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Catalogue includes images
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1971 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 171 Durham County Record Office
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1928-1988 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 288 Durham Girls' County School
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1838-1842 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 248 Durham Independent Chapel 1838-1842
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1665 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 086 Durham Market Place
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1861-1863 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 156 Durham Market Place
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1812-1813 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 215 Durham Methodist Circuit
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1897-2019 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 425 Durham Miners Gala and coal mining
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1854-1954 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 106 Durham Police
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1920 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 135 Durham University Fire Engine
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1884 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 170 Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Association of [Bell] Ringers
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1607-1970s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 317 Durham deeds, Durham Cathedral and Durham Castle
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1838; 1919 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 060 Durham, St. Margaret, tithe plan; Durham City ecclesiastical parishes
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1932-1969 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 364 Durham, Whinney Hill Secondary School
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1652-1848 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 120 Early Baptist church records
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1973 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 200 Early wagonways in northwest Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1912-c.2007 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 300 Easington Colliery, and photographs of Dawdon and Deaf Hill
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1985 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 481 Easington Colliery: miners' strike
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1909-c.1930 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 278 Easington area postcards
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1993 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 539 Easington: windmill
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1990 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 342 East County Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1964-1965 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 460 Eastgate Cement Works
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1905-c.1914 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 242 Edmundbyers
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1910-c1950 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 449 Egglestone Abbey and East Herrington Colliery
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1759 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 112 Egglestone Manor
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1872-1919 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 307 Egglestone estate, and Butterknowle collieries
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1883-1902 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 217 Eldon burial index
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 19th Century Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 269 Election posters
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1901-1903 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 163 Elvet Bridge
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1911 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 164 Elvet Colliery
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1848-c.1989 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 292 Embleton
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1635-1794 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 001 Enclosure awards from Durham Palatinate records
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1668-1669 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 008 Endowment of scholarships at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, from land at Chilton
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1840-1854 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 290 Engravings
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1700-c.1830 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 277 Engravings of County Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1728-1858 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 009 Engravings: Brancepeth Castle; Hownsgill Viaduct; Sunderland coal drops
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1950 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 216 Escomb Saxon Church
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1871-c.1950 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 082 Esh Winning
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1910-1955 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 123 Esh Winning
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900-1943 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 093 Esh Winning and Waterhouses
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1860-1936 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 094 Esh Winning and Waterhouses
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1930-c.1950 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 145 Esh Winning area
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1928-1949 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 111 Esh Winning, Cornsay and Waterhouses
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1903-1912 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 141 Esh and Waterhouses Workmen's Club
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1751-1828 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 130 Etal Presbyterian Church, Northumberland
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1870-2002 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 399 Eveline Roberts Johnson of Trimdon: Eveline and Family
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1870-2002 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 399 Eveline Roberts Johnson of Trimdon: People
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c1870-2000 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 399 Eveline Roberts Johnson of Trimdon: Photograph albums and scrapbooks
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1870-2002 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 399 Eveline Roberts Johnson of Trimdon: Places
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1870-2002 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 399 Eveline Roberts Johnson of Trimdon: Subjects
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1910 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 270 Evenwood and Ramshaw
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1925-1961 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 041 Farm accounts
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1873-1879 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 232 Ferryhill Collieries
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1900 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 238 Ferryhill Cut
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1994 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 329 Film celebrating 150th anniversary of Durham's first railway station
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 058 Fishburn Hall
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1908-1915 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 099 Football Teams
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1839 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 254 Framwellgate Tithe Map
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1819-1827 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 103 Frances Anne, Marchioness of Londonderry
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1871-1877 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 098 Frederick Charlton
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1877-1947 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 073 Gainford Congregational Church
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1840-1852 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 426 Gainford tithe plans
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1857 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 087 Geological Plan
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1855 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 328 George and Margaret Hall, Ohio, U.S.A.
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1914 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 020 German bombardment of Whitby and Hartlepool
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1923 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 255 Girls County School, Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1947 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 471 Gracie Thompson of Sunderland
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 436 Grange Iron Company, Belmont, Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1920 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 018 Great War memorial to Durham County Council staff
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1788-2020 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 368 Harrison Family of Barnard Castle
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1944 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 326 Hart estate
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1775-1810 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 502 Hartlepool, St Hilda parish book
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900-c.1902 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 081 Haswell and Shotton
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1850-c.1960 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 140 Haughton-le-Skerne
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1559-1718 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 037 Heighington parish registers
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1890s-1910 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 387 Helmington Hall, Hunwick and Sunnybrow
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1839 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 002 Hett tithe map
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1930-1960s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 327 Home Publishing Company photos used in County Durham publications
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1932-2023 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 536 Hookergate Grammar School
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900-c.1960 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 172 Houghton le Spring
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1910-c.1950 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 168 Houghton le Spring and Philadelphia
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1886-c.1935 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 151 Houghton-le-Spring, Newbottle, etc.
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900-1910 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 095 Howden le Wear
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 19th Century Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 105 Illustrations used in Lady Londonderry's Russian Journal
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1754-1837 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 180 Index to Penshaw parish registers
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1890-c.1920 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 158 Jewitt family and others
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1803-1811 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 233 Jimmy Allan
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1890 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 220 John Lloyd Wharton
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1890-1990 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 467 Joseph Archbold
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1837-1858 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 079 Joseph John Wright of Sunderland, solicitor and agent of Londonderry family
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1848 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 056 Journal of Francis P. Cockshott 'A Journey through Teesdale'
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1935-1936 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 247 Juvenile transference scheme
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1366 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 280 Kepier Hospital
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1762 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 198 Killhope lead mine
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1951 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 509 Kimblesworth County School
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1946 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 249 Lambton, Hetton and Joicey Collieries
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1900-1930 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 444 Langley Moor Social Club
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1920-1921 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 136 Leeholme School Football Team
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1841 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 202 Letters to Joseph Wright, Sunderland
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1828 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 264 Londonderry Estate Act, 1828
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1884-1896 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 102 Lord Londonderry and The Prince of Wales