 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 01 Registration
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 1814 - 2009 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 02 Clergy
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 1839 - 1940 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 03 Tithe
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 1631-1951 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 04 Churchwardens
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 1826-1904 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 05 Vestry
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 1920-1973 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 06 Parochial Church Council
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 1830 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 07 Overseers of the Poor
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 1899-1914 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 11 Schools
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 1674-1907 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 12 Charities
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 1910 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 13 Church Societies
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Parish 17th century - 1940s Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/La 14 Miscellaneous
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester All Saints Roman Catholic Parish Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: RC/La
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Civil Parish 1895-1982 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/La
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester County Infants' School 1968-1993 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Endowed Parochial (Controlled) Junior School 1872-1986 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Nursery School 1988-1998 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Poor Law Union 1891-1929 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: U/La
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Poor Law Union 1914 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/Sta
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Rural District Council 1877-1937 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/La Building plans
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Rural District Council 1919 - 1954 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/La Council housing
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Rural District Council 1894 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/La Lighting
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Rural District Council 1872-1974 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/La Minutes
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Rural District Council 1894-1975 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/La Public Health
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Rural District Council 1877-1971 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/La Registers of building plans and plans
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Rural District Council 1941-1973 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/La Valuations and financial records
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester Rural District Council 1916-1972 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/La Waste disposal
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester, Consett and Stanley Petty Sessional Division 1900-1974 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: PS/La Court sitting at Consett
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester, Consett and Stanley Petty Sessional Division 1915-1972 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: PS/La Court sitting at Lanchester
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester, Consett and Stanley Petty Sessional Division 1940-1973 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: PS/La Court sitting at Stanley
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester, Consett and Stanley Petty Sessional Division 1933-1975 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: PS/La Juvenile Court sitting at Consett
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester, Consett and Stanley Petty Sessional Division 1939-1973 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: PS/La Juvenile Court sitting at Stanley
- Catalogue Title: Lanchester, Consett and Stanley Petty Sessional Division 1897-1977 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: PS/La Licensing
- Catalogue Title: Lanehead Council Junior Mixed and Infants School 1905-1959 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/W
- Catalogue Title: Langley Dale C.E. Junior School 1867-1976 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Langley Moor Nursery School 1971-1985 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/C
- Catalogue Title: Langley Moor St. Patrick Roman Catholic Parish 1877-2011 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: RC/LM
- Catalogue Title: Langley Moor, St. Patrick, Junior Mixed and Infants' School 1878-1986 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/C
- Catalogue Title: Langley Park All Saints Parish 1887-2019 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/LP
- Catalogue Title: Langley Park British Mixed and Infants School 1878-1976 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Langley Park British School, Infants' Department 1886-1964 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Langley Park County Girls' School 1910-1980 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Langley Park County Junior Mixed and Infants School 1937-1978 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Langley Park Modern Mixed School 1955-1971 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Langley Park St. Joseph Roman Catholic Parish Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: RC/LP
- Catalogue Title: Lartington Parish Council 1978-2020 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Lar
- Catalogue Title: Leadgate County Junior School 1876-2010 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Leadgate National Infants School 1895-1998 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Leadgate St. Ives 1863-2019 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Le
- Catalogue Title: Leadgate Urban District Council Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/Le
- Catalogue Title: Leadgate Urban District Council Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/Le
- Catalogue Title: Leadgate Urban District Council Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/Le
- Catalogue Title: Leadgate, Redwell Hills C.E. Junior and Infants School 1903-1981 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Leam Lane St. Andrew Parish 1956-2014 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/LL
- Catalogue Title: Leamside County Junior Mixed School 1925-1984 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/EC
- Catalogue Title: Leasingthorne Board Infants School 1878-1923 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Leasingthorne Board Mixed School 1875-1963 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Levinsons Walker and Lister 1952-1968 Type/Category: Business and Industry Records (Solicitors)Description: D/LWL solicitors, Hartlepool
- Catalogue Title: Lieutenancy 1907-2006 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: L 1 Correspondence
- Catalogue Title: Lieutenancy 1977-2005 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: L 2 Warrants
- Catalogue Title: Lily Laundry 1911-1982 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/LL
- Catalogue Title: Little Lumley Civil Parish 1894-1984 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/LL
- Catalogue Title: Littletown (Pittington) Council Mixed and Infants School Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/C
- Catalogue Title: Lobley Hill, All Saints parish records 1939-2006 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/LH
- Catalogue Title: Locomotion: The National Railway Museum at Shildon 1805-2004 Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/Loco
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1714-1996 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo Additional Records Acc: 1251(D)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1778-1890 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo Additional Records Acc: 1193(D)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1801-1962 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo Additional Records Acc: 1738(D)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1575-1985 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo Additional Records Acc: 1750(D)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1627-1666; 1799-1989 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo Additional Records Acc: 8805
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1799-1953 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/B Business Records (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1815-1880; 1946 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/B Business Records (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1899-1965 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/B Business Records (part 3)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates c.1791-1951 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/C Correspondence (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1790-1928 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/C Correspondence (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates c.1767-1863 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo Correspondence of 3rd Marquess of Londonderry and Frances Anne
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1808-1812 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/C Correspondence: Despatches from the Peninsula
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1283-1865 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/D Deeds (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1821; 1918 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/D Deeds (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1699-1950 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/E Estate Papers (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1813-1904 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/E Estate Papers (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1878-1951 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/E Estate Papers (part 3)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates c.1180; c.1250-1949 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/F Family and Personal Papers (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1624-1975 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/F Family and Personal Papers (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1703-1951 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/L Legal Papers (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1809-1872 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/L Legal Papers (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1814-1846 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/C Letters between Lord Stewart (later 3rd Marquess of Londonderry) and Lord Burghersh
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1752-1947 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/P Maps and Plans (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1792-1898; 1973 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/P Maps and Plans (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1689; 1784-1939 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/X Miscellaneous (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Londonderry Estates 1689-1917 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Lo/X Miscellaneous (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Long Newton C.E. Mixed School 1869-1966 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SE
- Catalogue Title: Long Newton St. Mary Parish 1564-2021 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/LN
- Catalogue Title: Low Coniscliffe British School 1877-1962 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Low Dinsdale Parish Council 1945-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/LD
- Catalogue Title: Low Team St. Martin Chapel 1905-1954 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/LT.SM
- Catalogue Title: Low Team St. Paul Parish 1872-1990 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/LT
- Catalogue Title: Low Westwood The Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Parish 1902-1907 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: RC/LW
- Catalogue Title: Luck and Sons (drapers) 1762; 1800-1965 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/Lu
- Catalogue Title: Ludworth County Junior Mixed and Infants' School 1876-1986 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/C
- Catalogue Title: Ludworth Infants School 1907-1929 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/C
- Catalogue Title: Ludworth St. Andrew Chapel 1909-1982 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Lud
- Catalogue Title: Lumley Christ Church Parish 1858-2018 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Lu
- Catalogue Title: Lunedale (unidentified school) 1884-1958 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NR
- Catalogue Title: Lunedale, Carlbeck Undenominational School 1884-1958 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NR
- Catalogue Title: Lynesack and Softley Civil Parish 1895-1983 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/LS
- Catalogue Title: Lynesack and Softley Civil Parish 1896-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/LS
- Catalogue Title: Lynesack C.E. Mixed and Infants School 1868-1951 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Lynesack County School 1948-1949 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Lynesack St. John Parish 1848-2011 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Lyn
- Catalogue Title: Lyons St. Michael Parish Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/EL.SM
- Catalogue Title: Malton Colliery Council Junior Mixed and Infants School 1909-1957 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Manor of Bowes 1660-1987 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/MOB
- Catalogue Title: Manor of Bowes 1630-2002 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/MOB
- Catalogue Title: Marley Hill St. Cuthbert Parish 1868 - 2008 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Ma
- Catalogue Title: Marsden St. Andrew Chapel 1901-1953 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Mar
- Catalogue Title: Marwood Parish Council 1894-2017 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Ma
- Catalogue Title: Medomsley (Temporary) Council Mixed School 1910-1957 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Medomsley C.E. Infants School 1904-1910 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Medomsley C.E. Mixed School 1876-1998 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Medomsley Civil Parish 1927-1937 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Me
- Catalogue Title: Medomsley Edge Council Infants School 1910-1958 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Medomsley St. Mary Parish 1608-2020 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Me
- Catalogue Title: Merrington C.E. Mixed School 1869-1946 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SE
- Catalogue Title: Merrington Parish Council 1894-1939 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/Sp
- Catalogue Title: Merrington St. John Parish 1579-2019 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Mer
- Catalogue Title: Methodist Central 1935-1991 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: M/C 1 Darlington District Home Mission Division
- Catalogue Title: Methodist marriage registers 1899-2021 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: M/MR A - K
- Catalogue Title: Methodist marriage registers 1899-2020 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: M/MR L - P
- Catalogue Title: Methodist marriage registers 1899-2019 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: M/MR Q - Z
- Catalogue Title: Mickleton Church of England School 1876-1981 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NR
- Catalogue Title: Mickleton Civil Parish 1841-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Mic
- Catalogue Title: Middle Hendon St. Barnabas Parish 1876-1967 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Su.SB
- Catalogue Title: Middlesbrough and Darlington Methodist District Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: M/D/MD
- Catalogue Title: Middlesbrough Preparative Quaker Meeting 1850-1971 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: SF/Mi/PM
- Catalogue Title: Middlestone Moor Infants School 1880-1923 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Middlestone Moor Mixed School 1879-1983 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Middlestone Parish Council 1933-1937 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Middleton St. George Civil Parish 1851-2001 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/MiSG
- Catalogue Title: Middleton St. George Junior Mixed and Infants School 1871-1975 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SE
- Catalogue Title: Middleton St. George Parish 1616-2012 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Mi.SG
- Catalogue Title: Middleton St. John Chapel 1905-1923 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Mi.SJ
- Catalogue Title: Middleton St.George St. Laurence Parish 1865-2010 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Mi.SL
- Catalogue Title: Middleton-in-Teesdale Board Infants School 1879-1924 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Middleton-in-Teesdale Civil Parish 1894-1958 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/MT
- Catalogue Title: Middleton-in-Teesdale Co-operative Society 1845-1968 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/Co/MT (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Middleton-in-Teesdale Co-operative Society 1872-1972 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/Co/MT (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Middleton-in-Teesdale Co-operative Society 1893; 1939-1970 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/Co/Te
- Catalogue Title: Middleton-in-Teesdale Secondary School 1875-1973 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Middleton-in-Teesdale St. Mary Parish 1578-2019 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/MT
- Catalogue Title: Middridge C.E. Junior Mixed and Infants School 1870-1957 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Millfield St. Hilda Parish 1885-1978 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Mf.SH
- Catalogue Title: Millfield St. Mark Parish 1868-2020 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Su.SM
- Catalogue Title: Millfield St. Mary Parish 1900-2013 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Mf.SMM
- Catalogue Title: Mining Records Project Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/MRP (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Mining Records Project 1767-1976 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/MRP (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Mining Records Project Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/MRP (part 3)
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 2017 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2171 'We are Weardale': creative writing project
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1709-1975 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1667 10-14. Quaker records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1902-2003 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1700 100 Years of Durham on Film
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1914-1919 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1979 11th Durham Light Infantry (Pioneers) Roll of Honour 1914-1919
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1979 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1465 14th North West Durham (Lanchester) Company of The Boys' Brigade
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1941-1942 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2059 150th Infantry Brigade
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1886-1897; 1928 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1477 1655 Private Mark Nattrass, Regiment of Hussars
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1946-2000 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2146 2 Polish Corps and its armoured brigades at Brancepeth Camp
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1915-1945 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2231 2101, 760596 Gunner Cyril Henry KENT (1895-c.1969)
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1914-1916 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 402 2nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry: unidentified prisoner of war
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1977-1983 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1671 2nd Chester le Street Scout Group
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1919-1945 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1675 3705179 Private James Patrick Connolly of Sunderland
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1900-1901 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2078 8708 Private Alfred Robinson, 1st Battalion, Durham Light Infantry, South African War
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1959-1964 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1977 A J Dawson Grammar School, Wingate
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1960s-1970s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1740 A19 trunk road
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1916 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1628 Able Seaman Robert Millar, Hawke Battalion, Royal Naval Division
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1758-1783 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 860 Account book of brass, tin and pewter work
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1831-1881 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1255 Accounts and memoranda of Francis Thornton, civil engineer working for coal and railway companies
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1978-1996 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1883 Acre Rigg Community Association, Peterlee
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1667 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 811 Act enabling John Cosin, Bishop of Durham, to lease lead mines
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1673-1882 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 339 Acts of Parliament
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1816-1828 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1156 Administration of estates of George Brooks of Twickenham and John Briscoe of Crofton Hall
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1889 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 546 Adoption of Local Government Act, 1888
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2236 African Lives in Northern England
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1926-1963 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2018 Agriculture and beekeeping
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1943-1945 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1315 Alan Tucker, pupil at The Chorister School, Durham City
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1955 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1641 Alan Waller's Band, performers at the Clarence Ballroom, Spennymoor
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1919-1992 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2288 Albert Ellison and The British Legion; Corporal Norman Sandersfield 6 DLI
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1963-1978 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1836 Albert L. Hind, local history author
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1818-1883 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 480 Album of newspaper cuttings, County Durham and N. Yorkshire
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1921-1971 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1435 Alderman Matthew Johnson of Lanchester
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1923-late 20th century Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1461 Alderman Wraith Secondary School, Spennymoor
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1841 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1180 Alexander Lyon Emerson, Doctor of Medicine, deceased
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1930s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1742 Alexander's jewellers shop, North Road, Durham
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1920-1965 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1330 Alfred M. Chambers, grocer and ship's chandler, South Crescent, Seaham Harbour
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1924-1933 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 803 Alice Annie Myers, nee Richmond, nurse
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1889-1979 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1817 Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Consett and Blackhill branches
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1945-2009 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2159 Amundsen & Smith, Chartered Shipbrokers, Seaham
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents early 20th century Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1499 Andrews & Co., stationers, of Saddler Street, Durham
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1767 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1113 Andrews House Colliery
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1937-2009 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1702 Annfield Plain Secondary Modern School and military records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1970-1987 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 843 Annfield Plain and District Community Association
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1909-1935 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 969 Annfield Plain and Stanley cinema and builder's records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1929-1935 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1968 Annie Elliott: dissertation re Consett
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1900-1927 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 835 Annie Fell Denholm, teacher
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1914-1919 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2251 Anthony Burnhope Goldsmith of Crook, soldier
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1800 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 427 Anthony Harrison of Norton, probate
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1760-1939 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1777 Anthony Walters and Company, solicitors, of Bishop Auckland
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1814 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 290 Anwick Smith and John Middleton of Brandon and Byshottles, tax collectors
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1805 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1390 Apprenticeship indenture of George Walton of Hamsterley
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1794 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1395 Apprenticeship indenture of Shadrack Phillips
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1863 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1396 Apprenticeship indenture of William Allan of Bishopwearmouth
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1862-1866 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 809 Apprenticeship indentures
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1796 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 039 Apprenticeship of George Matthews of Greatham
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1889 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 100 Apprenticeship to John Wilson of Elwick, blacksmith
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1856-1863 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 933 Apprenticeship to William Nicholson of Sunderland
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1704 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 388 Apprenticeship to William Wrench of Durham, mariner
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1837-1884 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 458 Apprenticeship, royal visit to Durham City, and passport
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1845 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 461 Apprenticeships to South Shields shipowner and mariner
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1872-1956 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1875 Archives transferred from Cumbria Archive Centre
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1877-1981 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1731 Archives transferred from Sheffield Archives
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 20th century Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 685 Armstrong family records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1811 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 761 Arthur Mowbray of Sherburn, trustee
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1890 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 594 Arthur Trehane Dingle, rector of Hetton-le-Hole parish
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1896-1937 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 631 Ashwell and Nesbit Ltd, engineers: heating system plans
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1924-1949 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 091 Association of Headmasters and Headmistresses, Secondary Schools, County Durham
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1841-1964 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 417 Auckland Parish and school records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1936-1937 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1182 Auckland Rural District Council
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1771-1879 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 753 Auckland St. Andrew deeds
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1899-1906 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1274 Auckland, St Anne's, and Fylands Bridge, St Luke's, schools
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1870 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1057 Augustine Harley Walker of Bishop Hatfield Hall, Durham City
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1938-2005 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1822 Aycliffe Angels
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1940s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2312 Aycliffe Angels: Ethel May Tonkin (1902-1992)
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1641-1642 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 766 Aycliffe deed
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1357-1913 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 817 Backhouse family of Darlington and other records
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents early 20th century Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1317 Balder Mill, Cotherstone
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1856-2004 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1468 Baring Brothers and Company Limited, of London, merchant bankers
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1895-1898 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 604 Barker family of Ferryhill
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1996 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 1221 Barnard Castle - Historic Market Town typescript
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1939 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 2083 Barnard Castle Council Offices
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1899 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 894 Barnard Castle Rural District Council: water supply
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1785-1900 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 234 Barnard Castle and Bishopwearmouth deeds
- Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents 1923-1959 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/X 954 Barnard Castle branch of the National British Women's Total Abstinence Union