Durham Hospitals
Reference: H/Du Catalogue Title: Durham Hospitals Area: Catalogue Category: Public Records Description: Durham Poor Law Institution
Covering Dates: 1866-1965
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- Durham Hospitals
Catalogue Contents
Durham Poor Law Institution (Ref: H/Du )Registers of deaths (Ref: H/Du )
Ref: H/Du 38Register of deaths in Durham Workhouse, 1 April 1866 - 24 March 1914
Listed: by date of death, pp.[1]-[69]
Details: date of death; name; age; parish from which admitted; where buried
This volume is indexed - index in Searchroom
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Admission and discharge registers, Public Assistance Institution sick wards (Ref: H/Du )39
Ref: H/Du 39Admission and discharge register for Public Assistance Institution Sick Wards, 3 January 1938 - 7 May 1948
In three sequences:
Male admissions on blue paper, pp.1-84, 3 January 1938 - 28 January 1946;
Female admissions on white paper, pp.85-165, 8 January 1938 - 2 September 1947;
Children's admissions on white paper, pp.166-168, 29 December 1943 - 10 August 1945 (reversed), pp.169-201, 6 January 1938 - 5 November 1943, and pp. 201-207, 29 September 1945 - 7 May 1948
Listed: by date of admission (but see note below)
Details: name; date of birth; religion; date of admission; on whose authority admitted; nature of case; subsequent diagnosis (if different); date of discharge or death; state on discharge; cause of death; number of days in residence; remarks
Index: very incomplete
Note: For 1938, 1939, 1940 and 1941 information on the inmates remaining from previous years was re-entered before the admissions for that year, consequently there are details on males admitted from 27 September 1928, females admitted from 19 October 1909, and children admitted from 15 November 1934
(1 volume, calf half-bound)
Registers of inmates (Ref: H/Du )40
Ref: H/Du 40Register of inmates, c. July 1935 - 3 April 1942
Listed: by initial letter of surname, but letter A continues on p.75; eleven children from Gateshead Institution admitted on 1 September 1939 are listed on p.94
Details: surname; Christian name; address; parish from which admitted; description (marital status if adult, legitimate/illegitimate if child); religious creed; name and address of nearest relative or friend; date of admission; date of discharge; how discharged; remarks
Note: It appears that the register dates from c. July 1935 but that information on existing inmates was entered at the beginning of each alphabetical sequence at that time, consequently the register includes details of existing inmates who had been admitted from November 1903
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Registers of religious creed (Ref: H/Du )41-47, 87
Ref: H/Du 41Register of religious creed, 24 February 1923 - 6 October 1930
Listed: by date of admission
Details: surname; Christian name; date of birth; date of admission; parish from which admitted; religious creed; name of informant; master's initials; discharged or died; date of discharge/death; [notes]
Note: There is a note on p.1 that 'This Book Re-entered February 24th 1923', consequently it appears that the register dates from 24 February 1923 but that information on existing inmates was entered at the beginning of each alphabetical sequence at that time, consequently the register includes details of existing inmates who had been admitted from July 1907 and some for whom no dates of admission are given
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: H/Du 42Register of religious creed, c. January 1941 - 29 October 1943
Listed: by initial letter of surname, but letters B and C continue after page for Y, and one W entry is on page for Y
Details: surname; Christian name; date of birth; date of admission; parish from which admitted; religious creed; source of information; master's initials; date of discharge/death; [notes]
Note: It appears that the register dates from c. January 1941 but that information on existing inmates was entered at the beginning of each alphabetical sequence at that time, consequently the register includes details of existing inmates who had been admitted from October 1909
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: H/Du 43Register of religious creed, c. June 1948
Listed: by date of admission
Details: surname; Christian name; date of birth; date of admission; parish from which admitted; religious creed; source of information; master's initials; date of discharge/death; [notes]
Note: It appears that the register only lists inmates resident c. June 1948, since no dates of discharge/death are given; consequently the register includes details of some who had been admitted from October 1909
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: H/Du 44Register of religious creed, c. November 1943 - 12 October 1948
Listed: by date of admission, but letter B continues on pp.2 and 45, letter C continues on p.2, letter D continues on p.31, letter E continues on p.34, letter F continues on p.33, letter G continues on p.21, letter K continues on p.34, letter M continues on pp.23 and 45, letter P continues on pp.33 and 48; letter R continues on pp.41 and 47, letter S continues on pp.33, 46 and 47, letter T continues on p.33, letter W continues on pp.34 and 41
Details: surname; Christian name; date of birth; date of admission; parish from which admitted; religious creed; source of information; master's initials; date of discharge/death; [notes]
Note: It appears that the register dates from c. November 1943 but that information on existing inmates was entered at the beginning of each alphabetical sequence at that time, consequently the register includes details of existing inmates who had been admitted from October 1909
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: H/Du 45Register of religious creed, c. April 1933 - 18 November 1935
Listed: by date of admission, but letters B and H continue on p.46
Details: surname; Christian name; date of birth; date of admission; parish from which admitted; religious creed; source of information; master's initials; date of discharge/death; [notes]
Note: It appears that the register dates from c. April 1933 but that information on existing inmates was entered at the beginning of each alphabetical sequence at that time, consequently the register includes details of existing inmates who had been admitted from October 1909 and some for whom no dates of admission are given
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: H/Du 46Register of religious creed, c. October 1935 - 23 December 1937
Listed: by date of admission, but letter A continues on p.20
Details: surname; Christian name; date of birth; date of admission; parish from which admitted; religious creed; source of information; master's initials; date of discharge/death; [notes]
Note: It appears that the register dates from c. October 1935 but that information on existing inmates was entered at the beginning of each alphabetical sequence at that time, consequently the register includes details of existing inmates who had been admitted from October 1909 and some for whom no dates of admission are given
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: H/Du 47Register of religious creed, c. January 1938 - 4 January 1941
Listed: by date of admission, but letter W continues on p.35 and letter S continues on p.47
Details: surname; Christian name; date of birth; date of admission; parish from which admitted; religious creed; source of information; master's initials; date of discharge/death; [notes]
Note: It appears that the register dates from c. January 1938 but that information on existing inmates was entered at the beginning of each alphabetical sequence at that time, consequently the register includes details of existing inmates who had been admitted from November 1903 and some for whom no dates of admission are given
(1 volume, cloth bound)
Ref: H/Du 87Register of religious creed, c. July 1914 - 15 February 1923
Listed: by initial letter of surname, but letter T continues on p.130; a number of entries of individuals from Sunderland Union admitted on 13 February 1917 are listed on p.135
Details: surname; Christian name; date of birth; date of admission; parish from which admitted; religious creed; name of informant; date of entry [not completed]; master's initials; discharged or died; date of discharge/death
Note: It appears that the register dates from c. July 1914 but that information on existing inmates was entered at the beginning of each alphabetical sequence at that time, consequently the register includes details of existing inmates who had been admitted from October 1905; a new listing was commenced on 23 January 1919, and information on those inmates then in the workhouse was re-entered at the beginning of each alphabetical sequence
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Chaplain's report book (Ref: H/Du )48
Ref: H/Du 48Chaplain's report book, 3 April 1927 - 15 May 1965
(1 volume, leather half-bound)
Registers of births in Durham Workhouse (Ref: H/Du )86
Ref: H/Du 86Register of births in Durham Workhouse, 3 April 1866 - 18 February 1914
Listed: by date of birth
Details: date of birth; sex; name of parents or mother; parish from which admitted; where and when baptised; name
This volume is indexed - index in Searchroom
(1 volume, leather half-bound)