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- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland Urban District Council 1854-1976 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA Public Health
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland Urban District Council Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland Urban District Council Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland Urban District Council Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: UD/BA
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Bishop Barrington Boys C.E. School 1836-1974 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Cockton Hill Council Infants' School 1908-2012 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Cockton Hill Council Mixed School 1908-1964 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Etherley Lane Nursery School 1971-1985 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Etherley Lane, Junior Mixed and Infants School 1932-2004 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, King James I Boys' Grammar School 1604-1963 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Russell Street Wesleyan Day School 1885-1967 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Russell Street, Wesleyan Infant School 1907-1932 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, South Church Council Infants School 1907-1908 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, St Andrew, South Church Mixed School 1904-1928 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, St Anne, C.E. Infants School 1864-1957 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, St. Anne, Church of England Mixed School 1863-1971 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Walton's British School, later Cockton Hill Council School 1904-1959 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Warwick Road Special School 1968-1993 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Woodhouse Close Modern School 1958-1963 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Auckland, Woodhouse Community Primary School 1969-2007 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Middleham C.E. Junior Mixed and Infants School 1863-1970 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SE
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Middleham Civil Parish 1894-1966 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/BM
- Catalogue Title: Bishop Middleham St. Michael Parish 1559-2021 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/BM
- Catalogue Title: Bishopton C.E. National School 1863-1966 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SE
- Catalogue Title: Bishopton Civil Parish 1894-1958 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Bis
- Catalogue Title: Bishopton St. Peter Parish 1627-2015 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Bis
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth Christ Church Parish 1862-1999 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Bi.CC
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth Good Shepherd Parish 1902-1991 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw.GS
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Gabriel Parish 1898-1992 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw.SG
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Mary Parish 1940-2009 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw.SM
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1567-2013 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 01 Registration
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1787-2009 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 02 Clergy
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1838-1941 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 03 Tithe
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1632-1990s Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 04 Churchwardens
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1797-1928 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 05 Vestry
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1869-2000 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 06 Parochial Church Council
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1693-1862 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 07 Overseers of the poor
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1830-1835 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 10 Highway surveyors
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1853-2000 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 11 Schools
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1820-1966 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 12 Charities
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1852-1975 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 13 Church Societies
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Michael Parish 1801-2003 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw 14 Miscellaneous
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Nicholas Parish 1932-2015 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Biw.SN
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Peter Parish 1847-1956 Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Su.SPet
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Stephen Parish Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Su.SS
- Catalogue Title: Bishopwearmouth St. Thomas Parish Type/Category: Ecclesiastical Parish RecordsDescription: EP/Su.STh
- Catalogue Title: Black Boy Colliery Mixed School 1863-1928 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Blackfyne Comprehensive School 1976-1982 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/NW
- Catalogue Title: Blackhall Colliery Council Infants School 1914-1972 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E
- Catalogue Title: Blackhall Colliery Council School 1911-1987 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/E