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Catalogue includes images
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1980-1986 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS.Ay Aycliffe Young People's Centre (Social Services): Log books, The Lodge
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1990-1994 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS.Ay Aycliffe Young People's Centre (Social Services): Log books, York
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2000-2005 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS.Ay Aycliffe Young People's Centre (Social Services): Log books, York Road, formerly Starmer
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1975-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS.Ay Aycliffe Young People's Centre (Social Services): Log books, individual children
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1978-1994 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS.Ay Aycliffe Young People's Centre (Social Services): Log books, secure unit
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1942-1983 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS.Ay Aycliffe Young People's Centre (Social Services): Log books, whole school
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1944-2002 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS.Ay 1 Aycliffe Young People's Centre (Social Services): Management Board minutes
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2000s Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS.Ay Aycliffe Young People's Centre (Social Services): Publications
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1995-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS Bede Day Centre, Barnard Castle
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1982 - 2005 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/AA Boundary Order Maps
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1984-1999 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 23 Brandon Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1859-2007 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ARCH Building Design
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1975-2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 22 Catchgate Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1940-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Clerk Chief Executive and Clerk's Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1925-1999 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/CP Consumer Protection Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1959-1966 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/CORP Corporate Services
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1960-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/EP County Emergency Planning Unit
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV County Environment Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1969-2004 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV County Environment Department - publications
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1960s Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/LP County Land and Property Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1924-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/LP County Land and Property Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1961-2002 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/PI County Press and Information Office
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1989-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Sec County Secretary's Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2000-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 17 Coxhoe Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1956-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 29 Crook Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1970-2002 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/CS Cultural Services
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV 1293 Drainage plans
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1990-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/CRO Durham County Record Office
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1907-2007 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/EDRU Economic Development and Research Unit
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1964-1980 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Careers
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1949-1972 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Central Kitchens
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1905-1991 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Committee minutes
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2001-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Financial records
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1987-1998 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Governance
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1905-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Governors' Minutes - Primary Schools: Central Division
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1947-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Governors' Minutes - Primary Schools: Eastern Division
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1905-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Governors' Minutes - Primary Schools: Northern Division
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1905-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Governors' Minutes - Primary Schools: Western Division
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1944-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Governors' minutes: Secondary Schools
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1958-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - Governors' minutes: Special Schools
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1938 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - architects' plans
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1967-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - educational development, curriculum, performance, exams
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1975-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - newsletters
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1823-2006 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Ed Education Department - terriers
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1995-2007 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Elected Members Elected Members
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1975-2008 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Cl Electoral Registers (Clerk's Department)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV 1268 Environment Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1810-2001 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1972 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department - Aerial Survey
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1930s-1980s Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department - Highway files
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1972 - 2006 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department - Reclamation Schemes
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1957-2002 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department - Tidy Village Competition
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1950-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department - photographs
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-2006 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department - reports
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1980-2000s Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department - slides and aerial photos
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1990s Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department: A689 Newton Cap Diversion
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1960s-2001 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department: Aykley Heads
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/Env Environment Department: Design and Conservation
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1977 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV 1290 Environment Department: Landscape Design
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1951-2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 18 Framwellgate Moor Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1993-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 30 Great Lumley Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2000-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 24 High Etherley Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1948-1984 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/HR Human Resources
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-1988 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 009 Index to Minutes: Education Committee/Sub-Committees
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1966-2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/IO International Office
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1997-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 061 Minutes: Adult Services Sub-Committee (Social Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1986-1988 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 032 Minutes: Appointments Sub-Committee (Personnel)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1986-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 055 Minutes: Appointments Sub-Committee (Police)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1991-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 042 Minutes: Arts, Libraries and Museums Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1999-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 076 Minutes: Best Value Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1982-1988 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 026 Minutes: Budget Panel (Sub-Committee of Finance and General Purposes)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2008-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 105 Minutes: Building a Strong Economy Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2002-2008 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 095 Minutes: Building a Strong Economy Sub-Committee (of Overview and Scrutiny Committee)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-1990 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 039 Minutes: Buildings and Resources Sub-Committee (Education)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2002-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 085 Minutes: Cabinet
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 045 Minutes: Careers Service Panel (Education)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2005-2006 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 110 Minutes: Central Resources Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1994-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 051 Minutes: Children's Provider Sub-Committee (Social Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1997-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 074 Minutes: Children's Services Sub-Committee (Social Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1994-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 050 Minutes: Commissioning Sub-Committee (Social Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1992-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 052 Minutes: Community Education Panel (Education)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1997-1999 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 070 Minutes: Community Safety and Youth Development Panel (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1986 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 030 Minutes: Community Service Committee (Probation)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2001-2008 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 081 Minutes: Complaints Committee (Police)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1997-1999 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 083 Minutes: Consumer Protection Sub-Committee (Environment and Technical Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1977 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 018 Minutes: Consumer Sub-Committee (Public Protection)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1989-1998 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 043 Minutes: Contract Services Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2002-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 090 Minutes: Corporate Management Issues Scrutiny Sub-Committee (of Overview and Scrutiny Committee)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 033 Minutes: Corporate Planning and Budget Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1997-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 073 Minutes: Corporate Stategy and Budget Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 001 Minutes: County Council
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1994-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 049 Minutes: County Durham Care Sub-Committee (Social Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1986-2010 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 108 Minutes: County Durham Development Company Board of Management
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1989-1993 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 064 Minutes: Darlington Health District Joint Consultative Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2002-2008 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 093 Minutes: Developing Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee (of Overview and Scrutiny Committee)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 011 Minutes: Development Control Sub-Committee (Environment)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1994-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 056 Minutes: Durham Police Authority
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2008-2010 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 102 Minutes: Durham Police Authority - Business Planning Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2008-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 101 Minutes: Durham Police Authority - Effective Policing Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2004-2006 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 111 Minutes: Durham Police Authority - Finance and Audit Panel
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2008-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 099 Minutes: Durham Police Authority - Governance and Financial Management Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2008-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 100 Minutes: Durham Police Authority - People Responsibility Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1996-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 058 Minutes: Durham and Darlington Combined Fire Authority
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2002-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 098 Minutes: Early Retirement Sub-Committee (of Overview and Scrutiny Committee)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 036 Minutes: Economic Development Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 008 Minutes: Education Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-1992 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 009 Minutes: Education Sub-Committees (Education)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 010 Minutes: Environment Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 012 Minutes: Environment Improvement Sub-Committee (Environment)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1997-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 062 Minutes: Environment Sub-Committee (Environment and Technical Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1997-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 060 Minutes: Environment and Technical Services Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2000-2001 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 086 Minutes: Executive Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1980-1986 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 031 Minutes: Field Services and Personnel Sub-Committee (Probation)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-1977 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 003 Minutes: Finance Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1977-1988 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 007 Minutes: Finance and General Purposes Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 035 Minutes: Finance and Procedures Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1997-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 069 Minutes: Finance and Property Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-1991 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 037 Minutes: Further Education Sub-Committee (Education)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1977 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 022 Minutes: General Purposes Sub-Committee (Police)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1977-1989 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 019 Minutes: General Purposes Sub-Committee (Public Protection)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1977-1989 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 068 Minutes: General Purposes Sub-Committee (Social Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1975-1985 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 078 Minutes: Gypsy Sites Sub-Committee (Social Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2008-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 109 Minutes: Health Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2003-2008 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 096 Minutes: Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee (of Overview and Scrutiny Committee)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2000-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 077 Minutes: Highways Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1997-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 075 Minutes: Highways and Design Services Sub-Committee (Environment and Technical Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 013 Minutes: Highways and Transportation Sub-Committee (Environment)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2002-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 088 Minutes: Human Resources Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1986-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 054 Minutes: Interim Business Sub-Committee (Police)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1981 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 024 Minutes: Joint Advisory Committee for North-East Regional Analytical Service
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1968-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 028 Minutes: Joint Committee for North of England Open-Air Museum
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-1977 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 005 Minutes: Land Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 034 Minutes: Land and Property Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1986-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 040 Minutes: Libraries, Museums and Arts Sub-Committee (Education)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2000-2008 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 107 Minutes: Licensing, Registration and General Purposes Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2008-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 106 Minutes: Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2002-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 097 Minutes: Looking after the Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee (of Overview and Scrutiny Committee)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-1986 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 025 Minutes: Magistrates' Courts Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1992-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 044 Minutes: Monitoring and Review Sub-Committee (Education)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1992-1994 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 048 Minutes: North Durham Health District Joint Consultative Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1989-1992 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 047 Minutes: North West Durham Health District Joint Consultative Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-1994 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 066 Minutes: Northern Area Sub-Committee (Social Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2000-2001 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 087 Minutes: Other Services Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2002-2008 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 080 Minutes: Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2008 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 103 Minutes: Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1999-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 091 Minutes: Pension Fund Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2001-2003 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 082 Minutes: Performance Management Committee (Police)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1972-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 027 Minutes: Performance Review Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1987-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 053 Minutes: Personnel Sub-Committee (Police)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 004 Minutes: Personnel Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2000-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 072 Minutes: Planning Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1997-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 071 Minutes: Planning Sub-Committee (Policy and Resources)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 021 Minutes: Police Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1992-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 041 Minutes: Policy and Operations Sub-Committee (Education)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 002 Minutes: Policy and Resources Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-1991 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 029 Minutes: Probation and After-Care Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2008-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 104 Minutes: Promoting Strong, Healthy and Safe Communities Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2002-2008 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 089 Minutes: Promoting Strong, Healthy and Safe Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee (of Overview and Scrutiny Committee)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1977 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 016 Minutes: Protection Sub-Committee (Public Protection)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-1997 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 015 Minutes: Public Protection Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1989 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 014 Minutes: Resources Sub-Committee (Environment)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1977 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 017 Minutes: Resources Sub-Committee (Public Protection)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2001-2006 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 092 Minutes: School Organisation Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-1992 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 038 Minutes: Schools Sub-Committee (Education)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2000-2001 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 079 Minutes: Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1998-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 084 Minutes: Service Direct Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1973-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 020 Minutes: Social Services Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1993-1996 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 065 Minutes: South Durham Health District Joint Consultative Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1989-1993 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 063 Minutes: South West Durham Health District Joint Consultative Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-1994 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 067 Minutes: Southern Area Sub-Committee (Social Services)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1977 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 023 Minutes: Staffing Sub-Committee (Police)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2001-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 094 Minutes: Standards Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1989-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 059 Minutes: Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1992-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 057 Minutes: Standing Conference for the Revision of Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1988-1992 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 046 Minutes: Youth and Community Sub-Committee (Education)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1954-2007 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/X Miscellaneous
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1991-2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 20 Moorside Children's Home, Middlestone Moor
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2012-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 19 New Lea House Children's Home, Tanfield Lea
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1970-2006 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS Newton Aycliffe Day Nursery
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1995-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 26 Park House Children's Home, Sherburn
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1982-2000 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 25 Peterlee Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1946-2004 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/PL Planning Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1998 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 27 Sacriston Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1957-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 28 Seaham Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1974-1979 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS Social Services Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1990s Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS Social inclusion projects
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1955-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 12 Tow Law Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 1969-2002 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/TR Treasurer's Department
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) 2001-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/SS 21 West Rainton Children's Home
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974-2009) 1951-2007 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/ENV Environment Department - Reclamation Schemes
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974-2009) 1973-1974 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DC/A 112 Interim County Council Environment Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2019-2023 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RED 4/10 Bishop Auckland Heritage Action Zone
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/CAS 4 Children and Adults Services: Finance Services
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2010 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/CON Constitution of the Council
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2010-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 033 County Durham Development Company/Business Durham Advisory Board
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/CYP Fostering and Adoption service
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2019 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AWH 6 Libraries and Culture
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 010 Minutes: Adults, Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 022 Minutes: Area General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (Central and East Durham)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 023 Minutes: Area General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (North Durham)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 024 Minutes: Area General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (South and West)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 018 Minutes: Area Planning Committee (Central and East Durham)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 019 Minutes: Area Planning Committee (North)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 020 Minutes: Area Planning Committee (South and West)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 003 Minutes: Audit Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/B Minutes: Beamish Joint Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 002 Minutes: Cabinet
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/D Minutes: Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 011 Minutes: Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/F Minutes: Combined Fire Authority for County Durham and Darlington
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 012 Minutes: Corporate Issues Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 001 Minutes: County Council
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 017 Minutes: County Planning Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 013 Minutes: Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 014 Minutes: Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2011-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 031 Minutes: General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (1)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2011-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 032 Minutes: General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (2)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2011-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 027 Minutes: General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (3)
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2013-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 034 Minutes: Health and Wellbeing Board
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 005 Minutes: Highways Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 006 Minutes: Human Resources Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/M Minutes: Mountsett Crematorium Joint Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 009 Minutes: Overview and Scrutiny Management Board
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 007 Minutes: Pension Fund
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 015 Minutes: Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 008 Minutes: Standards Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/A 030 Minutes: Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 3/1 Neighbourhood Services: Architectural and Building Design plans
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1985-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 2 Neighbourhood Services: Contaminated Land files
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1997 - 2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 4 Neighbourhood Services: Sport and Leisure - Art and Heritage
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1996-1998 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 3/4 Neighbourhood Services: Technical Services - Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory: Boreholes
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1953-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 3/3 Neighbourhood Services: Technical Services - Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory: Highways Reports
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1958-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 3/5 Neighbourhood Services: Technical Services - Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory: Miscellaneous
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1995 - 2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 3/2 Neighbourhood Services: Technical Services - Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory: Site Investigation Reports
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1878-2019 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/NS 5 Neighbourhoods and Climate Change: Bereavement Services
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2005 - 2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RED 2 Regeneration and Economic Development: Economic Policy and Programmes: Heart of Teesdale Landscape Partnership
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1997-2004 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RED 4/5 Regeneration and Economic Development: Historic Environment Record - Hardwick Park restoration project
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1974-1995 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RED 4/4 Regeneration and Economic Development: Historic Environment Record - Sites and Monuments Record
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2008-2009 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RES 3/3 Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1886-2013 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RES 3/2 Resources - Legal Services: Byelaws
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2002 - 2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RES 3/4 Resources - Legal Services: Seal books
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 1991-2016 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RES 5/1-9 Resources: Design and Print publications
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2009-2020 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/RES 3/1 Resources: Electoral registers
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) 2011-2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/CAS 2 School and Governor Support
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) - Durham Police Authority 2010-2011 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/P4 Finance, Audit and Resources Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) - Durham Police Authority 2010 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/P2 Governance and Financial Management Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) - Durham Police Authority 2009-2012 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/P1 Minutes
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 - ) - Durham Police Authority 2009-2010 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/AJ/P3 People Responsibility Committee
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 -) 2004-2023 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/CE Chief Executive
- Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (2009 -) 1988 - 2015 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: DCC/FRS County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service