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- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1774-1978 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 14-25 Adamsons as landowners and landlords in Gainford
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1865-1908 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 2 Bills and receipts
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1865-1913 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 1 Building work for Ecclesiastical Authorities (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1845-1911 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 1 Building work for Ecclesiastical Authorities (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1874-1913 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 1 Building work for Public Authorities
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1866-1914 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 1 Building work for School Boards and Miscellaneous
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1869-1916 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 1 Building work for private individuals (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1871-1929 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 1 Building work for private individuals (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1869-1915 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 1 Building work for private individuals (part 3)
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1865-1918 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 1 Building work for private individuals (part 4)
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1870-1915 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 1 Building work for the North Eastern Railway Company
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1859-1936 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 5-10 Business papers, R. Adamson and E.C. Adamson
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1695-1902 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 12 Deeds of properties in Ingleton
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1902-1952 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 3 Desk Diaries
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1864-1949 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 4 Financial records
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1920-1952 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 11 Fowler House Charity trusteeship
- Catalogue Title: Adamson family of Gainford 1869-1952 Type/Category: Estate and Family RecordsDescription: D/Ad 13 Gainford properties leased by the Adamson family
- Catalogue Title: Alligator Leather Goods Company Ltd, Bishop Auckland 1950-1981 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/All
- Catalogue Title: Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers 1870-1969 Type/Category: Trade Union and Employers' Association RecordsDescription: D/ASW
- Catalogue Title: Anderston Foundry Company Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/AF
- Catalogue Title: Annfield Plain and District Gas Company 1907-1950 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/GAP
- Catalogue Title: Annfield Plain Co-operative Society 1967-1968 Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/Co/An
- Catalogue Title: Annfield Plain Grammar Technical School 1965-1976 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/St
- Catalogue Title: Annfield Plain Infant School 1878-2000 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/St
- Catalogue Title: Annfield Plain Modern Girls School 1947-1965 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/St
- Catalogue Title: Annfield Plain Secondary Modern School 1965-1976 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/St
- Catalogue Title: Annfield Plain St. Aidan Parish 1898-2016 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/An
- Catalogue Title: Annfield Plain Urban District Council 1897-1946 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/Ann Public Health
- Catalogue Title: Annfield Plain Urban District Council 1885-1935 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/Ann
- Catalogue Title: Annfield Plain Urban District Council 1896-1951 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/Sta
- Catalogue Title: Arthur Roberts Papers 1778-2000 Type/Category: Antiquarian and Composite RecordsDescription: D/AR Lead mining and rural life in Teesdale and Weardale
- Catalogue Title: Ashington and Newbiggin Methodist Circuit 1975 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: M/AN
- Catalogue Title: Assemblies of God marriage registers 1999-2020 Type/Category: Non-Conformist Church RecordsDescription: AG/MR
- Catalogue Title: Auckland District Highways Board 1863-1896 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Park County School 1954-1965 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Poor Law Union 1895-1948 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: U/Au Auckland, Shildon and Willington Joint Hospital Board
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Poor Law Union 1929-1948 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: U/Au Bishop Auckland Hospital
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Poor Law Union 1938-1949 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: U/Au Lady Eden Cottage Hospital
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Poor Law Union 1914-1944 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: U/Au Society for the Prevention and Cure of Consumption
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Poor Law Union 1863-1948 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: U/Au
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Poor Law Union 1862-1927 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Rural Area Joint Committee 1932-1937 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Rural District Council 1903-1936 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/Au Building Control
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Rural District Council 1908-1937 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/Au Rating and valuation
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Rural District Council Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RD/Au
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Rural Sanitary Authority 1872-1876 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: RSA/Au
- Catalogue Title: Auckland Rural Sanitary Authority and Auckland Rural District Council 1872-1937 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish 1652-1984 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Charities
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish 1879-1977 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Church Societies
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish 1650-1997 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Churchwardens
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish c.1740-2003 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Clergy
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish 1799-1998 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Miscellaneous
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish 1733-1743 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Overseers of the Poor
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish 1902-1989 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Parochial Church Council
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish 1559-2001 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Registration
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish 1600-1965 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Schools
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish 1843-1936 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Tithe
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Andrew Parish 1823-1976 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SA Vestry
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Anne Parish 1781-1996 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SAn
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Helen Parish 1849-1978 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SH Charities
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Helen Parish 1968-1977 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SH Church Societies
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Helen Parish 1688-2014 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SH Churchwardens
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Helen Parish 1832-2012 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SH Clergy
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Helen Parish c.1900-2010 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SH Miscellaneous
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Helen Parish 1923-2014 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SH Parochial Church Council
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Helen Parish 1593-2019 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SH Registration
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Helen Parish 1789-1930 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SH Schools
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Helen Parish 1735-1936 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SH Tithe
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Helen Parish 1893-1945 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SH Vestry
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Luke Chapel 1882-1966 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SL
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Peter Parish 1872-2014 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SP
- Catalogue Title: Auckland St. Philip Parish 1880-1952 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Au.SPh
- Catalogue Title: Auckland, St Andrew Ecclesiastical Parish 1900 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Auckland, St Andrew Parish Council 1930-1937 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Auckland, St Helen Parish Council 1895-1934 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Auckland, St. Helen, British School 1863-1954 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Auckland, St. Helen, Council Junior Mixed School 1910-1928 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Austin and Pickersgill (ship builders) Type/Category: Business and Industry RecordsDescription: D/AP
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe and Peterlee New Town Development Corporation 1948-1998 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/AP 1 Board and non-departmental records
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe and Peterlee New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/AP 2 Chief Executive's department
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe and Peterlee New Town Development Corporation 1963-1989 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/AP 8 Engineers department
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe and Peterlee New Town Development Corporation 1947-1998 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/AP 6 Estates department
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe and Peterlee New Town Development Corporation 1961-1994 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/AP 4 Finance department
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe and Peterlee New Town Development Corporation 1946-1998 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/AP 7 Promotion and Marketing department (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe and Peterlee New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/AP 7 Promotion and Marketing department (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe and Peterlee New Town Development Corporation 1947-1991 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/AP 5 Technical Services department
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe Diamond Jubilee School 1904-1950 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe Hospital 1948-1974 Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: H/Ay Mental health hospital, Heighington
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe Hospital School 1971-1982 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe National School 1874-1950 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/Ay 3 Administration department (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/Ay 3 Administration department (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/Ay 1 Board and non-departmental records
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/Ay 6 Estates department (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/Ay 6 Estates department (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/Ay 4 Finance department
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/Ay 2 General Manager/Chief Executive/Managing Director's department (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/Ay 2 General Manager/Chief Executive/Managing Director's department (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/Ay 7 Publicity and Promotions department
- Catalogue Title: Aycliffe New Town Development Corporation Type/Category: Public RecordsDescription: NT/Ay 7 Publicity and Promotions department: Development Corporation management and other