Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 493 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: Fred Douglas of Killhope
Covering Dates: 1917-1950
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- Miscellaneous documents
- Miscellaneous documents (Ref: D/X 493)
- Letters, etc., re. the lease of Killhope Mine by Fred Douglas and Amos Johnson, 1945 - 1947 (Ref: D/X 493/1-17)
- Letters and printed papers of Douglas and Johnson re. the administration of Killhope Mine, 1945 - 1947 (Ref: D/X 493/18-62)
- Papers re. the National Union of General and Municipal Workers of which Fred Douglas was a member, 1944 - 1946 (Ref: D/X 493/63-71)
- Local and National Labour Party Material. Fred Douglas was a member of the BarnardCastle Labour Party Division and ran the Ireshopeburn branch Labour Party. (Ref: D/X 493/72-154)
- Papers re. local and parish council elections, 1945 - 1947 (Ref: D/X 493/155-174)
- Various documents re. Mr. Douglas's Motor Vehicles, 1942 - 1950 (Ref: D/X 493/175-194)
- Papers re. Mr. Douglas's goat rearing activities, 1940 - 1950 (Ref: D/X 493/195-203)
- Miscellaneous letters and papers re. Mr.Douglas and his family, 1935 - 1948 (Ref: D/X 493/204-255)
- Material re. Wolsingham Baptist Church, 1917 - 1922 (Ref: D/X 493/256-260)
Catalogue Description
Papers of Mr. Fred Douglas of Killhope, Weardale relating to his coal mine,Union and Labour Party membership and various personal persuits
May 1976
(Acc.915 (D))
County Record Office,
County Hall,
DHl 5UL.
Catalogue Contents
Miscellaneous documents (Ref: D/X 493)Letters, etc., re. the lease of Killhope Mine by Fred Douglas and Amos Johnson, 1945 - 1947 (Ref: D/X 493/1-17)Ref: D/X 493/1
Letter from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to Amos Johnson re. the lease of Killhope Mine, November 1945
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/2-3Letter from Hugh Gaitskill, Minister for Fuel and Power, to Syd Lavers, M.P. for Barnard Castle re. Douglas and Johnson' s proposals to mine coal at Killhope. With attached forwarding letter from Jack Worthy Secretary of the Barnard Castle Division Labour Party, August 1946
(Paper, 2 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/4-5Letter to Douglas and Johnson from the Coal Commission re. their proposed lease of Killhope Mine. With forwarding letter from Syd J. Kilgour on behalf of the Weardale Steel Coke Co. Ltd. who ran the mine before Douglas and Johnson, October 1946
(Paper, 2 folios, 1 tracing)
Ref: D/X 493/6Letter to Douglas from Smiths Gore and Co.,Land Agents of Darlington, on behalf of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners re. the lease of land for tips at Killhope with access from the main Killhope Cross Road. November 1946
(Paper, 1 folio, 1 tracing)
Ref: D/X 493/7Letter from the Coal Commission to Johnson re. his proposed lease of Killhope mine. December 1946
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/8Letter to Johnson and Douglas from the Coal Commission re. the publication of "Notice persuant to paragraph 6 of the second schedule to the Coal Act 1938." February 1947
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/9Memorandum of agreement between the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England and Douglas and Johnson re. the lease of land for two tips at Killhope with access from the main road. February 1947
(Paper, 1 folio with tracing)
Ref: D/X 493/10-13Letters and receipts from Smiths Gore and Co., of Darlington, Land Agents to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to Mr. Douglas re payment of rent for the land mentioned in D/X 493/9 (above). 1947 - 1950
(Paper, 4 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/14Letter to Johnson and Douglas from the N.C.B. re. surface rent for Killhope mine. March 1947
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/15Letter to Johnson from the Coal Commission re. the new lease of Killhope Mine. April 1947
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/16-17Copy of agreement between the N.C.B. and Douglas and Johnson re. their licence to mine coal. With forwarding letter from the N.C.B. Registrar, N. Hillary. October 1947
(Paper, 4 folios)
Letters and printed papers of Douglas and Johnson re. the administration of Killhope Mine, 1945 - 1947 (Ref: D/X 493/18-62)Ref: D/X 493/18Letter to Ald. J. R. Drummond of Newcastle from Forster Raw and Partners re. the closure of Carricks Mine for the annual holidays. 1945
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/19Letter from Syd Lavers, M.P. for Barnard Castle to Douglas re. a letter from the Minister of Fuel and Power. December 1945
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/20-22Letters to and from Johnson and Clark Taylor and Co. re. the sale of coal mined at Killhope. 1947
(Paper, 3 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/23Letter from N.C.B. to Douglas re. Royalty payments on coal mined at Killhope. July 1947
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/24-27Letters and printed circulars re. the Durham Association of Small Mines. 1947
(Paper, 4 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/28Letter to Johnson and Douglas from Thos. W. Ward Ltd. of Sheffield re. the purchase of jacks. September 1947
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/29-31Circular letters from the Ministry of Fuel and Power re. mine inspection. 1947
(Paper, 3 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/32-38Circular letters from the N.C.B. re. the Coal Industry Nationalization Act 1946 and the five day week. 1947
(Paper, 7 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/39-42Circular letters to Douglas and Johnson re. the training of new entrants to the mining industry. 1947
(Paper, 4 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/43-58Miscellaneous printed material re. coal mining regulations including clothing D/X 493/43, training D/X 493/44, lighting D/X 493/45, ventilation D/X 493/47, winding and haulage D/X 493/48, wages D/X 493/49. 1945 - 1947
(Paper, 6 folios, 10 booklets)
Ref: D/X 493/59"Licensed Small Mines" Scottish division. 1 printed list. n.d.
Ref: D/X 493/60"Coalfields of Great Britain" No. 2 Northern division. 1 printed list. n.d.
Ref: D/X 493/61-62Circular letter and order form for the coal traders diary. 1947
(Paper, 2 folios)
Papers re. the National Union of General and Municipal Workers of which Fred Douglas was a member, 1944 - 1946 (Ref: D/X 493/63-71)Ref: D/X 493/63-66NUGMW Stanhope branch. Contribution cards. 1944, 1946
(Card, 4 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/67NUGMW Cleveland miners and quarrymen' s section - compensation settlements. July 1945
(Paper, 1 printed folio)
Ref: D/X 493/68-69Copy letters to "Brother Pattinson" on union business. July 1945
(Paper, 2 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/70-71Agreements between the N.C.B. and the National Union of Mine Workers re. Nationalisation of the Mines. December 1946
(Paper, 2 printed booklets)
Local and National Labour Party Material. Fred Douglas was a member of the BarnardCastle Labour Party Division and ran the Ireshopeburn branch Labour Party. (Ref: D/X 493/72-154)Ref: D/X 493/72-84Barnard Castle Division Labour Party: circular letters re. meetings, organization and administration. 1946 - 1947
(Paper, 13 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/85-86Letters to Douglas re. a party meeting at Ireshopeburn and the R.D.C. and Parish elections, from Jack Worthy, Party Secretary, Barnard Castle. 1945, 1946
(Paper, 2 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/87-117National Labour Party. Printed leaflets and circular letters re. party meetings, administration and publications. 1946 - 1949
(Paper, 31 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/118-121Labour Party Newspapers and booklets, 1945 - 1947: "Labour Service Press" (4 copies)
Ref: D/X 493/122Labour Party Newspapers and booklets, 1945 - 1947: "The Labour Organiser" (1 copy)
Ref: D/X 493/123-125Labour Party Newspapers and booklets, 1945 - 1947: "New for Post-War elections" (3 copies)
Ref: D/X 493/126-129Labour Party Newspapers and booklets, 1945 - 1947: "The Labour Bulletin" (4 copies)
Ref: D/X 493/130Labour Party Newspapers and booklets, 1945 - 1947: "The Labour News Special" (1 copy)
Ref: D/X 493/131-132Labour Party Newspapers and booklets, 1945 - 1947: "Fuel Crisis: the facts" (2 copies)
Ref: D/X 493/133National Council of Labour: appeal for aid to China. 1947
(Paper, 1 printed letter)
Ref: D/X 493/134Agreement between the Labour Party and the Co-operative Union Ltd. re. policy. n.d.
(Paper, 1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 493/135-154Printed Labour Party propaganda. Various Booklets, hand bills and posters, etc. n.d.
(Paper, 20 folios)
Papers re. local and parish council elections, 1945 - 1947 (Ref: D/X 493/155-174)Ref: D/X 493/155-158Parliamentary Co. of Durham, Lanehead polling district: register of electors. 1945
(paper, 4 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/159-168Parliamentary Co. of Durham, Ireshopeburn polling district: register of electors. 1945 - 1947
(Paper, 12 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/169Notice at the counting of votes re. the St. John's Chapel Ward Council election. 1946
(Paper, 1 printed form)
Ref: D/X 493/170-172Blank printed forms re. nominations to rural and parish councils. n.d.
(paper, 3 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/173-174"Conduct of local elections" by the Labour Party. n.d.
(Paper, 2 booklets)
Various documents re. Mr. Douglas's Motor Vehicles, 1942 - 1950 (Ref: D/X 493/175-194)Ref: D/X 493/175-177Letters to Mr. Douglas from Motor Insurance Co's re. Insurance cover. 1942 - 1945
(Paper, 3 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/178-180Certificate of Insurance and Insurance policies for Mr. Douglas. 1942, 1943, 1945
(Paper, 3 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/181-183Printed forms and letters re. petrol rationing. n.d.
(paper, 3 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/184Letter to Mr. Douglas from the Weardale Rural District Council re. his erection of a garage at Wearhead. 1947
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/185Invoice from "Marble Arch Motor Supplies" London, re. Mr. Douglas's purchase of an oilskin coat. 1950
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/186-193Miscellaneous items including blank renewal of driving licence forms and a copy of the Highway Code. n.d.
(Paper, 7 folios, 1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 493/194Tuning diagram of a 5-6hp. standard valve. 1927
(Paper, 1 folio)
Papers re. Mr. Douglas's goat rearing activities, 1940 - 1950 (Ref: D/X 493/195-203)Ref: D/X 493/195-196Tenancy agreement card and receipt for rent of an allotment at Killhope which Mr. Douglas used to graze his goats. 1940, 1950
(1 paper, card, 2 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/197-200"British Goat Society" printed leaflets. n.d.
(Paper, 4 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/201-203Printed leaflets re. rations for livestock during the war. n.d.
(Paper, 3 folios,)
Miscellaneous letters and papers re. Mr.Douglas and his family, 1935 - 1948 (Ref: D/X 493/204-255)Ref: D/X 493/204-205Receipts from J. G. Teasdale to Douglas for the rent of Chester House Farm, Westgate. 1935, 1937
(Paper, 2 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/206-235Payslips from the Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke Co. Ltd. to F. Douglas. re. his wages whilst an employee at Carrick's Mine. 1944 - 1936
(Paper, 30 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/236-237Bank book and cheque book for Martins Bank Ltd. St. John's Chapel belonging to Fred Douglas. c. 1944
(Paper, 2 booklets)
Ref: D/X 493/238Personal letter to Douglas from a friend Belfast. Mentions rationing and motoring restrictions. January 1944
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/239Letter from Durham County Council re. Donald Douglas's award of a place at Wolsingham Grammar School. August 1944
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/240Letter to Mr. Douglas from the Great Universal Stores Ltd. January 1945
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/241Essential Work permit granted to James Douglas. September 1945
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/242-243Receipts for payments re. the Douglas's purchase of Side House, Wearhead. October 1947
(Paper, 2 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/244Letter from Weardale Rural District Council D. Douglas's liability to pay unemployment insurance. March 1947
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/245-248Letters and circulars to Mr. Douglas re. the British Anzani Co's Iron Horse Tractor. November 1947
(Paper, 4 folios)
Ref: D/X 493/249-251Letter and magazine to Mr. Douglas from George Cohen and Sons re. transformers. January 1948
(Paper, 2 folios, 1 booklet)
Ref: D/X 493/252Letter to Mrs. Mitchelson from Oxendale and Co. Ltd. re. making a suit. August 1948
(Paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/253Letter to Mr. Douglas from "The Smallholder" re. the legality of erecting a fence. n.d.
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/254Order form for tickets for the 1947 England v South Africa test match. 1947
(paper, 1 folio)
Ref: D/X 493/255"The Bonny Moor Hen or the Battle of Stanhope" by T.H. Ecclestone. n.d.
(Paper, 1 booklet)
Material re. Wolsingham Baptist Church, 1917 - 1922 (Ref: D/X 493/256-260)Ref: D/X 493/256Cash account book. 1917 - 1922
(Paper, 1 volume)
Ref: D/X 493/257-260Pulpit notices extracted from the above. n.d., 1923
(Paper, 4 folios)