Miscellaneous documents
Reference: D/X 1459 Catalogue Title: Miscellaneous documents Area: Catalogue Category: Other Records Description: John Hodgson, Byers Green National School teacher; Tudhoe Colliery memorial
Covering Dates: 1853-1882
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- Miscellaneous documents
Catalogue Description
Records given:5 October 2004 Acc: 3074(D)
Catalogue Contents
Records of John Hodgson, teacher at Byers Green National School (Ref: D/X 1459/1-3)Ref: D/X 1459/1
Certificate, issued by Committee of the Privy Council on Education, for John Hodgson, Master of Byers Green National School, March 1853
Includes: details of his teaching ability and subsequent inspections by H.M. Inspector of Schools, 1857-1880
(1 parchment file)
Ref: D/X 1459/2Certificate, issued by the Diocese of Durham Inspector in Religious Subjects, for John Hodgson of Byers Green Boys' School, 19 January 1880
(Parchment, 1 membrane)
Ref: D/X 1459/3Order of service for the re-opening ceremony, after renovation, of Tudhoe Colliery Explosion Memorial erected in commemoration of 37 men and boys killed in the mine, 18 April 1882, n.d.
Includes: list of those killed and their ages, 1882
(1 paper)