Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 2181 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Pease and Partners Ltd: Employees' First World War Service
Covering Dates: 1920-1929
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Contents
Pease and Partners Ltd: Employees' First World War Service (Ref: D/X 2181/1-2)Memorial and Record (Ref: D/X 2181/1)Ref: D/X 2181/1
Memorial and record of Pease and Partners Ltd., Darlington, employees who served in the First World War, 1920
The volume is split into two sections. The first is 'In Memoriam', listing the names of men killed, with their rank, date and place of death.
The second is a list of men who served, including those who survived, with their rank and unit they served with.
In both lists, individuals are grouped according to their role and workplace.
(1 volume)
Bedford House Cemetery, Zillebeke (Ref: D/X 2181/2)Ref: D/X 2181/2Printed copy of register of First World War burials in the Bedford House Cemetery, Zillebeke, Belgium, published by the Imperial War Graves Commission [later known as the Commonwealth War Graves Commission], 1929
(1 volume)