Durham County Council (1974 - 2009)
Reference: DC/A 030 Catalogue Title: Durham County Council (1974 - 2009) Area: Catalogue Category: Local Authority Records Description: Minutes: Community Service Committee (Probation)
Covering Dates: 1974-1986
Access: Under Data Protection legislation these records are closed for 100 years. Apply to County Archivist for access. View public access copies of these minutes online: http://democracy.durham.gov.uk/mgListCommittees.aspx?bcr=1
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- Durham County Council (1974 - 2009)
Catalogue Description
A new County Council was created on 1 April 1974, comprising the area covered by Darlington and seven District Councils: Chester-le-Street; Derwentside; Durham City; Easington; Sedgefield; Teesdale; Wear Valley.Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland transferred to the newly created Metropolitan County of Tyne and Wear.
Hartlepool and Stockton transferred to the newly created county of Cleveland.
In 1997, Darlington became a unitary Borough Council.
A new County Council was created on 1 April 2009, amalgamating the former County Council (1974 - 2009) and the seven District Councils in County Durham: Chester-le-Street; Derwentside; Durham City; Easington; Sedgefield; Teesdale; Wear Valley.
For records before 1974, see CC/A 62
For records after 2009, see DCC/
see also DC/A 29 and 31
See also NCP (National Probation Service)