Clayton and Gibson
Reference: D/CG 19 Catalogue Title: Clayton and Gibson Area: Catalogue Category: Business and Industry Records (Solicitors) Description: Lordship of Winlaton
Covering Dates: 1569-1965
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- Clayton and Gibson
Catalogue Description
Lordship of Winlaton[see also D/CG2 Bell, D/CG6 Bute, D/CG7 Clavering, D/CG16 Ravensworth]
Manorial administration
Catalogue Contents
Clayton and Gibson (Ref: D/CG)Ref: D/CG 19/1
Winlaton court book, 25 October 1740 - 18 April 1759
(1 volume, soft parchment cover)
Ref: D/CG 19/2Winlaton court book, 26 October 1764 - 22 April 1819
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/CG 19/3A list of freeholders and tenants in the Lordship of Winlaton [suit roll], 16 October 1788 - 10 May 1810
(1 booklet)
Ref: D/CG 19/4Notice of the holding of a Court Leet and Court Baron of the Lordship of Winlaton, 10 October 1850
(1 paper, printed)
Ref: D/CG 19/5Notice from John Clayton, the Steward of the Lordship of Winlaton, to the Bailiff of the Manor to summon the Court Leet and Court Baron, 19 October 1850
(1 paper)
Ref: D/CG 19/6Medal commemorating the perambulations of the boundaries of the Lordship of Winlaton, 22 October 1850
Ref: D/CG 19/7List of jurors at the Court Leet and Court Baron of the Lordship of Winlaton, 24 October 1850
(1 paper)
Deeds relating to Lordship and minerals
Ref: D/CG 19/819 July 1569
(1) The Rt. Hon. Charles, Earl of Westmorland
(2) Richard Hodgshon and Robert Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, Aldermen; William Selby and Humfray Scriverner of Newcastell upon Tyne, merchants
Bargain and sale by way of mortgage by (1) to (2) of the Lordship of Wynlaton otherwise the East and West Lordshippe of Wynlaton with all properties, rights and jurisdictions. Covenants for further assurance Charged with £10 p.a. to John Killinghall and Henry his son for life and to James Pilleringe and Anthony Hedley for life. To secure £1000 and £80 interest due at Michaelmas 1572. Copy of the enrolled copy of 27 July 1578
Consideration: £1000 payable in two installments and £2000 further on terms specified for the absolute purchase if default made on the mortgage (paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/9Copy of the Act of Parliament confirming the attainders of Charles, Earl of Westmorland, Thomas, Earl of Northumberland and others,13 Elizabeth 1 [1570]
(paper, 1 file, Latin and English)
Ref: D/CG 19/102 May 1574
(1) Richard Hodhon, Robert Anderson and William Selbye all of Newcastle upon Tyne, Aldermen and merchants
(2) Ralph Lawsun of Burgh, Yorkshire, Esquire and George Lawsun of Neisham, gentleman
Gift by (1) to (2) of the Manor and Lordship of Wynlayton also known as the East and West Lordships of Wynlayton with all rights and properties in Wynlayton, Blaidon, Bayshowses, Thorneysley, Smelles, Sherwin houses, Spery, Lintforde and Barley, which (1) purchased from Charles late Earl of Westmorland by his charter of 19 July 1569, to the use of Hodshon, Anderson and Selbye as to one- quarter part a piece, with the further quarter divided between Hodshon and Selbye.
Appointment of Roland Lawson of Gateshed, gentleman, and George Selbye of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant as attorneys to deliver seisin. Livery of seisin endorsed, 21 May 1574
(parchment, 1 membrane, 3 pendent seals, Latin)
Ref: D/CG 19/11Translation and transcript of D/CG19/18 by Phillimore and Company, 1938
(paper, 2 files, typescript)
Ref: D/CG 19/1211 May 1592
(1) Robert Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant and Alderman
(2) Robert Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, son of (1)
Gift by (1) to (2) of a half of his quarter share in the Lordship of Wynlayton with all rights and appurtenances in Wynlayton, Blaydon, Bayhouses, Thornelie, Smelles, Sherwyn Houses, Spen, Lintfford and Barley.
Appointment of Francis Anderson and George Clark of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchants as attorneys of (1) to deliver seisin. Recites the conveyance of the other half of his share to his brother Simon Anderson, clerk by deed of 20 June 1574. Livery of seisin endorsed
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin)
Ref: D/CG 19/1314 April 1599 Letters patent of Tobias [Matthew] Bishop of Durham pardoning Robert Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant, son and heir apparent of Robert Anderson also of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant and Alderman for having had one eighth part of the Lordship of Wynlaiton conveyed to him without the licence of the bishop as chief lord of the fee Note of enrolment in the close rolls of the Chancery at Durham
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin, seal missing)
Ref: D/CG 19/141 August 1615
(1) Sir George Selby of Whitehouse, Knight, High Sheriff of the County Palatine of Durham
(2) Sir John Selby of Branckston, Northumberland, Knight; William Bellasis of Morton, Esquire; Robert Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire
(3) Sir William Selby of Shortflatt, Northumberland, Knight and Charles Selby (brothers of (1))
Copy of a deed of covenant by (1) to convey to (2) before the feast of St. John the Baptist [29 August] the Manor of Stotfold and a moiety of the Manor or Lordship of Winlaton with all their respective lands and appurtenances to the use of (1) for life thence to the use of his wife Dame Margarett Selby for life as to two thirds of the Manor of Stotfold and otherwise to the use of the heirs male of the body of (1) with remainders as specified to (3) inter alia. Power of revocation of uses except those relating to Dame Margarett. Recites settlement of Whitehouse and related property (dated 30 -31 July 1615)upon trust for raising portions
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/1530 June 1631
(1) Richard Chetle Esquire and Richard Balley, gentleman
(2) Sir William Selby of Winlaton, Knight
Certified copy of a release by (1) to (2) of the reversion of the Manor of Stotfold and of a moiety of the Manor of Winlaton
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/1625 February 1632/3
(1) Sir William Selby of Winlaton, Knight
(2) Sir Robert Hodshon of Winlaton, Knight
(3) Robert Anderson, of Newcastle upon Tyne Esquire and Alderman
Deed of partition between (1) (2) and (3) as tenants in common of the Lordship of Winlaton. (1) to receive: lands and woods in Barlay, Shereburne Greene and Lynsford (a parcel of the West Lordship of Winlaton) occupied by the tenants specified and lands called Low Brockwells (a parcel of the East Lordship) (42a.2r.0p), oakwoods there and in Over Brockwells; Great Gaires Field and White Gares Field also in the East Lordship but without oakwoods; oakwoods growing at Bowes Close at Nether Spen in the West Lordship and at Springhill and Black Myers Grounds in the East Lordship, at the Hagg next to White House at the east side of the Cockshott in the Hagg and at Little Raven Hill, Great Raven Hill and the east side of the Cockshott as specified and cottages in Winlaton and Blaydon as specified (2) to receive: lands at Upper Spenn, Nether Spenn, Reads Intack, Smeeles, and Thornellay, in the West Lordship as specified with all oak woods except in Bowes Close and the lands of William Beson in Nether Spenn; lands called the Lordes Birkes (a parcell of the East Lordship) one tenement and three closes near Winlaton Mills (10a), three quarters of Wilkinson Birkes, Stampley Mosses and Snookehill and all oakwood in Wilkinson Birkes, and Gairefeilds divided and allotted to Selby, all oakwood in Norman Riddinges (parcel of the East Lordship) and in Lockhaugh Hill and the Bankes and gilles adjoyning Robert Lawson's Tenement (25a.), oakwoods on the west side of the Cockshott in the pasture called the Hagg and south from the low end of the Cockshott as specified, oakwoods in the great pasture called the Lawms and in all the Gairefeildes in the East Lordship and all oakwood in Norman Riding, and cottages in Winlaton town and Blaydon as specified (3) to receive a messuage and tenement at Nether Spenn and oakewood growing upon the same, a tenement at Smeeles in the West Lordship with oakwood growing there, oakwood on William Beason's tenement at Nether Spen and one fourth part of closes called Wilkinson Birkes, Stamplay Mosses and Snooke Hill and 2 cottages each in Blaydon and Winlaton. Attached memo on the discovery of this deed by W.W. Gibson, 8 March 1938
(parchment, 1 membrane and 1 paper)
Ref: D/CG 19/1725 February 1632/3
(1) Sir William Selby of Winlinton, Knight
(2) Sir Robert Hodgshon of Winlinton, Knight
(3) Robert Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, Alderman
Copy of the deed of partition of the Lordship of Winlaton specifying the properties to be taken by (1) for his half share in the manor, by (2) for his three eighth shares and by (3)for his one eighth. All minerals to continue in common ownership Memorandum as to the division of the Hagg in the East Lordship Copied 26 July 1697
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/18Abstract of the deed of partition of 25 February 1632 of the Lordship of Winlaton with notes thereupon relating to seisin and execution of same, n.d. [17th Century]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/CG 19/19Copy of D/CG 19/16, n.d. [mid 19th Century]
(1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/2019 February 1634/5
(1) Richard Gurnard, citizen and Alderman of London
(2) Robert Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire; Henry Anderson and Edward Stott of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchants
Gift by (1) to Robert Anderson of a parcel of land at Darwen Haugh within the Lordship of Winlayton formerly the property of John Swinburne of Chopwell (attainted for high treason) and granted to (1) by letters patent of 8 May 1620 Appointment of Henry Anderson and Edward Stott as Robert Anderson's attorneys to receive seisin
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/CG 19/2123 March 1639/40
(1) Robert Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant and Alderman
(2) Sir Nicholas Tempest of Flatworth, Knight and Thomas Liddell of Ravensworth Castle, Esquire
Covenant of (1) with (2) to stand seised of his eighth part of the East and West Lordship of Winlaton with all his lands and tenements in Winlaton, of a messuage in the Oate Market and other messuages and lands elsewhere in Newcastle upon Tyne to the use of (1) for life, thence to the use of Jane his wife, thence to the use of Francis Anderson of Jesmond (his kinsman) and his heirs male with remainders to further kinsmen as specified. Power of revocation as specified.
Endorsed as produced in Anderson v Anderson in Chancery, 18 April 1685
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/CG 19/224 July 1640 Probate of the will of Robert Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, Alderman (dated 6 May 1640) bequeathing coals within the Lordship of Winlaton and corn growing at Allersyde Heugh, three of his best keels and £150 to his wife Jane with all farm equipment and household furnishings. Bequests to Anderson kinsmen and his servants. To his four noble friends Lady Margrett Selby of White House, Mrs. Margrett Blaxton of Gibsyde, Sir William Femonke and Sir Nicholas Tempest, £20 each. Executor and residuary legatee - Francis Anderson, 6 May 1640
(parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/CG 19/2324 March 1645
(1) Sir William Selby of Winlaton, Knight; Sir Nicholas Tempest of Flatworth, Northumberland, Knight; Sir Francis Anderson of Bradley, Knight; William Hodshon of Winlaton, Esquire
(2) James Clavering of Axewell Houses, Esquire
Copy of articles of agreement between (1) and (2) for the termination of disputes between them regarding the use of the River Derwent in working Winlaton colliery. (1) will convey to (2) the Holme Milne adjoining the River Darwent and belonging to the Lordship of Winlaton with the Stanners Close and other lands in return for the forgoing of the River Darwent and the use of Shaftoe's Mill by (2). Memorandum of livery of seisin of Holme Milne
(2 papers)
Ref: D/CG 19/2421 January 1654/5
(1) George Selby of Winlaton, Esquire and Mary his wife
(2) Barnabas Horsman of Banbury, Oxfordshire, gentleman
(3) Roger Bradshawe of The Hay, Lancashire, Esquire and Francis Bagshawe of The Middle Temple, London, Esquire
(4) Henry Lambton of Lambton, Esquire; Jeoffry Shackerly of Shackerly, Lancashire, Esquire; John Burton of Lincolnes Inn Feilds, Middlesex, gentleman; and Robert Glover of Morton Pinckay, Northamptonshire, gentleman
Certified copy of a deed of covenant of (1) with (3) to convey to (2) the Manor of Stotfold and the moiety of the Manor of East and West Winlaton with all rights, jurisdictions and appurtenances to lead the uses of a Common Recovery. To the use (as to the capital messuage of Winlaton and a farm there) of (4) for 80 years to secure an annuity of £400 to Mary Selby for life. Otherwise the Winlaton property is to be used to secure annuities of £50 to the brothers of G. Selby and subject thereto the use of G. Selby for life thence to his issue with remainders specified with powers to raise portions etc. The property at Stotfold to be held in trust for sale to settle the debts of G. Selby
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/2514 August 1655
(1) George Selby of Winlaton, Esquire and Mary his wife
(2) Roger Bradgshawe of The Hay, Lancashire, Esquire and Francis Bagshaw of The Middle Temple, London, Esquire
(3) Barnabas Horsman of Banbury, Oxfordshire, gentleman
Copy of a revocation of uses contained in D/CG19/24 and declaration of uses by (1) to (2) charging the Winlaton premises with annuities of £50 to G. Selby's brothers, £400 to Mary Selby and subject thereto to the use of (l)'s issue with remainders as specified and power to raise portions for the daughters and sisters of (1), and upon trust to sell the Manor of Stotfold to pay the debts of G. Selby
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/2611 October 1656
(1) George Selby of Whithouse, Esquire and Mary his wife; Roger Bradshaigh of Hay, Lancashire, Esquire; and Francis Bagshaw of Middle Temple, London, Esquire
(2) Robert Shafto, late Mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne and Robert Shaf to of Benwell, Northumberland, Esquire, his eldest son
(3) James Clavering of Axwell houses, Esquire and Robert Clavering of Chopwell, gentleman
Minute of a conveyance of a moiety of the Holme Mill, Winlaton and of lands called the Stanners, the Holme and the Batts and a staithe containing 10 keelrooms upon the River Darwen. Full power to make weirs etc
(1 paper)
Ref: D/CG 19/2711 October 1656
(1) George Selby of Whitehouse, Esquire and Charles Selby of Winlaton, gentleman
(2) James Clavering of Axwell houses, Esquire
Bond of (1) to (2) in £1000 to secure the execution of such deeds of further assurance by Dorathy Heron (upon her reaching majority) as are necessary to perfect the conveyance of the moiety of Holme Mill with its appurtenances and several closes of land and a coalstaithe of 10 keelrooms upon the River Darwen, all situate in the Lordship of Winlaton
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/CG 19/286 November 1656
(1) Robert [Shafto] the elder and Robert [Shafto] the younger, Esquires, Plaintiffs
(2) George Selby and Mary his wife, Roger [Bradshaigh] and Francis Bagshaw, Esquires, Deforceants
Exemplification of a Final Concord dated the morrow of All Souls 1656 of 2 messuages,14 acres of land,the moiety of a water cornmill etc. within Winlaton and Ryton
Consideration: £60
(parchment, 1 membrane, fragment of pendent seal)
Ref: D/CG 19/292 July 1661
(1) George Selby of Whitehouse, Esquire
(2) Sir Roger Bradshawe of Hay, Lancashire, Knight
(3) Francis Baggshawe of the Middle Temple, London, Esquire
Deed of revocation of the uses contained in the within recited indenture of 14 August 1655
(parchment, 1 membrane, 3 pendent seals)
Ref: D/CG 19/3024 February 1662/63
(1) Sir Francis Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, Knight and Dame Jane his wife, and Bartram Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant
(2) Sir James Clavering of Axwell, Baronet and Ralph Jenison of Elsewicke, Northumberland, Esquire
Deed of covenant by (1) to levy a fine to (2) of an eighth part of the East and West Manor or Lordship of Winlaton alias Winlington with all rights, jurisdictions and appurtenances, to the use of Francis Anderson for life thence to his wife during her widowhood. Reserving the coalmines to the use of Robert eldest son of Frances Anderson for life with the reversion of the Manor etc. on the death of Dame Jane, with remainder to the issue of Robert Anderson as specified with further remainders to the younger sons of Sir Francis Anderson and their descendents and to Bartram Anderson. Power to revoke all uses except those in favour of Dame Jane
Endorsed as produced in Anderson v Anderson in Chancery, 18 May 1685
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/CG 19/3118 June 1669
(1) Sir Francis Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, Knight
(2) Sir James Clavering of Axwells, Baronet
(3) Thomas Crawforth of Whickham, gentleman and George Pearson of Whickham, yeoman
Bargain and sale by (1) to (2) of 12a. of land at Broomefeild in the Lordship of Winlaton and parish of Ryton. Recites previous deeds. Appointment of (3) by (1) as his attorneys to deliver seisin Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed, 19 June 1669
Consideration: £200
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/CG 19/32Receipt of Francis and Jane Anderson for £200 from Sir James Clavering for Broome Close, Winlaton, 3 July 1669
(1 paper)
Ref: D/CG 19/3321 December 1673
(1) Sir Francis Anderson of Bradeley, Knight
(2) Sir James Clavering of Axwell, Baronet
(3) George Pescodd of Swallwell, yeoman and John Blackett of Newcastle upon Tyne, hoastman
Counterpart mortgage by (1) to (2) of lands called Long Sheete, Higher Huttocks, the Hagghill the Bryans and a moiety of the Stanners all in the Lordship of Winlaton
Appointment of (3) by (1) as his attorneys to deliver seisin Memorandum of delivery of seisin endorsed
Consideration: £320
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/CG 19/348 April 1691
(1) Sir Thomas Tempest of Stella, Baronet; Sir Edward Blackett of Newby, Yorkshire, Baronet; Sir William Blackett of Newcastle upon Tyne, Baronet; Dorcas Anderson of Bradley, widow, mother and guardian of Francis Anderson
(2) Ambrose Crowley of London, ironmonger
Counterpart lease by (1) to (2) for 99 years of a water corn mill and fulling mill and 4a. of land at Winlaton with power to erect all manner of smiths shops, engines, buildings for the manufacture of iron with wayleaves for the passage of raw materials and products to Swalwell and Blaydon. Power to construct storehouses as specified, power to (1) to remove any that prove hurtful, inconvenient or prejudicial to them
Rent: £9 7s.6d and 12 iron hoops as required annually to Tempest; £6 5s. and 8 iron hoops annually to each Blackett; £3 2s.6d and 4 iron hoops yearly to Anderson
(parchment, 4 membranes)
Ref: D/CG 19/353 June 1707
(1) Roger Anderson of Bradley, Esquire; John Simpson of Newcastle upon Tyne, hoastman and Jane his wife; Anne Anderson of Newcastle upon Tyne, widow; Edward Forster of Newcastle upon Tyne, shipwright and Mary his wife; Alexander Grimaldi of London, gentleman and Dorcas his wife (the ladies being the sisters of Francis Anderson deceased)
(2) Edward Harrison of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant and John Wood of Masbrough, Yorkshire, gentleman
Copy of lease by (1) to (2) for 94 years of one eighth of the water corn mill, (Holme Mill), millers houses and 2 closes of land at Swalwell and all the slitting mill shops lately erected by (2) on lands at Swalwell, with power to erect and repair dams and licence for (2) to land iron, timber etc at the common landing place at Swalwell
Rent: £2 10s. p.a.
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/3626 September 1720
(1) Roger Anderson of Bradley, Esquire; Richard Ridley of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire; John Simpson of Newcastle upon Tyne, fitter and Jane his wife; Benjamin Clayton of Newcastle upon Tyne, gentleman and Anne his wife
(2) Dame Jane Clavering of White House, widow and her son Sir James Clavering, Baronet, (of whom she is testamentary guardian); William Blakiston Bowes of Streatlam Castle, Esquire; George Pitt of Stratfield Sea, Hampshire, Esquire; Ralph Harding of Hollingside, gentleman
Unexecuted Articles of agreement for the lease by (1) to (2) for 21 years of the wayleave for a waggon way across the lands of (1) in the Manor of Winlaton, parcels of land and several keel rooms at Darwenthaugh adjoining the Rivers Tyne and Darwent
Rent: 1s. per ten of coals transported by the Claverings, 2/6d per ten by Bowes, 2/6d per ten by Pitt, 2/6d per ten by Harding except for Hollingside coals for which 6d pa.; £36 pa. by the Claverings for twelve keel rooms. £40 p.a. by Bowes for fourteen. £24 p.a. by Pitt for eight and £12 p.a. by Harding
Demise by Anderson to Ridley and Simpson for 21 years of a further eight keel rooms at Darwenthaugh
Rent: £24 p.a.
Demise by Clavering to Anderson of a wayleave for a waggon way at Winlaton for 21 years at a peppercorn rental
(parchment, 4 membranes)
Ref: D/CG 19/3725 April 1727
(1) The Rt. Hon. Charles, Earl of Carlisle
(2) Henry Widdrington, eldest son and heir of the Rt. Hon. Jane, Lady Widdrington, daughter and heir of Sir Thomas Tempest, Baronet
(3) Dame Jane Clavering of Newcastle upon Tyne, widow and George Mallabarr of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire
(4) Richard Ridley, Alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne and John Simpson of Newcastle upon Tyne, gentleman
Articles of agreement for a lease by (1) and (2) to (3) and (4) for 31 years of a wayleave for a waggon way 12 yards wide to be constructed from Streels Farm to Darwent Staith through lands in the Manor of Winlaton as specified Rent: £50 p.a. by each of (3) and (4) to (1) during the life of William Lord Widdrington and £150 p.a. by (3) and (4) to (2) for the balance of the term, plus tentale rents for coals in excess of 2000 tens p.a. transported, as specified
(parchment, 4 membranes)
Ref: D/CG 19/381 March 1748
(1) Sir Thomas Clavering of Whitehouse, Bart
(2) John Simpson, Alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire, and Francis Simpson of Newcastle upon Tyne, hoastman
Counterpart lease by (1) to (2) for 31 years of the north east part of Strother Farm adjoining the staiths of (2) at Darwenthaugh for a waggonway, giving access to the staithes Rent: £5 5s. p.a.
(parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/CG 19/3922 - 23 January 1749/50
(1) Onesiphorus Dagnia of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire (whose mother is now wife of Benjamin Clayton)
(2) John Hood of Newcastle upon Tyne, hoastman
Lease and Release by (1) to (2) of a quarter share of the capital messuage and lands at Bradley and one eighth share of collieries under the wastes and territcries of Crawcrooke, one thirty second part of the Manor of Winlaton and any other property late the estate of the Anderson family as specified, all in the parish of Ryton
Consideration: £200
(parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/CG 19/401 January 1779
(1) Thomas Eyre of Hassop, Derbyshire, Esquire; John Simpson of Bradley, Esquire; Sir Thomas Blackett of Bretton, Yorkshire, Baronet; Sir Matthew White Ridley of Blagdon, Northumberland, Baronet; the Rt. Hon. John, Lord Viscount Mount Stuart; the Rt. Hon. Francis Seymour Conway (Lord Beauchamp); the Rt. Hon. [Francis] Thomas Fitzmaurice, Earl of Kerry; John Pitt of Arlington Street, Westminster, Esquire; Mary Bowes, widow of George Bowes late of Gibside, Esquire, deceased
(2) Thomas Shafto of Dunston, Esquire
Articles of agreement for a lease by (1) to (2) of coals under the Lordship of Winlaton otherwise Winlington for 30 years at a fixed rent of £570 p.a. plus tentale rents as specified upon the conditions herein specified
(parchment, 2 membranes)
Ref: D/CG 19/4112 December 1859
(1) Charles Towneley of Towneley, Lancashire, Esquire; the Rt. Hon. Henry Thomas Lord Ravensworth, Baron Ravensworth of Ravensworth Castle; Sir William Aloyzius Clavering of Axwell Park, Baronet; John Bowes of Gibside, Esquire; Sir William George Armstrong of Newcastle upon Tyne, Knight; and Thomas Sopwith of 43 Cleveland Square, Middlesex, land and mine surveyor (trustees of Robert Thomas Atkinson, deceased); William Stuart the younger of Kempston, Bedfordshire, Esquire and John Boyle of Somers Place, Hyde Park, Middlesex, Esquire (trustees of the late Marquess of Bute); Joseph Cowen of Blaydon Burn, Esquire
(2) George Hepple Ramsay of Derwent Villa, Esquire
Counterpart lease by (1) to (2) for 42 years of coals under the lands at Winlaton, Blaydon, Swalwell and Derwent Haugh shewn on the plan endorsed on the second membrane hereof with power to make outstrokes
Rent: £600 p.a. for the first 21 years and £450 p.a. for the balance of the term for coal payable to the lessors excluding Armstrong and Sopwith; £64 p.a. for fireclay under certain specified lands for the first 21 years and £48 p.a. for the remaining 21 years; £36 p.a. for fireclay for the full term to the lessors excluding Armstrong and Sopwith, plus tentale and outstroke rents specified
(parchment, 7 membranes)
Ref: D/CG 19/4225 July 1884
(1) The Rt. Hon. Claude, Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
(2) John Bowes of Streatlam Castle, Esquire
(3) The Hon. Henry Dudley Ryder of 59 Strand, Middlesex; the Rt. Hon. Edmund Bernard Talbot of Eaton Terrace, Middlesex (Lord Edmund Bernard Talbot); Frederick Pitman of 48 Castle Street, Edinburgh, W.S.
(4) Charles Stuart of Hubborne, Christchurch, Hampshire, a Major General in H.M.'s Army; John Boyle of Onslow Square, Middlesex, Esquire; William Stuart of Tempsford Hall, Huntingdonshire, Esquire
(5) The Most Hon. John Patrick, Marquess of Bute
(6) Joseph Cowen of Stella Hall, Blaydon, Esquire, M.P.
(7) Edward Young Western of 55 Essex Street, Strand, Middlesex, Esquire
Conveyance by (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) and (6) to (7) of their respective part shares in the Winlaton partnership estate to the various uses of (1) (3) and (6) as to the parts now allotted to them specified in the annexed schedules and maps upon such trusts as previously subsisted in their respective shares of the undivided estate. Recites judgments in the Chancery Division relating to the Winlaton Partnership Estate in Bowes v Bute. Mutual covenants for the production of title deeds. Plans of the estate and of Blaydon Quays and Derwent Haugh annexed
Consideration: £5852 16s 11d and £3078 15s 8d paid into court
(parchment, 11 membranes)
Ref: D/CG 19/438 April 1942
(1) Sir Bernard Edward Halsey Bircham, of 46 Parliament Street, Westminster, K.C.V.O. and William Henry Smith of Melville Hastings Road, Ealing, Middlesex, Esquire (Delacour Trustees)
(2) Henry John Wasbrough of 12 Great Marlborough Street, London, Esquire and W.H. Smith (the Murray Trustees)
(3) Winifred Mary Billing of Ashdown Park, Forest Row, Sussex, spinster, Stella Gwendoline Brogden Billing of the Convent of Notre Dame, St. Mark's Avenue, Leeds, Yorkshire, spinster, Frances Mary Walmsley and Ethelreda Mary Swarbreck of the convent of Notre Dame, Ashdown Park (the Towneley Beneficiaries)
(4) Emily Mary Annette Greenwood of Grenville Hall, Doxford, Hampshire, spinster and Sir B.E.H. Bircham, K.C.V.O. (the Clifford Trustees)
(5) Noel Warren Napier - Clavering,formerly of Woodlands, Colchester, Essex, now on active service abroad, a Major-General in H.M.'s Army and Francis Donald Napier-Clavering, formerly of Hopleys, Much Hadham, Hertfordshire, now of Barnfeld Farndon, Cheshire, engineer (the Napier-Clavering Executors)
(6) Frank Buddle Atkinson of Gallowhill, Morpeth, Northumberland, Esquire
(7) The Rt. Hon. Claude George, Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
(8) Michael Duncan David Crichton Stuart of House of Falkland, Fife, a Captain in H.M.'s Army
(9) Joseph Cowen of Stella Hall, Blaydon, Esquire and Jane Cowen of the same, spinster
(10) Arthur Christopher Halsey Bircham of 4 Parliament Street, Westminster, solicitor; Sir William Waymouth Gibson of 7 Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, solicitors; Sir Frank Robert Simpson of Bradley Hall, Wylam, Baronet and John William Western of 35 Essex Street, Strand, London, solicitor
Appointment of (10) by (1) to (9), under provisions of the Law of Property Act, 1925, as trustees of their shares in the coals under the former Lordship of Winlaton as specified. Covenants for the production of title deeds. Schedule of deeds to the respective shares of the property attached. Plan of the Lordship of Winlaton attached
(parchment, 1 file)
Mortgages etc. relating to property within the Lordship
Ref: D/CG 19/4420 September 1743
(1) Joshua Douglas of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire
(2) William Little of Newcastle upon Tyne, mariner
Copy of a declaration of trust by (1) that £1500 of £2500 advanced by (1) upon a mortgage of property specified at Bradley etc. in the parish of Ryton and one sixteenth of the Lordship of Winlaton is the property of (2)
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/4514 April 1749
(1) Joshua Douglas of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire
(2) Matthew Ridley of Heaton, Northumberland, Esquire
(3) William Little of Newcastle upon Tyne, mariner
Draft release being an assignment by (1) and (2) to (3) of a mortgage of the one half share of (2) in the capital messuage and estate of Bradley, one quarter of coals at Crawcrook and one sixteenth of the Lordship of Winlaton to secure £2500 to (3). Recites previous deeds
Consideration: £1000 (3) to (1)
(1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/4619 July 1751
(1) Matthew Ridley of Heaton, Northumberland, Esquire
(2) Sir Thomas Clavering of Whitehouse, Baronet
Draft of a quit claim by (1) to (2) of his equity of redemption in lands in the Lordship of Winlaton as specified in the within recited mortgage. Recites previous deeds and equity suits
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/4719 July 1751
(1) Sir Thomas Clavering of Whitehouse, Baronet
(2) Matthew Ridley of Heaton, Northumberland, Esquire
Draft covenant by (1) for peaceable enjoyment by (2) of a waggon way from coal staithes on the Rivers Tyne and Darwent through lands disputed by (1) and (2) in the parish of Ryton
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/4821 August 1751
(1) Matthew Ridley of Heaton, Northumberland, Esquire
(2) Matthew White of Blaigdon, Northumberland, Esquire
Draft bond of (1) to (2) to indemnify (2) from all claims against him arising from joint bonds of (1) and (2) to others specified
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/4910 May 1755
(1) Matthew Ridley of Heaton, Northumberland, Esquire
(2) John Simpson of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire
Draft covenant for the production of title deeds to the Bradley Estate and other lands, manors and mines of which (1) has sold a half share to (2)
(paper, 1 file)
Lordship minerals
Ref: D/CG 19/50Volume containing copies of agreements and mineral and wayleave leases for the Lordship of Winlaton, 9 March 1726/7 - 1 December 1768
(1 volume, parchment bound)
Ref: D/CG 19/51Minutes of meeting between the representatives of Cowen, Bute, Bowes, Ravensworth, Towneley and Atkinson concerning proposed lease of Lordship of Winlaton minerals etc, 6 March 1856
Ref: D/CG 19/52Valuation of coal and fireclay in Winlaton Lordship with details of leases, by Thomas E. Forster, 15 June 1857
(1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/53Statements of account of George Hepple Ramsay and of Joseph Cowen junior with the Lords of Winlaton, 31 December 1869 - 31 December 1870 Details of sums due from each of them to Sir W.A. Clavering, Bart, 31 December 1870
(2 papers)
Ref: D/CG 19/54Valuation of coal and fireclay under Winlaton Lordship shewing division of ownership, leases, rentals etc, 21 April 1871
(paper, 2 files)
Ref: D/CG 19/55Terms and conditions of a proposed lease of coal and fireclay in part of the Winlaton Lordship Royalty, at Low Spen and near Hooker Gate, Chopwell, from the Lords to Messrs. Jonathan Priestman and Company. Plan endorsed, 25 November 1890
(1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/56Copy of valuation, papers and map relating to the disputed ownership of fireclay between the Clavering Trustees and Frank Buddle Atkinson under parts of Winlaton Lordship, 10 December 1901 - 25 November 1932
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: D/CG 19/57-297Correspondence and miscellaneous papers of: Clayton and Gibson; Dees and Thompson of Newcastle upon Tyne, solicitors; John and G.H. Geddes of Edinburgh, mining engineers; Bircham and Company of London, solicitors; Western and Sons of London, solicitors; The Coal Commission at Hobart House, London; the Northern Regional Valuation Board at Newcastle upon Tyne; and others relating to the registration of ownership of Crawcrook and Winlaton Lordship coal royalties and compensation payable for them upon nationalisation, 7 October 1938 - 29 January 1946
(24 papers, 5 files, typescript)
Lordship fishery
Ref: D/CG 19/298Copy of correspondence between Clayton and Gibson, W.T. Bolam and Son, the Tyne Salmon Conservancy and the Tyne Improvement Commission all at Newcastle upon Tyne regarding the prohibition of net-fishing in the River Tyne, the ownership of fishery in the new cut by the Tyne Improvement Commissioners and related matters for the Lords of Winlaton, 22 March 1933 - 24 December 1935
(paper, 1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/CG 19/299Statement of account relating to the Winlaton Lordship Fishery, 1 January - 5 March 1935-6
(1 paper, typescript)
Ref: D/CG 19/300Statement shewing amount due to Clavering Estate (Durham) Ltd for Winlaton Lordship fishery, 4 March 1936
(1 paper, typescript)
Valuations and rentals etc
Ref: D/CG 19/301List of lands and their occupiers within the Manor and capital messuage of Axwells and Swalwell and a sixth part of the Lordship if Winlaton, n.d. [17th century]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/CG 19/302Schedule of woods remaining in common or divided under the 1632 deed forming the West Lordship and part of the East Lordship of Winlaton, n.d. [17th Century]
(1 paper)
Ref: D/CG 19/303-306Schedules of lands allotted to Sir James Clavering, Lord Widdrington, Sir William Selby, Robert Anderson, Sir Edward Blackett, Sir William Blackett and Sir Robert Hodgson on the division of Winlaton, September 1632
(4 papers)
Ref: D/CG 19/307Schedule of deeds and writings relating to lands in the Lordship of Winlaton, 1558 - 1640
(1 paper)
Ref: D/CG 19/308Rough notes on the partition of the Lordship of Winlaton in 1632 and after, n.d. [20th century]
(2 papers)
Ref: D/CG 19/309Schedule of deeds and documents relating to the Lordship of Winlaton kept in a tin box with Messrs. Clayton and Gibson, n.d. [c.1930 - 1950]
(paper, 1 file, typescript)
Ref: D/CG 19/310Rental of one sixteenth of the Lordship of Winlaton with related disbursements for the year to 1 May 1835
(1 paper)
Ref: D/CG 19/311Valuation by Thomas Bell of Newcastle upon Tyne of lands in the Manor and Parish of Winlaton, the Partnership Estate of John Bowes, Lord Ravensworth, the Marquess of Bute and Joseph Cowen, August - September 1845
(1 volume, card bound)
Ref: D/CG 19/312Valuation by Thomas Bell, of premises at Derwenthaugh in the parish of Winlaton belonging to Lord Ravensworth, Lord Bute, John Bowes and Joseph Cowen, 25 April 1845
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/313Letter from John Gray and Charles Armstrong to John Clayton regarding the value of the partnership property at Derwent Haugh and prospective purchase of John Bowes' share by Lord Bute if coupled with suitable leases of adjoining property, 9 June 1855
(1 paper)
Lordship plans and plans of the Tow 1ey estate
Ref: D/CG 19/314Plan of Winlaton Lordship copies from a plan and survey made in 1632 and in the possession of Charles Towneley, 22 April 1852
Scale: 1 to 6000 approximately
(1 plan, 151cm x 85cm, waxed linen, ink and water colour)
Ref: D/CG 19/315Plan of the area bounded by the River Tyne, Stella and Derwent Bridge, n.d. [1813 - 1846] Lists landowners and shews course of branch railways
Scale: 18 chains to 1 inch [1:14256]
(1 plan, 37cm x 26cm, ink)
Ref: D/CG 19/316Plan of the northern part of the Lordship of Winlaton shewing the several farms belonging to Peregrine Edward Towneley, Esquire, n.d. [c1820s] Gives field names, acreages and neighbouring landowners
Scale: 4 chains to 1 inch [1:3168]
(1 plan, 92cm x 124cm, ink and partial colour)
Ref: D/CG 19/317Plan of Barlow Fell and the other wastes in the Lordship of Winlaton divided in 1828, by Thomas Bell, 29 June 1829
Scale: 4 chains to 1 inch [1:3168] 2 chains to 1 inch [1:1584]
(1 plan, 93cm x 71cm, waxed linen, ink and partial colour)
Ref: D/CG 19/318Plan of the village of Winlaton and environs shewing allotments made on the division of the wastes of the Lordship of Winlaton, by Thomas Bell, Commissioner, in 1828, 9 June 1829
Scale: 1 chain to 1 inch [1:792]
(1 plan, 130cm x 78cm, tracing paper, ink and water colour)
Ref: D/CG 19/319Plan of Lemington Point Farm near Blaydon, the property of Peregrine Edward Towneley, by Thomas Bell, April 1831 Schedule of acreages
Scale: 4chains to 1 inch [1:3168]
(1 plan, 61cm x 50cm, ink and partial colour)
Ref: D/CG 19/320Winlaton Tithe Map, n.d. [1840-43] Lists farms and landowners
Scale: 4 chains to 1 inch [1:3168]
(1 plan, 113cm x 204cm, ink and partial colour)
Ref: D/CG 19/321Plan of the district proposed to be annexed to the new church at Blaydon, by Thomas Bell and Sons, surveyors, n.d. [c1845]
Scale: 10 chains to 1 inch [1:7920]
(1 plan, 63cm x 40cm, ink and partial colour)
Ref: D/CG 19/322Plan of freehold lands in the parish of Winlaton, n.d. [c.1850] Shews landowners and land holdings and the Towneley family lands
Scale: 8 chains to 1 inch [1:6336]
(1 plan, 138cm x 75cm, ink and partial colour)
Ref: D/CG 19/323Plan of Winlaton Lordship prepared for Joseph Cowen by Thomas Bell and Sons, 1853
Scale: 4 chains to 1 inch [1:3168]
(1 plan, 124cm x 94cm, oiled linen, coloured inks)
Ref: D/CG 19/324Plan shewing intended Consett branch of the N.E. Railway from Derwent Haugh to Rowlands Gill with landowners along its course, n.d. [c.1860]
Scale: 12 chains to 1 inch [1:9504]
(1 plan, 42cm x 128cm, oiled linen, ink and water colour)
Ref: D/CG 19/325Plan shewing leaseholds on Blaydon Haugh, the property of Col. Towneley, by W.A. Benson, 1874 Gives the area of the individual leaseholds and the names of occupiers
Scale: 44ft to 1 inch [1:528]
(1 plan, 103cm x 68cm, oiled linen, ink and partial colour)
Ref: D/CG 19/326Pedigrees of the Nevilles, Earls of Warwick and Westmorland and notes on the Lordships of Raby, Brancepeth, Winlaton and Barnard Castle, n.d. [17th century] with covering letter from Flowerdew and Company at Sutton, Surrey, 31 January 1944
(paper, 1 file)
Ref: D/CG 19/327Letters patent of Charles I granting a general pardon to Sir Thomas Tempest of Stella, Baronet for all his offences before 27 March 1625 [death of King James], 10 February 1625/6
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin, great seal of James I and VI)
Ref: D/CG 19/328Letters patent of Charles I granting a general pardon to Sir Robert Hodshon of Hebborne, Knight, for all his offences before 27 March 1625 [death of King James], 10 February 1625/6
(parchment, 1 membrane, Latin, great seal of James I and VI)
Ref: D/CG 19/329Act for Inclosing Lands in the Parish of Ryton (Barlow Fell, Beda Hills, the wastes of the Manor of Winlaton, Ryton Woodside Common, Ryton Barmoor, etc), 23 May 1873
(1 file, printed)
Ref: D/CG 19/330Letter from Richardson Gutch and Company, York, to J. and N.G. Clayton concerning purchase money for land taken by the Conside branch railway from the partnership estate, 11 March 1872
(1 paper)
Ref: D/CG 19/331The Manor of Winlaton by Sir William Waymouth Gibson, Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne,from Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th series Volume XXIII, 1945
(1 booklet, printed)