Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 1785 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Thomas Harling of West Cornforth, miner and trade unionist
Covering Dates: 1868-1977
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Description
Records deposited:16 September 2010 Acc: 7668
Catalogue Contents
Thomas Harling (1864-1931) lived in West Cornforth all his life. He was a coal miner and a very active trade unionist in the Cornforth district where he worked all his life. He held a number of public posts, including chairman and treasurer of Thrislington Miners' Lodge for 23 years. He was one of the Labour representatives for Cornforth township on Sedgefield Board of Guardians, Chairman of Cornforth Parish Council for 21 years and a member of the Committee of the Miners' Welfare Fund. He represented Sedgefield sub-district on the Durham County Public Assistance Committee, sat on the Executive Committee of Durham Aged Miners' Homes Association, was Chairman of Coxhoe Evening Classes Committee and Treasurer of Coxhoe Aged Miners' Homes Gala.
Thomas Harling was married to Elizabeth Kilbourne and had 4 children: Elizabeth, who died when she was 18, Hannah, whose daughter, Margery, deposited the family records, Anne Mary and John.