Miscellaneous documents - Darlington
Reference: D/XD 66 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents - Darlington Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Transcript of assignment of premises in Glovers Wynd, Darlington
Covering Dates: 1718
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- Miscellaneous documents - Darlington
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Premises in Glovers Wynd, Darlington (Ref: D/XD 66/1)Ref: D/XD 66/1
Transcript of assignment of premises in Glovers Wynd from Edward Cook to Henry Lovell for the use of his wife Mary Cook, 1718
THIS INDENTURE made the twenty fourth day of March in the fifth year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord George by the Grace of God King of Great Brittaine etc and in the year of our Lord God 1718 betweene Edward Cooke of Darlington in the Countye of Durham, weaver, and Mary his now wife or intended wife on the one part and Henry Lovell of Darlington aforesaid gentleman on the other part witnesseth that the said Edward Cooke as well for and in consideration of the love and affecktion which he have and hath and doth beare unto the said Mary his said wife also for and in consideration of a certaine yearly rent hereafter reserved and to be paid and for divers other good causes and weighty considerations (him) the said Edward Cooke thereunto moving have and hath given granted demised bargained sold sett and to farme lett and by these presents do and doth give grant bargaine demise sell lett and to farme lett unto the said Henry Lovell his executors administrators and assigns all that his messuage tenement or burgage (now in his possession) with the appurtenances thereunto belonging and the garth or yard on the back thereof which the said Edward Cooke purchased of Henry Shaw and Grace Shaw his wife situate lying and being within the towne of Darlington aforesaid in a certaine street or place their called Glover Weand or Chaire Gate boundering uppon a certain street or peace in Darlington aforesaid called Skinnergate on or toward the west thereof one messuage burgage or tenement belonging to Robert Simpson on or towards the east that other house that was Henry Shaws on or towards the north and also Glover Wynd on or towards the north together with all and singular rooms chambers lights libertys wayes watter paths passiages easements priviledges profitts comodityes and appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises hereby demised or granted belonging or in any wise appertayneing and the yearly rents and profits thereof or reserved uppon any lease or leases thereof or any part or parcell thereof and all the estate right tytle and interest of him the said Edward Cooke of and into the same or any part thereof to have and to hold the aforesaid hereby demised or granted messuage tenement or burgage and all and singular (other) the premises herebefore demised or granted with their and everie of their apputenances and everie part and parcell thereof onto the said Henry Lovell (in trust) his executors administrators and assigns for and during the full end and terme and for and during the whole terme and time of one hundred nynety and nyne years from henceforth next ensueing and fully to be compleate and ended run paying the yearly rent of one pepper corns if lawfully demanded at Whittsontide onely And further these presents are for the uses intents and meaning hereafter folling and to and for noe other use intent or meaning that is to say the said Henry Lovell his executors administrators and assigns to hold all everie the within written demissed or granted premises with their and everie of their appurtenances for and during the said term and time of one hundred nynety and nyne years for the terme and time of the naturall lives of him the said Edward Cooke and the wthin named Mary party to these presents and the life of the longer liver of them and to noe other use or uses And its further declared by these presents that the said Henry Lovell's name is onely used in trust to and for him the said Edward Cooke and Mary partys to these presents and to noe other use end or purpose. In witness whereof the partyes to these presents have interchangeably sett to their hand and seales the day and year first within written
sealed signed and delivered in the presence of
John Sewell (signature) Edward Cooke E G his mark
John Theobald (signature) Mary Cook her mark